• Published 4th Apr 2024
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Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: The Final Act - Part 2: Time Runs Out - BronySonicFan

When Opaline gains the power to travel across the multiverse and cause chaos across all the realities, the fate of the whole Multiverse relays on Sonic's hands and Sunny's hooves.

  • ...

18. Is a Sonic Thing

Universe 220822

Sonic really wanted to heard everything about what Tails and company have been up to.

After finally getting Bowser to be on their side, everyone but Bowser went back to the Mushroom Kingdom, and Peach prepared a big dinner for the guests.

Of course, Sonic felt in haven when he ate for the very first time in two long days... The HQ never bothered to approach any of the prisoners and feed them, which makes him wonder how the hell MC and the other "anomalies" survived in that place for so long.

Still, he choose to let the fact sink and instead enjoyed his first meal in two days. It was like flying in the sky with a huge and goofy grin.

Once dinner was over, Sonic and Tails went to the ceiling of the castle and sat there to see the sun hiding in the horizon, while Tails talked about all the things he's been up to with the rest ever since Sunny and him left with Sunset to be a part of the Society...

We know already how well that went, don't we?

Still, Sonic also told all he did ever since he left, and even though a big portion of his story was the very same thing that Sunny told him and everyone else the other day, hearing it from Sonic's point of view made Tails realize how important he really is for him, and he smiled at that fact.

After that, Tails decided to show him the watch that Firefly gave him earlier, the very same one that he never managed to figure out how it worked, but maybe Sonic would.

And of course, Sonic didn't knew it, but he still grabbed the watch and looked at it with curiosity. To think that he wanted one of these to travel across the multiverse whenever he wanted... Now he was glad to be home with his friends, and he didn't wanted to leave ever again.

"Is crazy to think that this thingy is the very reason why FS and that bunch of weirdos can move from universe to universe..." Sonic said with a smirk. "Wonder how many failed attempts it took him before it finally worked out."

"Considering you have energy that allows you to go into any world you want, while FS had to try and fail with technology... I'll say it was more than 20 attempts..." Tails said with a smirk as well.

"Wonder in which universe he hit his head so hard that made him make up the whole "Canon" thingy..." Sonic said with a smile, even though Tails could see through his eyes he was not happy.

"His words are really stuck on you, aren't they?" Tails asked with concern.

Sonic sighed and looked ahead to the sun hiding. "Well... How would you take the news if they told you one day that you were supposed to die long time ago? I always thought that I was the luckiest man alive for arriving into Equestria and make such amazing friends! I felt even luckier when you and Knuckles showed up... But when FS said that I was a mistake, that none of it should've happened... For a fraction of second, I really thought that I was better off dead..."

"Sonic!" Tails said with horror and wide eyes.

"I said "for a fraction of second", dude..." Sonic deadpanned at his little brother. "I don't believe it anymore! I mean, considering in how many things FS is contradicting his own words, I know for sure that I wasn't supposed to die... Doesn't mean I feel any better, though..."

"Well, the whole "Canon" stuff sounds like a way to excuse his tragedies," Tails pointed out. "He lost many people in life, and? It happens, it was going to happen one day, anyways. He could've avoided a lot of things, but he didn't. He cannot change the past, and he shouldn't even if he could."

"I kind of understand him, though..." Sonic confessed.

"You what?!" Tails asked in panic with wide eyes.

"Don't get me wrong, little bro!" Sonic quickly said, while raising his hands in defense. "I'm not saying he's right for wanting to justify his tragedies and then wanting everyone else to be miserable, too, just because his dumbass AI told him to! But I understand how it feels... To want to excuse yourself from your tragedies... To want to make something up that justifies them..."

"...You mean... Like with Longclaw?" Tails asked concerned.

"When she died, I blamed Eggman..." Sonic said. "It was his badnik what made the fire in the first place... If only I was there, if only I was a little faster... Maybe she'll be here... But trying to blame me or anyone else won't bring her back... And blaming Eggman to the point I almost killed him didn't made me feel any better..."

"Even though Eggman deserves it..." Tails pointed out with a smirk.

Sonic snorted. "Yeah... Is it... weird that I don't want him dead, even after all he has done to us and Equestria?"

"...Elaborate..." Tails asked with a raised eyebrow.

"He killed my whole family, if you think about it; he killed Longclaw's as well, he tortured Sunny and our friends, he created a virus so dangerous that even I fell to its effects..." Sonic pointed out. "And yet, I don't hate him... I know he has done so much damage... But I can't hate him..."

"Well, I don't find it weird at all..." Tails said with a smile. "Is just who you are! A guy that forgives everyone despite their sins. You may forgive Eggman way too much, and more than he actually deserves... But that only speaks wonders on who you are! Because, between you and me, we know that if Shadow was on your place, he would kill Eggman without doubting, right?"

Sonic snorted and rolled his eyes. "Don't mention it... I guess that's just who I am... a Hedgehog that forgives no matter what you do or say to me."

"Not even with Chip, who told you that you can't live in Equestria?" Tails asked mockingly.

"Eh, I know he just wanted to help, even though he failed miserably!" Sonic replied, and Tails laughed at that... But then, Sonic's eyes opened wide in panic when he remembered something. "...Chip..."

Tails noticed his sudden change of attitude and raised an eyebrow confused. "Uh... Sonic? A-Are you okay?"

Sonic remembered that, back when he was running away from FS, He saw that Chip was trapped inside of a bubble, rolling on the ground and crying, because he tried everything to get out after Opaline trapped him there, but he couldn't.

"CHIP!" Sonic realized with wide eyes, as he stood up and grabbed his head.

Tails stood up as well and looked at him concerned. "S-Sonic?! Man, what's the matter?!"

"Chip is the matter!" Sonic replied with wide and panicked eyes. "He was trapped when I last saw him... Opaline probably did something to him! I have to go and help him!"

After that, Sonic put the watch on his left hand, and he was about to run away... But Tails grabbed him from his hand.

"Sonic, wait!" Tails said with concern.

"Tails, I know that I just came back and that you're worried for me, but there's no time to chat!" Sonic pointed out with a concerned frown. "If the guardian of the multiverse is trapped, then who knows what other tragedies await! I gotta go and help him!"

"No, that's not what I wanted to say!" Tails said, and Sonic felt surprised. "Don't get me wrong, I don't like the idea of you leaving after you just recently came back... But I know you have a duty with the multiverse, and I know that the multiverse guardian is your friend."

"...So what did you wanted to tell me?" Sonic asked with a raised eyebrow.

"That you can't go without something to hold your Prismatic Energy!" Tails pointed out with concern. "FS removed the Inhibitor Bracelet I gave you when chasing you, remember?"

Sonic looked with wide eyes at Tails, then he looked at his right arm and remembered that, in fact, FS grabbed his Inhibitor Bracelet back on the chase while trying to stop him, which made the bracelet fell off and the energy of his body get out of control again...

However, as much as he wanted to control that energy, there was no time to make another one. He had to check on Chip first, since he's really concerned for him.

"I would like to keep it under control... But I must go now, there's no time to think!" Sonic stated. "If I'm not back in two hours, start to panic!"

Tails didn't liked the sound of that last thing, but he still nodded at Sonic. "I got your back, man!" He stated with his thumbs up.

Sonic nodded with a smile, then they embraced each other on a hug, just in case this was the last time they'll ever see each other. And then, Sonic boosted away, running fast enough to make his Prismatic Energy work and open an X-shaped portal, which he crossed to leave his home universe.

Sonic exited the white line that consisted of his universe.

As he did so, the Prismatic Energy of his shoes and his right arm began to get out of control again, as his feet moved wildly, and his arm shifted constantly into other critter's extremities.

That wasn't going to stop him from moving towards Chip, though, who he could already see in the distance. He wasn't crying anymore, apparently, but he definitely was trying to get out of the bubble where Opaline encaged him. Sonic's feet kept moving alone, but he was still heading towards Chip.

Once Sonic was in front of the bubble, he placed his hands over it. "Chip!"

The flying chihuahua's ears perked up, and then he turned around to see Sonic, which made him smile.

"Sonic!" Chip said happily. "Oh, I'm so glad that you are here!"

"And I am glad to be here, but... What the heck happened to you?!" Sonic asked concerned.

"Opaline happened!" Chip replied with a concerned frown. "I tried to stop her from moving across the multiverse... Look how well that plan ended!"

"Yeah, I can see..." Sonic replied with a concerned frown. "Do you have a magic shield or something similar?"

"Uh, yeah... Why do you ask?" Chip asked confused.

"Maybe you wanna activate it!" Sonic declared, as he placed his full palms on the bubble and began to extract the Prismatic Energy of it, because that's what the bubble was made of after all.

Seeing what Sonic was trying to do, Chip stepped back and went to the middle of the bubble, then activated a shield of his own and protected himself.

As for Sonic, he kept absorbing the Prismatic Energy of the bubble, until he finally managed to absorb it all, so he sent it back to the bubble itself, making it explode and sending a massive wave around that made Chip shake a bit, while Sonic managed to somehow not fly away as well.

He then looked over at his flying friend, and smiled when he saw that the bubble was gone, and that his friend was free, even if he was protecting himself with his own shield.

"You can open your eyes now, man!" Sonic told him with a smile.

Chip first opened and eye and looked around, then he made his shield fade away. Seeing that he was free, he smiled and cheered, before starting to fly around at top speed, feeling more free than he has ever feel for the past thousand years he's been watching over the multiverse.

After he stopped cheering, Chip went with Sonic and stretched his hand with his. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, Sonic! I'm finally free!"

Sonic chuckled and smirked. "I'm just helping a friend out!" He declared with his thumbs up. "How you doing, besides the fact that you've been trapped in that thing for Chaos knows how long, I mean."

Instead of immediately replying, Chip clapped his hands and made his boat appear again, while Sonic sat down on one of the passenger seats and looked at Chip with a raised eyebrow.

"Well... It's been around two, maybe three months ever since I last saw you?" Chip asked.

"It's been a year, Chip..." Sonic deadpanned.

"Eh, same thing for me..." Chip rolled his eyes. "Everything was kind of quiet... Until another Sonic variant began to recruit a bunch of people from other worlds and made my alarms go off for, like, twenty minutes!"

"You have alarms for variants that travel to the wrong world?" Sonic asked confused.

"I'm a man of standards!" Chip said, before shaking his head and focus again. "But just when I was about to interfere, Opaline began to travel from world to world, moving villains to keep the Society busy!"

"And why didn't you tried to stop her?!" Sonic asked with concern and a slight frown.

"I tried, Sonic... But everytime I finally found her, I lost track of her again!" Chip complained with a frown. "And the only time I finally found her and tried to take her down on my own... I wasn't fast enough, and I ended trapped on that bubble... And before you dare to ask why I didn't tried to escape: I did, but that thing blocked my powers!"

"Huh..." Sonic said confused. "That is weird... The Prismatic Energy must had blocked your powers..."

"But that's impossible!" Chip said with wide and panicked eyes. "I'm the guardian of the multiverse! No power should be above me..." He pointed out, but then he gasped in horror. "Unless..."

"Huh?" Sonic said confused and concerned. "Unless what? What's the matter?!"

"...Unless the Paradox Prism is the container I haven't seen in so long..." Chip replied.

"Container?" Sonic questioned. "What the hell are you talking about?!"

"Sonic... There's something I never told you because I just suspected this when we first met... But now I think that my suspicions are true..." Chip said with concern.

"...What is it?" Sonic asked with a slight frown.

He was tired of secrets. In fact, he was starting to hate them, but he also knew that sometimes they were necessary... And now, he was willing to listen to whatever Chip was about to confess.

"When the multiverse was first created, I was more powerful than I am now..." Chip began to explain. "I could literally just touch a universe and destroy it! But... That meant that I was too powerful, even for the multiverse's sake... So I sealed part of my power on container."

"How did you did it?"

"I remember being visited by a pony..." Chip replied. "I don't remember her name, but I do remember how badly she wanted to help me contain my power as well. So, she used a spell that created a container for my power, and then she launched it against a random universe... I barely saw the container, but... I do remember it looked like a prism... I think you know where I'm going with this..."

"...You're saying that the Paradox Prism is the container... And Opaline has been stealing your power..." Sonic realized with wide and panicked eyes. "If she gets the whole thing, she'll become the ruler of the multiverse for real..."

"Which is why we have to stop her and get the Prism back!" Chip said with concern. "If she gets the 20 shards... The entire multiverse will fall on her hooves, and we'll lost everything..."

"FS was right all along... Enough unraveling universes could make us loose everything... And Opaline has already unraveled so many worlds just to get power..." Sonic muttered with concern, as he looked around at all the universes that were in danger.

"We gotta find Opaline!" Chip stated. "It has to be or top priority!"

However, judging by Sonic's conflicted expression as he looked around, Chip could already tell that finding and stopping Opaline wasn't Sonic's top priority. Not now, at least.

"Now what's going to be your excuse?!" Chip asked in anger.

"...The Sonic variant that you mentioned... The one that's been recruiting people from all the multiverse... I met him... He told me so many things... Some good... Some bad... Some very bad..." Sonic confessed. "And we're not in good terms for now, but... I think I know how to make him snap back to reality. How to make him help us against Opaline!"

Chip's eyes widened after he said that last thing. "Wait... you wanna ask his help to defeat Opaline?"

"I know you might find illogical that I wanna ask the help of someone who's not in good terms with me, and he also tried to kill me..." Sonic pointed out with a smirk, while Chip deadpanned, rolled his eyes and facepalmed. "But like I said: I know how to get him to help us out!"

"Ugh... Sonic, sometimes I wonder why I appreciate you..." Chip muttered to himself. "Look, I'm not all that on board with this idea, especially because you know I hate to see the wrong people in the wrong universe! And I seriously don't trust that Sonic variant because he has been in way more universes than you! But... If that guy can really help us out... Then I'll help you anyway I can!" He stated with a determinate look.

Sonic smiled and extended his fist to Chip. "I knew I could count on you, pal!" Sonic said with a smile.

Chip rolled his eyes, but he still smirked back and fist bumped with Sonic, while the Blue Blur started to look all around the other universes again.

No matter how hard it'll be, no matter how long it'll take: He was going to save the whole multiverse, he was going to get FS' help, and he was going to make sure Opaline regrets even having starting her invasion, whenever it even started, that is... He didn't really cared.

"So? What's the plan?" Chip asked.

Soon, Sonic looked down the boat, and then saw something that made him smirk. "Oh, I think you might like it!" Sonic declared with a smirk.

Universe 250954

FS was watching the city that saw him growing from his room's window.

The futuristic vibe that Station Square always used to give FS a sense of comfort whenever he felt down or lost... Today, however, the sight of his home city made him feel... Confused.

Just a few hours ago, Sonic and many more anomalies escaped from Sector 6, and that enraged him... But said rage lead him to scream to the only pony he had ever loved for real ever since Tails died... He promised to look after her always, no matter what... And now, she left, because of him...

FS let out a sigh and rubbed his eye, trying to calm his thoughts down... But they always returned to Twilight, one way or another. She was his happy place... Or used to be, anyways.

Soon, Nicole appeared as a regular-sized lynx at his side, but she was also facing at the city instead of him.

"...You know that it could happen if you didn't controlled yourself, don't you?" Nicole reminded, although she was smirking mockingly.

"You always have to call me out?" Future Sonic asked with annoyance. "It's really frustrating and bugs me out..."

"If I didn't messed with you, will I still be the same Nicole Tails created?" Nicole pointed out, but now with a regular smile.

That made Future Sonic's eye widen, and he let out a sigh, smiling back and looking at her. "That's what makes you charming, Nicole... I just wished I had better control of my emotions back there... Otherwise she wouldn't had left..."

"Eh..." Nicole stuttered after FS said that, and she even looked away.

That made Future Sonic's smile fade away, and he frowned slightly at Nicole. "...Is there something she told you that I'm not aware of?" He asked with concern, and a bit of anger.

Nicole had no idea on what to do at first. After all, she promised Twilight to keep her mouth shut... But she was in a very hard position right now, so she let out a sigh and looked at the city again.

"...She planned to leave the Society way before what you did today happened..." Nicole confessed, and that made FS' eye widen in shock and disbelief. "Your little action today was everything she needed to finally make up her mind and go..."

FS stared for a good while at Nicole, reading her expression. He knew that Tails built her in a way that she could be as real as possible, even if she was just an hologram, hence why she can feel, she has a personality, and she even can make physical contact with him.

However, sometimes he couldn't read her expression, no matter how hard he tried. Twilight always told her he was good at reading people when not even they knew what was up with them... Nicole seemed to be the strange exception.

"...And judging by how you're only telling me now, she asked you to keep a secret, right?" Future Sonic asked with a concerned frown, even though he wasn't that mad with Nicole.

"Yeah... She said something about making one of our Tails' shut down my program for a week if I told you anything," Nicole replied with a smile.

"Yeah, that's Twilight for you..." Future Sonic replied with a snort, before suddenly getting sad again. "I really screw it big time, didn't I? My obsession with capturing 220822 Sonic got to a point that it made me brake the very same promise I made her when we fell for each other... That I wouldn't let the job get the best of me... Look how good I kept that promise..."

"If it makes you feel better... You're not the reason why she wanted to quit." Nicole said with a smile, and now she caressed one of FS' cheeks with her hand.

Future Sonic's eye widened again, but this time in surprise. "R-Really?" He asked with a hopeful smile, that faded away as he felt confused again. "But then why did she wanted to quit?"

"As much as she loved to be in the Society with you... She missed her home, Sonic..." Nicole pointed out, caressing FS' cheek a bit again. "Being here, tracking anomalies and making sure you wouldn't let your duty get to your head... It took her away from her home, from her friends. In fact, many members of the Society feel that way..."

"...Why did she never told me that?" Future Sonic questioned confused. "If she told me that she wanted to visit her home and quit for a few days... heck, even a few weeks, she could've asked me!"

"I know, and I told her that, exactly in that order, with the same words!" Nicole revealed with a smile that slowly faded away. "But she was concerned that you'll take it as you leaving her behind, and... She decided to wait until the whole thing with Opaline and 220822 Sonic was over..."

"For the love of God..." Future Sonic muttered, closing his eye and groaning frustrated. "I really messed up, didn't I?"

Nicole felt bad for him at seeing how harsh he was being on himself, but them her eyes widened when she suddenly got an anomaly alert, and that made her smile.

"Well... I cannot convince Twilight on coming back... But you know what I do know is going to cheer you up?" Nicole said with a smile.

"A Yakitori?" Future Sonic asked with sad puppy eyes.

Nicole rolled her eyes and smirked. "No, you goofball! Making your job!"

"What do you mean?" Future Sonic asked confused.

Instead of replying with words, Nicole made a screen appear, one that showed an image of a strange place that never had any anomaly before, and the universe number was just odd.

"We have an anomaly!" Nicole declared with a smile.

"An anomaly? On a universe so far away from here?" Future Sonic asked with suspicion. "This sounds like a trap... Unless we're before a similar situation than Universe 151222... But this doesn't looks like that space where you can access the five universes this one split in..."

"I already made my own analysis, boss... It doesn't seem to be the case." Nicole pointed out, before smirking. "But I do know that it can cheer you up!"

Future Sonic deadpanned at Nicole, before rolling his eye and rubbing it again. "Sometimes I don't understand how the hell do I manage to live with you..." He groaned, before turning around and grab his bracelets, since he retired them earlier, then put them back. "Alright, alright... I'll go and check what's going on in there."

"Yes!" Nicole cheered with a smile, before standing like a military and make a salute. "I'll keep an eye around for you boss!"

"I know you will..." Future Sonic replied, before making a portal appear that leads to the universe where the anomaly is located, but before leaving, he turned to see the digital lynx. "And Nicole?"

"Yes?" Nicole said curiously.

Future Sonic smiled at her. "Thank you."

Nicole smiled back and nodded, while FS nodded back, before he crossed the portal.

Universe 000000

Whatever this place was, it was empty.

Nothing but an infinite purple void was visible... Well, except for an immense layer of gray earth that extended as far as that purple void. What was it supposed to be? It was hard to tell.

Suddenly, a heptagon-shaped portal opened in the middle of the grey layer, and FS came out of it, while the portal immediately closed behind. The blue hedgehog frowned slightly when he saw nothing but the grey layer and the purple void, extending as far as his eyes could see.

Maybe the only other thing he could see was a few rocks here and there, but nothing else. This was a massive place full of emptiness and boredom.

FS opened his mouth to say something, but before doing so, his ear twitched when he heard something from the distance, so he quickly turned around and saw... nothing. That was odd, but then he heard it again and boosted in said direction, hoping to find the source of the sound.

However, all he found was more rocks, more grey dirt, and more purple void, which confused him a lot more than he already was.

"I was starting to think that you'll never show up, chief!" A voice spoke behind him... his voice.

But of course, he didn't spoke, so he frowned, and then he slowly turned around and looked upwards, finding Sonic sitting over a rock and waving his legs like a happy little kid, while he looked down at FS with a smirk and waved his hand on a mocking way.

"Sup, Future me!" Sonic said with a mocking smirk. "It's been... What? A day? Maybe two ever since we last saw each other?"

"I've should suspected it was you, hedgehog..." Future Sonic said with anger. "What the hell are you doing here? Heck, where even is here?!"

"You like it?!" Sonic asked with a smirk, as he pointed at their surroundings. "Welcome to the place that started it all! The very first universe that ever existed... Universe 000000!"

FS felt surprised to hear that, and he actually looked around this universe a bit more... Proud... Maybe because he respected the universe that started it all, although he still looked mad at Sonic.

"What's the trick here, Sonic?" Future Sonic asked with a frown. "I'm honestly not in the mood to talk with you, and I have better stuff to do."

"Stuff like lie and keep telling your Secret Society that you're not crazy nor have any grudge against those that changed their Canon without destroying their own universe?" Sonic asked, still with a mocking smirk.

"Your worlds haven't unraveled yet!" Future Sonic pointed out with a frown, while his eye turned red for a moment.

Sonic, however, laughed loudly and waved his legs like a kid even more. "Dude, making you loose your temper is so easy and funny!"

"You laugh now, Sonic... But when I get you in a cage where you cannot change destiny, then you will finally––" Future Sonic tried to say with anger.

"Oh, but Tails almost died when I arrived home... And I saved him already!" Sonic revealed with a victorious smile, and whatever FS was going to say, it died, because his eyes widened in shock after hearing that. "And as you can see, I'm still here! Alive, and ready to kick your ass if you refuse to listen!"

He said this last thing with a frown, then got down of the rock he was sitting over and approached FS, also cracking his knuckles and making some electricity come out of his body.

"You think I'm afraid of a mistake like you?!" Future Sonic asked with anger.

"Let me turn into the Riddler for a second: If I'm a mistake that was never supposed to happen, why is my world still intact? Why am I intact?" Sonic asked with a frown. "I'm sure you're gonna say something about "the multiverse does what it does" and then proceed to punch me in the face..."

Future Sonic was surprised to hear this, specially because of how accurate that description was, but he still looked over at Sonic with anger and a frown. "Who cares why your world didn't unraveled?! Doesn't changes the fact that your existence is the reason why our homes are in danger!"

"If you start quoting the same crap you said 10 episodes and an intermission ago, I might as well skip the fight and leave..." Sonic deadpanned. "Besides, that still doesn't explains something: If I broke my Canon, yet my world is still intact, then why am I an anomaly? Why isn't Sunset, who planned my escape from your clubhouse and even avoided her world's Hitch's fate? Why isn't Boom Sonic an anomaly, considering his visit to my universe is the reason why he married Amy, the reason why Aurora exists in the first place?"

"I swear if you don't shut up..." Future Sonic muttered in anger, as his eye turned fully red this time, and he prepared to activate his blades from his bracelets.

"Riddle me this, Sonic: If I'm an anomaly because I'm alive, wouldn't that make you an anomaly since you aren't a Sonic by nature?" Sonic asked with a frown, but also with a smirk.

Sunset told Tails about FS being a fake Sonic that uses a special liquid to get the super speed, and of course, Tails shared that information with Sonic, who was now using it against FS himself.

However, that was the last straw that made FS growl in anger, before he launched himself against Sonic by trying to attack him with his claws, but Sonic moved aside just in time to dodge the attack and even smirking mockingly at his counterpart of another universe.

After that, Sonic switched his right arm to a Knuckles one and then punched the crap out of FS, sending him several yards backwards.

Of course, this made the other Sonic groan in pain, but as he slowly stood up, he frowned in anger at Sonic. "Oh, it's on, you bastard!"

Sonic smiled seeing that he managed to provoke FS, and then he launched himself at him, while FS also launched himself at his counterpart from another universe. As they collided with each other, they locked fingers and began to push the other to gain some ground if possible.

However, it didn't take long for FS to gain the upper hand and push Sonic far enough, and though the other hedgehog rolled on the ground and groaned in pain, he still smiled as he skidded to a halt.

Soon, FS took out his blades from his bracelets and sped towards Sonic, who also sped towards FS. Sonic ducked to avoid a side attack that the opposite of him wanted to throw at him with one of the blades, in turn he used an arm to make him stumble, with FS rolling on the ground and groaning in pain, but also skidded to a stop.

Unfortunately, FS wasn't as lucky as Sonic, because the hedgehog from the future collided backwards into a rock that made him grunt in pain, and on top of that, disable his blades.

This in itself was bad enough, but then it got worse when Sonic lunged at him with his right arm transformed into one of the Werehog, and then hit him hard, sending him crashing through the rock and rolling on the ground several miles away, only slowing down when he managed to activate his right blade.

FS snarled in rage, then brought out the other blade and lunged at Sonic, trying to hit him multiple times in areas that would leave him with a fatal, or even mortal, injury.

FS had reached a very low point where his power filled him with so much anger that it was impossible for him to think clearly, and worse, he was at the point where he could not have peace until Sonic was dead, because he was the real disgrace of the multiverse in his eyes.

The problem with FS, which was a blessing for Sonic, was that the hedgehog from the future was trying to attack himself, the fastest thing alive... He was definitely blinded by anger if he couldn't see the flaw in this plan.

Sonic just took advantage of this and managed to attack back whenever he could, having fun teasing FS for not being able to hit him. Soon, Sonic used the Cyloop around FS, causing a mysterious wave of air to hit the other hedgehog from below and sending him flying into the air.

Sonic smirked at this, then jumped up and performed several combos against FS: Homing Shot, Wild Rush, Loop Kick, Spin Slash, and finished the combo with a Stomp Attack, fully charging his Phantom Rush.

With his charged attack, Sonic didn't even think twice and started to land multiple punches at FS, multiplying himself into even interspersing the appearance of his right arm to make sure FS got a hit from every universe, finishing the hit with a Cyclone Kick, then with another Stomp Attack.

FS growled as his back hit the ground, but as Sonic landed on it, FS growled in anger and charged at Sonic, this time grabbing his feet and spinning him around.

Sonic yelled in terror as they began to spin him, then groaned in pain as FS threw him into a rock, crashing backwards. But the pain was just beginning, because then, FS came over and punched him in the chest, then took him, burying his face in the ground, and then sprinting in a random direction.

Sonic groaned in more pain as his head was buried and dragged along the ground, but FS didn't end there: He soon launched Sonic into the sky, then slashed his right arm three times before charging a Spin Dash that threw him to the ground again.

Sonic groaned in pain as well and shook his head, then noticed the three cuts on his right arm, but he didn't minded them. In fact, he shifted his arm again to look like MC's, getting instant healing.

Once his arm was good as new, Sonic stood up again and smirked confidently at FS, who still looked at his counterpart of other universe with anger, breathing heavily and growling.

"Well... It seems like we're on the same level..." Sonic said with a smirk.

"Do you ever stop smiling like a complete idiot?!" Future Sonic asked in anger, as he made his blades retract back to his bracelets.

"Nah. Is part of my charm!" Sonic said happily. "Is something you'll never understand, because you aren't a Sonic by nature, remember?"

That made FS angry again. His eye turned red again, and his blades doubled in length, to the point that it looked like there were blades on the blades. However, this did not cause any effect of fear or uncertainty in Sonic, since his smirk was still intact, which prompted FS to attack his counterpart from another universe.

FS tried to slash Sonic again, but this time in various areas of his body, which Sonic found ironic again, since FS kept making the mistake of trying to hit the fastest thing alive.

Sonic, for his part, grabbed one of FS's blades at one point, then slashed his future self's left cheek, before doing a break dance move that kicked FS in the face and sent him flying back, grunting and groaning in pain as he cursed at Sonic in Japanese.

"Geez... Thank Chaos this story is Rated E and you said that in other language... Otherwise, idiots in the internet would had cancelled you already!" Sonic mocked up.

"Shut it!" Future Sonic shouted in rage, before ripping apart his other blade and then launch himself against Sonic.

Soon, a 'sword fight' began between the two Sonics, with one having fun during the duel, while the other only convinced himself that he was doing this out of duty and not out of a grudge of his own making.

And even with FS being 17 years older than Sonic, which clearly indicates that he has more combat experience, Sonic was the only one of the two with experience using a single sword, and thanks to that training that Caliburn gave him years ago, he had advantage in the duel.

But FS was not one to give up. Even if his powers were made up and not natural, he shared something in common with all the other Sonics: He was stubborn as a mule, and he didn't give up that easily.

However, Sonic decided to take advantage of this: He soon tripped FS, and then disarmed him using his blade, sending FS's flying. This made the older hedgehog snarl in fury, to the point where he ended up ripping off his bracelets in an act of fury, tired of the games.

Sonic was surprised by this change in attitude, but he smirked and threw his own blade away. If he was going to beat FS, he would do it in a fair fight.

"Well... Here we are, other me!" Sonic said with a mocking grin. "You wanted to get rid of me: Come and do it!"

"You have no idea how long have I been waiting to do that!" Future Sonic said with anger. "The original anomaly, the first mistake of the multiverse... The outcast of every other Sonic!"

"Dude, I thought we were talking about me, not about you!" Sonic said with a mocking smirk, but also frowning.

That made FS growl in anger and then launch himself against Sonic once again, but Sonic blocked the attack with his right arm, which he didn't even switched to other one this time around.

"You wanna get rid of me, but I think you haven't realized the real problem, man... And is that I am not an anomaly," Sonic said. "You are just a really sad and lost man that wants to blame someone for all his tragedies, and since no one on your clubhouse fit the role, you choose to get mad over me, because I accomplished more than you in one trip than you had in a whole year!"

"SHUT UP!" Future Sonic shouted in rage, and he tried to punch Sonic.

However, Sonic grabbed his punch just in time, then grabbed his whole arm, twirled on his own place, and then launched FS against a rock, where FS crashed on his back and groaned painfully, before getting grabbed by Sonic, get his face smashed in the ground, and then dragged away as Sonic boosted.

"Let me remind you, Chief: My name is Sonic the Hedgehog!" Sonic began with a frown. "I was born with an extraordinary power, I had the bless to find a family in the world my people comes from, I got an incredible hot pony girlfriend, and I'm more of a Sonic than you'll ever be in your sad, pathetic and miserable life!"

After saying that, Sonic launched FS to the air, then Homing Attacked against him, then used a Stomp Attack, and then launched him against another rock, where he crashed on his back again.

"PRETTY SURE YOU KNOW THE REST!" Sonic declared in anger, as he boosted with his electrical powers on against FS.

With this, Sonic made FS traverse the rock he crashed into, and then he began to run at top speed across this empty space. He kept running, and running, and running more, until the Prismatic Energy of his body began to react, as a white line was formed in the ground and moved ahead of the two Sonics.

Then, an X-shaped portal opened, and Sonic positioned FS in a way the latter's back was facing the portal, before they both crossed it, as it closed behind.

The two Sonics exited the first universe ever, as they headed upwards.

They were both in the realm that connects to every single reality, but FS couldn't see anything because Sonic was making sure he was still backwards, while Sonic growled in anger as he pushed his other self across this plain of reality, while his powers showed up more and more.

"NOW, CHIP!!!" Sonic shouted suddenly.

With that being said, several of the purple floating crystals aligned perfectly, and Sonic began to smash FS against all those crystals, while making his other self groan and growl in pain.

As they crashed against all those crystals, they shattered them and spread them around, but everytime it seemed that any of them was about to enter a universe, the crystals seemed to move on another direction, like if a barrier prevented them to enter that universe, which was very good.

Back with the two Sonics, FS kept crashing against crystals and groaning in pain, until he eventually got tired of Sonic and got him off by launching him away.

However, once he did so, FS finally realized where they are, and his eye widened: The same white lines he's seen on Nicole's simulations are here, but instead of a simply black background, there was this combination of red and blue as well, which he found absolutely beautiful.

"What... Is this place?" Future Sonic asked in disbelief.

"This is all of us..." Sonic replied, as he soon arrived by floating, and FS looked at him. "Your simulations were pretty accurate to the real thing!"

"What?" Future Sonic asked confused. "You know about this place?"

"Way before you, actually!" Sonic said with a wink and a smirk, which made FS deadpan. "This is... I honestly don't know how's it called, but let's just say this is the reality where you can access every single other universe that exists!"

FS' eye widened again, and he started to look around with disbelief... It was one thing to see a simulation, but the actual thing? Nothing could compare to this.

"...Is more beautiful than I could ever imagined..." Future Sonic confessed with a smile.

"And this is what we must protect!" Sonic stated with a serious expression now.

Future Sonic's eye widened, and he turned to see completely confused at Sonic. "What? We literally just beat the crap out of each other, and now you want us to walk out of it like if nothing happened?!"

"That's precisely what I told him, but did he listened?! No!" Chip came by as well with a frown.

FS got freaked out and yelped in fear, specially because he wasn't looking at Chip like Sonic: Instead, he was looking at Tails, his Tails, the one he lost so many years ago while fighting Eggman... His "Canon Event", if you wanna mock him up with his own words.

But now, he was convinced that he was looking at Tails, his best friend, the one friend he regrets deeply he couldn't save from dying...

"...T-Tails?!" Future Sonic asked with disbelief.

"Huh?/What?" Chip/Tails and Sonic said at the same time.

"Dude, let's be clear here: Whoever you're looking at, they're not really them!" Sonic explained.

"They're not... What?" Future Sonic asked, extremely confused by what he just heard.

"Is what you hear, pal!" Chip/Tails replied with a frown. "I'm the guardian of the multiverse! Not Tails, nor Chip... I have no name nor form. Your mind just creates this one so you can talk with me!"

This was a massive disappointment for FS, and all his excitement faded away after learning this.

"If it makes you feel better, I also though he was my friend before he explained that..." Sonic confessed with a sheepish smile, also scratching his neck in embarrassment.

Future Sonic frowned slightly, but then his eye widened. "Wait... You are the guardian of the multiverse?!" He asked Chip/Tails with surprise, and he nodded. "...I thought Nicole was crazy when she theorized about your existence..."

"Eh, I don't blame you for thinking I was a myth," Chip/Tails said with a smile. "Now, could you please be polite and explain me... WHY THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN JUMPING FROM ONE UNIVERSE TO ANOTHER?!"

Chip/Tails grabbed FS from his coat and shook him violently with a frown, but then Sonic rolled his eyes, and separated them.

"Now's not the time to discuss, Chip!" Sonic reminded him with a deadpan, before turning to FS with a frown. "Listen, man... From all the crazy bullshit you baffled about when you explained the whole "Canon" thing, you were only right about one thing: Enough broken Canon from anyone that isn't the person the Canon affects has caused many universes to unravel... All because Opaline altered the story in said worlds."

Future Sonic's eye widened in shock after hearing that. "And now, the multiverse is in big danger... If she gets the shards she's missing, is Game Over not only for us, but for the entire existence as we know it... She could even conquer other multiverses beyond this one..."

"And that's what concerns me the most!" Chip/Tails said with a frown. "We must find her and take the power of the Prism back! It is my power, after all."

"Wait, really?" Future Sonic asked confused.

"Is a long story..." Sonic said, before letting out a very heavy sigh. "Listen, man... I know we're not in the best of the terms, and like you said, we were trying to beat the crap out of each other a few minutes ago... Although I do believe you wanted to kill me..."

"I find myself guilty!" Future Sonic replied with a mocking smirk.

Sonic rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Even if that's true, I have to admit something: I–– We can't do this without your help... You and Chip, or Tails if you keep looking at him like that, are the ones who have more knowledge about the multiverse than anyone! Sure, I'm the first guy that traveled the multiverse in a very long time, but my knowledge is limited to know there's other mes out there... I never knew that the multiverse would be so complicated and fascinating at the same time."

"...You just wanted to go home... There was no need for you to know all this crap..." Future Sonic said, and he finally realized why everything went wrong.

It wasn't Sonic's existence the problem, it was FS' obsession with capturing him what make everything go wrong... Yes, he genuinely wanted him and Sunny to join, but he also knew that it could go wrong... So why did he even sent Sunset to recruit them?

"And I still did..." Sonic said with slight concern, before taking a deep breath and looking at FS with a smile. "I know for a fact that you won't forgive me, specially because some of your Society's member rebelled just so I could escape home... But I also know that you are a Sonic, just like me, just like any other one that there is in the multiverse!"

FS limited himself to listen to Sonic, something he found surprising even for himself, since he never imagined he would be hearing whatever 220822 Sonic had to say.

"We all had made mistakes, we all had made decisions that we regret... We all want to find something to justify our tragedies..." Sonic kept telling, and FS' eye widened in surprise when hearing that last thing. "But just because tragedies forge the people we are, doesn't mean we have to let them happen all the time... After all, the only person that can write your story... is you."

FS never felt so conflicted in his life. On one hand, Sonic was right about how stupid the Canon really is, and the fact that he referred to it as an excuse to justify his tragedies really hurt, but maybe it hurt because is true... But on the other hand, he's been doing this for a whole year...

Can he really stop now, when he's gotten so far? Maybe he could... Sonic was giving him a chance, after all.

"So? What it'll be, future me?" Sonic asked. "Because I'm willing to make a clean slate, but I know you're not. So... How about this: Until we have defeated Opaline, wanna make a truce?"

Sonic extended his hand to FS with a smile, and FS looked back at Sonic, like analyzing him to see if there was a trick in all of this... But he only saw the same Sonic he's been hating for the past year for... for no reason... Not a logical one, anyways.

Future Sonic sighed and looked at Sonic. "I still think that Opaline wouldn't be doing this if you were not here..." He confessed, and Sonic deadpanned. "...But fighting against the other one when we have a common enemy makes no sense... I'll make a truce. We'll see what to do after we're done with Opaline."

With that being said, FS stretched Sonic's hand, and the Blue Blur smiled.

"Well, now that we have that out of the way... Let's focus on another important subject..." Tails/Chip declared. "How the hell are we gonna stop Opaline to begin with?!"

Author's Note:

I know that some of you might believe is lame that FS tried to kill Sonic, yet Sonic still wanted his help.

That's Sonic for you, though. No matter what you do, he won't have a grudge against you. And yes, what he said at the beginning is true: He has no grudge against Eggman, but is till willing to give everything he gots in order to stop him.

Now, Universe 000000 is the designation I gave to our real world, just in another dimension where we never came to exist and there's only... Well... What you saw in the story.

Just 2 chapters left before another hiatus. In the next one, Opaline will cross a line that pushed Eggman to edge of his anger. This cannot end well, can it?

See ya later! :twilightsmile: