• Member Since 19th Dec, 2019
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


I love making fun, lewd stories! I hope you enjoy my work!

Comments ( 117 )

This is good story! I love it! So it inspires me to write my own Luna x fics. KEEP GOING!

Definitely would like to see more of this. Luna is best Princess as well as best pony.

Actually, I believe it's 'moon-cheeks'. Celestia is sun-butt.

The cover art for this story is pretty good looking and so far this story is good.

This is a pretty good story so far, though my only complaint is how things were rushed. 3500 words is a decent intro chapter, but I feel like the content could have been spread out over three or four chapters of the same size.

That's fair. If you want my honest opinion, I wrote this in 2-3 days, because when I have a spark for a story, I have to write it quickly before it dies out.

Will be keeping an eye out on this one

Ah, sorry. I just went with a random name to fit the title and North Star was rolling around in my head. I didn't know this name was used.

not an issue, they prolly did the same thing.

I always welcome Luna stories and even better when they have a close guard with them :raritystarry:

I Wish you luck with your story.

Thank you. I wish I had this done sooner, but my hands were a bit too shaky to write.

Oooo I wonder how clueless celestia will end up being lol

“Ah… She… She was a beach, plain and simple. But she had passion. We were always pushing each other, getting better at what we did. Sex was fantastic too. Then, I dunno, she just dumped me outta nowhere. Went off the grid for a bit, did my thing, and here we are. Last I heard from her, she went off to be some fashion designer.”

I hope that it's not Rarity.

You could use pen and paper to write the next chapter.

In case there is no internet, you could write the chapter out so that you can edit it later.

Ahhh, I see your point. I think the only issue would be that my family would be nearby, and I wouldn't want them to get a hold of it and see what I'm writing.

Write when and where you can. Internet will come back when it does.

Itll help to get a few chapters ahead

Thank you! I won't know if I'll be able to work every day, but if I'm lucky, I should be able to have at least a chapter or two ready. I'll be with family, so even if I have access to a computer to write, I'm nervous to have them see my projects.

Keep going as you are. Dont worry about the tags being perfect. You'll get the hang of em soon enough.

and Lewd is nice but storyline is best. You're building a great foundation for a great story here. Keep it up!

Thank you. Truth is, I had a lot of time to think while I was on vacation. I thought about wanting to give everyone the best story I can, even if it goes in weird directions. I just want to be a good writer for you all.

I get the feeling this is gonna be one of those "came for the lewd, stayed for the plot" kind of stories. Sure, the lewd's gonna be good but if the moments in-between are gonna continue to be interesting like this, then frankly I'm in no hurry, except to read more.

Thank you. That means a lot. Truth is, after a couple of chapters, I was unsure how much lewd I planned to put in it. I am definitely going to put more in, but I want this to be a story and not just fapbait. Keep in mind, after chapter 5, there will be some fapbait. I just need a bit of time to recover cause on my flight back, I caught a sore throat and I'm a bit tired. I got 2 chapters done, though. Will post the next one tomorrow.

Happy to see that you're happy. ^^

Love the cover art you have for your story

Hey, really enjoying this. Just the right amount of lewd, mystery, and Lulu. Love the cover pic. And now on Featured! Congrats! :yay:

This caused North to have his first true reaction, an embarrassed blush as he adjusted his helmet. “W-Well… I thought batponies were cool… A-And I wanted to work for you, Princess.”

North Star is like if Moonatik was a Luna simp instead of a NMM simp.

As the sisters ate together, Luna took note of how her sister was acting. She was still lost in a trance as she nibbled on her pancakes. A small smile was on the moon princess’s face as she looked down at her pancakes.

I'm guessing you meant Celestia instead of Luna, right?

Fair warning, this chapter's gonna be a bit sad. Still, hope you enjoy. The next chapter is progressing slowly.

Me who's read PH:

Thank you. I've hit the featured a couple of times, but I don't know if I deserve it, really. I appreciate everyone who reads and likes the story, and the ones who give a fair and honest critique of it.

Hope you've enjoyed the story so far. If you haven't liked it, sorry for taking up your time.

Beat up the Sickness!!!

I'm fighting Nerves. (Goin to be a papa in a day :applejackconfused:)

Good luck! Don't be nervous, just remember that no matter the struggles in life, love your child and raise them to be kind, level-headed, and brave. Imo, the best qualities to have.

I can't sleep thanks to my congestion.

any ability to get some nasal spray, or even use it? Drixol (if I remember the US name for it) with the moisturizer helped me alot.

And thanks. Thats the intention and overall plan. Still nervous

Yeah, that doesn't help none. I would say otherwise, a HOT steam shower. I'm having to do the same thing for myself

Oh I have been enjoying it, I just saw a moment to say something funny and took it.

Well, this was a very interesting chapter. Not a bad one, just very interesting. Can't wait to see what else you have for these 2 love birds

Yeah, well, unfortunately for all of us these days, with the world getting buried in millions of tons figurative shit and things going to shit, what can you do except try and find some form of happiness in the forms of the things you like to do, watch, play, and/or people to hang out with.


Well, it's not just that. I suffer from... Something, which makes mental stuff hard. Even seeing how 2 people disliked this chapter makes me feel miserable. But I need to focus and do my best.

Well, I liked it. You did a pretty good job with this story so far.

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