• Published 25th Apr 2023
  • 1,808 Views, 96 Comments

Uzi in equestria (Displaced) - PixelSprite

After buying a copy of Uzi's railgun Zoe is sent to equestria as a worker? Drone

  • ...

[Miraculous Programs]

A few days have passed since the attack from the Encoders and an interdimensional ally had to return to his world, over these past few days, the ponies of Ponyville have been working on repairing the town while getting to know the monster's quite a bit better, becoming great friends in no time, N and Papyrus really get along better than most.

And as of right now, a Miraculous event is about to take place.

“So Tessa, how have you been for these past few days, I could see you talking with Sans and Alphys.” Uzi asked her new friend with a small smile on her face.

“it's been uh how should I say it I guess unique?” Tessa answered with a bit of an unsure look. “I mean this is still kind of new to me and all.”

“Right, well, it seemed like you got along with the two of them quite well, I mean, Alphys didn't even stutter all that much, which is surprising considering how nervous she usually is.” Uzi nodded her head with an understanding smile.

“Really? I thought that's how she always speaks. I didn't realize she's usually nervous?”

“yeah, she usually stutters like, every two to three words?” Uzi explained with a shrug

“Anyways, have you see-” Uzi was interrupted by a soft thud coming from behind her and a surprised gasp from Tessa, Uzi turning around just in time to spot a closing portal.

“What is that?!” Tessa asked surprised when she sees the portal before it closed leaving behind an eyepatch with a unique design engraved on the front.

“An eye patch?” Uzi muttered in confusion as she slowly reached out her arm and gently picked up the eye patch into her left hand.

The moment she picked up the strange eyepatch it started to glow brightly blinding her and Tessa for a moment. “Ah what's with this light?” Tessa asked as she covered her eyes.

The blinding light dimming after a few seconds, becoming a small orb of light that circled Uzi a few times before stopping In front of Uzi's face and revealing what appears to be a fairy sized three headed dragon like creature. “Hi there I'm Sarra the kwami of the void and I'll be your kwami it's nice to meet you!” The small fairy dragon now known as Sarra says happily, greeting Uzi

“W-wha?...Kwami…Void…! Wait! Are you someone's token?!” Uzi exclaimed in surprise and mild shock.

“Yup that's right I was created by my father who's the guardian of the Miraculous in his Equestria oh and speaking of which here's his message.” Sarra says before speaking her father's message. “Hello my name is David Anderson I am a Displaced guardian of the Miracle box Sarra, the kwami who is giving you this message is my daughter i created through the abilities i gain from my equestria and if you are in trouble or want to talk just summon me by yelling out "Miraculous Hydrac!" and I'll be there to help you or have a talk with and I will even bestow upon you your own kwami and miraculous provided you have a new concept.”

After Sarra finished her father message she went back to how she acted earlier. “that's my father's message but don't summon him now he's kind of how should I say it stoned.”

“Ah, right, well, it's nice to meet you uh… Sarra was it?” Uzi asked with a nervous chuckle, not expecting for there to be living tokens.

“Yup that's right so since you can't summon my father at the moment I'll be here in his place if you need anything.” The kwami says with a smile of her three heads.

“Oh, thank you a lot Sarra! Um, just real quick, do you know how to, make a token? The last Displaced I summoned, I forgot to ask them… eh heh…heh…..” Uzi asked with an unenthusiastic chuckle.

“Oh you haven't made a Token yet?” Sarra asked surprised.

“I have, I just don't know how to send it to the Void….or place my message in it for that matter…” Uzi explained as she took out her shield generator from her back pack.

“Oh that's quite easy just hold your token then speak out loud the message you want to send like you can hang out with other Displaced, help them or anything like that then after that just tell how to use your token to summon you then once all that done toss your token and a small portal will appear to take your token to the void that'll send it across multiple Equestria.”

“interesting… so all I'll need to do is…” Uzi muttered before placing her hands around the Shield generator and began to speak as she subconsciously activated Absolute Solver.

“If you hear this message, then it means that you're moral compass has been deemed acceptable to this device, regardless, my name was Zoe, but I now go by Uzi Doorman, worker drone of the absolute, if you require my assistance, or merely want someone to talk to, simply call out, “Uzi Absolute” and I shall arrive.” Uzi finished her speech before tossing the shield generator, now her Token, into the sky, where a small portal engulfed the token and dragged it into the Void.

“There you go Mistress Uzi your token has been sent into the void where it’ll be sent to other Equestria's with Displaced.” Sarra says happily.

“Interesting, hey Sarra? Do you mind if I use one of my abilities to scan your…what did you call it again?...ah, miraculous? So I may document it in my memory files?” Uzi requested of the three headed Kwami.

“of course it is yours now after all oh and almost forgot to tell you the abilities I can grant you if you ever feel the need to use me.” Sarra says before clearing her throat. “The abilities I can grant you if you ever need to use my powers is the power of the void that'll grant any three abilities of your choosing whether it be from a franchise or someone else's powers and to use my power all you need to do is put on my miraculous and yell out Sarra regenerate!”

“Interesting, thank you for letting me know this Sarra.” Uzi gave a polite nod before activating Absolute Solver and beginning to scan Sarra's miraculous, however, it would seem that the void energy and unique magic of the miraculous is interfering with the Absolute Solver program, causing the symbol of the Absolute Solver program to… distort, becoming rectangular in shape and showing what appears to be a single word within the rectangle, [OVERWRITE].

“No…freaking…way…” Uzi muttered in shock, terror, and great excitement.

“What's wrong?” Sarra asked.

“Well, for one, this button here? Just made me really overpowered, and two, I shouldn't be able to use it, it's code is not mine after all, and three, I have no idea how sans and frisk will react upon seeing this.” Uzi explained, not taking her eyes off of the button for even a second.

“Best not to touch it then in case it does something bad but that's my opinion as my wielder you have the full say.” Sarra exclaimed.

“Smart idea sarr-” IS THAT A KWAMI?!” Uzi was interrupted by the excited shout from the distance, and upon looking in the direction of the scream, the three could see a young human child in a purple and pink striped shirt running towards them in excitement, this human, Uzi and Tessa knew, was Frisk.

“Who's that human kid running towards us?” Sarra asked, seeing Frisk in the distance.

“That's frisk, they are the owner of the soul of Determination, they are also the ambassador to the monster's, creatures made entirely out of magic, they are mostly peaceful though.” Uzi explained to Sarra as Tessa began to walk towards Ponyville.

“Hm? Where are you going Tes?” Uzi called out.

“Getting something to eat while you explain all of this to the kid.” Tessa spoke, pointing to frisk, who is now about five feet away from Uzi and Sarra.

“Hmm so that's how a human child looks like, I wonder how father looked as a child?” Sarra says with wonder but the moment Uzi heard the word father again is when it finally clicked in her head in what Sarra has been saying.

“I'm sorry, father?” Uzi asked in confusion.

“Oh yeah I mentioned earlier how my father made me his token, remember?” Sarra asked.

“You did?...oh right, you did, huh, it must have flown right over my head with all I just learnt, heh.” Uzi chuckled as she rubbed the back of her head.

Sarra just chuckled. “It's okay anyways my father made me the moment he thought of the concept of the void and because of that he created my miraculous and put in the power he gained into my miraculous not realizing he also put a little bit of his life force into making me, hence why he's my father.”

“That makes a lot of sense, thank you for explaining this to me, anyways, I should probably explain a bit more about Frisk, shouldn't I?” Uzi spoke, giving Frisk a head pat, and then pouting that she's only a little bit taller than frisk.

“Yes that would be helpful after all this world is my new home so I should learn as much about it as I can while prime me lives her life with father.”

“Alright then, welp, the first thing you will need to know is how Soul magic works, do you want to explain this part Frisk?” Uzi began, before looking towards Frisk, who nodded their head in excitement.

“Yeah! So, the Soul is the very core of our beings, we can't live without them, and because of this, our souls develop ways to defend themselves, this being Soul magic, there are nine known Soul traits as of right now, those being; Integrity, Kindness, Perseverance, Bravery, Patience, Justice, Determination, Monster and Pony, my soul trait being Determination, the power to change fate.” Frisk explained with a smile, pausing to see if Sarra had any questions.

“I see, that sounds intriguing, I might be able to use any of them if it wasn't for the fact that kwami’s that uses their power without a weirder would cause a strange phenomenon to happen to the world and I don’t want to know what phenomenon I would cause being a kwami of the void and all.” Sarra says with slite smile as she rubbed the back of one of her heads.

“Hm? Oh, no, soul magic isn't like regular abilities like that, Soul magic is only as powerful as you want it to be, as well as being affected by your soul trait, mine is the most powerful as there is some determination in all soul traits.” Frisk explained.

“Oh okay.” Sarra says understanding what Frisk is saying.

“I’ll now explain what each Soul traits magic can do, Integrity can partially affect gravity to some degree, and can also be used as a sonar to detect nearby souls, Kindness can heal almost any injury and can create magical constructs, however, kindness souls specialize in shield constructs, then there's Perseverance, Perseverance can mimic the magic of your opponents and trap your opponent in powerful strings that limit their movement options, bravery can be used to occasionally move through an attack while moving, as well as increasing your physical traits, strength, speed, all that stuff, patience can allow you to occasionally pass through attacks if you are not moving, it also greatly increases your observational capabilities, allowing you to easily spot weak points on your opponent, Justice allows you to see someone else's sins and virtues, basically looking at what makes that person who they are, and you can also condense Justice soul magic into a bullet like projectile, and finally determination for the human soul traits, determination is the power to defy fate, to achieve your goals, you can adapt to any situation, mimicking any and all soul trait abilities with your determination.” Frisk explained before taking a few breaths, waiting to see if Sarra had any other questions.

“Oh it all sounds intriguing, I wonder what my soul Is.” Sarra says intrigued.

“Oh! I can help with that!” Frisk exclaimed with a large smile before holding out their hand to Sarra, their pointing finger coated in a soft red coloured magic.

“All I need to do is envelope your body in my determination and then slowly draw out your soul!” Frisk explained with excitement as they gently placed their magic coated finger onto Sarra's chest, the red coloured magic flowing over Sarra's body like water.

“Ooh this is a new feeling.” Sarra says as she sees herself glowing in a slightly red hue.

As frisk began to pull their finger away from Sarra, the red colourisation of the magic began to change color as it condensed around the Kwami's chest, going from red, to purple, and ending at Indigo, Sarra's soul emerging from her chest as an upside down heart that appears to be engulfed in Dark Indigo coloured flames.

“Ooh this looks cool, is this my soul?” Sarra asked in awe.

“It is… but it's not like any soul I have seen before…” Frisk nodded their head with an intrigued look on their face.

“yeah, I mean, I recognise the color, it's kinda on my soul as well, though for some reason only I can see it… maybe it's Void energy? And since you are the Kwami of the void, you don't exactly have a personalized void energy like me so anyone can see your soul? I hope that's the case anyway…” Uzi began to examine Sarra's soul closely.

Sarra just looked at her soul as she touched it in wonder and curiosity but the moment she poked it she felt her cheeks blush. “Wow, what's this feeling?”

“Ah, you shouldn't physically touch your soul, they're very…sensitive, to put it simply…” Frisk explained to Sarra, making the young Kwami blush slightly more with a look of realization popping onto one of her three faces.

“O-Oh I see I never expected to learn this at a young age.” Sarra says with a slight blush.

“Hm? How old are you exactly Sarra?” Uzi asked with curiosity.

“I guess you can say a day old.” Sarra answered.

“I- ok wow, did not expect that answer, then again, you did say you were just created recently…” Uzi muttered to herself.

“Yeah but prime me is actually a thousand years old.” Sarra added.

“Oh wow! Quite interesting, so you can tell what the other you’s in other worlds are experiencing, fascinating, anyways, since I'm your, what did you call it again, ‘mistress’, I guess you can know the name I had before getting Displaced, you two Frisk, since I know your just going to find out one way or another.” Uzi spoke with a smile on her face as she gave Sarra's three heads their own headpats.

“That's right, like any kwami I live across many different parallel worlds living with different kinds of wearer of my miraculous.” Sarra says with a smile.

“Interesting, anyways, allow me to properly introduce myse-”

“It's Zoe Zodiac, am I right?” Sarra asked with a smile as she interrupted Uzi.

“...how did you know that?” Uzi asked in shocked confusion.

“You going to ask how the original Tikki knew Marinette name when they first met

“.... who's Tikki?” Uzi asked, even more confused.

“Oh I assumed you knew what franchise kwami were from?” Sarra asked, confused.

“Oh, I can explain that one for you if you would like Ms. Sarra.” Frisk offered with a soft smile.

“Oh really then please tell Uzi for me.” Sarra asked with a bright smile.

“Ok, so, Kwami's are from the show Miraculous Ladybug, they are creatures that draw their power from different concepts, and when a Kwami is bonded to a new wielder, they learn a few snippets of that person's life, mainly their names and moralities!” Frisk began to explain with a large smile gracing their face as they talked about one of their favorite shows.

Sarra smiled and nodded. “That's right, anyways, it's good to meet you Zoe as you already know my name is Sarra.”

“...you know. I am quite surprised at how refreshing it is to hear that name spoken by someone other than…father.” Uzi muttered, before going completely silent.

“Really? Wasn't your father kind and loving to you?” Sarra asked.

“..... Let's just say that there's a reason I share Chara's hatred for humanity…” Uzi muttered, looking towards Frisk who now had a surprised look on their face.

“Oh I see sorry for asking.” Sarra says with a sad expression.

“Not your fault, you didn't know…” Uzi spoke with a sad smile as she patted Sarra's three heads gently.

“Actually, this reminds me, Frisk, what gender are you?” Uzi suddenly asked, causing both Frisk and Sarra to blink in surprise at the sudden question.

“My knowledge on the void and multiverse are limited but I believe frisk is both genders.” Sarra answered for Frisk.

“That I am, though, from what sans told me, most versions of me are either genderless or are gender fluid.” Frisk elaborated on Sarra's answer while Sarra nodded in agreement.

“Interesting, say, how about we show you Ponyville…. Actually, first we need to explain a few things that have recently occured in this world.” Uzi suggested.

Sarra looks in the distance and sees the state Ponyville is in. “Yeah, I think that would be a good idea.”

“Right, now, where do I begin? Well, I guess it started when i-” Uzi began to explain everything that happened within her first five days of arriving in Equestria.

[one long explanation later]

“-nd then Kuma brought out Tessa after having convinced her to change sides, that was about when I temporarily went offline due to being low on power.” Uzi just about finished her explanation… Only to see Frisk fast asleep and snoring, Sarra sitting on-top of Frisk's hair as she listened to Uzi's retelling of her experiences.

“Wow! It must've been a tough fight having to deal with all that huh?” Sarra asked, amazed at what she heard.

“Yup, I was honestly lucky Kuma's Token found me when it did, otherwise, well, I don't really want to think about how it would have ended to be honest.” Uzi replied with a soft chuckle as she rubbed the back of her head.

“I'm sure it would've been an entirely different outcome if they weren't here but, at least it wasn't an akumatized villain and before you ask, they're people who are under the influence of another miraculous If they give into negative emotions.”

“Interesting, well, I guess we should head to Ponyville now, and drop Frisk off at Toriel's, Frisk's adoptive mother, it is getting kind of late.” Uzi spoke, looking up at the now darkening sky.

“Okay lead the way mistress Uzi, also do you like me calling you that or would you just like me to call you Uzi?” Sarra asked.

“Just Uzi is fine, but I don't mind if you call me mistress, whatever is comfortable with you.” Uzi answered with a large smile as she gently picked up Frisk and carried them in her arms towards Ponyville.

Sarra nodded her three heads and followed Uzi into town, and after a few minutes of walking, the three have entered the town, Uzi introducing Sarra to a few ponies before dropping Frisk off at Toriel's and arriving a large hollowed out tree with a sign reading, Golden Oaks Library on the front, Uzi then opening the door for Sarra and walking inside after her.

“Ooh so this is a house and a library?” Sarra asked as she looked around.

“Yes, this Library is owned by Twilight Sparkle, she is letting me live here until the town is repaired and I can have my own house built.” Uzi explained, smiling softly as she saw Sarra let out a quick and quiet yawn.

Sarra looked around with excitement acting like a child as she did.

“hehe, come here Sarra, it's about time we went to sleep, it's getting late.” Uzi gave a soft, almost motherly smile as she sat on a rather soft looking cushion on the ground and crossed her legs.

“Okay coming.” Sarra says with a smile as she flies over to Uzi before she sits on Uzi's lap.

“Good night Sarra.” Uzi whispered to Sarra, who was already starting to fall asleep.

Sarra yawned before laying down on Uzi before saying what would shock Uzi. “Night mama.” she says tiredly, unaware of what she said.

Too surprised to say anything, Uzi just silently smiled at Sarra as her inner systems were beginning to shut off for the night.

[worker Drone, Designation: Uzi powering off]

Comments ( 10 )

Still looks great

Is there a link to the MIRACULOUS HARMONY? Because I can't find the story.

“Interesting, thank you for letting me know this Sarra.” Uzi gave a polite nod before activating Absolute Solver and beginning to scan Sarra's miraculous, however, it would seem that the void energy and unique magic of the miraculous is interfering with the Absolute Solver program, causing the symbol of the Absolute Solver program to… distort, becoming rectangular in shape and showing what appears to be a single word within the rectangle, [OVERWRITE] .


Hehe, were you surprised~?

Also, random question that doesn't really connect with this story but what do y'all think of the Pokemon Hoopa? Cause I really like them.

Oooh, sure it Will be interesting, thinking about the whole concept of the Pokémon and it's abilities
Pretty good poke btw

I most certainly agree, and because of this, I just have to recommend the story "My Little Pokemon" it's got over a million words, over a thousand chapters, AND has a sequel story after you finish reading it!

Jeez, a thousand? Gotta eat it all!

Thanks for the recomendation, didn't know there was a fic with that many chaps

From amarvax???

Yup, Amarvax, story name my little Pokemon and word count just a few thousand more than four million.

Thanks dude, i'm getting out of ideas of what to read and the fic that i are already reading are starting to get boring

have a good day btw:eeyup:

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