• Published 2nd Jan 2023
  • 2,824 Views, 29 Comments

One Nightstand - Gay For Gadot

Wallflower Blush likes toys... in more ways than one. Luckily, her girlfriend, Sunset Shimmer, has a whole drawer full of them.

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Comments ( 29 )
Scampy #2 · Jan 2nd, 2023 · · 3 ·


If you told me a few years ago that I'd meet a cute girl online, move across the country to live with her, have her rail the absolute fuck outta me on a regular basis and then write a hot, sexy story inspired by her experiences of railing the absolute fuck outta me, I'd probably ask you how you got in my house. I'd also probably be confused and a little perturbed at the idea of my intimate activities being recounted to a wider audience.

But I gotta say. Having had all that happen, and after reading the story, I gotta admit... I'm kinda into her "showing me off."


so anyway yeah this story is what sex with scampy is like if y'all were curious, I accept all comers (ayyy) so long as they are pretty girls who live with me and are also named Gay For Gadot

Terms that were… according to some… maybe a little unconventional. But, by Galaxia’s blessing and all the luck between worlds, Wallflower happened to enjoy those particular… fixations of Sunset’s.

Ok so Wallflower here doesn't harm herself anymore, right? Because I'm pretty sure an extremely deadly five-pointed sword is the last thing you'd want in your vagina otherwise.


I probably shouldn't have laughed at your comment as much as I did. :rainbowlaugh:

No, this Wallflower is definitely at least a couple years clean. Galaxia is just my headcanon for the Equestrian equivalent of "God" or "The Almighty". ("Celestia" doesn't really work IMO, seeing as you can have tea with her...)

Comment posted by Thought Prism deleted Jan 2nd, 2023

Hmmm yes…..KIWI 🥝

Aw adorable.

RDT #8 · Jan 3rd, 2023 · · ·

One little nightstand can have so much hidden inside... Not just the toys, but really it's what the they mean to the users.

(Honestly thought they were going to use the nightstand itself, going into it.)


(Honestly thought they were going to use the nightstand itself, going into it.)

Like... as furniture? Like, screwing sitting on it? Sure, why not? But in the context of this story, I read that in a different way, and... Wallflower isn't that much of a size queen. :rainbowlaugh:

As with all of your stories, there's a lot of care put into it. Not only in the sense of spelling or handling a difficult topic, the characters themselves truly care for each other. Even in the heat of it, they're ready to pull a stop if things go too far. They're always thinking of what the other wants or needs. They have a long history of exploration and have build up a confidence that lets them do a lot more. they're comfortable in each other's embrace. And that's what makes it heartwarming even as things get intense.

Well, that and the fact this is a very personal kind of story :scootangel:.

Great job as always, your work is a piece of art.

Wallflower happened to enjoy those particular… fixations of Sunset’s.

She's not the only one.

Very nice work.

Regarding the name "Galaxia", I've seen that come up before as a fanon name for Celestia and Luna's unseen mother, so Sunset's use of said name made perfect sense to me.


If you don't actually leave a sufficient comment on this story, I'm going to fly down there and beat you to death with Scampy's purse.

Posh #14 · Jan 3rd, 2023 · · 1 ·

11467202 ah

the scurse

With the feeling of a mutually consenting top-bottom relationship and the outright this story has, if this is your idea of shameless clop, I wonder what your idea of pure smut is.

I kid, I kid.

Great story. Can't wait to see more.

Sunflower pleasure chest


Definitely not what I was expecting and not my usual cup of tea. That being said, it was extremely well written and I still enjoyed it even if it isn't exactly what I come to this site for. Always a fan of your work.



Posh #21 · Jan 4th, 2023 · · 1 ·

A very tender and gentle representation of intimacy and sexual dynamics between two partners who love, trust, and respect one another’s boundaries (I love the numerous times... or at least the one-merous time Sunset offers to slow down or stop for Wallflower’s sake).

This is a very solid vaginapussy/10. I’ve written it a short poem as a tribute.

Sad green bitch ain’t sad no more
Ain’t got time fo’ sads fo’ shore
They both got off without a hitch
She’s just a green and sexy bitch


You have been sufficiently spared of purse-beatings. For now...

I Seth Standmore ass you know am always been a Big Supporter of the Gay well, here is one of my gayvorite authors Gay For Gadzooks preparing a delicious story of great Vagina and Sex between two Gay Women also known as, Les Biens (authorsnote that is Franch for The Goods).

It is very full-filling to see Wallflower Blush who was former of invisible finding herself in the sex and pussy of SUnset Shimmer who is taking good Care of her even though she was once the big meanie of canterlot high as depicted in the 2011 film The Equestria Girl's in which she tried to stop Twilight Sparkle from taking the Crown of Pony. Now she is here to give sex and lick and a great time to everyone's favorite wallflower.

When reading this I was filled with Great Understanding for how The Goods do having sex with each other when they are not Trans Gener, at first I did not know how it worked because they could not Penis. However when Sunset SHimmer brought out the diablo I then Under-Stood how it happens, the Diablo becomes Insertioned into the Volvo and is Trusted as one does. So I would consider this an Educational as addition to being a Sexual story, it is like when i was in Sex Edward back in ELementary School.

It is good to see Wallflower Brunch being in a Happy too, she is wearing Pink instead of her colors of three from her special Forgotten Friedship in which she used the Mammary Stun to confuse Sunset Shimmer well, here she is having the best life of all and after being the former invisible of Canterlot High she has earned the right to Cumming.

If my grandfather ROY STANDMORE were still alive I know he would read this story and tear one single cry from his moist pupils for the beauty of cum and vagina, since he is gone I will tear all his cry's instead for him, for you Gay for Gadzooks and for all the The Goods out there will I Seth Standmore........................ CRY MORE OF JOY.


Sincerely Seth Standmore.


Gay Women also known as, Les Biens (authorsnote that is Franch for The Goods).

Oh, I never knew that etymology. Checks out. Thank you, Seth, for this education.

Not only is this possibly one of the best Wally-Sunset sex scenes on the site, it's probably one of the best Lesbian sex scenes on the site, period! Especially in the somewhat sub-dom category. Very detailed! Kinky.

Ah, yes, the green and delicate little fruit with the great balance of sweetness to make people keep consuming it, sourness to make mouths water, and a hint of spice, too!

Also the story is pretty good!

Rereading this cuz I'm bored (and definitely for no other reasons) and this line jumped out at me:

“Sh-show you off, sh-show everyone my good little slut—who just loves to be f-fucked senseless!”

I mean if you're just gonna tell everyone like that <_<

You're not wrong though >_>

Also real talk, it's really interesting to see how this kind of Lesbian UltraFuck™ is from your perspective. Like it's a totally different experience for me obviously, so it's cool to read this and better understand how it is for you 🙏💞

I still can't believe this story exists lmfao you actually did it

Oh. Right. That’s why Wallflower asked Sunset to carry her to bed.

was this post to be dialog?

My Little Reviews & Feedback Also I did your review.

11485460 Yes. Sunset is speaking in the third person because she is insane, and the scarlet rot writhes inside her mind. She is announcing to the readers, and to Wallflower, what is happening. You are very very smart and a good reader. Thank you for pointing this out. I’m sure Gay will swiftly correct this error.

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