• Published 23rd Jun 2023
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Equestria: World War II (1939-1941) - The Unseen

Equestria is transported to Earth right before World War 2 is supposed to begin and an evil entity breaks free of his prison, how will they survive?

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Chapter 18

-------------------------------------------------------------SOMEWHERE IN GERMANY------------------------------------------------------------
It was now close to 8:30pm in Germany, which meant it was around 6:00pm in Equestria. Discord was walking around the building. All the equipment was perfect, freshly shipped from a factory. He admired the equipment. It would soon create chaos, the one thing he loved most. He thrived on it, he fed on it, he sustained on it, thought Discord, as he admired the equipment. He was thinking how to go about his eleventh set of experiments, when one of the German scientists he had hired came in. "Mr. Discord, from where do you want to get the test subjects for the experiments?" asked the scientist.

Discord had already been planning on how to do the first few sets. "Well, I say we should get them from all the concentration camps. It's not worth using one of our own citizens." replied Discord.

"Yes, that is a good idea, and it will truly show them that we Nazis do not accept non-Aryans or traitors to our nation! I will call the camps, and have them truck the subjects in!" said the scientist.

"Good, let's get the first ones in within another two days." said Discord, as the scientist went into the office to make the calls. Discord sighed to himself, and continued to admire the lab. As he walked by a large reflective piece of equipment, his form flickered a little, and his true form was visible for a second. Thankfully, no one saw it. He wasn't ready to reveal his true form just yet. In the meantime, he'd better go back to planning.

The three princesses were standing on the balcony of the castle. To make sure none of the Equestrians lost all their magic in the middle of a battlefield, Twilight was able to decipher the spell behind the magic bubble that covered Equestria and the Crystal Empire, and planned to extend it across the whole of Earth. It would extend to close to the end of Earth's atmosphere, so that way, ponies in planes could also have magic, Twilight had said. It was around 6:10pm, when Twilight showed up.

"Sorry I'm late, I was preparing to cast the spell. It's going to be exhausting, even if all of us do it together." explained Twilight.

"I see. Well, are we ready?" asked Celestia.

"Yep, all good here, sister." said Luna.

"Same here." said Cadance.

"Alright, here we go..." said Celestia, as the three princesses, and Twilight, began casting the spell. Their horns all began glowing, and they began the casting of the spell. A large pillar of white light lit up the Equestrian sky, as the magic bubble was extended all over Earth. It was visible all the way in Manehattan.

It lasted a full minute. The second the spell was finished, Twilight collapsed to the floor in exhaustion. "Twilight! Are you okay?" asked Cadance.

"I'm fine. Just need to sleeeep.... " said Twilight, as she slept off, and began snoring.

"Well, I'll take her back to her room. You also get some rest, alright, 'Tia, Luna?"

"Yep, we'll also sleep off. I'm a little tired." said Celestia.

However, later that night, while the rest of the ponies were asleep, Luna couldn't sleep. It was around 10:00pm, when she decided to go on dream duty, since she missed doing so. Without waking anyone else, she smoothly flew out the balcony, and began using her dream magic. Within a few seconds, Luna was in the dreamscape. She flew over the dream Equestria. She didn't go into the rich ponies' dreams. To them, a nightmare was getting a hangnail, or getting a stain on their suit.

As she flew over the dream Ponyville, there were some mild nightmares there, but nothing too much to worry about. Majority of the nightmares were of the ponies, dreaming about how terrifying the war would be. She was able to quickly stop those nightmares, and continue on. There were more such nightmares in Equestria and the Crystal Empire as well, but again, Luna was able to stop those.

However, she saw the color red, that of a nightmare of the worst kind, on her peripheral vision. She instantly flew in that direction, towards Manehattan. As she arrived, she saw that that nightmare was coming from the USS Colorado. She quicky entered that nightmare, and saw something horrifying.

It was a huge battlefield, with multiple destroyed tanks and military vehicles. The bodies of dead human soldiers were lying everywhere, and Luna recognized this. It was the Great War, probably somewhere in Belgium. She had seen images of this conflict at the League of Nations, but never imagined it to be this horrible. Amidst the carnage, she saw a few intact tanks, and in one of them, she noticed who was having this nightmare. It was Dennis Rockmond, the American ambassador. He was around twenty years younger in this dream, and Luna remembered he had mentioned something about his own past a couple of days earlier, at the Manehattan Museum. This was probably it.

She watched as Rockmond, whose uniform read 'Commander', began moving his tank. "Dennis, what do we do?" asked one of the soldiers .

"We charge forward towards those enemy tanks, John. We're destroying them no matter what." said Rockmond.

"Are you sure? We might die." replied the man.

"Many more will die if we don't destroy those German tanks. Plus, Jimmy and his crew are gonna label me a coward for the rest of my life. Come on, let's get to it. The Three Tanketeers are back, baby!" said Rockmond, as the tanks continued charging at each other.

Luna watched as the clash between the American and German tanks began. "Yeah, baby! The Tanketeers rock!" shouted John. She could tell that he and Rockmond were clearly good friends, the way they called themselves.

"Chris, how's it going?" asked Rockmond to another young man in the tank.

"Pretty good here, Dennis. We've destroyed close to six German tanks so far, and the remaining few tanks seem to be retreating." replied Chris.

"Good, lets chase those cowards out of here!" shouted Rockmond, as they began going after the tanks.

Suddenly, they were horrified as more enemy tanks were seen. They had called in reinforcements. "Shit, shit, shit! They called in backup!" shouted Chris.

"We can't survive long enough without backup, and they can't get here in time. We're fucked! Let's get outta here!" shouted another man, over the tank's radio.

"Nope, we can, Jimmy! You and your guys are just cowards! We're taking them on!" shouted Rockmond, clearly wanting to outshine Jimmy.

"Dennis, are you crazy?! We can't take them on like that!" said Chris.

"Yes, we can! I'm improving our kill record! I've had enough of being outshined by Jimmy and his crew everytime! We're doing this!" shouted Rockmond, clearly not willing to retreat, as he started moving the tank forwards, at high speed.

"Dennis, are you mad?!" replied John.

"That's Commander Rockmond to you, John, and no, I am not mad!" shouted Rockmond, as he accelerated the tank straight towards the German tanks.

Luna watched horrifyingly as Rockmond and crew's tank charged towards the German tanks. At first, they did well, catching them by surprise, and destroying close to four tanks, but then, Rockmond's tank took a direct hit.

"Chris! John! Are you okay?" asked a panicked Rockmond to the two young men, who seemed to be either dead or knocked out. That was when the tank caught fire, which began spreading rapidly.

"Oh, no! I better get out of here!" shouted Rockmond, as he instantly climbed out of the burning tank. As he was about to run away from the burning tank, that was when he heard the screams.

"Dennis! Where are you?! It's burning in here!" shouted the voices of Chris and John. Rockmond instantly realized that Chris and John had probably been knocked out when the tank was hit, but only now had woken up. Rockmond instantly ran back towards the tank, when it suddenly exploded, throwing him back to the ground. Rockmond watched in horror, and began to cry, realizing both his best friends had died.

Luna wanted to see no more, and ended the horrifying nightmare. At last, her dream duty was over. It was around 4:00am now, as she entered the real world, and went back to the castle. Luna couldn't believe how Rockmond had lost his best friends, just like that. It was worse, as he had never got any closure. Meanwhile, Rockmond, for the first time in over twenty years, was peacefully sleeping, in his cabin aboard the Colorado.