• Published 23rd Jan 2023
  • 397 Views, 15 Comments

Midnight Station - Part 01: Twilight faces the Dark Martial March - Khampostel

Three years after Twilight's coronation, the Mane 6 face a new challenge. On how much depends the fate of a world.

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Between harmony and order II (P1)

The Wonderbolts were flying in a V-shaped formation just above the ground. It was a tight formation that allowed little room for maneuver, making them vulnerable to ground attacks. However, this formation was the most suitable if they wanted to go unnoticed during their journey. The captain gave a signal, and the team of pegasi broke formation to rapidly ascend into the sky, blending in with the clouds.

Twilight, accompanied by Royal Guard soldiers, watched the Wonderbolts continue to survey the perimeter from a hill. She had asked them to take her to the site of the attack as soon as possible, but they insisted on conducting a preliminary inspection of the area to ensure the best escape route in case the situation got out of control. Twilight had no intention of leaving her friends or anypony behind, but safety and precautionary measures were crucial in situations like this, so she had no choice but to accept it.

"Danger, danger! How dreadful, how dreadful!" panicked flocks of sheep from the plain cried out. Their voices reached Twilight's ears as she watched them with pity, fleeing in the opposite direction from where she had come.

She couldn't blame the sheep for making so much noise; she was a little scared herself. In front of her lay the source of her fear and the distress among the sheep.

A massive dark anvil-shaped cloud manifested in the middle of that plain, precisely blocking the train's path. It wasn't unusual for some rainclouds to escape from the Everfree Forest and end up lost in that area. However, the cloud in question had such an absurdly perfect and defined shape that left no doubt about its unnatural origin. It was a cloud created with magic, and it was undoubtedly part of the plan of the criminal who had taken control of the train from Ponyville to Canterlot.

But what was that plan? Twilight squinted her eyes. It didn't make sense to dwell on it too much; she would soon get to the bottom of this.

The Wonderbolts returned, along with a member of the Royal Guard, led by Spitfire, heading straight for Twilight.

"Princess, we've checked the perimeter and found nothing suspicious indicating the presence of the captor's accomplices. However, we couldn't penetrate the cloud hanging over the train. It's too dense, and there's a magical wind pushing us away from it," Spitfire reported.

"I understand, thank you, Captain. And what is the situation on the train?" Twilight asked the Royal Guard member who had returned with them.

"There have been no changes, Princess. The hostages are fine, and the train's captor has not altered his demands. However, he emphasizes his urgency to see you immediately, or he will carry out his threats," the guard replied with a slight irritation. Twilight noticed that the Wonderbolts and the rest of the guards accompanying her shared that sentiment. She felt the same way, but she couldn't allow those feelings to cloud her judgment. She needed to keep her mind as clear as possible to make the right decisions.

"Very well, go back and tell him I will be there shortly," Twilight ordered the guard, who quickly departed toward the dark cloud. She turned and gave instructions to the Wonderbolts to continue inspecting the terrain. Once she had finished giving her orders, Twilight took flight and headed towards the dark cloud.

Under the ominous cloud, everything was shrouded in deep darkness. During her flight, Twilight lit up her horn to see the path better. Following the train tracks, she arrived at the halted train. Just as she had been informed earlier, the train was in good condition, and the passengers remained calm. The hostages' composure was admirable, considering they weren't the only ones present in that place.

"Grrrr," a series of growls and squawks welcomed her as she reached the carriage where the captor was.

A multitude of cockatrices surrounded both sides of the carriage, and some were even on the roof.

Twilight took a deep breath and descended slowly to the ground, where the Royal Guard she had previously sent was stationed. The cockatrices, perhaps receiving some unknown signal, began to retreat and move away from the area. These creatures were also part of the captor's plan. The alicorn princess began to contemplate the demands that had been imposed on her.

First, they demanded Princess Twilight's immediate presence at the location. Second, only she could approach the train, accompanied at most by a personal guard. Third, they would not tolerate any attempt to use force to free the hostages, or else they would start reducing the number of passengers. Lastly, they emphasized that, above all, they only wanted to talk and wouldn't harm anyone as long as their demands were met, and their threats were taken into account.

Finally, Twilight touched the ground and observed the train carriage in front of her. It was the same carriage where she had shared many special moments with her friends on numerous occasions. Now, in that very carriage, her friends were locked up by a mysterious kidnapper.

She had to admit, she was very upset.

"Princess Twilight Sparkle has arrived. We await your response," the Royal Guard announced.

After a few brief seconds, one of the side doors opened, and a group of familiar ponies descended.

"TWILIGHT!" all her friends exclaimed in unison as they disembarked from the train. Pinkie Pie rushed ahead of everyone and gave her an affectionate hug immediately. Soon, the rest of her friends joined in. Receiving this display of affection, Twilight set aside her worries and fears that had been weighing on her until that moment. She felt so renewed and free that she almost didn't care if she started laughing right then and there.

"I'm so glad to see all of you well!" Twilight exclaimed with a smile. "Wow, the train left pretty late this time."

"It would have left earlier if a certain pony had arrived at the station on time," Applejack said.


"Well, I was also late," Fluttershy said apologetically.

"In my defense, I arrived quite punctually with Pinkie Pie, but I think the train's engineer is to blame for showing up so late and in such a deplorable state," Rarity said.

"Hmm, last night at the town hall party, we had a drinking contest. Maybe we overdid it... with the amount of apple cider," Pinkie Pie added with a somewhat nervous smile.

"It doesn't matter now; the important thing is that we're all together again..." Twilight said but was interrupted by a shiver that ran through her fur. Her friends also felt that sensation and turned their gazes toward the source of the hostile presence they sensed.

A young pink-maned pony in armor watched them from the carriage they had descended from. He had a cold expression of contempt that would intimidate anyone.

"If looks could kill," Twilight thought to herself.


"I'm sorry, but I don't share that sentiment given the current circumstances. First and foremost, I'd like to know who I'm speaking with," Twilight replied firmly, taking a step forward in front of her friends.

"Is that so? ... Very well," the steed responded, advancing toward Twilight. "My name is inconsequential; however, I can clarify my position and deliver the message I have brought for you."

As the young steed approached, Twilight began to analyze her opponent's unusual features. He wore dark alicorn armor that she had never seen before, clearly enchanted. He also had a bright pink gem embedded beneath his neck. However, what startled her was the beautiful relief of a tree with six stars on his chest. Immediately, Twilight guessed what it was.

"I AM THE SEVENTH MEMBER OF THE KNIGHTS OF THE ORDER, THE BEARER OF THE ELEMENT OF JUSTICE, AND I HAVE COME TO FORCEFULLY COMPLETE THE MISSION ENTRUSTED TO MY COMRADES!" the steed proclaimed with a booming voice, loud enough for all the ponies watching from the train windows to hear. Behind Twilight, her friends exchanged concerned glances. However, Twilight stood her ground.

The young steed stopped a few paces from Twilight.

"However, I don't wish to fight. Surrender your Elements of Harmony... and there will be peace between us," he added with a softer tone.

A cold breeze crossed the plain, attempting to break the silence that had fallen. Twilight briefly closed her eyes and contemplated the response she would give. She didn't have to think too long. The answer was obvious, but deep down, she really wished there was another alternative.

"I'm sorry, my answer is the same as I gave to your comrades. The physical form of the Elements was destroyed some time ago, and now their magic lives only within us," Twilight replied with sorrow.

"I see, then there's only one path we can follow..." the steed said as his wings spread. A chorus of growls and squawks arose around the train.

Twilight quickly looked around. Her friends were already taking a defensive stance beside her, along with the Royal Guard. In the train windows, there were faces of frightened ponies, elderly ponies, and mothers holding their foals.

"WAIT! THIS IS NOT THE RIGHT PLACE," Twilight exclaimed.

"WE WILL SETTLE THIS HERE AND NOW," the young steed responded coldly.


The steed didn't respond. The violent noises from the cockatrices ceased. After a moment of reflection, he said, "The innocent shouldn't bear the weight of your failures... I will allow the train passengers to leave. I give them only 15 minutes, and you will remain here until then," the steed announced. Immediately after, he walked toward a nearby rock by the train tracks and sat down on it.

Twilight took a deep breath once again. She had obtained a concession from her opponent, but it was likely to be the only one she would get. With a signal, she called over the Royal Guard who was present and ordered him to bring the Wonderbolts. Shortly after he hurried off, he returned with the acrobatic pegasus team. The orders they received were predictable: evacuate all the train passengers from that place as quickly as possible. The Wonderbolts wasted no time in carrying out the orders they had received; the carriage doors were opened, and all the ponies on the train began to leave the area in a line. Some passengers waved from a distance to Twilight's friends, while others watched them with concern. Under the supervision of the Wonderbolts, the train soon emptied completely.

A group of foals broke away from the main line and ran over to where Dash was. They handed a flower crown to the rainbow pegasus.

"KICK THAT VILLAIN'S BUTT!" they exclaimed before returning to the line with their parents.

"Don't worry, I plan on giving that jerk what he deserves, I promise, or I'll stop calling myself Rainbow Dash!" Dash exclaimed, puffing out her chest. But she quickly turned to see if there was any reaction from the individual who had caused the situation.

He didn't move at all. He kept his eyes closed in a meditative posture. Twilight was also watching him, so she was sure he hadn't reacted at all.

Applejack and the rest of the ponies advanced beside Twilight, who continued to watch the mysterious opponent in front of her.

"What do you think he's planning?" Applejack asked.

"I don't know, the more I watch him, the stranger this all becomes... Did he talk to you or do anything when you were waiting for me?" Twilight asked.

"Absolutely nothing," Pinkie Pie replied.

"Quite lacking in manners for someone who calls himself a knight. Umph," Rarity added.

"He just stood there like a fool after he threatened us. If they had let me, I..." Rainbow Dash said.

"I think it's because he's scared," Fluttershy said timidly.

"Eh?" they all responded.

Fluttershy froze for a second at her friends' reaction, but she quickly regained her composure and continued, "I think that because... baby hedgehogs often take that same posture when their parents are gone for a long time," said the shy pegasus, pointing to the mysterious steed who was sitting with his front legs apart and his head bowed toward the ground.

"Fluttershy, dear, we appreciate your perspective, but he's not a hedgehog; he's a pony," Rarity replied.

"Yes, a Cunabula pony," Pinkie Pie clarified.

A click happened in Twilight's head. Were there ponies in Cunabula? She had no proof of that, but she couldn't dismiss it either. However, if that were the case, wouldn't it have been easier for them to infiltrate and capture without resorting to what they were doing now? On the other hand, the gem that the pony had could be...

A chorus of squawks could be heard in the distance. The cockatrices that had followed the train passengers' march signaled that they had all moved far enough away from the area.

Badwhiz Starheart mechanically raised his head. This was the moment he had been waiting for in the last 12 hours. The fate of Equestria depended on the outcome of the battle that would soon begin. No, not just Equestria, but also... the world.

A thick fog began to descend from the top of the great cloud above them. Thunder and lightning burst in the sky, accompanied by a strong wind that began to blow across the plain.

Upon noticing these signs, the ponies gathered around Twilight, ready to face whatever was about to happen. However, they soon caught the attention of a brilliant light.

In the place where that young pony in armor stood, a halo of golden light formed, completely enveloping him. Then, it rose into the air as if it radiated the entire storm that was raging around him.

"GREAT WALL OF SORROWS!" the steed exclaimed with all his might.

A rainbow light detached from his body and ascended into the sky, creating a large gap in the thick clouds. Visible to all, the light seemed to collide with a solid object in the sky and soon took the form of a large dome that began to descend rapidly around them.

"It's a barrier!" Twilight exclaimed. They didn't have much time; they had to get out of there NOW or they wouldn't have another chance. She cast a teleportation spell, but nothing happened. Dismayed, she looked at the pony in front of her who was rising amidst the clouds. Her attention focused on the pink gem on his chest, and then a memory came to her. It was clear that the stone was the genuine Starheart gem.

"Quick, Fluttershy, Dash, take the others and retreat!" ordered Twilight, soaring into the sky with Rarity. The other two pegasi immediately obeyed and carried the remaining two ponies. They flew towards the nearest horizon where the barrier was already beginning to close.

Noticing the princess's escape, Badwhiz smiled with satisfaction.


A giant shadow fell from the sky in front of the fleeing ponies. A huge dragon-shaped creature appeared out of nowhere before them, cutting off their escape route. A sulfurous light emanated from the creature's jaws, aiming directly at them.

Twilight, who had moved as far away from Badwhiz as possible, cast the teleportation spell she had been preparing. A second later, they disappeared in a blaze of magic that was engulfed by a torrent of toxic smoke and fire.

Badwhiz, who witnessed the last part, smiled even more. Everything was going according to plan.