• Published 20th Mar 2023
  • 3,533 Views, 121 Comments

The Daily Life Of Anonymous - Zarah

A Month after being transported to Equestia, Anon tries to get used to his new life and new powers.

  • ...

The Construct VS The Human

Author's Note:

Surprise, I managed to get my 8-year-old laptop running. I hated the idea of having spare time and not using so every time I get a chance. I pull this piece of crap out and write as much as I can.
The internet here is very spotty, so I have only really been able to write in my room. But anyway I know 'The Construct' was mentioned a while ago so I hope you enjoy this chapter.

As always, yell at me for any grammar or spelling mistakes, have not been able to proofread as much as I normally would.


Anon watched as the prostrated construct began to slowly rise, the form fitted wooden frame creaking as it stood to its full height.

Its arms hung limp as they swayed with the torso's movements. "I-it has been quit-te some time ssince I was awoken last." It spoke through holes on it's lower face. There were no more than a dozen, similar to holes made by a drill, but they had no formation or cohesion, seemingly random. The next thing Anon noticed was its eyes, or lack there of. It had sockets, but nothing to fill them but the black void that resided there instead.

"So you're this construct I have heard about, then?" The human questioned, attempting to grab its attention. Cracking his knuckles as he did so.

The wooden human lazily turned his head towards Anon with disinterest as his lack of eyes landed on his figure. Not even a few seconds later, the construct turned his attention back to the princess. "Tell me princess." It started, getting the attention of Twilight once more. "How have the s-sisters and their mother been? It is a shame I-I could not have seen them mo-ore." It stated, its weight switching between both legs as it got used to its bipedal body.

Twilight winced at the question. "Well, to start, you have been inactive around fifteen hundred years. Queen Faust has passed, both sisters ruled until Luna was banished to the moon. But now they both rule again and everything is fine. I will tell you more later" She explained, giving it the basic history while it slumbered. The construct showed shock and concern as Twilight spoke, something she did not realize it could feel.

Her thoughts were cut short when Anon let out a loud sigh. "Come on, are we going to fight or not?" The human questioned impatiently. Tapping his foot against the grass.

The construct's head snapped towards Anon. "You wish to f-fight the princess? You disgusting low-wlife!" It loudly proclaimed as it stepped in front of Twilight.

Anon raised an eyebrow. "What no, I want to fight y-" He stopped himself before grinning and clearing his throat. "That's right. I'm gonna beat the shit out of the little horse behind you." He stated loudly as he began walking forward.

Twilight sighed before speaking. "Just please don't kill him, I want him alive and well for... Questioning I guess." She stated, attempting to go along with this act.

"Understood" It said simply as it took a low stance. it's waist shrunk, at the same time the wooden fingers of the construct seemed to elongate slightly as they ended into sharp cat like claws.

"Y-you are going to regret your aggressssion towards the pr-rincess." It stated confidently, as its body kept changing, sacrificing mass in certain areas to fortify others.

Anon continued to casually walk towards the construct, cracking his neck and flexing his hands in preparations. "You should really stop talking." He stated simply.

"And why is that lowlife?" The construct questioned.

"Because kindling doesn't talk." He stated with an evil grin.

And with that the construct shot towards the human as it kept its low profile, Its clawed hands close to its chest as it ran. Anon followed, running towards the construct. As they got closer, the human pulled back his right fist in a striking motion before suddenly slowing down to a complete stop as he pulled his left leg into his chest, it contracted like a spring. The construct was too close to stop or to change course, instead choosing to continue its initial attack as it raised its left arm read to slash down.

They both entered each other's range, a place where a split second decision chooses who hits strikes first. The construct began descending its claws upon the human's torso, attempting to lacerate it. Just at the last second, its aim changed and missed Anon by a hair as it began falling to one side, looking down. The human's leg was fully extended as his heel struck its knee, breaking it.

Mac quickly hopped back as it began repairs, the shattered crystal frame kept the wood together at least. There would not be enough time to fully reform the foot, so it's settled for a simple wooden stub. The human did not just sit by and let this happen, he charged after the construct as he went into an Orthodox boxing stance. Bring his arms up in a block, the human threw two left jabs in quick succession, as Mac just managed to throw up a black before Anon threw a right punch. Again, the human threw two quick left before throwing a right punch. He did this three times, all the while pushing Mac backwards.

Again the human threw two left jabs but instead of a right punch, he switched to a wide stance as he jerked his body into an uppercut, striking under the high block as it struck the constructs chin knocking its head upwards and sending it reeling backwards.

As it was reeling. The construct swiped in front of itself, hoping to strike the human if he continued his assault. The next thing it felt was something wrapping around its stubbed leg. Managing to look down, It saw the human tackling its damaged knee. In one fell swoop, Anon knocked Mac off balance and, forcing him to the ground with a heavy thud.

Now on the floor, Anon let go of the constructs leg and quickly mounted its chest, readying a downwards elbow strike to the face. Before he could begin his downward momentum, Mac's fingers extended as they shot forwards. Three out of the 4 fingers piercing Anons shoulder, holding it in place as the human recoiled from the pain. Now with an opening, it slashed at his exposed chest, ripping chunks out of his shirt and flesh alike.

With his free hand, Anon punched the wooden spikes that held in shoulder in place, freeing him from the constructs grasp as he quickly stood up and jumped back a few times to create distance. As mac stood himself up, Anon pulled removed the wooden fragment from his shoulder, each one causing a spray of blood as his flesh tore.

"For a lowlife i-ingrate, you put up a good fight-t." It spoke as it distributed body mass to its broken areas.

"Just shut up." The human replied with a scowl. "You're ruining it." He added, holding his chest with a grimace. His new healing was indeed impressive, but these wounds weren't healing as quickly. Probably going to take longer with how much damage he took.

Even if this walking tree was too chatty. He had to admit, this is really fun, he thought as his grimace changed to a pained smile.

Astral and Twilight watched the fight intensely, the latter getting increasing worried with each blow that struck the human.

"So, how long do you think before master dismantles that construct?" Azrael asked as she walked over to the others. Sitting next to Astral.

"I thought he hated being called that?" Astral questioned back, not looking away from the fight.

"Only when he can hear me." the demon replied with a little smile.

"Hmm" Astral responded. "But to answer your question, probably not that long from now." He finished.

"I'm honestly thinking of stopping this soon. I never really intended to let them finish." Twilight admitted, gaining the attention of the other two.

Azrael pointed a hoof at the Alicorn before speaking. "You can't give this to him, then take it away before it's resolved." She stated loudly with a scowl.

"At any rate, he is currently having the time of his life. Probably should just leave him." Astral stated confidently as he turned his gaze back to the fight.

Azrael licked her lips before revealing a sharp toothed grin. "I can confirm this, I have never felt this much joy from master."

Twilight gave them a confused and concerned look. "I understand he enjoys fighting, but you're both making him out to be some crazed lunatic." she said.

Astral sighed before turning to Twilight. "Ever since I regained consciousness, I have occasionally had flashes of memories that aren't mine. Each time I get a spike of pain throughout my body or a sudden taste of blood fills my mouth. But I always felt happy, like I was just the best news possible. It took a bit, but I realized that right now. His body is being pumped full of adrenaline, endorphins and dopamine. A deadly combination for anyone on the receiving end." He finished.

"Wait, so are you saying he's getting off on this?" Azrael questioned curiously.

Astral shook his head. "No, no. Nothing like that. From what Twilight told me. He's been controlled like a puppet for such a long time, but when he fights-" Astral says as Twilight interrupts.

"It's his escape." Twilight finishes, her face plastered with realisation.

Astral gives her a smile. "Exactly. Even after coming here, the fate of his loved ones are so bleak that his mind resorts to what it knows. Fighting feels great." He finishes, turning his attention back towards the fight.

"So you a doctor or what?" Azrael questions

"No, not even close, I looked after someone who was not exactly all there. I studied the brain for a bit to help accommodate her." He stated, his face expressionless.

"But that was a long time ago."