• Published 4th Apr 2024
  • 862 Views, 245 Comments

Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: The Final Act - Part 2: Time Runs Out - BronySonicFan

When Opaline gains the power to travel across the multiverse and cause chaos across all the realities, the fate of the whole Multiverse relays on Sonic's hands and Sunny's hooves.

  • ...

20. The Nightmare Begins

Universe 220822

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE LEFT AGAIN?!" Pipp shouted in rage.

"Yeah, I thought you were going to react like that..." Tails cringed and scratched one ear after Pipp shouted.

Team B came back from the Mushroom Kingdom and left their citizens, and Bowser, get ready for the fight against Opaline. Of course, Team's A and C were expecting them to come back with Sonic... But they didn't.

Tails had to explain that he wanted to check on something regarding the guardian of the multiverse which made him left... You already know what happened, don't you? Yup: Pipp got furious again. As if being concerned for him in the previous chapter wasn't enough, now she has no idea where he is at all.

She did was glad to see that Tails was fine and that Sonic managed to save him, as well as to see Zipp back. Sunny was also very happy to see her friends again, specially to see Tails alive.

But just like Pipp, Sunny was concerned and mad with Sonic. She understands that he has a sense of duty that never fades away, not even when he seems to have selfish thoughts considering how depressed he's been the past year with no adventures to have.

Now that he was back to his normal self, that meant he was back with the reckless decisions that concerned his friends, and that could get him killed of he isn't careful enough... or at all.

Amy was also upset. Just an hour ago, that is last episode, she was comforting Pipp and telling her that Sonic would be back, that everything would turn out fine in the end... Yet Sonic had to pull a Sonic move and prove her wrong, because he should be right here, not doing whatever he's doing.

"This is exactly what I didn't wanted to happen... But it still happened!" Pipp screamed madly, even groaning loudly and grabbing her head with her hooves.

"Well, she's gonna complain for the next ten minutes now..." Zipp deadpanned.

"I said that I'm tired of waiting, that I'm tired of just standing here and hope everything will be fine in the end while doing nothing!" Pipp said in rage. "I don't care what he's doing, why is he doing it, or for who! I don't want to wait for him to come back either intact or all beaten up!"

"So far I just see Pipp being as Pipp as she can be..." Knuckles muttered, and Izzy chuckled slightly, but she also covered her mouth with a hoof so her laugh wouldn't be heard.

"The moment that son of his owl mother comes here, he's gonna hear me!" Pipp said with anger, also breathing heavily. "I won't be the cute little princess that just nods at him whenever he has to put his life in danger! NO! He's gonna hear me loud and clear! I won't let him get away with this anymore!"

"And I thought only my Pipp was dramatic..." Sunset mumbled with a bored expression.

"I guess is a multiversal thing..." Sunny muttered back with a smirk, and Sunset smirked back while rolling her eyes a bit.

"Pipp, I think you're just overreacting––" Zipp tried to point out.

However, Pipp was not in the mood to take any kind of attempt for comfort, not even from her own sister, because she turned to her and glared daggers.

"Overreacting?!" Pipp shouted, before she suddenly zoomed to Zipp. "Listen here, Zephyrina! For the past 3 years, I've been living with the best thing that ever happened to me, a thing that's constantly risking his life because he feels that he has a duty with everyone when he doesn't! And I'm so tired of waiting for a miracle to bring him back while doing nothing! I'm tired of feeling useless whenever he's doing something that's for the greater good!"

Zipp was taken aback by her sister's outburst, as well as her friends around, because none of them expected her to snap like that. Sure, they know she has attitude, but this was still concerning, although it also showed how much Pipp cares for and loves Sonic.

Buffon, on the other hand, whistled amazed. "She's got attitude. I like that."

"Huh... Was I that intense anytime I got concerned for Sonic?" Amy asked Tails in a whisper out of concern.

"Kinda..." Tails replied with a sheepish smile.

Soon, however, and heptagon-shaped portal opened not so far, and while some noticed it, some others didn't, and Pipp was one of the latter group.

Those who noticed's eyes widened too once they saw who came out of the portal, but the royal sisters were not a part of that group, because Pipp kept letting all her frustration out on Zipp, while the older pegasus limited herself to listen and looked concerned at Pipp

"I don't care if he's doing something amazing! I just want to see him fine, not risking his life every damn minute!" Pipp shouted in rage and concern.

"Well, if I knew you were going to get this panicked, I wouldn't had left in the first place!" A voice spoke behind the group, and Pipp's eyes widened, because she could recognize that voice anywhere.

Those who didn't noticed the portal finally did, and Pipp slowly turned around, just to gasp and cover her mouth with a hoof, as she also began to tear up by the sight.

The one that came out of the portal was none other than Sonic. The portal closed behind, and there was a better look at him: Other than his gloves and shoes getting dirty and messy, he seemed to be fine physically speaking. He had his perforated ear, which made clear it was the same Sonic they knew.

However, the final assurance was when they saw his right arm, still a bit burned out because of last year's events, but not so damaged compared to how it looked at first.

Sonic looked over at the whole group and smiled. It was the first time he saw them all together in one place. He was glad to see that Hitch was fine, too, and he was very glad to see Sunny in here as well... But his sight stopped in Pipp, who was tearing up and looking at him a bit confused.

"What's the matter, Little Pipp?" Sonic asked with a mocking tone. "You've seen a ghost or something?"

That was the last confirmation she needed, and she rushed to him so incredibly fast that it could literally match his own speed, as she wrapped him into a very tight hug.

Sonic was not even startled, and he had his arms open already, so he made sure to embrace her back into the hug and even lift her to twirl her a bit in the air. Even though Pipp seemed to be crying, she still giggled slightly when Sonic lifted her and twirled her around.

Once he put her back in the ground, he sighed in relief and caressed her mane with a hand to try and calm her down a bit. He has missed her as well, after all.

"I-I thought I'll never see you again..." Pipp sobbed as she kept hugging him.

"I know, Little Pipp..." Sonic replied, then he looked at her with love and caressed her cheeks. "And I'm sorry for letting you down with my reckless actions..."

"No, no... I'm sorry for saying all of that..." Pipp apologized, sorbing a bit from her nose and trying to wipe her tears off, which ended up ruining her makeup as usual. "I-Is just that I didn't wanted to loose you... A-And I said all that stuff out of anger... I-I'm really sorry if you felt attacked..."

"Doesn't mean you're wrong..." Sonic replied with a sad smile. "I had made so many promises... Promises I can't keep up, and sometimes is not even because I can control what happens... You don't deserve to go through any of this..."

"...And even despite my words... Even despite my concerns... I'm still willing to get through all of this, over and over again if necessary... Because I love you, Sonic the Hedgehog... I love you for who you are..." Pipp said with a smile. "The day Metal Sonic gave you that scar on your back... Remember what I said? "You love to run freely, to help others, to defeat evil forces, and I don't want you to stop doing all of that just because I'm worried". I meant every word I said, Sonic... I really did. And I keep my words up to this day, no matter what I had said... I don't want to change you... But I do want to be there with you."

"Pipp, I appreciate the offer, but––" Sonic tried to argue, but Pipp shut him down by placing a hoof on his mouth.

"I know you'd rather have me here because I'm safe... But in case you don't remember, I'm no damsel in distress!" Pipp stated with a smirk. "I can kick some flanks on my own, you know? And I can be of help if you let me be. That's the only thing I want you to change, Sonic: Stop thinking the weight of the world is in your shoulders and let me help... Let us help! We're your family, no matter where you go."

Sonic felt surprised to hear that, and once Pipp removed her hoof from his mouth, he had no idea on what to say... What could he say? He felt touched by his girlfriend's words. And he had to admit she's right: He feels the weight of a world... of every world on his shoulders...

But who said he had to carry it alone? Who said he had to do this on his own? He had his friends, his family with them. They could carry that weight along, make it weigh less...

Sonic smiled down at Pipp and kissed her, while Pipp kissed him back. Yes, her lips are still his favorite thing ever, a flavor that goes beyond his love for Chili Dogs. This pegasus was really something if it made him like her more than he loves his favorite food ever, huh?

"I don't know what I did to deserve you, Pipp... But I'm so glad I did it..." Sonic said with a loving gaze for the pegasus on his arms.

"Oh, you didn't did anything, Blue Star..." Pipp replied with the same gaze. "You only arrived into my life~."

Sonic chuckled and kisses her again. He didn't wanted to miss his favorite flavor ever anymore, and the same thing goes for Pipp, who was beyond happy to have her Blue Star back on her hooves.

But of course, once they separated, Sonic looked at the rest, before smirking and boosting towards them. He embraced Tails and Knuckles first, and even if he greeted them before, he was still happy to see them. Amy ended up joining into the hug so it could be a full group hug for Team Sonic.

After that, he separated and went over to hug Sunny, his little sister from another dimension who he sent to this world again out of concern, and Sunny hugged him back, so glad to see that he was fine.

Soon, the rest of the Mane 6 and Sparky joined into that hug as well, and Sonic was glad to be hugging all his pony friends from his home universe. After all, they're the reason why he loves Equestria so much, and why he wants to stay there once the whole deal with Opaline is over.

He also grabbed Sparky and cooed him a bit. Maybe he hasn't interacted with the baby dragon that much, but Sparky has definitely won over Sonic's heart as well

Now, he went over and hugged Boom Sonic again, with Boom hugging him back and chucking. Sonic also took his time to coo Aurora a bit, before noticing that Young Sonic was back, and his eyes widened in surprise, before the two Sonics embraced each other into a hug as well.

They both had thousands of questions to make for the other one, no doubt, but with hugging and seeing that each other were fine was more than enough so far.

He soon went with Buffon and made a little secret handshake they made for each other, then he side-hugged Firefly and Dr. Hooves, then he fist bumped with Classic Sonic, and then he fist bumped with Tails X... That just left one member of Team Anomaly left, one he hasn't fixed things with.

Sonic stood in front of Sunset Shimmer, who gulped nervously once Sonic stopped in front of her with a slight frown. She was already fearing the worse, so she sighed and looked up to him.

"I won't try to excuse myself, Sonic..." Sunset said with concern and shame for her actions. "What I did was wrong. I hurt you, I hurt Sunny, I almost made FS get you killed! And I'm really sorry for having messed up so badly."

Sonic said nothing. He was frowning, true, but his gaze said nothing to her, and that concerned her even more.

Still, Sunset decided to keep talking. "I know that you're upset, and I know Boom told you everything... Sunny hasn't forgiven me at all, and I know that..." She looked over at Sunny, who was slightly concerned for how Sonic would react with Sunset, even though she really is still upset with her. "So I'll understand if you can't forgive me, either... Is not like I deserve it, anyways... But I want you to know that I seriously and truly regret what I did!"

Sonic crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow at her, which only made Sunset feel even more nervous, but she still continued talking.

"I... I'm really sorry for not telling you everything. You simply couldn't expect me to say "Hey, you're a mistake!" and call it a day, though..." Sunset pointed out with an awkward chuckle, before sighing again and look back and forth between Sonic and Sunny. "I'm sorry for everything. Neither of you deserved all of this crap..."

Sunset looked away from Sonic, already accepting that he probably was going to yell at her in anger... Big was her surprise when Sonic extended his hand to her and smiled. She looked up at him, and felt even more surprised when she saw no signs of anger or hate on his eyes.

"I'm not a guy that holds a grudge against anyone, no matter who they are..." Sonic said with joy, surprising Sunset even more. "You screw it up big time... So? Is not like your life has no meaning now that we're on the same side!"

"...Y-You're... forgiving me?!" Sunset asked with wide eyes and disbelief. "B-But why?!"

"You formed this whole-ass operation to get me out of that cage in the HQ, and you even went as far to warn my friends about FS!" Sonic pointed out with a smile. "I'm still upset you lied to me... But your actions to make up for your mess speak volumes of who you are, Sunset. And in my book? That's a really good start. So, while I cannot forgive you at a 100%, I'll say we're in good terms for now!"

Sunset couldn't believe what she heard. While she would had preferred to be forgiven, she was more than happy to be in good terms with Sonic for the time being.

So, she extended her hoof and stretched it with Sonic's hand, as the Blue Blur smiled at her. They were now on the same side, after all, and they needed to work together if they wanted to take down Opaline... However, Sonic's eyes widened suddenly when he remembered something.

"Right! I, um... I had a little "conversation" with FS... Right after we beat the crap out of each other..." Sonic confessed with a sheepish smile.

"YOU DID WHAT?!" Boom Sonic asked in panic, grabbing Sonic from his chest and shaking him violently.

"You didn't invite me to watch the fight?!" Buffon asked offended, also grabbing Sonic and shaking him violently as well.

Sonic hit the other two Sonic's faces and frowned. "Yes, yes... I fought FS, but we're good now!"

"Wait... You are?!" Sunny asked with wide eyes. "As in... You two are in good terms?!"

"Yup!" Sonic replied with a smile. "We finally had a conversation like normal people, and we're on the same ground. He still has a grudge for me, but he agreed on fixing our differences with the Canon stuff later, since stoping Opaline is the top priority!"

After saying that, he removed the watch on his left wrist and gave it to Firefly, since it was hers, and she caught it, before putting it back on her left hoof.

"He also said he wants a chat with you, Sunset." Sonic told her with a smile.

Sunset's eyes opened wide in surprise. "W-With me?!"

Sonic nodded. "He wants to be more polite and give you an apology for kicking you out so abruptly! And don't worry, he already had someone else to scold him in case he doesn't cooperates!" He assured with a wink.

"He does?" Sunset asked confused with a raised eyebrow.

Universe 250954

In the Secret Society HQ, FS was rubbing his head in pain.

Twilight decided to come back after learning that Sonic and FS had made a truce, but she still punched him on his head for all his decisions and actions against Sonic.

"Tsugi wa ude o otte yaru!" Twilight told FS with anger, saying "Next time, I'll break your arm!" in Japanese.

Future Sonic rolled his eyes annoyed. "Kirujoi…" He mumbled, saying 'Party pooper' in Japanese as well.

That made Twilight punch his head again. "Sore ga kashikoikara koso e rareru monona nodesu!" She said with anger, saying "That's what you get for playing smart!" in Japanese.

Universe 220822

Sunset blinked after Sonic explained that.

"...Yeah, that makes sense..." Sunset deadpanned and shrugged.

After saying this, Sunset opened a portal that could get her out of there with the watch that Buffon gave her, but right before crossing it, Boom stopped her.

"If you think you're going alone, then you're massively wrong!" Boom Sonic stated. "We trust on Sonic's word, but we don't trust FS."

"We're going too. To look after you," Buffon stated with a smirk, as he crossed the portal without asking.

Firefly, Hooves, Classic and Tails X nodded in agreement, and Sunset smiled at them all.

"Can I go, too?! I've never been in that HQ!" Young Sonic pointed out with excitement.

"Join the Club, 3!" Boom Sonic replied with a smile.

With that, Young boosted towards the portal and cheered, while Boom also crossed it, and Sunset was the last to traverse it, before the portal closed behind, only leaving Team Sonic and the Mane 6.

However, that didn't lasted long, because another heptagon-shaped portal suddenly opened, and Team Dark came out of that one. Sunny smiled and immediately rushed to hug Shadow, who allowed himself to smile and wrap an arm around her as well.

But then, Team Dark's eyes widened when they saw that Sonic was fine, and the blue blur crossed his arms with a mocking smirk, while Shadow and Rouge smirked back, and Omega made a salute.

"Well, took you long enough to show up!" Sonic said with a mocking tone.

"Same goes to you, hedgehog." Shadow replied. "I was wondering when would you show your face around."

"You know how I am, Shadow: I like to make an impression!" Sonic said with a smirk.

Shadow rolled his eyes, but his smirk never faded away. Deep down, and even if he didn't wanted to say it, he was truly glad to see that Sonic is fine.

"Well, I'm glad to see that you're ready to roll again, Sonic." Rouge said with a smirk, before it turned into a serious expression. "But we may had made a mistake while you were out..."

That confused Sonic. "Mistake?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. "What kind of?"

"The kind were we make an alliance with the last person you'll expect..." Shadow replied with a slight frown.

"No, seriously. None of you are expecting it." Omega assured.

That made everyone wonder what was Team Dark talking about, but then, from the portal that hasn't closed behind them, Orbot and Cubot came out with saddened expressions, followed by Eggman, who despite being frowning and having his eyes covered with his glasses, seemed to be depressed.

This made everyone's eyes open wide, but Knuckles, Zipp, Sunny and Amy ended up frowning in anger.

"...Okay, but when you said you made an alliance with someone unexpected, a part of me believed you brought Silver or Blaze... Guess I was wrong..." Sonic confessed with an amused expression.

"What the hell is Eggman doing here?!" Knuckles asked with anger, activating his powers.

"And why did you guys made an alliance with him?!" Zipp asked in anger as well, opening her wings.

"...Opaline has gone too far..." Eggman muttered with sadness, an emotion Sonic's never heard in him, but he got actually concerned for Eggman when he looked at his hands... which were trembling. "...She has taken away my most precious thing ever..."

"Your most precious thing?" Sonic asked confused, but then he noticed the absence of someone, and his eyes widened in panic and horror. "...Sage..."

Once Sonic said that, everyone else but Eggman, Team Dark, Orbot and Cubot turned to him with the same wide and panicked eyes than him.

"She took her life with her horn... I'll make sure she pays for it..." Eggman muttered with anger.

Eggman has shown to be menacing before, but the way he said that this time around... It sent shivers down everyone's spines.

Suddenly, the blue Prism shard that Tails found last year floated out of his tails, while the red one that Amy had floated out of her dress. And then, the two shards boosted towards the sky, and everyone looked at this with panic.

"Damn it!" Shadow said with anger. "Opaline was only missing two shards... Now she's got them!"

"WHAT?!" Sunny shouted in panic.

"Shadow, this is not the time for jokes!" Sonic said with anger.

"DO I LOOK LIKE JOKING TO YOU RIGHT NOW, SONIC?!" Shadow said with anger as well.

"W-What happens if Opaline gets all the shards?!" Misty asked concerned.

"Then pray to our creator that she doesn't hits out universe when she starts her armageddon..." Sonic muttered with a frown.

Everyone looked at the sky concerned, as it opened with the shape of an X for a split of second, before it closed again... This meant that the two final shards were now on Opaline's power, and that she'll began her conquer for the multiverse soon... It was the time to panic.

"Dang it, dang it, dang it!" Knuckles said with anger as well. "That daughter of her Alicorn mother is going to kill us all!"

"What do we do?!" Izzy asked concerned, hiding behind Knuckles in fright.

"We find her and finish her off..." Eggman muttered, still with that sinister tone that scared everyone else, while the doctor approached a rock taller than him near by. "I will burn down her wings, rip her horn apart... Destroy everything she loves and make her watch!"

"Uh, Eggman?" Sonic called out, now genuinely concerned for him.

"I'LL TAKE IT ALL FROM HER LIKE SHE DID WITH ME!!!" Eggman shouted, then he started to hit the rock once and caused a crack on it, "I'll..." Then hit it again and made the crack bigger, "I'll..." hH hit it again to make a bigger crack, "I'll..." He hit it with both fists and made a bigger crack.

Then, he finished off the rock by punching it one last hard time, and that made the entire rock tear apart in two, but that also made Eggman grab his hand in pain after doing this.

However, this action left everyone else completely stunned, wide eyed, and with their jaws dropped, as they all stared at Eggman with disbelief, as well as to the rock that he just destroyed with his bare hands. Sunny now understood why it hurt when he used his hands when he beat the crap out of her that one time.

"Boss! Your hands!" Orbot said with concern.

"As long as I can still strangle that witch, my hands are fine!" Eggman declared with anger.

His tone once again sent chills down everyone's spines, but Sonic was probably the one most concerned for him... Opaline really did him dirty if he was this mad with her.

Universe 160521

MC was moving back and forth on his own room with concern.

Upon returning from his sudden 2-month imprisonment by the Secret Society, MC was greeted with joy by his friends, by the Freedom Fighters, and especially by Twilight.

This last one kissed him slightly, and of course, everyone asked him what happened, who took him away, why didn't he asked for backup, and who was that creepy Sonic with an eye-patch. He explained it all the best he could, and after being done, everyone was shocked by the story, but they were glad to hear there's a Sonic out there that's planning to fix it all for everyone.

And now, he's trying to relax his body and simply enjoy being in his home universe... A sensation he couldn't have, because ever since he arrived 3 days ago to his home world, he's been feeling that something's wrong.

He hasn't told anyone about it, and he's been really good at keeping a secret to himself for 3 days in a row, but today? He can barely stay on his place, because a growing fear of something going terribly wrong is growing and growing inside of him, and he can't stop walking back and forth on his room.

He eventually sat down on his bed and rubbed his eyes with his fingers. He had all kinds of abilities: Dragoon Force Physiology, Super Strength, Vocal Manipulation, Self-Density Manipulation, Mind Sight, Elemental Mimicry, Super Speed, Chaos Claw, Wall Crawling, Longevity, Regenerative Healing, Enhanced Senses, Lie Detection, and Telepathic Immunity...

You see why FS wanted this guy locked away, right?

Yet no matter if he had so many cool superpowers... He still lacked a sight to the future without dreaming about it, a small nitpick of what could happen. Maybe he cannot prevent it, but he can be ready for it...

So many weird things that he has seen, so many crazy stuff that he has lived, so many tragedies that he has been going through... Yet his biggest concern and fear right now wasn't about someone from his own universe, but from another one that was as dangerous and crazy as his...

Soon, Twilight opened the door, and just when she was going to ask him something, she noticed his expression.

"MC?" Twilight asked with concern.

He didn't said anything at first, but he eventually turned to see Twilight with concern.

"...Something terrible is going to happen..." MC replied.

Universe 250954

An heptagon-shaped portal opened in FS' office on the Secret Society HQ.

From it, Team Anomaly came out and looked around confused, since they arrived to the office, yet it was empty, because neither FS nor Nicole could be seen around.

"Sunset?" Young Sonic called out concerned. "You should've told me that this place is creepy..."

"I mean, it usually isn't, since there's usually people around..." Sunset pointed out.

"Yeah, but this place is empty and creepy..." Boom Sonic pointed out with concern, as he covered Aurora's head with the Sonic mask so she wouldn't feel afraid. "Although, thinking about it, this place always felt creepy, anyways."

"Which is what makes it cooler," Buffon said with a shrug and a blank look.

"Dude, you manage to be the coolest yet the creepiest Sonic out of all of us, and I don't know how that's possible..." Young Sonic said with a bored expression.

"With that, I can agree!" Future Sonic's voice spoke suddenly, and everyone's eyes widened, before they all started to look around confused, until they eventually saw him standing over the floating platform where he always operates.

Yet big was Team Anomaly's but Young Sonic's surprise when they saw FS... smiling, instead of frowning.

"You're Sonic 3, or Young Sonic, right?" Future Sonic asked Young Sonic with a smirk. "I'm Sonic the Hedgehog! But you can call me FS if you want!"

Young Sonic's eyes sparkled, and he gasped amazed once he saw FS from top to bottom. "Why did no one told me this guy looks so freaking cool?!"

Boom Sonic knew what was coming, and his eyes widened in panic. "Sonic 3, don't––"

However, it was too late, because Young Sonic boosted away and ran around FS, checking all his body and how he was dressing, although FS didn't seemed to mind, which confused the others.

"You have an eyepatch? A coat? Cooler gloves and boots than me?!" Young Sonic exclaimed in excitement. "You're everything I wanna be one day!"

"I hope is just the looks, because trust me kid: Life-wise? You don't want to be like me..." Future Sonic said with a smile, as he carefully got Young Sonic off his head, since the younger Sonic was there, and then placed him back on the floor. "But I'm flattered you think I look cool!"

"Okay, what the hell is going on?!" Sunset asked freaked out.

"Yeah! We were expecting the same grumpy FS that wanted to beat the crap out of Sonic, like, two days ago! Not... well, you..." Firefly pointed out confused.

"Are we sure we're not in the wrong universe?" Hooves muttered to Tails X with concern.

Tails X checked his watch for a moment, but then his eyes widened in surprise. "No... This is the right universe..."

"Are you sure? I honestly don't feel like we are in the right place..." Classic Sonic pointed out.

"No, no... You're in the right place," Twilight spoke next, as she came from flight and soon landed at FS' side.

"Twilight?" Sunset said confused, and also frowned slightly after seeing her again.

She still has a grudge with Twilight for not defending her against FS before.

"Look... I'll be frank and go right to the point, okay?" Future Sonic spoke next, as the platform descended and he got down of it, with Young Sonic following close behind, before boosting back with Team Anomaly and stand at Boom's side, as they all turned to FS and payed him attention. "The reason why I wanted you all in here today... Is to apologize."

Okay, this was it. Team Anomaly's jaws dropped in complete and utter shock and disbelief, while Young Sonic stared at the others with a confused expression.

"Guys, he's just apologizing for... Well, I don't know, but he's saying he's sorry!" Young Sonic pointed out. "What are you guys so shocked about?"

"Because he never apologizes, even when he knows he's wrong!" Boom Sonic exclaimed out loud in panic.

"Geez, I didn't knew I scared you all that badly..." Future Sonic deadpanned.

"I told you that being that cold would have consequences~" Twilight said with a mocking smirk, and FS blushed embarrassed, as he also looked away from her, surprising and panicked the rest but Young Sonic even more.

"No, seriously: What's gotten into you?!" Sunset asked to FS in panic.

Future Sonic sighed and looked at Team Anomaly. "I... I've seen that I've been an idiot... And I'm really sorry for not being a good example of a leader... The whole thing with protecting the Canon, capturing anomalies and treat them like mistakes... It made me realize how messed up our job actually is... And... Canon can be changed, as long as the one the Canon Event belongs to is the one that changes it, of course... My anger and frustration lead me to make questionable things..."

He slowly looked over at Sunset, who wasn't so shocked anymore, but still found surprising that FS was willing to apologize for his mistakes.

"You were right all along, Sunset..." Future Sonic told her. "And I still kicked you out... If you all wanna stay out of the Society, I'll respect your decision."

"But if you wanna come back, then you're most than welcome!" Twilight assured. "And I'm also sorry for not defending you back then... I hope you can forgive me..."

Sunset was touched by this, and she smiled. Then, she looked behind to the rest of Team Anomaly, and they all nodded in agreement with her.

Despite FS' antics, they were willing to give him a second chance.

"Well... I hope cafeteria's food is still good!" Sunset said with a smile.

FS and Twilight smiled back, knowing this mean they were willing to give second chances all together...

But then, FS' alarms set off, and Nicole appeared at his side. "Boss! We have a problem! A really big one!"

"Report!" Future Sonic instructed her.

"Opaline has begun to destroy universes... S-She's getting really powerful!" Nicole replied.

Future Sonic's eye widened, then he frowned and looked at Twilight. "Sent everyone to the stations and tell them to get ready! I'll go check on Sonic and tell him the news!"

"On it!" Twilight replied.

As FS opened a portal and disappeared through it, Twilight and Team Anomaly decided to follow orders, and they left the office to prepare everything for the battle against Opaline.

In the realm where all the realities connect, Opaline floated in the middle.

Then, from her home universe, since she was staring at it, the two final shards of the Paradox Prism approached, and she looked at them with pure glee and joy.

Soon, she attached the two shards to her bracelets, and her eyes glowed in the four colors of the Prism, as well as her wings and horn ignited with them all as well... This was it. She was now powerful enough to take over the multiverse, and no one could stop her now.

Soon, Opaline's horn was changed into the four colors of the Prism, and she began to transform as well: Her hooves were now each glowing on the respective color of the shards attached to the bracelet.

Her wings' feathers also changed to red, yellow, green and blue feathers. Finally, her veins were not glowing anymore, meaning that her body has adapted to the power of the Paradox Prism. She was now a conqueror, a better Queen, a ruler meant to dominate the multiverse.

To test out her power, she shoot a blast that also combined the four colors of the Prism towards a universe near by, and said universe began to glitch out and collapse.

At least the other times it was doing so because she interfered with these worlds directly... But right now? This one was collapsing, and she only shot a blast at it...

Universe 230215

"Little Lulu seems rather attached to you. You must be a really good teacher! Starswirl's been trying to teach her for as long as I've been here, but he has problems keeping her focused I think." A brief pause was filled only with Solaria's failed attempt to twist Prancer's head from his neck. He continued to talk, oblivious to the ongoing attempts on his life. "You're way too young to have been a teacher before all this happened. Were you a student in the capital?"

A spike of annoyance drove into Solaria's concentration as another of the mortals made an assumption based on her appearance. "I am older than you," she said, and some of her aggravation must have bled into her voice as the stallion actually winced at the words.

"O-of course you are! I didn't mean to imply that you're inexperienced or anything!" Prancer said hastily, before apologizing again and floundering with his words. Solaria began to tune out his rambling as the pair continued their patrol of the fields.

What happened next? Didn't mattered... This universe suddenly shone bright with a flashlight, before getting reduced to be nothing...

The universe itself collapsed entirely and Opaline laughed with glee.

So, she slowly turned to other universe and launched another blast against it, as it began to glitch out as well...

Universe 070923

"How could a silly BOARD GAME make ponies upset?" Rainbow asked.

Fluttershy said softly, "It isn't silly. To some ponies, chess is very important. Chess can be an all-consuming intellectual obsession."

Rainbow laughed. "Pfft! Whatever. Silly eggheads."

Twilight put a foreleg around Pinkie's shoulders. "Pinkie, if you don't want to play chess, you don't have to. Even though I was really hoping somepony like you, who's really good at making things fun, could help to make the library's new Chess Club a success."

Pinkie shook her head. "The Equestrian Chess Federation asked me not to play chess anymore, and not to say why. But if all of you can promise to keep it a secret, I guess it's ok to tell YOU."

Twilight, Rainbow, and Fluttershy promised.

"It all started one summer when I was a filly. I was in Ponyville, visiting my Nana..."

However, before Pinkie could continue her tale, a flash light shone bright above them all, and then, everything was gone...

Seeing another universe glitching and unraveling filled Opaline with even more joy.

She grinned sinisterly, then she launched four blasts more in four opposite directions, all of them hitting different universes that also began to unravel...

Universe 121117

"Princess Celestia. Welcome." She greeted, keeping her staff planted on the top step and lowered her head in a formal bow. When she brought her head back up, she noticed that the surprise had not left the Princess' eyes.

"Tempest." Celestia greeted in kind, though she could not hide the surprise in her voice, and thus, the first curve ball had been thrown.

"Fizzlepop Berrytwist, Your Majesty. My given name. Captain Fizzlepop Berrytwist, if you please."

"Of course. My apologies. Lead the way, Captain."

As Fizzlepop performed an about face, tilting her staff towards the front doors, right now she'd bet ten bits that nowhere in the paperwork Twilight submitted did it say her name, or the fact that she had anything to do with the guard.

She lit up her horn, the staff glowed, and the front doors opened, revealing the eleven other guards, who snapped from parade rest to attention... their last action ever before their world glitched out, and then got reduced to nothing.

Universe 300823

Sunset looked at Adagio and quickly made her way beside her, joining her in watching as the sun fell deep into country on the other side of the sea. Sunset was the first to break the silence.
"This is beautiful, Adagio." She said as she looked into Adagios eyes.

"It really is." Adagio said, returning Sunsets gaze.

"Well?" Sunset said as she gestured towards a quiet path that surrounded the beach. Adagio smiled and nodded and they both began to walk the path.

Soon enough, the ice began to break and small conversations consisting of gossip and sarcastic jokes broke out between the two. Occasionally, they would stop to simply take in the scenery that surrounded them, the birds that flew freely though the sky and the autumn leaves that were pulled along by the cold breeze.

I hope they enjoyed their company, because it is the last thing they'll ever live, since a light glowed above their world, and then, just like that, their world also disappeared.

Universe 030823

At the Castle of Friendship, Twilight, Sunset, Spike, Midnight and Blaze were exploring the halls.

"Okay, is it crazy that their clubhouse had our clubhouse blown through the roof?" Blaze asked in surprise at how Twilight's castle is and how big it is compared to the outside.

"Trust me, it got us by surprise when it was first created." Sunset commented with a small smirk, knowing how they are feeling when one first step hoof inside the Castle of Friendship.

"And the Castle of Friendship isn't a clubhouse. It's my home and a symbol of friendship, thank you very much." Twilight said with her head raised, feeling proud of her castle.

"A castle that I had to do all the cleaning." Spike muttered in annoyance.

"What was that, Spike?" Twilight questioned while turning his head towards her assistant with a brow.

"Nothing!" Spike quickly said as he gave a nervous smile.

"Eh, a castle is just a castle. I've seen better." Midnight claimed as Twilight scowled at him, "Especially ones that were a lot more full." He added.

"There's just no pleasing you with anything, isn't there?" Twilight growled in annoyance.

"It would take more than a pretty castle to surprise me." Midnight said with a blank expression.

Twilight growled as Sunset and Spike raised an eyebrow at his attitude as they turned to Blaze.

"Is he always like this?" Spike asked Blaze.

"Don't take it personally. Midnight's like this when he tends to be serious as the leader of the Swords." Blaze pointed out.

Soon, they were all approaching the library, and yet none of them would even get in, because this world also began to unravel, and in a matter of seconds, nothing was left behind by the glitches.

Universe 090819

"Twilight," said Ms. Flask. "This is Tempest Shadow. She's joining our class today."

"Mm hmm," Twilight said, not even looking up as she turned a page with her magic.

"And Tempest," said Ms. Flask, "this is Twilight Sparkle. She's one of our best students. If you have any questions she should be able to help you."

"Uhm... yes, ma'am." Tempest nervously ran a hoof through her plume-like mane, carefully avoiding the stump of her broken horn. Then she reached out for one of the textbooks stacked in the center of the table. It was a little too far away to grab, and she gritted her teeth angrily, straining to get her hoof onto it, all the while trying to shut out the looks of smug amusement from the unicorns seated at the other tables.

And then the book suddenly gleamed with magenta light and slithered off the pile, falling neatly within her grasp. Thankfully, she grabbed it and pulled it over.

"Page 54," Twilight whispered idly, still not looking up from her book. "We're reading the chapter on the differences between physical and thaumic materials."

"Thanks," Tempest whispered back.

You know what happens next, right? Yep: This world unravelled, and then disappeared entirely.

Opaline started to laugh like a complete maniac once the four worlds disappeared.

Her power was so beyond imagination now that only one shot was enough to make an entire reality reduce to nothing, and she loved her new ideal.

Soon, both Sonic and FS came out from the former's universe, as he ran with his feet making the shape of an eight and carrying FS on his back, but once they both saw what Opaline was doing to the multiverse, their eyes widened, and the feeling of terror got over their bodies.

"Ah crap..." Sonic said with concern.

"You said it, buddy..." Future Sonic agreed with a frown.

Opaline was now the most powerful being in the multiverse, even more powerful than Chip, who was hiding on his floating boat far from the Fire Alicorn so he wouldn't be spotted... And Opaline's conquer was just starting.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

And that's a wrap! Part 2 of "The Final Act" is done now as well!

Once again, we leave with a huge cliffhanger. Opaline is taking over the multiverse, and several worlds had died before her new acquired power thanks to all the Paradox Prism's shards...

But now, we have enemies working together! Besides Mario and Bowser having to team up, now Sonic and Eggman have to work together on the same side of the battlefield against Opaline, but Eggman's intentions are clear: He's gonna beat the crap out of her next time they see each other, because she took Sage away, and he won't let that slip.

Remember what I say about this second part being more chaotic and having no sense sometimes? Well, I mean it, because now that I'm done, I still don't know what the hell happened in this second part, but I still think it was worth it. I do promise, though, that Part 3 will have more consistency. Really!

I wanna remind you all that MC and his world, both having a small cameo in today's chapter, belong to Mister E-Nonymous and his story's universe.

As for the world's that Opaline destroyed in this story are: this story made by Arad; this two-parter by Mockingbirb; this story written by milesprower06; this one-shot by Newtimestonight; this story created by HarryBuilder; and this other one-shot by Lets Do This.

And brace yourselves, people... This is only the beginning for all the catastrophe she's about to make...

The next interlude is coming on July 14th, while Part 3 will premiere on August 4th. I hope I'll see you all on "Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: The Final Act - Part 3: Game Over."

Bye, bye! :pinkiehappy:

Comments ( 7 )

...Well... Shit... We're f*cked, aren't we? :rainbowderp:

I honestly expected Opaline to get all the Paradox Prism's shards eventually.

That being said, I thought it'll be until Part 3, not at the very end of Part 2...


Oh boy, while the others reunited with Sonic and Eggman joining them after what happened to Sage, and FS apologizing for what he did to the society, Opaline is traveling the multiverse, and is causing each realities to fraction and fade. Oh boy, things got from bad to worse. And wow that was a great part two. I can't wait until part 3 and I hope the heroes stop Opaline before all realities are shattered

Oh nooooooooooo Everyone in the multiverse must stop opaline with everything that they got now. Sonic must use the emeralds power with sunny and the other Sonic’s to stop opaline together so they can save the multiverse this will be there biggest challenge yet with Sonic, sunny, and there friends. This is the final battle to end it all. I believe in them.

Well, now what?

Opaline can wipe out universes with just the flick of her horn. I expect very few of our heroes are going to be coming out of this alive.

Sonic and the others are now in the most f*cked situation they could be, but they could still win with Sonic’s secret… ‘His Downtown Dunkeroni Three Cheese Bronco Dick Surprise Wondermin’s Hellshot From Outer Space You Bitch!’ - VideoGameDunkey

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