• Published 25th Apr 2023
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Uzi in equestria (Displaced) - PixelSprite

After buying a copy of Uzi's railgun Zoe is sent to equestria as a worker? Drone

  • ...

[Displaced and Disassembly] part 1

Uzi and the main 6 walk out of the library after getting a letter from princess celestia about a drone similar to Uzi appearing within the throne room.

"So, Uzi, who do you think the other drone is?" Rainbow asked the tiny drone.

"I...don't know, colors.." Uzi responds with an unfocused tone as she adjusted her bag on her back.

"Are you ok Uzi?" Fluttershy asked, concerned about the purple drone.

"Yeah, yeah i'm ok fairy" Uzi responded in a slightly monotone voice.

As the group continued to walk they came across a school which reminded Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow dash that it was nearing the end of the day, so the three said their goodbyes and went to the school to pick up their sister's.

Leaving twilight, fluttershy, pinkie pie and Uzi to get to the train station. As the group continued to walk across Ponyville on the way to the train to get to Canterlot when something hits her on the back of the head. "Ow! The heck!? What was that?" Uzi half shouted as the others looked at her as she looked behind her trying to find what hit her,when she looked down she found a strange object on the ground.

As she inspected the object she found it was a white and red mask. But the strange thing was that it was giving off a strange energy. As Uzi held the mask she began to hear a voice in her head. "For those who seek a friend to aid you in battle, to be trained…or to just talk and hang out, I am the beast that fights for justice. Call my name, Kuma!"

Twilight walked closer to Uzi to see what she had in her hands, "what is it Uzi?"

"Are you ok?" Fluttershy asked quietly as she was shaking a bit scared from the loud noise that went off when the object hit Uzi's head.

"Yeah, I'm ok fairy, and I don't know what it is but, I did hear a voice that said to call upon someone called Kuma?" Uzi responded to their questions.

"Kuma?" Pinkie asked, tilting her head as she stared at the small object in Uzi's hand.

"Do you know this pony Uzi? Or is this an item from your home?" Twilight asked.

"No, I don't know who they are, and I don't think it's something from home either?" Uzi responded with a confused and frustrated tone as she now has a minor headache…. Somehow.

"What will you do with this item?" Twilight asked a little curious on what the drone will do with it.

"I don't know, I'll just put it in my bag for now." Uzi spoke as she put the strange item in her bag. As she did this, the group heard the sound of a train stopping at the train station.

"Oh! Quickly everypony! Onto the train!" Pinkie exclaimed, bouncing up and down with enthusiasm as the group just barely got onto the train.

After boarding the train,Twilight would lead the girls to the train car where they will be staying until they get to Canterlot.

As they settled into their room Uzi got curious about the strange mask that hit her, so she took it out and spoke to it.

"Hm, I wonder, Kuma I.. summon you?" As Uzi spoke those words the group could see a portal opening in the middle of the room.

Twilight gasped and watched in awe, "what did you do!?" She yelled not realizing she was yelling.

"I don't know!?" Uzi shouted back in confusion.

"What's that sound?" Pinkie yelled as the sound of heavy footsteps could be heard. Someone was coming through the portal.

Fluttershy was hiding behind Uzi and shivering non stop. Uzi reached into her bag and grabbed her railgun and pointed it at the portal.

Soon the light from the portal vanished and there in the middle of the room stood a human male. He appeared to be a young adult, probably early 20s. He was wearing ankle strap sandals with claws on his toes, black combat pants with red highlights. An artic white tank top undershirt, a sleeveless dark blue kimono, and bandages wrapped around my hands and arms with claws on his fingertips.

"A human?" Uzi spoke with a low voice as she lowered her railgun in confusion and shock.

The individual soon opened his eyes and looked around. He didn't stop until his eyes landed on the small worker drone. Walking up to the drone the human appeared to be seven feet tall and a bit on the larger side as he was a bit round. But the most bizzare feature on him was that on top of His head were small bear ears covered with black hair.

"W-who are you?" Uzi asked, a little bit intimidated.

The large male said nothing. The girls did the same as their brains where processing so much information right at that moment. But before anyone could speak the human reached down and grabbed a hold of uzi and lifted her up so that his golden yellow eyes met with her purple ones.

"I am Kuma." He said in a low and deep voice. "And for what I can guess you are the one who summoned me here. Am I correct?"

"Y-yes you a-are sir" Uzi responded now very intimidated.

"Good…because I have got to say…you are… THE MOST ADORABLE THING I HAVE EVER SEEN!" His voice changed from a deep and authoritative voice to a soft and energetic one.

"...Huh?" Uzi spoke dumbstruck.

"What?" Twilight, pinkie, and fluttershy all said in unison completely confused. Out of anything they expected this bearman to do, calling Uzi adorable was not one of them.

"I- HEY! DON'T CALL ME CUTE!?" Uzi screamed in rage, crossing her arms and looking away… looking even cuter in the process.

"Aww! That's just adorable!!" The bearman said as he began to tickle the small robot wanting to see if he could make the small robot girl laugh.

"H-hey! Hehe~ Stop it!! Hehehe~ WHY CAN I EVEN BE TICKLED!?!WHO PROGRAMMED THAT!?!?!!?" Uzi screamed in rage just before succumbing to the tickle attack of the bearman.

The bear Soon Stopped and Smiled before putting the robot Down. "Ok…now that we got that out of the way…could you explain who you are?" Twilight asked the bear man.

"Of course. I am Kuma, The Bearman of the White Fang." The bearman said with pride.

"Where were you before I summoned you? My name is Uzi by the way" Uzi asked the towering bearman now known as Kuma.

"Well I was In the everfree forest training my combat skills against the wild life there." He said and soon a gasp came from fluttershy.

"What!? You were in the everfree forest? Attacking wildlife!?" She asked horrified, imagining a lot of innocent little animals' homes being destroyed.

"Ya! You know Timberwolves, a hydra, a manticore, and even an ursa major." He said with a smile and showing off a few scars on his arms and legs to show proof.

"Huh, so what was that thing I used to summon you?" Uzi asked in curiosity.

"A mask that shows I am a member of the White Fang. The reason it is glowing is because it is infused with my aura." He said with a smile before sitting down next to twilight and pinkie pie. Uzi had a little bit of trouble getting into a chair to sit down as her limbs were still calming down from the earlier tickle attack, she cursed under her breath about her inability to climb onto a simple chair.

"Need any help?" Fluttershy asked quietly.

"....maybe." Uzi accepted Fluttershy's help with a very annoyed tone in her voice as she turned to the others.

"Not. A. Word." She spoke to them with a scowl.

"A word." Kuma said before him and Pinkie burst out laughing. They quickly stopped as Uzi pointed her railgun at them. Pinkie out of fear and Kuma, just from interest in the gun itself.

"Well it seems little Uzi is armed. But the real question is. Does it work?" Kuma asked interested in the gun.

"It should, I already scanned it and it has all the parts necessary, luckily I didn't need to find a reactor core like the Uzi in the show did." Uzi answered as she started to calm down.

"Alright…" he said smiling before Twilight spoke up.

"Show? What show?" She asked, confused about the two's conversation.

"Uhhh… multiverse?" Uzi spoke in hopes to get Twilight to stop asking.

"I guess you could put it that way…so tell me Uzi how far were you into the series before being Displaced?"

" Well I watched the first four episodes about 8 times now, also what's a Displaced?" Uzi answered and questioned.

"A Displaced person is something called a Dimensionally misplaced entity. Like when you or I went to comicon or a convention, as a cosplay and bought something from the interdimensional merchant they gave us our characters' bodies and powers." He explained to the best of his ability.

"Huh, neat." Uzi responded in a surprisingly calm way about this revelation.

"You seem to be taking this new information quite well. Something you want to talk about?" Kuma asked with a bit of seriousness in his voice.

".....Let's just say I didn't have the best relationship with my so-called 'father'." Uzi spoke with animosity at the mention of her 'father', she pulled her knees to her chest to hide the threatening tears despite the fact she technically can't cry.

Twilight, pinkie pie, and fluttershy stayed quiet as they could feel that this was a rough topic to talk about. The Bearman said nothing and stood up before walking close to Uzi and getting down on his knees. "Do you want a hug?" He asked, his voice showing concern.

"..Mhm.." Uzi responded in a low tone with a nod of her head as she hugged the bearman.

Kuma wrapped His large arms around Uzi as he pulled her into a hug. His right hand pressed on her back as his left rested on Uzi's head as he patted her back. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"..." Uzi didn't verbally respond but shook her head saying no.

"Alright. Another time." He said as twilight and friends joined in the hug. As the three ponies and bearman hugged the small drone.

After Uzi calmed down they all decided to just talk, being careful to avoid the topic of Uzi's life before she ended up in Equestria.

As they talked, Kuma turned to Uzi, "So Uzi have you explained what show your character comes from to them?" Kuma asked, pointing to the ponies.

"A little, but I guess I can recap if you want?" Uzi asked, thinking of how she might explain this without scarring the ponies.

"Let me ask. Is the show a bit hard core, you know violence and stuff like that. Because If it is fluttershy and pinkie might need to leave." Kuma said as he looked at the 2 ponies in question. Both of them gave him and Uzi questioning looks.

"Well, the show is called Murder Drones for a reason, so yeah, if you are sensitive to violence, this isn't something for you to hear." Uzi spoke giving a concentrated look showing the ponies that she is serious.

Twilight gulped but looked like she could handle it holding up a scroll and feather with a bottle of ink ready on the side. Fluttershy looked a little scared and uncomfortable. Pinkie just tilted her head confused. "How violent are we talking about? Like being bullied violently or…never waking up violent?" She said very hesitant.

"Never waking up." Uzi answered almost immediately in a soulless and robotic way as her eyes went hollow, sending a shiver down the pony's spines as they felt as if Uzi were staring into their very souls.

Kuma looked at the clock before speaking, "how about Fluttershy and Pinkie go eat while me and Twilight listen to Uzi explain the show." He said giving Fluttershy and Pinkie an excuse not to be here.

As Fluttershy and Pinkie leave through the cart door Uzi starts to speak, "...short or long version?" Uzi asked the two.

Twilight gulps as she looks at Uzi, "I guess long answer, just don't be too detailed with The violence." She said hopping this story/show won't be too gruesome.

"Hm, well to start us off, the show took place on a planet called Copper-9, me and the other worker drones would help creatures called humans, or homosapiens if you want to get specific, to mine exo-planets, though.. the humans of Copper-9 didn't live very long, we didn't kill them or anything!, Mainly because they handled that part themselves." Uzi paused her explanation looking at the two to see if they had any questions

Kuma Was sitting Down and listening as when He Was back On Earth Before getting displaced he only got to watch the first episode. But Twilight was writing everything down. As she was writing she stopped in realization. "Wait! The story starts off on a planet called Copper 9? So is it the home planet of these humans and your fellow drones?"

"No, the humans originated from a planet called earth, and the humans built us drones and sent us to Copper-9." Uzi answered Twilight's question.

"Wait So If I am Getting This Correctly these humans Have the ability to travel to different planets!?" Twilight yelled out excitedly as this was an amazing discovery.

"Yeah. And the humans were using us worker drones to mine away at the material of said planet slowly killing them." Uzi spoke bluntly.

"Killing Them?" Twilight was confused on how mining a planet could kill humans. She knows that there are places that can be mined for resources or to find riches. What could have these drones been mining to kill so many humans?

"Well, it wasn't so much the mining the drones did that killed the humans, rather what they did with the materials that caused all organic life on the planet to be lost in an endless blizzard." Uzi answered Twilight's question before she could ask it, surprising Twilight.

Twilight stopped writing as she processed what Uzi just said, "the whole planet…the whole planet was engulfed in an endless blizzard!? That killed all organic life!?" Twilight yelled loudly as she could only imagine the number of lives lost when the blizzard came.

"That's not even the end, quite the opposite really." Uzi spoke again giving Twilight quite the shock.

Kuma nodded as he waited for Uzi to continue, while Twilight got her quil ready to write more information down.

"After the. . . Event with the humans, the worker drones finally had their own future… though.. our father company, JCJenson in Spaaaaace~, they didn't really like the idea of Rogue AI running loose, so, they sent the Disassembly drones." Uzi paused yet again for them to process the information.

Twilight wrote down everything she could, "rogue AI…so I am guessing the past drones didn't have any control over their own lives?" Twilight asked.

"Kinda? I mean they could think for themselves, but were very loyal to the humans. We only became truly independent after the humans on Copper-9 went extinct.

"I see. Because with no humans around you only had yourself to rely on. So as time passed the drones of the past learned to exist without the authority of the humans." Twilight said, writing down the notes before running out of room and grabbing a new scroll to write, beaming slightly as Uzi nodded letting her know that she was right.

Twilight soon asked her second question. "You said that the humans on earth sent…What was it? disassembly drones?" She asked as she could feel a chill going down her spin.

"Ok, this next bit might be very important after we get off the train, the Disassembly drones were built to.. well disassemble worker drones." Uzi answered, sending a shiver down Twilight's spine and a ping of confusion in Kuma.

"So like just dismantle the worker drones for reprogramming or…straight up death?" He asked as he thought that the humans would want their workers back under their control.

"Death, well, they were supposed to kill us but, the first Disassembly drone we see, is just wholesome, basically the opposite of what he was made for, ironic right?" Uzi spoke with a chuckle.

Twilight stopped writing as she Looked at Uzi, "I think you have some information wrong." Twilight said to Uzi. "If the disassembly drones were made to… kill the worker drones why would one be wholesome? From what you said maybe… This one was once a worker drone and reprogrammed to kill worker drones."

"Makes sense." Kuma spoke. "I get the feeling like there are a lot of greedy pieces of shit in control of the Company. So some worker drones could be reprogrammed and given upgrades to kill their own kind. This is less money to have to start from scratch and just work with what you got."

"Why not just ask him when we get to canterlot?" Uzi asks with a grin as she sees the surprised looks on their faces.

"You think it is one of the disassembly drones that celestia spoke about?" Twilight said shocked and a little worried about her teacher and the other ponies at Canterlot.

"Yea, I do, and if it's who I think it is then we won't need to worry about the ponies getting hurt, I mean he wouldn't hurt anything that looks even remotely cute, and you were partially right on the Disassembly drones origin, although, It wasn't just reprogramming, there is a program in all of the drones called Absolute solver…" Uzi answered, ending with a shudder at her mention of the program.

Kuma looked serious as this might be important information to know. Twilight did the same as she got her quil ready as she was interested but also horrified at this information and this 'Absolute solver' sounded like something very dangerous.

"The Disassembly drones were also….. upgraded, they were taller, faster, stronger, they could fly, cut metal with their hands, but the scariest thing to me is their ability to use EMP's… before you ask, EMP stands for electromagnetic pulse, it basically shuts down any technology it hits. It could knock me out In a single hit." Uzi spoke in a very serious tone.

"Wait so an EMP could kill You!?" Twilight said worriedly.

"If that is true we might need to get you some upgrades. I might be able to help, call in a Few flavors." Kuma said as he looked out the window and began to think of a few people and ponies who could Help him tech and magic wise.

"To answer your question Twilight no, it won't kill me, it'll just knock me out, as for your suggestion Kuma, I won't need the upgrades, if the original Uzi could fight two disassembly drones at the same time, Albeit with the help of a disassembly drone on her side, I'm pretty sure I can handle N." Uzi spoke confidently.

Kuma sighed and shook his head. Twilight also gave Uzi A very skeptical look.

"Don't forget, I have a gun that can pretty much atomize them." Uzi deadpanned.

"That may be True but the question remains, do you know how to use it? Just because the Uzi from the show could doesn't mean you can. Have you ever fired the gun, do you know how it works? Are there limitations on the gun or have you learned how to fight? So hand to hand combat? Or at the very least hit and run tactics?" Kuma asked as he gave Uzi a very serious look.

"That's one of the advantages of being a robot my friend, I can literally download knowledge on how to fight, and shoot a gun, plus, if it is N, we won't need to fight at all." Uzi spoke, trying to ease their nerves.

"Uzi. I say this not trying to insult you. But your hubris will be your greatest downfall. You are too confident and it is worrying" Kuma said as twilight nodded her head in agreement.

"... You think I don't know that?, I do have back up plans being made as we speak, and it's not like I haven't been trained my whole life to fight." Uzi spoke in a monotone, robotic voice as she looked at them with a very serious look.

"Very well. Sorry if I came off as rude but I am just a little worried. How you described the murder drones that are physically superior in every way shape and form against the worker drones. You may possess a weapon to defeat them but With the drones arsenal I hope you have a plan when it's just you versus the drones." He said as twilight Wrote down our conversation.

"... You are right in saying I wouldn't be able to out speed or overpower them, but, I do know that I'm not alone, and I also know one of their weaknesses." Uzi spoke, formatting several plans in her head.

This got both their attention as they got closer wanting to hear this Information.

"They often underestimate worker drones, and are more susceptible to viruses than worker drones. I am in the middle of the process of making a virus to immobilize them should the need arise." Uzi spoke as her eyes flash yellow for a fraction of a second showing a strange symbol.

"How are you making the virus?" Twilight asked curiously as Kuma just listened to Uzi's plan.

"I'm using my own shutdown code and implementing it in my hand, all I'll need to do is touch them and their limbs will shut down." Uzi spoke not really paying attention as she is putting the finishing touches on the virus.

"Can the virus affect your own body?" Kuma asked as if Uzi could accidentally shut her own body down.

"It would, if I didn't put my designation code in the failsafe of the virus, basically, I'm invisible to it." Uzi responded after she finished her virus.

"I see so you managed to make yourself immune to the virus while also being able to affect other drones like yourself." Twilight smiled, writing everything down. Kuma stayed silent as he just listened and replayed all the information in his head.

"...if there is a fight, I know I'm going to get damaged…wait….oh no.." Uzi spoke as a realization came upon her.

"What's Wrong?" Twilight Asked A Little Worried. Kuma Stopped And soon paid attention to Uzi.

"....I just remembered another difference between worker drones and disassembly drones…" Uzi spoke slightly, shaking, visibility showing fear.

"What is it?" Twilight asked.

"The way Absolute solver affects us….." Uzi spoke, you could see the fear and disgust in her eyes.

"What the heck happened?" Kuma asked as he heard the fear in Uzi's voice.

"....absolute solver essentially turns worker drones into mindless animals on the hunt if they get too stressed, o-one good thing about how absolute solver affects worker drones is that if we can stay calm there are alot of things we could do that disassembly drones could never hope to do." Uzi spoke uncomfortable with what could happen to her if she does unlock the absolute solver.

"Do you think you will be a threat to the ponies? or is there a way for you to control it?" Kuma said as this was a serious problem that needs to be addressed.

"It mainly depends on my mental state and how much oil I have." Uzi spoke with slight fear in her eyes.

"Mental state? I mean I can understand the oil part. You robots need a power source. So does the absolute solver drain you of your oil? And make you go crazy? Or does it just corrupt your mind?" Twilight said a little confused about the absolute solver.

"There isn't a lot known about absolute solver, all I know is that if it does make me go feral, well, if you ever see me with an X on my eye sensor, run." Uzi spoke with a fearful seriousness as her eyes hollowed yet again.

"R-right, I'll keep that in mind." Twilight answered Uzi's warning while Kuma simply nodded.

After Uzi spoke her warning she put her railgun in a side pocket of her bag, it appears to be too full as it appears to be misshapen.

Twilight began to scribe more notes down as Kuma let out a yawn however he did notice the size of the bag. "Say Uzi what is inside the bag? Seems pretty full just for your railgun to be inside."

"Oh! Well, I have a lot of materials in my bag for different devices I would like to make" Uzi answered the question, as she was pulling out different parts from her bag she found something she forgot she put in there. Uzi pulled out an old book.

"Huh, when did this get in there?" Uzi asks as she doesn't remember putting the book in her bag.

"What is the book about?" Twilight asked.

"Let me see- what?" Uzi asks herself in confusion as she sees the title of the book.

Kuma stood Up and walked to Uzi to see the title of the book, the front cover had a large upside down heart with seven coloured hearts inside, the title was simply 'soul traits.'.

"Well that's not ominous at all…" Kuma said sarcastically, as twilight stood up to get a better look of the book.

"This...does look familiar, but I don't know why." Uzi spoke as she looked at the book.

Kuma stayed silent while Twilight spoke up. "Isn't that a book from the library? Strange, I don't remember reading that one." She said rubbing her chin with her hoof.

"I'm sure we will figure it out later, for now though, Kuma? What is your version of Equestria like?" Uzi asked as she came to the conclusion that the human wasn't from the same universe as her.

"Good question. And I got an explanation but do you want the short version or the long version?" Kuma asked as he smiled showing his sharp animalistic teeth.

"I guess the long version? I mean we still have a while till we get to Canterlot" Uzi responds as she starts tinkering with the metals from her bag while listening to Kuma.

"Hehe alright then get Comfy because this will take some explaining. Uzi let me ask you a question: when you got here was it just a few days ago or was it 1000 years ago?" Kuma asked and when he asked his question Twilight visibly flinched as she stopped writing.

"Well, I got here yesterday, just after midday, apparently I ended up in Pinkie's room offline." Uzi answered as she continued to tinker.

"I see, so you got the easy path. Well I arrived in my Equestria when the crystal empire had not vanished, discord had been defeated but king Sombra was still in power slaving his kingdom away." He said and soon Twilight's right eye began to twitch.

"What!?" Was the only thing Twilight could say.

"Huh, so you either got stoned or vanished with the empire, right?" Uzi asked with uncertainty as her memory of the MLP show wasn't the best.

"Correct the princesses saw me as a threat with the connections, influence, and power I was gaining. And when I defeated King Sombra it was all downhill from there." The bearman explained a bit about his past. But Twilight was having a hard time wrapping her head around the information Kuma had just told.

"Who?" Twilight asked confusedly as she tilted her head to the side.

"I think I will need to explain a bit about myself and my character. I am displaced so I went to a convention as an original character from a shoe called RWBY. My character is a faunus. Faunus are humans with animal body parts. Sometimes it's minor, like animal ears or tails. Other times it's massive like an abnormal skin color or even wings. Due to this our species had been discriminated against for decades. Within the past there have even been humans who used faunus as slaves." Kuma explained a bit of history about what species and how humans have treated his kind.

As Uzi was listening she continued her tinkering, however while she tinkered she didn't notice that one of her eyes had changed into a strange symbol as she levitated a few scraps of metal behind her head.

"Faunus are treated the worst by business men as some are still used as slaves or used in illegal fighting rings, or more. My OC has seen the fucked up stuff humans have done with his species and it is why he joined the White Fang." Kuma continued to explain.

"What is the White Fang?" twilight asked.

"The White Fang is a large group of Faunus that are sick of the oppression and slavery so they try to change the future with protests and more." Kuma explained before letting out a laugh. "It really is interesting how a single person can change a once peaceful group of protestors into terrorists." Kuma said in a low tone as he looked down at his hands.

"WHAT!?" Twilight yelled out, shocked at the information Kuma just told. "Uzi are you even listening To this!?!?" Twilight yelled at Uzi.

As Twilight turned her gaze to Uzi she saw what the drone was doing and her eyes widened in shock for yet another time.

"Ummm…Uzi…" twilight said in a low tone as she saw metal shivering In the air as she saw a strange symbol on Uzi's screen where her right eye should be.

"Yea Twilight?" Uzi responded not noticing the metal floating behind her.

"Can a worker drones use magic?" This question got Kuma's attention as he soon noticed What was happening to Uzi. He dug through his pockets and pulled out his phone/scroll as he took a picture of Uzi and the metal floating behind her.

"Hm? What do you mean?" Uzi responds as she turns her head to Twilight, in doing so her eye returns to normal and the metal falls to the ground.

"Right now you were just making small pieces of metal float in the air." Twilight said, pointing to the pieces of metal that are now on the ground.

"....Was there a symbol surrounding the metal?" Uzi asks in a low tone, as if she was worried about the answer.

Before Twilight could answer Kuma spoke up. "Yep!" He said showing Uzi the photo he got of her.

Uzi looked at the photo with a blank stare for a few seconds before she facepalmed and said "welp, Absolute solver is active…" Uzi spoke with a muffled, annoyed tone in her voice.

"Wait, so are you going to turn into a monster?" Twilight asked as she began to backtrack on her notes about the absolute solver program.

"No, I'd need to have something similar to a panic attack for that to happen." Uzi spoke, trying to calm Twilight down.

"If that happens, will I need to put you down?" Kuma asked coldly.

"What!? KUMA what is wrong with you!?" Twilight said, standing up and yelling at Kuma.

"What?! If she goes crazy and starts attacking innocent ponies she will need to be stopped." Kuma said, trying to point out the logical side.

"Temporarily, yes, luckily the mindless beast thing is only temporary, so if I'm kept away from ponies in that state for long enough I'll just return to normal." Uzi answered shocking Twilight with her answer.

"Are you sure what about other worker drones? Or species like bunnies, wolves, griffins, or minators?" Kuma questioned.

"Well, I don't think there are any worker drones here at the moment other than me, and as for the other species, yeah I'll need to be kept from them as well." Uzi spoke with a thoughtful expression.

"Uzi…answer me honestly, is this something you can control?" Kuma asked Coldly as he stood up and got closer to Uzi as he looked down at her.

"For the first time? No, the program will take control if I basically have a panic attack, but after that, I should have control over the program." Uzi answered honestly.

"For your sake I hope so. Because I don't want to have to lose another friend." Kuma said as his voice carried sadness as he sat down next to twilight.

"...hey Kuma?" Uzi asked the man standing In Front of her.

"Hmm?" Kuma inquired.

"How did you make your token?" Uzi asked, trying to lighten the mood.

"Are you sure you want to learn this Uzi? To be clear your token can go anywhere and to anyone who is displaced. From a kind hearted soul to an absolute psychopath that wants nothing but death and destruction. You have no idea where your token will end up." Kuma said, warning the worker drone of the dangers of making a token.

"Yes, I'm sure, I've already started making the object I want my token to be" Uzi answered resolutely as she shows what she has been working on, the device looked to be in the shape of the absolute solver symbol, three arrows pointing out with a hexagon in the center.

"Uzi…if you want me to tell you how I want to see what you can do in combat. I want to know that you can take care of yourself." Kuma said as he wanted to know that Uzi could protect herself as if she died the blood…or oil would be on his hands.

"..." Uzi looked out of the window seeing Canterlot start to near, "well, we won't have to wait long for a fight, it appears that we are getting close." Uzi responded as she looked at Kuma with determination in her eyes, Uzi's eyes flashed red for a split second, however no one noticed this flash.

"Fine. We will see if you are ready." Kuma said as he looked out the window as well clenching his fists tightly.

"... If you were wondering what this does, it's a shield generator, it also checks a creature's morals when picked up." Uzi spoke as she finished with her shield generator, placing it on her chest.

"How does that even work?" Kuma asked curious but also confused on how the machine itself works.

"It scans brain waves and electromagnetic patterns to read the thinking process of whoever picks it up, from there it reads pretty much all it would need to know about your morality, if you would save someone, kill someone, or just leave them to themselves, it also uses the energy in the air otherwise known as 'magic' to recharge and project a shield around whoever wears it" Uzi gave a rather lengthy explanation, happy to explain one of her first of many devices she will make.

Kuma was amazed at how Uzi was able to make this small machine and it had so many abilities to control, scan and so much more. "Let me guess. Uzi's robotic brain helped make this?"

"Yup." Uzi answered as Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie re-entered the room.

Twilight was writing down everything she could. She stayed quiet during Kuma's and Uzi's conversation to write down the interaction along with Hatching Her own theories for the future to work on her own time.

The group sat in a comfortable silence until the train started to come to a stop.

As the train was slowly coming to a stop Twilight was giving Fluttershy and Pinky a light rundown of information about Uzi and Kuma, their situation, and why they are both here.

As the group of ponies, drone and faunus walked to the castle the group got many uncomfortable stares from the ponies of Canterlot.

"Great more ponies looking at us as if we are freaks or monsters." Kuma said hating the looks the ponies of canterlot gave the group but he could tell the looks were directed to himself and Uzi.

"Eh, I'm used to it." Uzi responded not really affected as she just focused on getting to the castle.

"Really? Is that coming from your human life or your robot memories?" Kuma asked, a little bit irked by Uzi's response.

"Both." Uzi simply responded as they got to the gates of the castle and were stopped by the guards.

"Halt! What is your business here today?" The guards demanded to the whole group as they crossed their spears together blocking the entrance.

Twilight stepped forward with a smile holding up the letter. "We are here to meet with princess Celestia. I her; loyal student Twilight sparkle received a letter explaining she needed my assistance with a small problem." Twilight said, showing the royal seal on the letter.

"Very well." The guards relented, uncrossing the spears and letting the group into the castle.

"So, light, do you know where the throne room is?" Uzi asked as she looked around.

"Yes. I have been to the castle many times since I was a filly. I know the castle like the back of my hoof." Twilight said with confidence as she began to lead the group to celestia throne room.

As the group approached the doors to the throne room Uzi stopped them from opening the door, "ok, when we get in there, don't intervene, unless it looks like I am loosing, ok?" Uzi asked as she turned on her shield generator.