• Published 26th Feb 2023
  • 225 Views, 0 Comments

Do You Have Any Siblings? - Creativa-Artly01

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Chapter 1

“Hey baby,” says Octavia to Vinyl who is lounging on the couch, “that was a good set out there. Good job.” She fixes herself a cup of tea before sitting down at Vinyl’s side.

“Thanks, my Melody,” says Vinyl with a smile as she hugs Octavia close to her with her hoof. “How long until your sister and brother in law get back into town?”

“Still a week yet,” responds Octavia with a sigh. “I have to admit, I never thought I’d miss Victoria like I have been.”

“Well, that’s the funny thing about siblings,” responds Vinyl with a chuckle.

“What do you mean? Do you have any?” Inquires Octavia curiously of her marefriend. She sips on her tea. “Do spill.”

“Yes, I do,” responds Vinyl with a proud smile. “I have an older brother, Long Play. He basically raised me.” She lets out a sigh. “Mom was abusive. Dad wasn’t in the picture, so it was just always me and him.” She lets out a long sigh. “Any beating from mom that was aimed at me, he’d often jump in front of me and take the brunt of. He was protective of me. I was his little sister. Still am. He’s my hero. I wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for him. He got me into DJ’ing. Got me into music. Electric guitar.”

“Okay, wow,” responds Octavia as she takes it all in. “Wow.” She puts her hand gently on her marefriend’s leg. “I’m sorry that you and your brother had to go through that. I really am.”

“Yeah, thanks my Melody,” responds Vinyl with a smile as she lets out a sigh. She’s tearing up a bit and Octavia can tell. “Thank you so much.” She hugs tight to Octavia. “Seriously, thank you so much.”

“You’re welcome,” responds Octavia as she holds her marefriend close to her. “You’re welcome. Do you want to tell me more about your brother?”

“Okay,” responds Vinyl. “Okay. He’s the reason I got my cutie mark, actually.” She chuckles as she cracks a smile. “I got it when he took me to a concert as his university and we watched the concert. There were two disk jockeys playing and hearing them play, I knew that’s what I was called to do and with that realization, I got my cutie mark!”

“Cool!” Responds Octavia. “Cool.”

“Yeah, for sure,” responds Vinyl in agreement, “for sure.”

“What’s the age difference between you two?” Octavia then inquires curiously.

“Ten years,” responds Vinyl. “I have him and his coltfriend’s family cruise trip thing in a couple weeks and I hope you’ll come along.”

“Wouldn’t miss it,” responds Octavia with a smile as she kisses Vinyl. “You know that.”

“Yeah, I do,” responds Vinyl. “I do! And I can’t wait for you to finally meet Long Play and Disco!”

“Disco?” Inquires Octavia.

“Yeah,” responds Vinyl. “Disco Bluegrass is LP’s coltfriend.”

“Okay, cool,” responds Octavia. “Cool.”

Octavia goes back to sipping on her tea as Vinyl gets up and grabs a bag of chips with her magic and opens it. She then begins to munch on the chips, levitating them into her mouth with her magic. “I really think that you’re going to like the both of them. I really, really do. LP even plays electric guitar in his own band. It’s really quite cool, actually.”

“Yeah, you’ve said,” responds Octavia with some prim and proper snark. “You’ll have to take me to see him and his band play sometime then.”

“Oh, I plan on it,” responds Vinyl with a chuckle. “I plan on it. The band is himself, his coltfriend, and his foalhood best friend Sparkler actually. She’s cool. She’s punk. She’s fun.”

“Nice,” responds Octavia with a chuckle, “nice.” She cracks a smile. “Nice.” She goes back to sipping on her tea once more. “I can’t wait.”

“Ten minutes until next performance!” The two then hear from their manager. “Wrap it up fillies!”

“Are your parents going to be on the cruise, too?” Inquires Octavia concerned.

“Mom, no,” responds Vinyl. “Don’t worry. She actually died two years back which thank Celestia!”

“Yeah, agreed,” responds Octavia as she lets out a sigh of relief. “Agreed.” She then finishes up her tea to calm herself back down.

“Five minutes!” They soon hear from their manager. “Five minutes!”

Five minutes soon pass and the two go back out and perform once more. An hour later, that performance wraps up and with it, the night ends. The two then make their way home to their house in Ponyville. Once home, the two go inside and cuddle up on the couch and continue to talk.

“So, should we have our siblings meet?” Inquires Octavia curiously of her marefriend.

“I don’t see why not,” responds Vinyl with a smile as she gives off a small chuckle. She cracks a smile. “It would be good for everypony, I think.”

“Yeah, you’re right,” responds Octavia. “After the cruise?”

“Yes, absolutely after,” responds Vinyl with a chuckle, “absolutely after. Doing it before would be too rushed.”

“Yeah, for sure,” agrees Octavia with a sigh, “for sure.” She cuddles up on top of Vinyl. “For sure.”

A week later, Victoria and Steth return back to Ponyville after spending so long away for his doctor job. “Welcome home,” says Octavia with a smile as she embraces her sister in a hug. “We missed you.”

“Yeah, and I missed you,” responds Victoria with a smile. She’s beaming ear to ear. “We have a surprise for you.”

“Don’t tell me?” Says Octavia with a smile. She’s absolutely giddy.

“That you’re going to be an auntie, yep,” responds Victoria with a smile.

“Eee!” Squeals Octavia as she hugs her sister. “Eee!”

“Yeah, I’m glad you’re excited,” responds Victoria as she hugs her little sister, “I really, really am.”

“I’m going out of town next week with Vinyl by the way!” Says Octavia with a smile.

“Cool,” responds Victoria, “and who else?”

“My big brother,” responds Vinyl, “and his coltfriend.”

“Okay, cool,” responds Victoria. “Cool.”

A week later, Octavia and Vinyl finally head out on that cruise with Long Play and Disco.

“So, how long have you two been a thing?” Inquires LP of his little sister and of Octavia.

“For a good while,” responds Octavia with a smile. “It’s nice to finally meet you.”

“And you,” responds LP with a smile. “Vinyl absolutely gushes about you whenever we have a free minute to chat.”

“Really?” Blushes Octavia embarrassed.

“Yeah,” responds LP. “Really.” He smiles. “Really.”

They then all get back to enjoying the cruise together as one big gay happy family and they honestly wouldn’t have it any other way.

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