• Published 23rd Jan 2023
  • 397 Views, 15 Comments

Midnight Station - Part 01: Twilight faces the Dark Martial March - Khampostel

Three years after Twilight's coronation, the Mane 6 face a new challenge. On how much depends the fate of a world.

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Prologue - The Day After Yesterday

On the island of Cunabula, as the sun purification day was coming to a close, the celebration was in full swing. This day was the most important of the year, and all the inhabitants, regardless of their race or status, participated in some of the purification ceremony activities to demonstrate their love for their nation.

The Great Procession, organized by the Order of the Temple, was the most prominent activity of all. Traveling throughout the island, the grand patriarch and the main priests of the temple purified the land of any magical corruption. In addition, other activities were carried out, such as the purification bonfire, the leap of faith, among others.

However, in the midst of all the jubilation and celebration, there was a young leoponi who stood on the highest peak of the island, watching as the ceremony unfolded. Behind him stood the Sacred Temple, which shone with a supernatural glow. Inside, it housed the most powerful magic of the island: the magic of the harmony tree. During that day, the magic protected the temple with a blessing, making it impenetrable and increasing the power of all the inhabitants of the island. The glow of the temple reflected the faith of the people in their kingdom and their patriotism, and this bond concealed and protected them from the threats of the outside world.

The young leoponi stood on the highest peak of the island, his gaze fixed on the celebration taking place below. The sounds of the party filtered through the wind and bothered him. The noise contrasted with the feeling of sorrow that overwhelmed him.

In his mind, there was a question that bothered him: how could they be celebrating in the midst of the crisis they were facing?

He was a member of the Order of Chivalry, the elite group that protected Cunabula from any threat. But, at this moment, the leaders of the Order, the Knights of the Order, were not on the island.

It was an unprecedented event in the last thousand years. As one of the most loyal members of the Order, it deeply dismayed him.

However, it seemed that no one else cared. The celebration was prepared as if everything was fine. The Great Patriarch, leader of the Order of the Temple and temporarily also of the Order of the Knights, did not mention anything about it. The young leoponi sent a letter requesting increased security, but only received an invitation to participate in the Great Procession. A recommendation to spend the day with his family and friends. He, of course, did not accept that answer.

He invited his fellow Knights of the Order to participate in a vigil for the kingdom. The vigil included the purification fast, a test only for the most devout that consisted of not eating anything all day, with the purpose of purifying the spirit and increasing magical power.

But no one came.

The young leoponi was alone with his uncomfortable solitude, but something else accompanied him: a basket of fruit. His friend Dana, the younger sister of the current king and a member of the Order of the Temple, had left it for him before the purification ceremony. Despite the difference in their positions, they got along well and had shared good times in school. Although they had seen each other less lately, she knew him well enough to know that he would attempt the fast and vigil. Had she done it to test his faith or simply because she thought of him?

The young leoponi closed his eyes and stood firm. He would not shed any tears. After a moment, he looked back at the basket and the aroma of fresh fruit seemed to invade his senses. His stomach growled.

He remembered the teachings of the Great Patriarch, "Cleanse your mind, cleanse your spirit of the temptations of this world." But his stomach kept growling.

"I swear, Dana! When the vigil is over, I'll enjoy every last drop of the nectar of this blessed gift," the young leoponi promised, bowing his head in resignation.

The young leoponi was surprised by an unfamiliar aroma carried on a gentle breeze. Something was wrong. He turned his head to the empty road he had been watching and noticed a hooded figure approaching the temple.

"Halt there!" the leoponi roared, alerting the stranger.

The hooded figure took a few more steps and stopped. He looked at the young leoponi, seemingly not hostile, but his sense of smell told him not to let his guard down. The stranger's shadow was cast on the ground like a sword, increasing his unease.

"Reveal yourself immediately! Concealment is forbidden in this Sacred Temple," proclaimed the leoponi, trying to show respect to any superior, as he had had problems in the past for "attacking first and asking later." Where had that individual come from? Teleportation and invisibility were also forbidden. Could it be someone important from the "council"?

His head began to ache. Fasting had definitely been a bad idea.

"Greetings, excuse me, pup, but I have come to see the 'Grand Patriarch,' he is an acquaintance of mine, so can you go and call him immediately?" said a female voice, like that of a maiden, but strangely combined with a musical tone. He had never heard a voice like that among the members of the "council" or anywhere else in the kingdom. That meant...

It was a foreigner. It was an enemy! Here!? Had the moment finally come to prove himself? Could he... fight?

He exhaled deeply, his doubt vanished, and he returned a fierce gaze to the enemy in front of him.

"No acquaintance of the 'Great Patriarch' would come to this sanctuary like a thief. Your arrival was not announced either. Stranger, I'll give you one chance. Leave and leave us in peace!" spoke the leoponi with all the firmness he could gather as he assumed a fighting stance.

"Well, isn't that something... You don't even ask for my name?... Fine, I'll continue on my way," said the hooded figure with such calmness that it seemed like an insult. Immediately, he began to move forward.

"How arrogant... Try this!" thought the leoponi as he launched the first attack.

Three large rocks shot out from the sides of the path. This was an impossible move for someone as young as him, but thanks to the blessing of the temple and the fasting of that day, he had enough accumulated magic to perform it.

But no rock hit its target.

Instead, the three rocks orbited around the hooded figure, who did not seem to care about the attack. A moment later, they fell back into their previous positions.

The leoponi, amazed, could not believe what he had just seen.

"Hmm... my turn."

A sudden heat attacked his body. A second later, he lost consciousness.

His head hurt. His body swayed in the void, as if he were being carried. Everything was confusing. Voices could be heard near him.

Had he died? The voices took shape in his mind. They were moving.

"...you shouldn't be so afraid of my lord. Activating one more tree would certainly solve your personnel problem." It was the musical voice from before.

"Cunabula has the situation under control," responded the 'Great Patriarch'.

A chill ran through the leoponi's body as he recognized the voice of the 'Great Patriarch'. But where was he? A veil seemed to cover his face and everything was dark. He couldn't move his numb body. Then he understood that it was the 'Great Patriarch' who was carrying him.

"If you say so," continued the disrespectful musical voice. "By the way, who is the 'pup'?"

"He is the next king of Cunabula," answered the 'Great Patriarch'.

"Really? Your 'standards' have really gone down... but he's a hard-headed one, so he'll at least fulfill the minimum requirements to be king, right?"

The 'Great Patriarch' did not respond. Did he realize that he was listening? Wait... king?

The atmosphere seemed to change. Danu felt himself fading again.

"Seriously, you won't tell me his name?" the musical voice asked again.

"His name is 'Danu'," said the 'Great Patriarch' firmly.

After hearing those words, Danu lost consciousness again.