• Published 2nd May 2023
  • 492 Views, 21 Comments

A majora mistake - shadowshild612

Zack and his friend Milo were sent into the displaced universe on their fun vacation, now Zack is the Skull kid and sends souls into the afterlife

  • ...

Chapter 4

Zack watched nervously as the entire throne room was filled with ponies, as they bowed to King Cosmosis while some of them looked at Zack with disgust and fear. "Greetings everyone, welcome to day court." Cosmosis said with a smile as he jestired to Zack. "This is Zack, he shall be joining us today."

"H-hello…" Zack said with a smile while a few ponies glared at him.

“My king, what is this…thing?” One of the ponies asked while waving a hoof at Zack.

Zack frowned and looked down sadly as Cosmosis wrapped his wing around him. "He is a friend of my family, and the one who saved Celestia and Luna's lives yesterday."

“I see, then he should be rewarded, your highness.” The noble said.

"I am already planning on it. Now let us begin day court. Who is first?" King Cosmosis asked with a smile.

The first noble walked forward and bowed. “Your highness, I come to request permission to begin cutting down the trees around the castle to make room for expansion.”

Cosmosis rubbed his chin. "Hmm… I suppose we could. The population is slowly becoming larger…"

“Um…m-maybe not a g-good idea.” Zeck muttered softly.

Cosmosis looked at Zack with a raised eyebrow as the noble glared at the boy. "Why not?"

“U-um w-well the f-forest m-might see it as an attack a-and…um…ponies could get hurt.” Zeck said softly and nervously due to all eyes on him.

Cosmosis rubbed his chin some more. "That is true…"

"But your majesty, the town is so small. And what could this creature possibly understand?" The noble asked with a frown.

Zeck shrink in on himself but managed to say. “I…I am a being of nature magic, I can understand h-how the forest will react.”

The ponies eyes widened in shock. "I see… that is quite rare…"

“Hmm, perhaps we can start a settlement just outside the forest?” Cosmosis suggested.

Jack blinked a few times and smiled a little. "That would be a good idea. From what I've heard of stories there's an open field not too far away."

“Hmm, very well we will send an expedition to find the edge of this forest and set up a settlement.” Cosmosis said with a smile and nodded at Zack.

The noble hummed and nodded. "Very well, what shall we do if there's monsters in this field as well?"

“We will just have to head the other way. We do not want to upset the forest and make things worse for us.” Cosmosis said.

"Thank you, sire." The noble nodded a bit and bowed to him before walking away.

A mare that looked like she had dirt in her fur walked up next. “Y-your highness, um…our food supply is running low, we may not have enough to survive the whiter.”

King Cosmosis frowned as he looked at a calendar. "Winter is fast approaching… this is most troubling…"

"Can't you grow more?" Zack asked, blushing in embarrassment as the mare turned to him.

"No, the air is too cold to grow crops in the winter." She said with a frown.

One of the unicorn nobles spoke up. “Maybe this…forest spirit…can do something.”

Zack blushed as all eyes turned to him. "I-i don't know how to use my magic yet… b-but um I have an idea that might help…"

“Which is?” The same noble asked with annoyance in his voice.

Zack kicked his foot a little. "U-um a building made of glass and metal to keep the cold out and the heat from the sun inside. It's called a greenhouse. It lets food and other plants grow in the winter…"

“What a ridiculous idea and waste of resources.” The unicorn said before the earth pony mare spoke up.

“A-actually…something like that could work, why didn’t we think of it?” She said with a smile at Zeck, that is before one of the unicorns muttered something.

“Probably because all of you are too stupid to think of anything but farming.”

Zack frowned and glared at the unicorn a little, as king Cosmosis smiled softly. "Then I'd like Zack to work with the farmers to make this Greenhouse, as soon as possible. You can build it around the farms themselves and I grant all resources and labor needed."

“Th-thank you sir.” Zack said to the king as he bowed his head. “I will do my best to help.”

Cosmosis nodded with a smile as the unicorn Noble frowned a bit and sighed. "But your majesty, we also need to expand the school. That is why I am here. Where Will we expand it and will there be enough resources now?"

“Hmm, that is a tough choice but I believe food is more important at this moment.” Cosmosis said while looking at some scrolls.

The unicorn sighed and nodded. "Yes your majesty…" he said walking away while mumbling. "Damn dirty earth ponies and freak of nature."

Zeck frowned a bit but decided not to make a scene.
"Someone should teach him some manners, maybe a prank or two would do him right." Majora said in Zack's head.

Zach subconsciously nodded to the suggestion. "Zack are you alright son?" Cosmosis asked with a frown.

“H-huh?” He looked over at the King. “d-did I say something?”

"No but you were just staring at nothing and nodding." Cosmosis said with a frown.

“O-oh um…I was thinking about something.” He lied and looked down.

Cosmosis nodded a bit. "Very well, you may stay or go to help construct this 'greenhouse'. It is up to you."

“Am…am I needed here?” Zack asked softly.

"I have been doing this for a long time. You may stay if you wish." Cosmosis said with a smile.

“I should probably help with the greenhouse though…” Zack said with a sigh.

Cosmosis smiled softly and rubbed Zack's back. "Then you should do that. It is all up to you. I don't want you overdoing everything ok?"

“O-ok.” Zack got up and started to leave. “Thank you sir.”

Cosmosis smiled at Zack. "Take care, and be careful. Luna will be very upset if something happens to you."

Zack blushed a little. “R-right.”

The nobles scrunch their noses up at that as Zack left with the farmer mare. “Ah am sorry bout them, most of them horn heads are a stuck up bunch.” The mare said to him.

"It's alright, my name is Zack. What's yours?" He asked her with a smile.

“My name is Apple Pie.” She said with a smile and shook his hand.

Zack laughed softly and shook her hoof. "My favorite flavor of pie, I get the feeling we'll be good friends."

Apple Pie blushed lightly. “My good sir, I will have you know I don’t feel that way about you.”

Zack blushed and shook his head. "Not like that! Back home Pie is a type of food… you're making fun of me aren't you?"

She was covering her mouth with a hoof as she giggled. “Yes, I am sorry.”

Zack rolled his eyes with a chuckle. "Very funny."

“I am sorry, you just walked right into it.” She said with a smile. “But yes, I would like to be friends.”

Zack smiled as they approached a large farm. "Whoa, this will require a large greenhouse…"

“Can it be done?” Apple Pie asked, worried they won’t be able to finish it.

"I mean, it should be able to be. It'll just be bigger than I thought." Zack said, looking around.

“Ok, what do we do first?” She asked him as other earth ponies start walking over to them.

Zack looked around a bit. "Um, we'll need to make a layout for the building itself. They'll have to be paths for ponies to walk, and a sort of sprinkler system on the ceiling to simulate rain."

“We can ask the pegasi to make small rain clouds for that.” She said as she and the other earth ponies started to draw in the dirt.

Zack nodded a bit. "There's also the challenge of keeping the plants warm at night."

“Maybe some fires around the outside of it?” A stallion suggested.

"Around the outside of the building or the crops?" Zack asked, rubbing his head. "If it's outside the building they'd have to be constantly watched not to go out and really big to heat up everything inside enough so the cold wouldn't kill them. And outside the crops the fire could spread."

“Hmm, what if we have one of the horn heads use their magic to keep the hot air inside the building?” One of the other earth ponies suggested.

"The unicorns? That can work." Zack said with a nod.

“Hmm this will take a lot of glass, how are we gonna get it?” A mare asked.

"King Cosmosis said we'd have access to all the materials we'd need." Zack said, rubbing his arm.

“Well that is good.” The mare said as she frowned at the blueprint in the dirt. “Then let’s get to work.”

"It will take a while." Zack said with a small sigh, as they all began digging in the dirt to make the outline for the greenhouse. "At least a few days… plus the replanting since seeds will probably get messed up during the building process."

“We are used to working hard.” A pony said as they worked.

"I can tell, it's quite a feat. Where I'm from creatures despise hard work." Zack said, kneeling down and touching a plant gently.

“They sound like lazy horn heads.” A stallion said as he walked past Zack.

Zack chuckled softly as his hand began to glow a light green, bringing the plant to life a little. "They are lazy, yeah…"

“Do you think one of them will claim this was their idea?” Another pony asked their friends.

"The unicorns? Kinda hard since I literally spoke up about this idea in front of the royal court." Zack said, as he grabbed a stick to help draw the outline of the greenhouse.

“Won’t stop them.” A mare said.

“Yeah, one of us had this idea for using candles to light the castle at night, even told the king. But the horn heads talked among themselves and one claimed to come up with the idea and it spread till everypony believed they made it.” A stallion said with a frown.

"That's dumb." Zack said as he looked at the outline for the greenhouse. "But I don't really care who takes credit for it. As long as everyone gets the food they need… but if I were you I'd upcharge that pony that stole your idea until they come clean. All fair after all."

“We can’t, the unicorns would all turn on us.” The stallion said as he dug a spot for a post.

Zack raised an eyebrow. "And you control the food, they don't like it too bad. Without you guys there's no food, if they want it they gotta pay. It's simple."

"Huh… you have a point." A mare said as she dug another hole.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying go overboard. But you need to stand up for yourselves." Zack said, digging a third hole as a guard walked up.

“He is right, with the new royal family controlling the day and night we don’t have to worry about the unicorns retaliating by taking away the sun.” A stallion said with a smile.

"But again, don't go overboard." Zack said with a smile. "After all, children shouldn't be punished for the sins of their parents."

“Tell that to the horn heads and feathered freaks.” A stallion said with a frown.

Zack sighed and frowned at them. "Things won't change unless you make them, and the best way is through kindness…"

“Maybe…that is what Smart Cookie would want.” A mare said with a smile.

"Smart cookie?" Zack asked with a tilt of his head, as he gave the guard a piece of paper before he trotted off. "Wasn't she the first earth pony to befriend a unicorn and pegasus?"

“Yep, even though they were trapped in a cave as it was being frozen over they became friends.” The same mare said.

Zack nodded a bit. "Sorry but, how long ago was that?"

"Um about… fifty winters ago?" The mare said.

“Yeah, it was around that long ago. Thankfully the winters are getting lighter nowadays.” A stallion said.

"Huh, well that's good I suppose." Zack said as he sat down. "I just sent a list of material with that guard, so we just have to wait for him to get back I guess."

“What do you mean wait? We still have a lot of work to do.” Apple Pie said as she walked over to some plants and blew some frost off them.

"I mean sit and wait. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy working hard. But there has to be a balance. And you're just making more work for yourselves by removing the frost right now." Zack said, confusing Apple Pie.

"How so?" She asked.

"Well once the greenhouse is built and ready to go, firstly most of the crops will have to be replanted anyway, so by letting these ones die they become fertilizer for the new ones helping them grow faster. Secondly, whatever one's do survive will need water, and once the heat in the greenhouse goes up the frost can melt and keep them hydrated enough until the pegassi can make small clouds for rain." Zack explained with a smile.

Apple Pie frowned and looked at the ground in thought. “Hmm…I hadn't thought of that before.”

Zack smiled a bit as a filly unicorn started walking past. "Well to be fair no one thought of a greenhouse to grow more food in the winter before either."

"That is true." A stallion said, as the filly listened to them. "Which is strange with how little food we all have, but we thank you for the contribution. We can give you a portion of the profit we'll get for selling the food."

“O-oh um…I don’t know if I need any money from you guys.” Zack said while rubbing his arm nervously.

"You deserve it, it was your idea after all. Unless you have another source of income?" The stallion said with a smile.

“Well…no.” Zack said and looked down a bit. “But…I would feel bad taking money from you guys.”

"Don't. Think of it as a business deal, you seem to know a lot about plants and have good ideas. We can work together to make enough food for everyone." The stallion said with a smile, offering his hoof to Zack. "My name's National Holiday."

“Zack, um…forest spirit I guess.” He said as he shook National Holiday’s hoof.

"Pleasure to meet you." He said with a smile. "I was wondering if you had any other ideas for helping plants grow better?"

Zack smiled softly. "Well… I used to study herbology, and other sciences back home. So I can probably come up with something…"

“Wonderful! Please share what you know.” He said with a smile.

Zack smiled softly as the guard arrived with all the supplies he had requested, taking up almost the entire farm. "Yup… this will take a while."

“That's ok, we will do it together, the earth pony way.” Apple Pie said with a grin.

Zack raised an eyebrow as a group of earth ponies started playing some instruments, while more earth ponies arrived. "Build this farm, build this farm! One two three four!" Apple pie started to sing, making Zack smile widely.

"Oh this'll be fun!" He said as the group got to work fast and efficiently. With the help of all the earth ponies and Zack the frame of the greenhouse was constructed within a few hours, the metal beams completely wrapped around and set up surrounding the farm. As the sun began to set, a howling noise from outside of the town distracted one of the earth ponies causing him to bump into a beam that wasn't hooked down.

The large metallic beam fell fast towards an earth pony filly, making her scream in fear as she closed her eyes ready for the end. "No!" Zack's voice echoed through the area as all the dying plants and food instantly sprouted to life, growing incredibly tall around the filly and blocking the beam from hitting her while vines attached down and picked up the fallen beam. The ponies looked to Zack who's eyes were glowing golden as a mask slowly formed around his face, his hands outstretched as the plants moved and protected the filly.

“Z-Zack, a-are ya ok?” Apple Pie asked as she slowly stepped closer to him.

"Get the filly." Zack said through the mask, his arms beginning to drop as the plants shook.

“I got her!” A mare said as she picked up the filly and ran away from the steel beam.

Zack grunted as the vines lifted the beam higher up, slowly setting it in place before he collapsed to his knees. "T-that was hard…"

“Hey you don’t have to push yourself, relax we got this now.” Apple Pie said as she rubbed his back.

Zack nodded a bit, smiling softly as the mask vanished. "Sorry. I don't like seeing kids in danger."

Apple pie smiled as the filly quickly came over and hugged Zack. "I think she appreciated it as well."

“Thank you mister!” The filly said as she was being hugged by her mother and father.

"Thank you so much for saving our little Spring Drop." The mother said with a smile, hugging Zack with tears running down her face. Her pink mane and yellow coat being all Zack could see.

"Y-you're welcome." Zack said with a smile.

“You are one amazing young colt.” The father said with a big smile as he held his daughter.

Zack smiled softly as he rubbed the back of his head. "I just… I don't really know what I did… I just did it?"

“You saved our daughter, that's what you did.” The mother said as she hugged him again.

Zack blushed a bit as Apple pie smiled. "The king said he also saved the princesses. He's a real hero."

All the ponies start talking about Zack’s heroics. Zack's face turned completely red as he rubbed the back of his neck. "I-it's not that impressive…"

“Zack, not only did you save a princess but an innocent filly too. You have the heart of a hero.” Apple Pie said before she let out a giggle. “Just don’t go getting a big head and float away.”

Zack blushed a bit, as he suddenly started floating. "Whoa!"

“Huh?” The ponies watch him float as some call him an alicorn, others wondering if he is even mortal.

"A little help?" He asked as he shakily tried to get his feet back on the ground.

“You can fly too?” Apple Pie asked as she looked up at him.

"Well um… after you made the comment about floating it popped into my head…." Zack said, rubbing his chin. "And technically Gravity is a part of nature so I suppose my magic is able to manipulate it… on a small scale anyway."

“That is…amazing. You are just full of surprises.” She said before she used some rope another pony handed her to toss up to Zack. “Grab on.”

Zack grabbed the rope as he was pulled down to the ground. "Thank you… I'm gonna have to train with these powers… I don't want to hurt anyone."

“Probably a good idea. Need any help?” She asked with a smile.

Zack smiled softly at her. "I'd appreciate it, I'm not sure what I can fully do though… nature is massive and a lot of things fall under that category."

“I see, well earth ponies have always held a strong connection to nature. Maybe we can help in some way.” She said as she looked at the others who nodded their heads.

Zack smiled and nodded softly as they continued to build the greenhouse. "That would be helpful… I wonder if the pegasi can teach me how to control clouds… that'd be neat."

“I have a friend that may help. Her name is Shy Cloud.” A mare said with a smile. “She is a sweet mare.”

Zack smiled a bit. "Thank you… you're all really nice."

“Of course we are, you are a good colt and a hero.” Apple Pie said with a smile.

Zack blushed again and looked away bashfully. "The building is almost complete." A Stallion said with a smile.

“See, when we work together anything can be done.” Apple Pie said to the ponies who cheered.

Zack smiled softly as he looked at the glass building. "I'm glad all those years in school weren't for nothing."

“Do you want to join us for lunch?” Apple Pie asked him as the earth ponies started heading inside.

"Oh um, I don't think that would be a good idea. I um… I have to eat meat. So I'll probably just hang out here."

“Oh…well, if you want to.” She said as she frowned sadly before she began walking inside.

Zack frowned a bit at her sad look before he sighed. "Oh fine, as long as there's pie."

“Of course there will be pie, I am going to be there.” Apple Pie said with a laugh.

Zack laughed a bit as he went inside with the family, as a unicorn walked up to the greenhouse with an angry glare. One of them looked at the others and nodded, before all their horns lit with magic.

Apple Pie looked over at Zack. “So tell us about yerself if ya don’t mind.”

Zack smiled softly as he sat down at the dining room table. "Well… I didn't always look like this and I wasn't always a kid…"

“What do ya mean?” Apple Pie asked as she sat across from him.

Zack looked down. "I'm what's called a displaced. I was a human that got an item and sent to this Equestria…"

“Oh, well ah don’t know what much of that means but ah am sure you will like it here.” She said with a gentle smile.

Zack smiled softly at her. "Thank you."

“Yer welcome Zack, what would ya like to eat?” Apple Pie asked.

"Pie, any kind." Zack said with a smile.

“Sure.” Apple Pie got up to go get some pie.

Zack smiled softly as he looked over at the filly he had saved and her family, smiling softly at them noticing the filly had a red mane and yellow coat reminding him of a filly from the TV show.

"I wonder if I'll live forever… maybe I could meet them…" he thought to himself, as Apple pie came back.

“Here ya go, a nice hot apple pie from Apple Pie.” She said with a giggle.

"Huh? Oh thank you." Zack said with a soft smile.

She smiled and sat down as she started to eat a salad. “It was no problem. You helped us so much already.”

Zack smiled a bit as he ate some of his pie. "Holy crap, this is the best pie I've ever had! And I thought my mom's pie was good!"

Apple Pie smirked. “Thank you, I made that pie myself.”

"I want the recipe." He said with a smile as he ate another bite.

“Sorry, family recipe. The only way you are getting it is if ya marry me.” Apple Pie said with a smirk.

Zack blushed and started coughing, holding his neck as he choked. “Oh dear, are you alright?” She asked.

"Y-yeah, wasn't expecting that response." Zack said coughing more.

“Sorry, I was just teasing you.” She said softly as she reached over to pat his back.

"I know but it just came out of nowhere." He said, shaking his head as the earth ponies laughed.

“Sorry, you just walked right into it.” She said with a smile.

Zack nodded with a smirk. "I guess I did."

The group laughed and chatted for a while, before they all heard loud crashing sounds from outside followed by the ground shaking violently. “What was that!?” Apple Pie shouted as she got up.

Zack looked out the window, his eyes widening in shock. "The greenhouse!"

“What happened to it?” An earth pony stallion shouted as he looked out the same window.

Zack rushed outside along with the earth ponies, noticing the unicorn from the courtroom watching them from afar with a smirk on his face. "He did it, he should pay." Majora's voice said in Zack's head.

“No, please don’t say all that work was for nothing.” A pony said as they saw the destroyed greenhouse.

Zack's eyes glowed angrily as the unicorns walked up with the king. "See your majesty, this building was not stable and collapsed. What if somepony got hurt?"

“It was standing just fine before we went inside for lunch!” Zack shouted.

The unicorn shook his head with a frown. "There are traces of magic around…" The king said as his horn glowed.

“So someone with magic knocked it over!” Zack said while glaring at the unicorn, plants start to grow around his feet.

The unicorn scoffed. "I saw how you used magic, maybe you did it because it isn't 'natural.'"

“Why would I destroy it when I was the one that suggested it?” Zack asked, sounding offended.

"How would I know what goes on in a freak's mind?" The unicorn said with a scoff.

Zack growled a bit and clenched his fists. “Hey, you can mess with me all you want but these ponies worked hard on that greenhouse and you or someone under you destroyed it for no good reason!” The plants start to grow faster. “I don’t care if you come after me, but leave everyone else out of it!”

Cosmosis raised an eyebrow at Zack as the plants began to wrap around the prices of the greenhouse as well, as the unicorn backed away. "These dirty filthy earth ponies can simply rebuild it, but they'd best hurry. Food is running scarce."

“It was already made and finished then your people messed it up so if we run out of food it is your fault!” Zack yelled as he tried to step closer but the plants around his legs stopped him from moving.

The unicorn scoffed again as Cosmosis stepped between the two. "That is true, however we need to get this building up again quickly."

Zack looked up at Cosmosis and his eyes slowly stopped glowing. “Can we have some guards?”

"Of course, I was already planning on that." Cosmosis said with a gentle smile. "And these unicorns will help too. To make up for what they did."

“What!? We are the upper class, your highness, we don’t play in the dirt.” The unicorn said as if the idea was ridiculous.

Cosmosis looked at the unicorn, his glare stern and serious. "If you wish to eat you will help, otherwise you shall receive no food. I do not tolerate traitors."

The unicorn’s eyes widened in shock. “Traitors!?”

"You sabotaged this building did you not?" The king asked, gesturing to the crumbled building. "The one that is meant to grow more food for the kingdom, and because of you it will take longer to grow now. Thus, making you traitors."

The unicorn glared at Zack and the earth ponies, mentally blaming them. Zack glared back at him, snarling a little as his eyes turned yellow again. "You're lucky King Cosmosis is so forgiving…"

The unicorn snorted as he walked inside. “I shall have my guards do the work.”

"Ah don't think so." Apple pie said, grabbing the unicorn by his tail and yanking him outside. "Firstly, the king told YOU to help. Secondly this Is mah, house. Ya ain't allowed inside, try that again and I'll have ya arrested fer trespassing!"

“Unhoof me you filthy mud pony!” The unicorn shouted as he yanked his tail away from her.

Zack growled as Apple pie glared at him. "Then stay out of mah house ya stuck up git!"

“Gladly.” He said and turned ro leave the area.

"I told you to help rebuild." Cosmosis said with a frown. "Where do you think you're going?"

“To get my ponies, I will not play around in the dirt like a commoner.” He said with a huff.

"Very well." Cosmosis said turning to the earth ponies. "When he comes for food, charge him triple."

“Thank you for your permission, your highness.” Apple Pie said with a smile.

"What!?" The unicorn yelled in shock. "You can't do that to me! I'm an elite!"

“Not anymore. You are a clear traitor, you are lucky I am not kicking you out of the kingdom.” Cosmosis said with a frown.

The unicorn's mouth dropped in shock as Zack smirked. "Justification!" Apple Pie laughed as she smirked at the unicorn as well.

The unicorn growled softly as he stormed off, as the earth ponies started to repair the greenhouse. "I am sorry for the trouble he's caused." Cosmosis said, hanging his head.

“You aren't responsible for his actions.” Zack said before he looked down when he couldn’t move. “Huh? I’m stuck.”

"It happened when you were talking with the unicorn." Apple pie said, trying to help him get free.

“Y-you mean I did this?” Zack asked, a bit scared of his own power.

"Yes, but all it is doing is keeping you in place." Apple pie said, pulling the vines off Zack's legs.

“I guess so b-but it is still scary that my magic can act on its own.” Zack said softly.

"All magic is like that at first." Cosmosis said with a smile. "You'll learn to control it soon."

“I hope so, I don’t want to accidentally hurt someone.” Zack said as he looked at the ground.

Apple pie smiled softly and patted his back. "Zack, you've saved three fillies' lives. You're a hero, don't look down on yourself."

“Maybe…” Zack said while thinking to himself. ‘Or maybe I am a monster.’

"Three fillies lives? You saved somepony else?" Cosmosis asked Zack with a smile.

“He sure did, a young earth pony filly that was about to be crushed by a falling beam.” Apple Pie answered.

Zack blushed as he looked down, just as the filly he had saved hugged his leg again. "Huh?"

"She's afraid after everything that's happened. She feels safe around you." The fillies mom said with a smile.

Zack blushed lightly as he gently patted the fillies head. “There there.”

The filly shook a little as Cosmosis smiled softly. "How about I help personally to rebuild. You rest and… calm down ok?"

“But you have to be really busy.” Zack said, worried he would be upsetting the king.

Cosmosis smiled softly and rubbed Zack's head. "It is alright, most of my major duties are finished for the day."

“Well…ok if you aren’t busy.” Zack said before he looked at the destroyed greenhouse.

Apple pie sighed softly and looked back at the greenhouse. “Ah think ya should charge that horn head for the damages… after all this was all royal property."

"Not a bad idea. However since it was on your property that means it belongs to you." Cosmosis said with a smile.

“We should hurry before the sun sets on us.” Zack said with a sigh.

Cosmosis horn began to glow in a red and yellow hue, almost like a sun rising or setting as the metal beams slowly began to lift off the ground.

“Boy howdy, magic sure can be useful when not welded by a crazy pony.” Apple Pie said as she stood next to Zack.

Zack frowned softly as the filly looked up at him. "Are you ok mister Zack?"

“H-huh?” He looked down at her. “Oh yeah I am ok, just…deep in thought.”

The filly smiled as Cosmosis moved most of the beams out of the way. "Alright ponies, let's get to work!" National Holiday said, as the earth ponies began building the greenhouse again.

Zack sighed and tried to help the best he could with a filly holding onto his leg. The filly giggled as Zack walked around, lifting her up as he did. "This is fun!"

“Just don’t fall off and get hurt.” Zack told her as he worked.

The filly nodded as she held on tighter, before looking up at Zack. "Can't you use your magic to help like the king? Like you did when you saved me?"

“I…don’t know how to control it.” Zack said softly.

The filly got off of Zack's food and ran infront of him, sitting on her haunches as she smiled at him. "Maybe you just need to concentrate really hard!" She said, putting her front hooves to her forehead and scrunching up her nose with her tongue out to the side.

Zack chuckled and shook his head. “I don’t think magic works like that.”

"You could still try!" She said with a wide smile that made Zack's heart skip a beat from cuteness.

Zack chuckled and put a hand to his chest. “Ok ok, just stop with the cuteness.”

The filly giggled and shook her head. "I can't! My daddy says I'm a constant bundle of cuteness!"

Zack chuckled and put a hand to his head. “Ok, I will try, just try not to give me a heart attack from cute overload.”

"Ok!" She said with a smile as her father walked past rubbing her head.

"Don't bother him too much Sweetie pie." He said, walking past.

Zack closed his eyes and focused on what he felt, trying to make anything happen. "Funnily enough you're trying too hard. You have nature magic, let it flow naturally." Majora's voice said, worrying Zack.

Zack frowned, not trusting the voice or wanting to hear it, but subconsciously he relaxes a bit and lets the magic flow. Zack's hand glowed a bright green Color before all the vines and grass grew rapidly, wrapping around the metal beams and lifting them into place slowly. "You did it!" Sweetie pie said with a smile.

Zack smiled and opened his eyes to see.

"Well done." Cosmosis said, wrapping a wing around Zack as the vines slowly put the glass in place.



"First saving a kid, now this? He really is a good colt."

Zack heard multiple ponies whispering amongst themselves happily. “Thank you, but I didn’t do much.”

Apple pie sighed and smiled a bit. "You need to stop being so hard on yourself."

“I’m not being hard on myself, I am just trying not to brag.” Zack said as he rubbed his arm.

Apple pie smiled and nodded. "Yer a good colt. Yer welcome here anytime."

Zack blushed and looked at the ground shyly. “Thanks…wish I knew what happened to my friend though.”

"I'm sure you'll find him eventually." Cosmosis said, rubbing Zack's back.

“Yeah somehow.” Zack said before he looked up. “So, what next?”

Cosmosis smiled a bit. "Luna was asking about you, maybe should go see her."

Zack smiled a little. “If that's ok, I could help more here if I am needed.”

"You've done enough, you need some rest." Apple pie said with a smile and a giggle. "Go play with your filly friend."

Zack blushed a bit. “She is just a friend.”

Cosmosis grinned to one side before nodding with a stern look. "She'd better be."

Zack gulped and nodded quickly before running away.

Cosmosis blinked a bit. "I was joking…"

Apple Pie giggled. “Your highness, you can be very intimidating when looking like an angry father.”

"I suppose so… I should go find him." Cosmosis chuckled softly as he nodded, before walking off to find Zack. "Zack?" He called out.

"I-i'm sorry…" Zack's voice whimpered out from nearby.

Cosmosis sighed softly. “No, I am sorry. I only meant to tease you.”

"B-but you seemed so mad…" Zack whimpered fearfully. "I-i don't want to make you angry after everything you've done for me."

“I am not mad, I was only teasing you because I know my daughter likes you.”

"W-what!?" Zack asked in shock. "B-but we just met!"

He chuckled and nodded. “Yes, but I am sure it is just a foalhood crush.”

Zack blushed red as he stepped out of a bush. "B-but still… isn't it weird?"

“You must not have been around fillies your age.” He said with a chuckle.

"I-i um…" He said looking down. "N-not really…"

“It is ok, just be yourself. I may tease you from time to time but I know you wouldn’t hurt my Luna.”

Zack blushed and nodded a bit. “Now, go have fun son.” Zack smiled a bit and nodded, before running off to find Luna making Cosmosis smile. "She's in the library!" He called out to Zack.

“Ok, thank you!” Zack called out before he ran to the library.

Luna smiled and hummed to herself as she read one of her favorite books, looking up at the darkening sky. "I wonder where Zack has been all day…"

“Hey Luna!” Zack said from behind her.

"Eep!" Luna yelled as she jumped, turning around and pouting at Zack. "That tis not funny! Where have you been?!"

“I was busy helping some ponies make a greenhouse.” Zack told her while trying to hold back his chuckles.

"Thy painted a house green? What for?" Luna asked tilting her head.

Zack chuckled and shook his head. “No, a greenhouse is a glass building that helps plants grow in colder environments.”

"Truly? That is a wondrous invention! It will help keep us fed during the winter!" Luna said with a wide smile.

“Well yes and no, it will help but even with a greenhouse it could get too cold in winter to grow food.” Zack said while rubbing the back of his head.

"Zack, our kingdom has been going through food shortages every winter for the last three years. Every little bit helps!" Luna said with a wide smile.

Zack blushed a bit. “I am sure someone would have come up with the idea.”

"Maybe, but you are the one that did." Luna said with a smile, nuzzling his hand. "And we are grateful."

“Y-your welcome.” He said with a blush on his cheeks. “Wh-what were you doing before I showed up?”

"Ready our favorite book. Would thou care to join us?" Luna asked with a happy smile.

“Sure.” Zack said as he sat down next to her.

Luna blushed softly at how close Zack was, before the two began reading together, eventually falling asleep leaning on each other. Celestia frowned when she came into the library to get Luna for dinner, shaking her head gently at the two before she went to the dining room. "Celestia, where is your sister?" Costellia asked.

“She is in the library with…him.” She said with a frown.

"Who?" Costellia asked before nodding with an understanding look. "Oh Zack, I do not understand why you don't trust him."

“He just feels wrong, mother.” Celestia said with a sigh.

Costellia sighed softly and nuzzled her daughter. "That is because of his curse. But Zack is a very nice young colt Tia. He even saved another filly today."

“Did he?” Celestia asked with a soft frown.

"Indeed, according to the earth ponies. One of the seal beams they used to construct the new greenhouse fell and his magic instinctively activated to protect the filly." Costellia said with a small smile.

“So he has magic.” Celestia said while looking at the table.

"Indeed, but Clover the Clever discovered that while Zack was in the medical wing." Costellia said. "He has nature magic."

“Nature magic?” Celestia asked, raising an eyebrow.

"His magic is connected to all of nature." Cosmosis said, walking in with a smile. "It's one of the rarest and most powerful magics ever seen."

Celestia hummed and looked at her father. “I see, is he powerful?”

"Well… he's still new to magic and can barely use it." Cosmosis said with a sigh. "But he did use it to save a filly and help to rebuild the greenhouse after some unicorns destroyed it."

“I see…” Celestia frowned more as she thought about it.

"Are you ok Tia?" Costellia asked with a raised eyebrow.

“I am worried he is trying to trick us.” She said before looking up at her parents. “What if everything he has said so far is a lie?”

Cosmosis and Costellia looked at each other before looking at her. "We can only give him our trust. And so far he's repaid that trust in full."

“I guess.” Celestia said as she looked down.

Cosmosis rubbed her head gently. "Why don't you try to get to know him?"

“Ok, I guess I should.” She said softly.

Costellia nuzzled her cheek gently as she smiled. "What were Luna and Zack doing?"

“Sleeping in the library.” Celestia said while she nuzzled back.

Cosmosis smirked a bit. "How sweet. The two must have fallen asleep while reading."

“It seemed so.” Celestia said before she looked back to the library. “Do you think somepony should wake them?”

"I will, you eat dinner." Costellia said, smiling softly as she walked into the library.

“Ok mother.” Celestia said as she started to eat.

Costellia smiled softly as she walked into the library, giggling to herself as she watched Zack and Luna leaning on each other. "Oh how precious." She said, nuzzling the two awake.

“Huh, is it nightfall?” Luna asked sleepily before she nuzzled Zack more.

Zack grumbled a bit as he rolled over, wrapping his arm around Luna as Costellia giggled. "It's dinner time dear."

Luna yawned and slowly started to open her eyes. Zack opened his eyes as well with a yawn the two blushing at how close they were to each other before quickly separating. Costellia with a smirk. “I think I hear wedding bells, or were those dinner bells?” She asked teasingly.

Zack and Luna blushed redder as Luna rushed away to the dining room. "Mother!" She said mortified as Zack rubbed his arm.

Costellia giggled and rubbed Zack’s back. “Don’t keep your filly friend waiting dear.”

Zack blushed redder. "S-she isn't my filly friend… a-and how are you so calm about her liking me? I told you before I was almost thirty years old didn't I? For my species that's way past the age of being an adult."

“Well…that is true but you are a child now, and your body is affecting your mind, unless adults from where you are from act so childishly shy?” Costellia said after tapping her chin.

"I've always been shy… I'm not good with these kinds of things and I don't want to upset anyone…" Zack said, hanging his head. "And well… I-i um… no girl has ever shown interest in me before…"

“Well it is a shame, you seem like a nice young stallion. And I would be proud to have you as a son in law, just don’t rush things.” Costellia said with a smile and wing hug.

Zack blushed redder as he stuttered. "W-what? I-i.. uh wha?"

She smiled and rubbed his head. “Just be yourself and let things happen, follow your heart.”

Zack blushed redder yet somehow and nodded a bit. “Now, let’s go join the others for dinner.”

"Ok." Zack said as the two walked back into the dining room, where their dinner was already waiting, including a burger for Zack.

Luna and Zack avoided eye contact with each other as everyone ate, leaving an awkward silence to be broken by Celestia. "Um… Zack was it? Thou said that thy is not from here. Can thou tell us from where you hail?"

“Oh um, sure. I come from a place called California, it is a nice place if not a bit crowded at times.” He said as he looked up from his food.

"So there are a lot of your kind?" Celestia asked, still eating her food.

“In just the state or world wide?” Zack asked before taking a bite.

Celestia paused a bit before tapping her chin. "I would believe it is impossible to know the world wide amount… wouldn't it?"

“Somewhere close to eight billion, give or take.” Zack said nonchalantly.

"Eight billion!?" Celestia asked in shock. "Does your species rule the world? Are there no other races at all!?"

“Kinda? I mean there are animals but we are the only sentient species. There are a few that are close but not quite there.” Zack said as he looked at her.

Celestia shook her head in shock. "How is that possible? Here there's multiple sentient species."

Zack shrugged and looked up at the ceiling. “Who can say, we have stories of other creatures but there's no physical evidence that they ever existed, just stories. We have also explored most of the planet's surface but not the oceans, the oceans are still a mystery to us.”

"Interesting. How have you explored most of the land?" Celestia asked as the two chatted, Cosmosis whispered to his wife.

"Seems he's piqued her interest." He said, causing Luna to pause and look at Zack and Celestia.

“The old fashioned way, slowly expanding territories till our people were all across the planet. True there are many different environments and some places we can't survive due to extreme temperature shifts but we are able to survive in just about any location so long as it's not too extreme.” Zack explained to her then he smiled. “We even started to explore our moon and neighboring planets.”

"Truly!?" Celestia asked with her eyes wide. "Yet you didn't explore the sea?"

“Well we have only sent unmanned probes…um…simple golems I guess, to our neighboring planets while our own seas are so deep that the pressure crushes anything that we send down there.” Zack explained.

Luna watched Zack with a small smile as Celestia shook her head in shock. "How does thou know all this?"

“Well we have devices called televisions or TVs for short that would broadcast images and sounds to our homes and we get to choose what we watch. One of my favorite channels was called the history channel. It would go over the history of many different things. I love the segment called how it's made where it explains how certain things were made.” Zack said before he blushed at their stares. “sorry.”

"Don't be, Celestia is the same way. Always reading and learning new things." Costellia said with a giggle.

Zack smiled a bit. “Really? Maybe we can be friends after all.”

Celestia blushed a bit and looked away. "Possibly…"

“Want to know something strange?” Zack asked them all.

"Of course." Cosmosis said with a smile.

“In my universe the planet orbits the sun, and the moon orbits the planet.” Zack told them.

"Truely?" Costellia asked in surprise. "That is strange."

“It is all controlled by gravity.” Zack explained.

Celestia taped her chin. "Interesting…"

“Yeah, of course that means earth’s sun is around one hundred and nine times as big as earth.” Zack said with a smile.

"Incredible!" Celestia said with a grin. "What else can you tell us?" She asked as Luna frowned a bit more.

“Well…earth’s moon as a name though everyone calls it the moon her name is Luna.” Zack said with a small smile.

Luna's eyes widened as she blushed red, making Cosmosis and Costellia smile. "How cute!"

“I wasn’t alive when we first sent a man to the moon but it was broadcasted worldwide, and from what I saw and read it was pretty amazing.” Zack said before he looked down. “I wonder if I will live long enough to see ponies make it to their moon.”

Luna smiled softly, looking down. "W-we hope you do as well. If that day ever comes it would be monumental…"

“I bet.” Zack said with a smile. “I wonder if stars here are the same as in my world, each star being a son billions of miles away.”

Costellia smiled softly and shook her head. "Not at all, here I use my magic to create and shape the stars. And one day Luna will as well."

“Oh I see, so…does that mean this is the only planet in this universe?” Zack asked with a tilted head.

"What tis the universe?" Celestia asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Oh I guess you wouldn’t know that word.” Zack tapped his chin before he got an idea and focused. “Light is a part of nature right? So I should be able to cast illusions.” He said as he tried to make an illusion of the milky Way galaxy.

"Don't overdo it. Thou are still new to magic." Luna said with a frown, but her eyes turned to astonishment as Zack created the illusion. "Whoa…"

Zack opened his eyes as there was a massive image of a galaxy over the table. “Th-this is the Milky Way galaxy, home to earth. Each of those lights is a star, and each star is a sun. The universe has an unknown number of galaxies. Some theories say that the universe is infinite, unending.”

Luna and Celestia's eyes sparkles in awe, watching the illusion as Cosmosis rubbed his chin. "Hmm, I wonder if we're possibly in a section of the universe so far away we don't see the other stars."

“That is possible.” Zack said before he waved his arms apart making the illusion zoom in on one of the arms of the galaxy until it stopped at a solar system of nine planets and a yellow star. “This is my home.”

"It… it is beautiful…" Luna said with a smile pointing to a planet that was third from the star and covered in Blue and greenery. "That is the prettiest."

“That is earth, sadly the only planet that has life. At last as far as we know.” Zack made the image zoom in closer to show all of earth on the dark side it lit up with lights.

Luna smiled wider as she leaned on Zack without thinking. "Your world is beautiful…"

“Th-thanks, but it just looks beautiful from up here.” The image started to fade.

"What do you mean?" Celestia asked him, as she looked at Luna who was still leaning on Zack.

Zack let out a sign and shook his head. “Humans are slowly destroying the planet through pollution, deforestation, and colonization. We have been expanding our cities so far that we are pushing animals further and further out of their natural habitats.”

Luna frowns and moves away from Zack. "That is sad to hear…"

“Yeah…” Zack looked down in shame.

Luna frowned but smiled and hugged Zack. "That's ok, we are happy you are our first example of a 'hooman'"

Zack started to chuckle before he began laughing. “I…It is human not hooman, and technically my body is that of a skull kid.”

Luna blushed and looked away rubbing her forehoof. "W-we are sorry, and thy body may be different. But thy mind is the same."

“Well that is true, but trust me you don’t want humanity on your world, a small group is fine but get enough of them together and they try to take over.” Zack said while shaking his head.

Luna frowned a bit and looked down at the ground. "D-do you think humans will come to look for you?"

Zack shook his head. “No, I don’t. Even if I was important enough to look for, we don't have the technology to travel between universes, and before you said we don't have any magic either.”

Luna blushed softly and smiled a little. "So… thou are here to stay?"

“Yeah, it seems so, even if I could return…” He looked at his hands. “I would be locked up and experimented on.”

"We understand." Costellia said with a soft smile. "Now we should finish eating."

“Oh right.” Zack said as he looked back at his food.

Celestia smirked a bit as she ate her food. "I would like to learn more about thy world, if tho would let me once we are finished."

“Sure, just ask, I have a lot of random knowledge about my world.” Zack said before he continued eating.

Celestia clopped her hooves together excitedly, reminding Zack of Twilight from the show. "I can't wait!"

Luna pouted a bit but looked at Zack with puppy eyes. "Can we join the two of you?"

Zack chuckled with a smile. “Who said you couldn’t? You are free to join us at any time.”

Luna giggled and smiled widely, while Cosmosis and Costellia smiled at each other. "Ah young love."

The two kids blushed and looked at the adults. “We aren’t in love.” They said at the same time making them look at each other while Celestia rolled her eyes.

"Sure you're not." Celestia said with a slight smile. "We should separate them when the heat season begins."

Luna blushed bright red. “We can control ourselves!”

“Heat season?” Zack asked, confused.

Celestia giggled a bit as Cosmosis and Costellia smirked. "It's when ponies enter a heat to reproduce." The king said, making Zack blush red.

“O-oh um…h-humans don’t have that.” Zack said before he shyly looked at the table.

"T-truly?" Luna asked with a red face. "T-Thou are lucky."

“Yeah I guess so.” Zack said as he fidgeted in his seat. “Um…anyway, humans have made lots of amazing inventions over the thousands of years we've been around.”

"L-like what?" Luna asked, trying to change the subject more.

“Well, we have many forms of travel that allow us to travel across land, sea, even air at quick rates.” Zack said with a small smile.

"Incredible, what can you tell us about them?" Cosmosis asked as the group kept eating.

“Well sure, but I can only give basic descriptions as I don't understand how all of it works myself.” Zack said before he smiled. “Which do you want to hear about first?”

"How about the air one?" Celestia asked with a small smile.

“Ok, well there are planes, helicopters, hot air balloons, and dirigibles if you want to go old school.” Zack said with a smile.

"That's a lot." Celestia said, writing it all down.

“Airplanes are basically tubes with metal wings and large engines that provide lift to fly through the air.” Zack started to explain, then he tried to make an illusion to help demonstrate.

Celestia wrote everything down as she studied the illusion. "If it is made of metal how can It take flight? Would the metal not be heavy?"

“By going very very fast.” Zack said before pointing at the engines. “These push the plane fast enough air gathers underneath the wings and pushes the plane up.”

"Incredible." Celestia said, writing it down as her parents and sister giggled.

"She is always like this." Luna said with a smile.

Zack smiled a bit. “She reminds me of someone I know of.”

Celestia blushed and looked away. "Why does everypony make fun of me for wanting to learn more?"

“I am not making fun of you, wanting to learn is a good trait to have.” Zack said with a chuckle. “Maybe one day you can be a teacher as well as a princess.”

Celestia tapped her chin. "That… is not a bad idea."

“Next is helicopters, they are smaller, usually fitting up to six people but larger ones can be made.” The illusion changed slowly to fit what he was describing. “It has two fans basically, one above it and one on the tail. The one on top spins extremely fast and pushes air down lifting the helicopter up while the tail spit spent enough to go left or right enabling you to turn.”

Celestia wrote it down with vigor. "This is amazing… what else!?"

“Well the next two are extremely simple.” Zack said with a chuckle. “Hot air balloons are massive bags of hot air with little furnaces and a basket underneath, they lift you up and unfortunately you have no control over where you go the winds push you. And the only way to come back down is to let the hot air out through a little flap but you have to be careful not to release too much too quickly otherwise you're gonna plummet.”

Celestia writes it down as well and draws a sketch of it. "Like this?" She asked, showing Zack her drawing.

Zack nodded with a smile. “Yeah, though they also have sandbags tied to them as weights to drop to get more altitude in a hurry if you need it…at least that's how I've always seen them be used.”

Celestia nodded a bit as she continued to sketch, making Luna pout at the two interacting.

“The last one is dirigible, or blimp if you will. They are longer tube-like balloons filled with lighter than air gasses with a large basket attached to the bottom and two fans for propulsion.” Zack said with a smile. “Word of warning, never use hydrogen, it's extremely flammable.”

Celestia wrote everything down very rapidly. "This is amazing."

“Hmm what next?” Zack asked as the illusion faded.

"Sea travel! Ponies can't cross large bodies of water for very long, even the pegassi, so it could be a great help to learn about them!" Celestia said, flipping to a new page of paper.

“Ok well…the simplest would be boats, followed by submarines, and I believe there is one more but I can't think of it right now.” Zack said while scratching his head. “And when I say boats, those themselves are varied by size and function.”

"Hmm, I see…. " Celestia said, rubbing her chin. "We have boats, but they aren't big enough to cross vast seas."

“Ah, well that could be because they are too small.” Zack said before he held his arms out and the new illusion began to appear. “One of the types of ships I know of are cruise ships which are massive cruise liners which hold hundreds of people at a time and let them relax as the boat travels across the sea.”

Cosmosis studied the illusion closely. "Interesting, perhaps we can make one of these."

“It takes a lot of resources and I think metal is the only resource strong enough to support that much weight.” Zack said to him.

"And your people ride on these for free?" Costellia asked him with a raised eyebrow. "Your world must be rich with metals."

Zack laughed and shook his head. “Oh god no, these are usually for the people who are on vacation, or very rich people as tickets are usually around a hundred or more dollars per person.”

Cosmosis tapped his chin. "That is not a bad business idea… I shall implement it as well. And since this is all coming from your world and knowledge, you'll get ten percent of all profits."

Zack blushed and fidgeted a bit in his seat. “Are you sure?”

"Of course. After all it's your people that made them." Cosmosis said with a smile.

“Well…ok.” Zack said softly before looking down. “Um…The second sea vehicle that I can think of is called submarines, they are basically tubes that allow you to go underwater and very deep at that.”

"But not deep enough to explore your seas?" Celestia asked, tilting her head cutely.

“Well the further down you go the more pressure there is and while we can explore pretty far down we can't reach the deepest part of our ocean yet.” Zack said before he smiled softly. “We can get so far down that light from the surface doesn't even make it that far.”

Celestia's eyes widened. "What could possibly survive that far down?"

“You'd be surprised, life always finds a way to survive. In fact a lot of life down there is very strange, for example the most well-known species of fish that lives down there is called an angler fish, it looks like there's a big ugly fish with gnarly teeth but has this antenna with a glowing part at the end of it that uses to trick smaller fish to come closer to it so I can gobbled them up.” Zack said, started to geek out a bit.

Celestia's eyes widened again as she smiled. "Can thou show us!?"

“I can try.” Zack said as he looked up at the illusion and tried to change it.

Celestia smiled wider as the illusion slowly began to change, but vanished after a few minutes. "Oh…"

“S-sorry.” Zack said with a sigh but then he suddenly slumped forward and began panting heavily. “Wh-why to I feel so tired all of a s-sudden?”

"Using so much magic takes its toll without practice." Cosmosis said, as Luna put a hoof on Zack's arm.

“S-sorry f-for being a bother.” Zack said weakly.

"Tho is no bother, we were the ones asking for illustrations." Luna frowned and shook her head, as Cosmosis lifted Zack onto his back.

Zack yawned a bit. “But…I was sharing…from…my world.”

Costellia smiled and nuzzled his cheek. "It's alright, you can finish later."

Luna looked at Zack with worry. “Please rest.”

Zack blushed a bit and nodded, closing his eyes slowly as Cosmosis smiled a bit. "Luna, how about you stay with him tonight to make sure he's ok."

Luna’s ears perked. “Is that really ok father?”

Cosmosis smiled and nodded. "There I'll be a guard of course."

Luna smiled and followed her father. “Ok!”

Costellia giggled softly again. "Those two seem to have a powerful connection already."

“Yes…it seems so. Maybe I was wrong about him.” Celestia said.

Costellia smirked a bit at her. "From how you were acting while he was explaining it seems as if you're falling for him as well."

Celestia pouted. “Mother, I am not some school yard filly that falls for any colt she sees. I just enjoyed learning about his world, that's all.”

Costellia smiled and nuzzled her. "Maybe, but that doesn't mean it won't turn into something more."

Celestia looked away with a huff. “I refuse to have feelings for him or any colt.”

Costellia sighed, nuzzling her daughter again. "Honey, I know what happened hurt you. But not all colts are like that."

“I don’t care.”

Costellia sighed a bit and smiled softly. "Alright, get to bed."

“Yes mother.” Celestia got up and headed for her room.

Cosmosis smiled softly and gently set Zack down on his bed, while looking at a guard. "Princess Luna will be staying here tonight with Zack, make sure they are both safe."

“Yes sir, I will do my best.” The guard said with a salute.

Cosmosis nodded with a smile as he nuzzled his daughter. "Don't stay up too long sweetie."

“I won’t, I promise daddy.” Luna said with a smile.

Cosmosis smiled and nodded as he left, leaving Luna and the guard alone with Zack. Luna sat down next to Zack’s bed and watched him.

The guard smiled softly as he looked around the room. "Princess, there is no other bed in here. I believe the king will understand if the two of you share the bed."

Luna blushed a little. “I…I will be fine with a pillow sir guard.”

The guard smiled softly again. "If you say so, but would your friend be ok with you just using a pillow?"

Luna looked down. “I don’t know.”

The guard smiled softly as he walked out the door. "Again, with only one bed I'm sure the king wouldn't mind."

Luna shyly fidgets. “Truely?”

"You're responsible enough for nothing to happen." The guard said with a smile.

“Of course I am.” Luna said before she blushed and climbed onto the bed.

The guard smiled as Zack rolled over to face Luna, subconsciously wrapping his arm around her. “Eep.” Luna blushed cutely.

The guard chuckled softly before closing the door, leaving the two alone to sleep all night.

Chapter end.