• Published 2nd May 2023
  • 489 Views, 21 Comments

A majora mistake - shadowshild612

Zack and his friend Milo were sent into the displaced universe on their fun vacation, now Zack is the Skull kid and sends souls into the afterlife

  • ...

Truth revealed and new Bonds

Author's Note:

This chapter was written before I read all the comments. I know people won't like my choices but I have a bigger picture for this story sorry of you don't like my decisions

Celestia stared at Zack in anger and fear, her horn glowing as Zack pointed a finger at her. "You blamed me for Luna's fall into darkness, and when I tried my damnedest to help and heal her. You sealed my body away into the mask and made me a disembodied spirit for a thousand years!" Zack roared angrily, a small dark aura forming around him. "And then, you told everyone that I did it and caused all my friends to be shunned and ridiculed for just knowing me!"

“Because you and your damned curse hurt my family!” Celestia shouted.

Zack growled angrily as the dark aura grew. "How!? What did I do?! All I ever did was be friendly to you all!"

“You are responsible for our parent’s death! I know it because they were killed by the weather!” Celestia yelled but Luna shoved her.

“Stop it! Zack is our friend, he would never do anything to hurt us!” Luna shouted to her.

Celestia stared at Luna in shock as Zack shook his head in complete bewilderment. "What do you mean killed by the weather?"

“They were on their way back from a meeting when their blimp was struck down by lightning and a fire killed them!” Celestia told him with a glare.

Zack's eyes widened in shock. "Their what!? I told you not to make those! Blimps are highly flamboyant and known for malfunctioning!"

“You made them sound too interesting!” Celestia shouted. “Mother just had to have one.”

Zack removed his mask as he and Luna stared at her, each with a knowing raised eyebrow, and crossing their arms/hooves. "Mother did, and you did not?"

Celestia frowned at him as she started to blush. “I…did….but mother thought it sounded fun too!”

Zack stared at her for a moment before chuckling, slowly laughing along with Luna. "Same old Celestia!"

Celestia blushed bright red and yelled. “Stop laughing at me!”

Zack and Luna held their stomachs making Celestia blush more and stop her hoof like a child as the main six watched in confusion and shock. "Ok, ok… sorry Tia. But why did you blame me for the lightning?" Zack asked with a slight frown and hurt look.

“Because you control the weather!” Celestia yelled before she looked away.

Zack frowned and looked down. "So you assumed I did it? Even after everything they did for me? Why would I do that!?"

“Because of your curse! I also saw you hurt those colts in the town square.” Celestia said with a frown.

Zack raised an eyebrow in confusion before Luna gasped. "Are you talking about Super Loaded, Silver Tongue, and Detailed Sweater!?"

“Maybe, I didn't know their names.” Celestia said with a frown.

Zack growled angrily at the names Luna spoke as he shook his head. "They were all unicorns, Super Loaded had a light black coat with a dark blue mane, Silver Tongue had a silvery coat with a bronzeish mane, and Detailed Sweater's coat and mane were both different shades of brown with gold trimmings."

“Those are them, those poor colts you attacked in the middle of town for no reason!” Celestia said, making the six other mares gasp.

"Poor colts!? No reason!? They wouldn't stop harassing Luna!" Zack barked out a laugh, causing Luna to nod with an angry look.

"Those bullies always used to tease me and say I was betraying our race for hanging out with Zack, and saying vulgar things like we can show you a really good time." Luna said angrily, causing the seven mares to look at them in shock mouths agape.

“Yeah, so I did what you, and her guards wouldn’t, I took care of them. They are just lucky they were kids or I would have sent them to the hospital.” Zack said with a soft growl.

Celestia stared at the two in shock, slowly sitting on her flank as she put a hoof to her head. "I-i…"

"That's horrible!" Fluttershy said, shaking her head.

"Ah hope ya give them a good thrashing!" Applejack said, angrily.

“I did, I was used to defending my friends.” Zack said before he looked at Celestia. “Just like when I kept her safe from a rude griffon boy that tried to hit on her and when she rejected him he tried to claw her.”

Celestia blushed and lowered her head, looking at the ground as Twilight stepped forward. "Wait, you kept them safe? B-but Celestia said it was all a trick."

“Maybe in her own jealous mind, I saw them as my friends and I keep my friends safe.” Zack said while crossing his arms. “But I guess Sunbutt didn’t want her sister to have fun.”

Celestia hung her head but slowly looked up at Luna and Zack, tears filling her eyes. "I-i'm so sorry…"

"Sorry?" Zack asked in a monotone voice, before growing angry. "You're sorry!? I lost a thousand years of my life for no damn reason!? Because of you I lived as a disembodied soul for a thousand years, unable to touch or feel anything! Unable to eat or sleep! Unable to be seen or heard, and you're sorry!!!" He yelled, his voice echoing throughout the throne room making every mare flinch. "There is nothing you can say that will ever make this right Celestia! I'm done with you! Never speak to me again!"

Luna reached for him. “Zack…please, I know you are upset, as am I, but please do not leave me.” Rarity let out a soft gasp and looked between Zack and Luna.

"I'm sorry Lulu, but I can't stay here. But you'll know where to find me whenever you want to." Zack shook angrily as Luna gently put a hoof on his arm, getting a sigh out of him. "For now I'd better go before I do something stupid."

“Wait…please, there has to be something I can do.” Celestia said, making Luna glare at her.

"Not, now." Luna said coldly, as Zack walked away.

"Celestia, all I ever tried to do was be your friend. And I thought I was finally getting through to you when you kept asking me about the stuff from my world. You betrayed my trust, and because of it. I will never be the same." He glanced back at her, before vanishing with his voice in the wind as the token he had gotten fell to the ground. "There is nothing you can do."

Luna walked over and picked up the token and sighed sadly before she glared at her sister. “Look at what you did sister, you ruined my only friendship!”

Celestia flinched slightly, as Pinkie pie bounced around Luna. "No she didn't silly! Zack said you'd know where to find him whenever you wanted to! So that means it's somewhere special for the two of you!"

Luna watched Pinkie bounce around her before her eyes lit up. “You are right!” She ran out of the room.

Celestia watched her sister go sadly, before she hung her head. "What have I done…?"

Rainbow rubbed the back of her head. “Uh…try to stop somepony dangerous from hurting your sister?”

Celestia nodded slowly. "Y-yes but… I went about it so poorly and hurt… a friend."

Twilight walked up to the princess, a confused expression on her face. “I…don’t understand, you said he was evil. Did he do something to you to change your mind?”

Celestia sighed and shook her head sadly. "No Twilight, I thought he was evil because of everything I said while they were here. But… I was wrong."

“Y-you…n-no that isn’t right!” Twilight backed away. “You are princess Celestia! You are never wrong!”

Celestia shook her head with a sigh. "Twilight I am just a pony, one that has hurt someone… two creatures that cared for her."

“No! The Celestia I know is never wrong! I won’t be tricked!” Twilight shouted before she ran out of the throne room.

Celestia sighed and shook her head, rubbing her temple. "You five go make sure she's ok."

“Yes princess.” They said and ran after Twilight.

Zack sighed as he stared up at the sky, leaning on a tree high up in the air with his arms crossed. "Why did you not take your revenge on Celestia?!" A familiar voice echoed in his mind. "After everything she did to us! She deserves it!"

Zack held his head. “Because I don’t want to be the monster she thinks I am!”

"Does it matter!? She turned us to stone for nothing! She deserves whatever happens!" The voice said angrily.

“Luna would never forgive me.” Zack said sadly.

"Oh, you're still holding a flame for that pony? Even after all this time?"

Zack blushed a bit. “Y-yes, I like her so what?”

"Do you think she has not found someone else by now? You've been gone for how long?"

“She has been gone almost as long…she…” Zack started to say as his eyes filled with tears.

"She what?" The voice asked, annoyed.

“She was freed before me…she probably moved on…I should just leave her and everyone alone…” Zack said softly as his magic started making it rain around him.

"Hey. You don't really know that." The voice said, in an almost caring tone.

"Zack!?" A familiar voice echoed through the forest.

Zack looked up. “L-Luna…” He said softly before he placed a hand over his chest.

"Oh for the love of, just go make out with your girlfriend!" The voice said as Luna walked into view and looked around.

"Zack, are you here!" She called out worriedly.

Zack was blushing bright red from the comment. “Stupid mask…” He muttered before looking towards Luna’s voice. “Why did you come?” He asked himself softly.

Luna looked at him and smiled widely, tears in her eyes as she hugged him close. "You're here!"

He shook weakly as she hugged him. “Luna…why did you come?”

"What do you mean?" Luna asked, looking at him with a light blush. "You are my friend…"

Zack looked away. “But…I failed to save you and then…threatened you all with your own moon.”

Luna gently made him look at her as she smiled and blushed deeper. "Zack, thou hast never left our side. Even when we were falling into the darkness of Nightmare moon, and we shall never leave your side either. No matter what."

Zack smiled and slowly reached up for her cheek before he felt a painful throbbing in his head. "Don't just touch her cheek! Kiss her you pansy!" Zack blushed and looked into Luna’s eyes before he closed his and leaned in, kissing Luna on the lips.

Luna's eyes widened as she blushed, her wings popping out before she kissed him back.

"Wow, I didn't think you'd do it!" Majora said in Zack's head with a slight chuckle.

The two stayed like that for a minute before slowly pulling apart to catch their breath. “I…um…s-sorry if…I overstepped.” Zack said with a bright blush.

Luna smiled and kissed his cheek. "Do not fret Zack… I loved it."

Zack got a big goofy grin. “Really?”

Luna giggled and nodded, smiling playfully at him. "Tis about time thou made a move, we have been waiting for a long time."

Zack looked away shyly. “I wasn’t sure if you liked me like that…”

Luna giggled and kissed him again. "And now?"

Zack smiled and held a hand out. “Now I know, we…we…” he blushed harder as he forced himself to say it. “We…really like each other.”

Luna giggled more as she nuzzled his cheek. "Indeed we do, would thou like to stay with us in the castle? You wouldn't have to see Celestia, just sleep there…" she said before smiling sweetly at him. "With me."

Zack blushed more and looked away. “Um…I don’t know…it’s not you, I just don’t feel like being near Celestia and…also…th-that is a bit fast for me…”

Luna raised an eyebrow and crossed her hooves. "And what exactly are you thinking? We meant staying in the castle with us as in living there. What did you think we meant?"

Zack backed away and blushed harder. “You said ‘sleep there with you!’ What else was I supposed to think?!”

Luna giggled softly. "In the same bed like we used to as kids, nothing else silly!"

Zack blushed harder and turned away crossing his arms. “That was mean, and besides, you are a grown mare now, it wouldn’t be the same.”

Luna smiled softly as she wrapped her wings around him and rested her head on his shoulder. "It is ok, you're the only one I'd let sleep in my bed with me. And I trust you."

Zack blushed more. “It wouldn't be just me though…”

Luna puts a hoof to his lips to silence him. "It's ok, no matter what. I love you."

He blushed and held her hoof. “Ok, I love you too. I’m sorry if I do weird things.”

Luna smiled and shook her head. "It's ok, what should we do now?"

“I don’t know…” Zack said with a sigh.

Luna smiled a bit before taking his hand in her magic. "Let us walk around Ponyville together."

Zack smiled softly. “Ok, that sounds nice.”

Luna smiled a bit before she gasped. "Oh! Have you checked to see if your old coin stash is still in the castle? The currency has changed to bits now, but those coins could be worth a lot now." She said with a small smile, looking at him expectingly.

“I…haven’t, I probably should just in case. Even though I can just use my magic to make or grow anything I need.” Zack said while scratching his chin.

Luna pouted a bit at him. "I was trying to insinuate going on a date."

Zack blushed and chuckled shyly. “O-oh um…y-yeah, we can do that.”

Luna smiled and dug at the ground with a hoof shyly. "W-what shall we do for the date…?"

“I…uh…” Zack looked at her before looking off towards ponyville. “I don’t know…I have never been on a date before.”

Luna smiled softly as she gently rested her head on his shoulder. "That is fine, whatever you decide I will enjoy. As long as it's with you."

“Ok…um…how about lunch?” Zack offered shyly.

Luna smiled and nodded. "I'd love that, but are you gonna be ok?"

“I guess so, like I said, I have never been on a date before.” Zack said while rubbing his head.

Luna smiled softly and set a hoof on his cheek. "Just be yourself, I already love you. So don't overthink it."

Zack nodded before he smiled sheepishly. “I really should check on my money though.”

Luna smiled softly and nodded, kissing his cheek. "You go, we shall wait for thee in ponyville."

“O-ok.” He said with red cheeks before disappearing in a small tornado.

Luna giggled softly and flew off to ponyville, where all the inhabitants bowed their heads. "Your majesty, what is the honor for your visit?"

Luna blushed lightly. “O-oh um…I am here to meet with an…old friend.”

"Oh, of course! We shall be sure to treat your honored guest with the utmost respect." The mayor said bowing her head.

“While I am sure he would appreciate that, we simply wish to have a nice day together so please treat us no differently than any other citizen of your town.” Luna said awkwardly.

The mayor's eyes widened a little. "I-i see, we shall not interfere with your… meeting."

Luna nodded her head with a light blush. “We thank thee.”

The citizens of ponyville moved out of the way for Luna, while whispering to each other. While she waited princess Luna noticed Twilight Sparkle and her friends approaching ponyville from the train station, each one talking amongst themselves. "Twilight you need to calm down." Applejack said with a frown.

“I won’t just calm down, he had to have done something to me or the princess, there is no way she can ever be wrong.” Twilight argued back.

"Twilight just because she's a princess doesn't mean she can't be wrong." Rainbow Dash said, rolling her eyes. "Everypony gets stuff wrong from time to time."

“Not the princess!” Twilight shouted. “The princess is perfect and is never wrong.”

Luna snorted softly as she listened to the convention, turning her head away as Fluttershy softly spoke. "U-um girls princess Luna is over there…"

"Twilight ah think yer being biased since yer the princesses prized student." Applejack said, shaking her head.

“I am not being biased, it is a fact that she is perfect! She is an alicorn AJ!” Twilight shouted.

"What about Luna and nightmare moon?" Rarity asked with a frown. "They're Alicorns."

"G-girls." Fluttershy said with a frown as Luna listened closer.

“You heard the princess, Luna was turned into Nightmare Moon by that forest thing.” Twilight said with a frown.

Luna frowned as she turned her head to the group, making Fluttershy eep and getting her friends attention. “What’s the matter, Fluttershy?” Applejack asked while looking at her friend.

Fluttershy whimpered and slowly pointed at Luna, who was frowning deeply at Twilight.

The girls all gasped softly while Twilight sighed with relief. “Thank goodness, please tell my friends alicorns can’t be wrong and they are perfect.”

Luna glared at Twilight before turning her head away. "If thou speak badly about Zack again, we shall send thy to the moon."

“Wh-what?” Twilight asked as she took a step back.

Applejack turned her head away as Rarity coughed. "Y-you're majesty, i-i know you have feelings for… Zack. But isn't that a bit much?"

“Would thee not defend thy coltfriend?” Luna said with a small frown.

"C-coltfriend!?" All six mares said in shock.

Luna blushed and looked away from them. “Our relationships are not thy business.”

"B-but how can you date that monster!?" Twilight asked in worry and fear.

Luna turned to face Twilight with a glare. “He is not a monster! Just because he is different doesn’t mean he is a monster, evil, or anything else my sister has lied about!”

Twilight's mane broke into a few strands. "L-lied… b-but… s-she… never lies… s-shes perfect…"

Luna snorted and shook her head. “No little pony, my sister and I are both very capable of lying. She is more used to it though, why do you think I once held the element of honesty?”

Twilight held her head in shock as she shook with her eyes widened, just as Zack flew over. "What's with her?"

“I just told her my sister can lie.” Luna said with a snort. “If this is the new bearer of the element of magic, I fear for Equestria’s safety.”

Twilight flinched as she looked down sadly, while Zack elbowed Luna. "Lulu, come on. She's never had to think that before. To her Celestia is a wise leader who had never been wrong before."

Luna rolled her eyes. “Then not much has changed.”

"Well, I mean they never had a reason to." Zack said with a slight shrug.

“So you say.” Luna said a bit annoyed that even now everyone loves her sister.

Zack smiled softly as he wrapped an arm around her and whispered in her ear, knowing what she was upset about. "Hey, I still love you more than her."

Luna blushed and looked away from him with a fake pout. “So you do love her some?” She whispered.

Zack looked at her worriedly. "What!? No!"

“But you said you love me more than her, that means you love her a bit.” Luna said, trying to hide her grin.

"Only as a friend, and that's stretching it because of everything that happened." Zack said, looking down.

Luna kissed his cheek. “We are only teasing thee.”

The mane six stared at the two in shock as Twilight twitched, shaking her head slowly. "H-how… this doesn't make any sense! You two just got back! How can you be together already!?"

Zack looked at her with a raised eyebrow. “Because we are childhood friends, it would be the same as if we lived in the same town and one of us moved away for a while before coming back.”

Twilight twitched more as she shook her head. "That would make sense if you were simply friends reuniting, but the princess just KISSED you!"

Zack crossed his arms and looked at Twilight’s friends. “Ok, has she never read a romance book or seen a romance movie, or even had a coltfriend in her life?”

They all rubbed the backs of their heads as Twilight frowned and blushed. "Yeah…" they said.

“Wow, then…” Zack starts to smirk before he points at Rarity. “As the guardian of nature I order you to teach her everything about romance!”

Rarity blushed and looked confused before nodding. "U-um ok."

“Good, maybe teach her some manners too.” Zack said with a smirk. Twilight's eye twitched more as Zack chuckled softly and looked at Luna. "Shall we get going?"

“Indeed, we wish to have some fun.” Luna said with a nod before blushing lightly as she remembered her first nightmare night.

Zack smiled a bit as the two started walking farther into ponyville, leaving the mane six standing shocked and stupefied. "Those two are like something out of a Romance novel!" Rarity said in shock and surprise.

“Yeah, it is pretty nice seein princess Luna happy.” Applejack said while lifting her hat.

“I think they look cute together.” Fluttershy said softly.

Twilight looked at them in shock. "What!? He's manipulating her!"

“Darling, that was not manipulation, that is love.” Rarity said to her.

Twilight looked back at Zack and Luna as they walked, watching them talking to each other and laughing. "B-but… i-i… the princess… I need to lay down."

“That is probably for the best dear, I will be over later with a few books for you to read.” Rarity said with a light giggle.

Twilight sighed a bit and nodded as she trotted off to her house. "You think Luna and Zack will have babies?" Pinkie pie asked with a giggle.

Rarity rolled her eyes. “Pinkie dear, that is their business not ours.”

"Oh please, you know you want to gossip." Rainbow Dash said, shaking her head.

Rarity blushed lightly. “True…”

"Save it for later y'all." Applejack said, smiling softly.

Zack and Luna walked through the streets of ponyville, neither one sure of what to say as ponies watched and whispered to each other. “We/I…” They both start before blushing and looking away from each other.

“You first.” Zack said.

“Thank you…we…I just wanted to say thank you for giving us a chance.” Luna said with a soft smile.

Zack blushed and smiled, rubbing the back of his neck. "Back when you were a filly, I didn't feel comfortable going for it… b-but now that you're…" he paused blushing as he glanced at her body. "Mature… i-i'm glad you're ok with being with me."

Luna giggled a bit. “Wise choice of words my adorable coltfriend.”

Zack blushed more as he smiled softly, stopping at a cotton candy stand and getting her favorite cotton candy from when she was a child. "I hope blue is still your favorite." He said, holding the cotton candy up to her.

Luna giggled and took it with her magic. “Thank you, it is.”

Zack smiled as the two walked together more, a few ponies quietly took pictures of the two together as they wandered around a fair. "Jeez, I remember when all of this was just an open field."

“Yes, I was surprised to find this town when I first returned.” Luna said with a soft sigh before she bit off some cotton candy.

Zack smiled as he gently wrapped an arm around Luna's neck. "Hey, at least we have each other."

“True, it is good to have you by my side again.” Luna said before she nuzzled him.

A pony took a picture of the two of them just as Luna nuzzled Zack, before the new couple stopped to watch a group of street performers. "Oh, we have a very special guest today! Princess Luna!" One of them shouted.

Luna blushed and shyly waved as others stared, Zack quietly and gently rubbed Luna's side to give her confidence. "You honor us with your presence, your majesty, please come watch the show closer. We shall do our best to make it pleasing for you to watch." The mare that was obviously the leader of the group said with a smile, gesturing to a fenced off area where multiple snobby ponies were sitting.

Luna looked unsure before looking at Zack. “Do you want to sit up there?”

Zack smiled softly at her, as ponies around them looked at each other confused. "As long as we're together I don't mind where we sit."

“Ok then.” Luna started to walk to the fenced off area.

Zack followed her to the fenced off area, before the mare running the show stopped him. "I'm sorry… sir? This area is for the elites only."

"Indeed, like any of us would want to sit with a freak like you." A Stallion said, turning his nose upwards.

Luna frowned before she walked back over to Zack's side and folded a wing over his back. “Then we ‘freaks’ shall take our leave.”

The ponies frowned slightly in worry. "W-what!? Princess we weren't talking about you!"

“Aren’t thou? You are calling my coltfriend a freak, so I must be one as well.” Luna said while glaring at the ponies.

"Coltfriend!?" Everyone shouted in surprise and shock, a few in anger mostly the nobles.

"Lulu, remember this is our first real date." Zack said with a soft chuckle and a blush.

“We know…but you are the only one to treat me with kindness other than mother and father.” Luna told him as she turned around to leave.

"Wait please! Your… coltfriend is more than welcome to sit with you in the elite area." The mare running the show said with a nervous smile.

Luna looked at the mare before she looked at Zack. “What do you want?”

Zack rubbed his chin in thought before smiling at her. "This is supposed to be a fun time, so it would be a shame to miss out on such a fun looking show."

Luna smiled and nodded before the two of them entered the fenced off area. The nobles moved out of the way as the two sat down, while the noble stallion that had called Zack a freak glared at the skull kid.

Zack blushed slightly as he glanced at Luna, before wrapping an arm around her side causing the nobles to glare at him angrily. "This thing dares to wrap his appendage around Luna!? Who does he think he is!?" The stallion thought to himself before smirking. "There's no way Luna would let him continue to do that, and once she pushes him away it'll be time to make my move."

Luna smiled softly and leaned on him lovingly. The stallion stared at the two in shock, as the performers began flipping and turning in the air as a trick. "She's letting him do that!? That… freak doesn't deserve Luna! How could she possibly want him!?"

"Want me to us get something to eat?" Zack asked Luna with a smile.

“Sure, just don’t take too long.” Luna said with a smile.

Zack chuckled and nodded, getting up and walking away as the stallion glared at him. "Who does this freak think he is? I've been trying to get along well with the royal family for years!" He thought to himself before smiling sweetly at the princess. "Your majesty, please excuse my rudeness to your… friend."

Luna tried to keep a calm face, even though she was upset. “I have recently gotten used to it.”

The nobel nodded slightly and bowed. "Again, I am sorry. I did not realize he was with you, I thought he was some random creature hoping to get close to you. As a princess I'm sure you know it's hard to trust anyone with your position, everyone is worried someone would attempt to assassinate you or your sister."

Luna frowned and gave him a soft glare. “He is a foalhood friend, I would trust him with my life.”

The stallion coughed slightly. "I-i meant no disrespect to your majesty, and no one has ever seen a creature like him before. I did not know you two were so close, I sincerely apologize."

“Good, we hope you learn not to judge a being by how they appear.” Luna said before she turned her head back to the stage.

The stallion kept his head lowered and glared slightly at the ground, as the performers began doing more tricks. After a moment Zack returned with a box full of Luna's favorite foods, before sitting down and smiling at her. "I got you this." He said, offering her a small teddy bear.

Luna gasped softly and hugged it. “It is adorable.”

Zack smiled softly as he chuckled. "You've always been a softy for those kinds of things."

Luna blushed lightly before she hit him with her wing. “You are the one that showed me what stuffed animals were.”

Zack chuckled softly as he kissed Luna's cheek, making ponies mumble amongst themselves. "You needed something to help you fall asleep."

Luna blushed lightly as she looked away mumbling. “I still have mister flopsy.”

"You do?!" Zack asked in shock with a wide smile.

Luna blushed more and nodded her head. “It was the only thing I recovered from the castle when I returned.”

Zack smiled as he hugged her again, wrapping an arm around her. "I can't believe you treasure it so much."

“It was the first gift I got that wasn’t from family or just because I was a princess…of course I treasure it.” Luna whispered before she rested her head on his.

Zack smiled softly as the two held each other, eating their food while watching the show. "I love you." Zack whispered in Luna's ear.

Luna blushed bright red but whispered it back. “I love you too.”

Zack smiled and held her closer as the performers stopped dancing and bowed to everyone. "Thank you! And now, we will be hosting a singing competition. And the winner or winners shall receive ten thousand bits!"

The stallion from before smirked as he used his magic to force Zack’s arm to lift up, making it look like he is volunteering. "And we have a volunteer!" The mare said, as Zack glanced back at the stallion, before smirking himself and standing up.

"Wanna do a duet? Do you still remember that song I taught you?" Zack asked Luna with a smile.

Luna blushed and looked away shyly. “I don’t know, it has been so long and we haven’t sung in public before…”

Zack smiled softly. "Just focus on me, and remember how it was when we sang together when we were kids." Luna nodded as she got up and the two of them got on stage and the audience all started to whisper among themselves.

"When they were kids?" Someone whispered. "Is he as old as Luna?"

"I don't know, and he's her coltfriend. What's going on?" Someone else asked in confusion.

"Now then, what song will you two be singing?" The head mare asked with a smile.

Zack smiled as he and Luna looked at each other, causing the night princess to blush as she looked at him. "An old song we've always cherished." Zack said, making Luna blush more as music began filling the air from nowhere, confusing the ponies in the audience.

Luna and Zack stared at each other before they began to sing. "Spring is on the hillside, The skies are an easy blue. It's a perfect time for all those things that we both love to do." Zack sang his voice soft and melodious, causing the ponies mouths to drop in surprise.

Luna blushed and smiled softly as she watched him only, and began to sing as well. Her voice was so soft it made many stallions' hearts melt. "Like taking walks and having talks, or staring at the stars.
While slowly we discover what we want and who we are! Seasons come and seasons go, and the world keeps rolling round."

"You've got me and I've got you, and that's the sweetest thing we found. It takes a little time to find a heart you really trust! It'll take you forever, and make you friends like us." Zack sang before the two began singing together, while the sun went down right behind them while fireflies began floating around the couple.

"Summer is a daydream, drifting through the trees.
Whatever we can dream of, is something we can be
Watching early evening fall, and counting fireflies. A harvest moon above us, as crickets sing their lullabies." They sang together, as they began floating into the sky and circling each other, creating a beautiful and romantic scene. "Seasons come and seasons go, and the world keeps rolling round!
You've got me and I've got you, and that's the sweetest thing we found! It takes a little time to find
a heart you really trust, it'll take you to forever. And make you friends like us. Autumn comes and winter closes behind, a friend is someone you can turn to, when the sun doesn't shine! Seasons come and seasons go, and the world keeps rolling round. You've got me and I've got you, and that's the sweetest thing we found! It takes a little time to find. A heart you really trust, it'll take you to forever. And make you friends like us."

The two finished singing together while staring at each other lovingly, slowly beginning to move closer together. The rude stallion grit his teeth together as he watched this display.

The other audience members cheered loudly for them as the two embraced each other, while the head mare clapped her hooves together. "Give it up for Princess Luna and her coltfriend!"

Everyone clapped and cheered as Zack and Luna slowly got off stage. Luna blushed red as she iled shyly at Zack, who smiled at her while they sat down. The stallion from before however glared at Zack as he grit his teeth. "This freak, thinks he's so smart?! Turning that into a victory for himself. I will not stand for this!"

“Hey Luna, how about we go check out the movie theater?” Zack suggested with a smile.

Luna blushed more and nodded with a smile as the stallion gritty his teeth more. "This…. Loser thinks he's good enough for Luna!? I'll show him! He doesn't deserve her!"

Zack suddenly turned to look at the stallion out of the corner of his eye. The stallion jumped slightly in surprise as Luna looked between the two in confusion. "What's wrong Zack?"

“Nothing, just giving a jerk a scare.” Zack said with a smile as he turned back around and the two left.

The stallion shook slightly but glared at Zack as the two left. "I will beat you." He whispered to himself.

Zack and Luna walked down the path through ponyville. “What kind of movie would you like to see?”

Luna smiled softly as she glanced at him. "We would be happy to see anything, this has been a wonderful time and we hope it continues…"

Zack chuckled a bit. “As much as I agree with the sentiment, the wrong movie could possibly ruin the date, for example a scary movie could give you nightmares, a funny movie could distract the two of us so long that we forget the other is there, and a really long movie could put us both to sleep.”

Luna giggled softly and nodded. "If that is the case we shall let you decide."

Zack tapped his chin. “Hmm, how about an action movie…assuming there is one.”

Luna smiled wider and giggled. "You still have your adventurous side huh?"

“Of course I do.” Zack said with a smirk. “By the way have you tried popcorn?”

Luna tilted her head in confusion at him. "Poopcorn?"

Zack chuckled a bit. “Corn seeds that are heated to the point they pop open, they are very good with butter.” He said as they got to the movie theater in Ponyville.

Luna raised an eyebrow and hesitantly followed him into the theater. "That doesn't sound very… enticing."

“Trust me, you will love it, and if not you can make me eat one of your sister’s sweeties in front of her.” Zack said with a smirk then he looked at the movie options.

Luna's eyes widened before she giggled like a filly. "Deal!"

The stallion that sold the tickets stared at the two in shock as they approached him, his eyes darting between the two as he smiled nervously. "H-hello… m-may I help you?"

“We wish to see a movie!” Luna almost shouted.

The stallion flinched and shook a little as he slowly pointed to the list of movies. "O-of c-course your majesty, w-which one?"

Zack sighed and chuckled softly as he looked at the list of movies. "How about… prehistoric land. It's a dinosaur movie, you still like dinosaurs right?" He asked Luna with a grin.

Luna gasped and smiled. “Indeed! We love them!”

Zack chuckled softly as he paid for the tickets. "Before we go in, Luna, apologize to this poor guy. He looks like he's about to have a heart attack."

“Huh?” She looked at the ticket stallion before she blushed lightly. “We apologize sir.”

The stallion nodded timidly. "I-its ok ma'am."

Luna smiled at Zack. “See, it is fine.”

Zack raised an eyebrow and glanced at the stallion as he opened the door for Luna, the two walking inside. "Sorry about her." Zack whispered to the stallion giving him a few extra bits.

“It's ok s-sir, I have just never been so close to a princess before!” The stallion said.

"Trust me." Zack whispered to the guy. "it's not as fun as it may seem!" He suddenly shouted before Luna's magic wrapped around his arm.

"Zack come on, we do not want to miss the movie!" She said excitedly.

“Yes dear.” Zack said with an amused smirk.

Luna blushed and smiled shyly, as the stallion's eyes widened. "Lucky."

Zack and Luna headed inside to the concession stand where a teenage mare was standing and looking very bored. “Welcome to Ponyville Cinema, what can I get you?” She said in a very bored tone.

"A large popcorn and two large sodas…" Zack said before noticing a special on the sign. "And the lunar princess special."

The teenager let out a sign, not looking at them. “Sir, only a princess can order that, and you don’t sound like a mare that is over a thousand years old to me.”

Zack raised an eyebrow as he glanced at Luna who was frowning at the mare, before Zack looked back at her. "I'd like to speak to your manager."

The teenager sighed before she looked up and then she gasped and jumped back. “P-princess!?”

Zack and Luna raised their eyebrows at her and both crossed their arms. "See what happens when you don't pay attention?"

The teenager blushed lightly. “Hey, let’s see how long you can stand in one place not allowed to read or do anything but help customers and it be on a really slow day.”

"Oh trust me, I had a similar job back home. But when someone talks to you even if it's a slow day, it's better to give them your undivided attention since you never know who'll show up." Zack nodded a bit, before smiling softly at her. "Our order if you'd please."

“Y-yes sir!” She got to work filling out the order.

Zack chuckled softly before a stallion in a well dressed suit walked up next to the mare, not noticing Zack and Luna. "What is this? The lunar princess special is only for if one of the princesses is here!" The stallion said angrily to the girl.

She yelped and pointed behind him. “But there is one here.”

The stallion rolled his eyes as he shook his head. "Why would a princess be in this dinky little-" he started before the girl forced his head to look at Luna and Zack. "P-princess Luna!? I-i'm terribly sorry!"

“We are used to it…sadly.” Luna said with a little bit of annoyance.

Zack glanced at Luna before looking at the stallion. "Our food please? You're ruining our date."

“D-date?” The stallion asked confused as the teenager came over with the order as well as a stuffed dinosaur.

“Here you go and here is a promotional dinosaur toy, take it as an apology from me.”

Luna's eyes went wide before she happily took it with a squee, blushing as she glanced at the two ponies and Zack. "Cute." Zack said with a chuckle, paying for the food, before picking up the trey.

“Did the princess just squee?” The stallion asked the teen in a whisper as Luna and Zack entered the theater.

"Yes, and she's on a date with that… stallion?" The teen said in confusion.

“Such a strange day.” The stallion walked off.

Zack and Luna sat down together in the theater as he offered her some popcorn. "This is popcorn."

Luna sniffed it before lifting one in her magic and into her mouth. Luna's eyes widened in shock before she started eating more rapidly. "This is amazing!"

“Whoa Luna, slow down or you’ll choke.” Zack said between laughs.

Luna blushed and lowered her head. "W-we apologize."

“It is ok Luna, I am just warning you.” He said with a chuckle then handed her a soda.

Luna smiled softly and took a sip of her soda, holding both the bear and dinosaur in her hooves. The two smiled as the movie started.

The two held each other as the movie went on, enjoying each other's company while ponies would steal glances at the two. Once the movie had ended Zack and Luna slowly made their way outside, walking together in the moonlight as they made their way to a lake. "This has been fun." Zack said with a smile.

Luna nodded her head with a smile before she saw the moon’s reflection in the lake, making her look up at the sky with a gasp. “My moon!”

Zack looked up at the moon as well and blushed a bit, rubbing the back of his head as the moon now had a massive terrifying face on it. "Oops… I forgot to return it to normal."

Luna glanced at him with a small frown. “While I do not like the face, I am more upset that my moon was moved by someone other than me…My sister is in so much trouble!”

Zack blushed and scratched his cheek, as his magic returned the moon to normal. "Um… I'm the one that moved it… you didn't notice? I did it when we were singing to create a romantic atmosphere."

Luna blushed and looked away shyly. “We…did not.”

Zack smiled and kissed her cheek softly. "It's ok, as long as you had fun."

Luna blushed from the kiss. “We did…thank you.” She kissed him back.

Zack smiled as he pulled her into a soft hug, gently rubbing her wings and her back. "This has been wonderful, thank you for being my friend."

Luna gasped softly and closed her eyes. “Z-zack wings!”

Zack blinked a bit in confusion before his eyes widened with a blush as he moved his hand from her back and wings. "Crap! Sorry! I forgot!"

Luna backed away as she flapped her wings. “It…it’s ok…it has been a long time since you were told.”

Zack blushed deeper and covered his face with his hands. "Oh, god! I just ruined the date!"

“N-no! It was an accident, I know you wouldn’t do anything unwanted on purpose.” Luna said while touching his shoulder with a hoof.

Zack shook his head. "I basically just molested you, oh my god…"

Luna sighed and walked up to him, hugging his face against her chest fluff. “I am fine, you are fine, we are fine.”

Zack blushed a bit but slowly hugged her back, his hands going just under her wings to hold her close as he closed his eyes enjoying the feeling of her fur. "Luna… can I stay with you tonight?"

Luna giggled softly. “Sure, I can even use magic to keep my sister away.”

Zack smiled a little as he heard the shutter of a camera, making him pull away. "We should go, ponies are taking pictures."

Luna groaned as her horn started to glow. “Indeed, one of the many downsides to being a princess…”

Zack chuckled softly as he held her hoof in his hand. "Allow…" he said before a gust of wind wrapped around the two, and they appeared in Luna's room. "Me."

Luna looked around with an amazed smile. “You have gotten stronger…wait.” Her smile faded as she started to blush. “How did you know where my room was?”

Zack chuckled softly as he kissed her hoof, holding it gently in his hand. "I was a disembodied spirit Lulu… I have always been by your side since your return."

Luna blushed bright red. “S-so you saw when I…”

Zack smiled softly. "When you sang and danced? Yes I did, I didn't know you could dance like that."

Luna blushed more and groaned as she jumped onto her bed and covered herself with the sheets. “No! I did not sing or dance!”

Zack smiled softly as he gently moved her sheets to look at her best red face. "Lulu, it's ok. You know I won't tell anyone, besides you're a wonderful singer and dancer."

Luna groaned and tried to hide again. “Please don’t talk about it!”

Zack gently wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into an embrace, gently rubbing her back under her wings. "Come on, we used to do embarrassing stuff all the time. I don't think it's that big of a deal."

Luna slowly lifted her head. “True, but back then it was fun and we did it together. This time you were watching me while invisible.”

Zack smiled softly and chuckled. "You really think I would simply watch? You know I can't resist a good song and start to move my feet."

“So you danced as well?” Luna asked, lifting her head as her blush faded.

Zack chuckled softly and rubbed the back of his neck. "Remember when the table shook and that vase fell and broke? You thought it was you? It… was me…"

Luna’s eyes widened. “You broke that? Wait…how? I thought you were a spirit.”

Zack shrugged slightly. "I couldn't feel, or physically touch anything. Or be heard, but if I tried hard enough or sometimes by accident I was about to move things."

“That…that must have been a living tartarus.” Luna said with a frown. “Even I was unaware of the passage of time while imprisoned in the moon.”

Zack nodded sadly as he looked out to the night sky. "Every night I would look at the moon and think about you, wondering if you were suffering or just… frozen. Eventually I ended up getting a job as… well… basically the grim reaper to help pass the time."

Luna looked at him in shock, but decided to save her questions for later, so she pulled him into a hug and laid on the bed with him in her hooves.

Zack whimpered softly as he wrapped his arms around her, tears in his eyes. "I had to… to watch as everyone I knew and cared about died… Lulu… everyone blamed me for everything that happened."

Luna hugged him more and rubbed his back. “Let it all out.”

Zack shook his head slightly. "N-no… not now, today was amazing I don't want to mess it up…"

“It is ok Zack, you don’t have to bottle up your emotions.” She said and hugged him closer, laying her head on his head.

Zack quietly sobbed into her chest as she held him. "T-thank you…"

Luna let him cry out all his feelings until he passed out, he then used her magic to give him pleasant dreams. Luna smiled softly as she watched her oldest friend and now coltfriend sleeping in her arms, her heart begging to beat rapidly as she thought about the future.

Chapter end

Comments ( 5 )

This chapter's "pacing" is too fast, and all over the place!? Specifically from the beginning and middle.

Celestia seems too convinced to your main character's true innnonce rather too easily?

And this part make me want to slap myself of this ridiculousness;

Celestia stared at Luna in shock as Zack shook his head in complete bewilderment. "What do you mean killed by the weather?"

“They were on their way back from a meeting when their blimp was struck down by lightning and a fire killed them!” Celestia told him with a glare.

Zack's eyes widened in shock. "Their what!? I told you not to make those! Blimps are highly flamboyant and known for malfunctioning!"

“You made them sound too interesting!” Celestia shouted. “Mother just had to have one.”

Zack removed his mask as he and Luna stared at her, each with a knowing raised eyebrow, and crossing their arms/hooves. "Mother did, and you did not?"

Celestia frowned at him as she started to blush. “I…did….but mother thought it sounded fun too!”

Zack stared at her for a moment before chuckling, slowly laughing along with Luna. "Same old Celestia!"

Celestia blushed bright red and yelled. “Stop laughing at me!”

Zack and Luna held their stomachs making Celestia blush more and stop her hoof like a child as the main six watched in confusion and shock. "Ok, ok… sorry Tia. But why did you blame me for the lightning?" Zack asked with a slight frown and hurt look.

What the hell is wrong with those two!? Celestia was talking about their dead parents, while Zack and even Luna ignore her and treated it as a damn joke to her!!??

How the heck can I treat this story "seriously", if they act like this!?

And while I agree with Zack that he should never forgive Celestia for what she did to him. He was too damn emotional near the end of this chapter, that he comes off as a hopeless crybaby.

Then strangely, Rainbow Dash of all ponies actually take his side rather quickly too. And while Twilight was acting as a utter fool of herself, Rainbow Dash becomes the smart one!?


“I won’t just calm down, he had to have done something to me or the princess, there is no way she can ever be wrong.” Twilight argued back.

"Twilight just because she's a princess doesn't mean she can't be wrong." Rainbow Dash said, rolling her eyes. "Everypony gets stuff wrong from time to time."

Is this really the same Rainbow Dash from before? When she was also against Zack, but now side with him rather too quickly?

Speaking of Twilight; she is coming off as a racist/xenophobic and bias idiot!!!

Has she learned nothing from her lesson with Zecora!? Never judge a book by its cover!!!!

AND Nobody/nopony is freaking perfect, not even the princesses. It WON'T take a genius to know that, that's why it's pissing me off that Twilight's acting like this. :facehoof:

Well... It does need editing and revisions....

Also this is season one twilight, this isn't long after nightmare moon returned

I liked this chapter it was great

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