• Published 23rd Jun 2023
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Equestria: World War II (1939-1941) - The Unseen

Equestria is transported to Earth right before World War 2 is supposed to begin and an evil entity breaks free of his prison, how will they survive?

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Chapter 3

28TH AUGUST 1939

---------------------------------------------------------10, DOWNING STREET, LONDON--------------------------------------------------------
Prime Minister Chamberlain was nervous. He had slept for only four hours, and was about to give an address to the public that would change the world forever. It would be aired on radio and television, and multiple people would be seeing it. It was now 8:00am, just an hour before the aircraft would make an overflight of the new continent, which the public would hear about for the first time. "Sir, we are going to go live on air in thirty seconds." said the radio and television operator. Chamberlain sighed, straightened his tie, and brushed his hair one last time, as the broadcast began. "People of Britain, and the rest of the world, today, we have an announcement that will change our world as we know it forever. Yesterday, a large continent, quarter of the size of America, suddenly appeared out of nowhere in the Atlantic Ocean, 300 kilometers off the coast of Ireland. A flight of Hawker Hurricanes flew near this landmass, and revealed that its inhabitants are not human.... but ponies." said Chamberlain. All over the world, two billion people were watching, who all gasped at this statement.

"Not just any ponies, but they seem to be unicorns and pegasi. They seem to have built large cities, even though they have primitive technology. As we speak, a flight of RAF aircraft is just an hour away from rendezvous with a pair of U.S. Army Air Corps aircraft and a reconnaissance overflight of this new land. Then, we will conduct first contact with ten Royal Navy ships and ten U.S. Navy ships. If all goes well and these creatures are friendly, then hopefully, it will open up a new era. I hope first contact goes well, and they are friendly. This is Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, signing off." ended Chamberlain. Hopefully, the world would accept these creatures, he hoped. Now, he was heading back to the operations room, and hopefully, the overflight would go well, and their planes were not destroyed.

"Peuple de Grande-Bretagne et du reste du monde, nous avons aujourd'hui une annonce qui changera à jamais notre monde tel que nous le connaissons. Hier..." in France, "ब्रिटेन और बाकी दुनिया के लोग, आज हमारे पास एक घोषणा है जो हमारी दुनिया को हमेशा के लिए बदल देगी। कल..." in India, and "Menschen in Großbritannien und im Rest der Welt haben heute eine Ankündigung, die unsere Welt, wie wir sie kennen, für immer verändern wird. Gestern..." in Germany, all over the world, replays of this same speech were being played in different languages, what would come to be known as the greatest speech of the world, and the day the world changed forever.

It was now around 9:00am in Equestria. The three princesses were about to make an address to their citizens. Everypony was outside to hear this address, and they were all concerned it was about the strange storm that had their lands a day earlier. As the address was about to begin, Celestia, Luna, and Cadance stepped onto the stage prepared for them. "Greetings everypony. As you all may know, around 11:00am yesterday, Equestria and the Crystal Empire were struck by a strange storm that has had some strange effects on us. All ponies outside Equestria and the Crystal Empire were transported back home, while all the Gryphons, Yaks, etc. in our lands vanished. Unfortunately, this storm... also seems to have transported both Equestria and the Crystal Empire to another planet entirely." spoke Celestia.

Everypony gasped in horror at the last statement, wondering how this could have happened, and what would happen to them.

"On this planet, there seems to be no magic, and the Sun and Moon are unfortunately not in our control, and we don't know if it is inhabited, but if it is so, we can only hope that the inhabitants are friendly. We are trying to find more information now, but it seems our neighbors did not make the journey with us and still on our home planet. May fate help us all now." signed off Celestia, as everypony started to talk nervously, their theories about what would happen to them. Celestia was wondering what the inhabitants of this planet looked like. She hoped fervently that they would be ponies as well, but she knew there was hardly a 1% chance that it would be so, and that they would probably be different creatures entirely. In the meantime, the princesses had assembled a small team to help assemble material for the inhabitants of this planet about their world, and its history, and knew that this planet's inhabitants would probably do something similar, so she would do the same.

----------------------------------------------------10,000 FEET OVER THE ATLANTIC OCEAN-------------------------------------------------
Flight Lieutenant Donald MacArthur was worried. He had heard Prime Minister Chamberlain's announcement, and he was hoping that he didn't get shot down on this mission. He was one of the first pilots to be checked out on the RAF's newest toy, the Supermarine Spitfire. It was the fastest fighter ever made, and it was a dream to fly, and although this was supposed to be a reconnaissance mission, Air Command had armed his fighter's guns, just in case these ponies were hostile. Their mission was to escort the two American B-17 bombers across the new continent and back to London. They were now just five minutes away from the rendezvous point, and the bombers were just barely visible, as a speck in the distance, and should come into full view soon, as they began the final turn towards the new continent, which was just ten minutes away now.

As the B-17s came into full view, MacArthur and his comrade in the Spitfire next to him were realizing why this aircraft was called the 'Flying Fortress'. It was the biggest aircraft they had ever seen, and its wing could easily fit around two Spitfires. Then, a message came on their radios from the pilot of the first B-17.

"Tigershark 1, this is Raider 46 here. Our bomb bays are filled with cameras so we can take pictures of this new land, and we hardly have any defence. You loaded?" asked the B-17 pilot.

"Tigershark 1 here. Yes, our guns are fully loaded, and we're ready to provide cover fire, just in case they're killer ponies. replied MacArthur.

"Good, because we are now just two minutes away from the new continent, and the first city is just barely visible. Are you ready for this?" asked Raider 46.

"Yes." replied MacArthur.

"Alright, here we go..." replied Raider 46.

(imagine basically two of each flying over Equestria)

"Huh, that city on the coast over there.... doesn't it look a lot like New York?" asked Raider 46. MacArthur had spent some time in America on exchange tours, and he had visited New York a few times, so he recognized it instantly.

"Yes, it looks pretty much just like New York, except for what should be the Statue of Liberty." Indeed, in the place where the Statue of Liberty would be, instead of a woman holding the flame, it was a unicorn. He also noticed a harbor, similar to the one in Manhattan, and it had ships alright, but instead of metal like most modern ships, they were wooden, and used sails. He knew that this world's technology seemed to be primitive, but he wondered how they could have built such amazing cities without advanced technology. He then realized that all the ponies in the city were looking at their aircraft, and he wasn't surprised that they had never seen an airplane before, after seeing how primitive their technology was. He just hoped they wouldn't attack their aircraft.

On the ground, the ponies were starting to freak out. First they had been transported to a new planet from Equis, and now they had seen four unidentified flying objects, nothing like anything they had seen before. They were producing a low rumbling noise that was frightening. Everypony was coming up with theories on what these flying objects could be. "They're a new breed of dragon!" shouted a green Earth pony with a brown mane.

"But, if they're dragons, how can they fly without flapping their wings?" shouted a red pegasus with a gray mane.

"Calm down, everypony! Let's all just send a message to the princesses, warning of them of these objects!" said a white unicorn with a black mane, who pulled out a scroll, and a quill from a shop, and began writing to the princesses.

In the meantime, the four flying objects began flying over the city. Some pegasi tryed to follow them, but realized they were too fast and too high for them to keep up, and hoped that the princesses could find out what these objects were, while some wondered if this new planet was indeed inhabited after all, and these were the inhabitants. All they hoped was that they were friendly, and decided to keep an eye out for more of them.

It was now around 12:10pm in Equestria, just an hour and a half since Celestia and Luna had received the worrying letter from Manehattan. The letter didn't say much, except that four scary-looking UFOs had been seen over the city, and that they seemed to be heading towards Canterlot. Just five minutes earlier, the soldiers had sent in a report that the UFOs were approaching Canterlot, and would fly past the castle. Now, Celestia, Luna, Cadance, and Twilight were on the castle's balcony, watching the objects approach. At an altitude of about 10,000 hooves in the clear blue sky, they were monstrous looking, exactly as the Manehattan ponies had described. Using a telescope, they decided to take a closer look at the objects. The objects looked more dreadful than described up close. Two had narrow bodies that were made of metal, had straight rectangular wings, and on each wing, were two fan-like contraptions, similar to the blades of Pinkie Pie's gyrocopter prototypes, while the other two were similar, but were smaller, and had only one of the blade-like contraptions. All four were producing a strange rumbling noise that slowly got louder and louder as they came closer to the castle.

Cadance was the first one to realize, "These are not dragons... they're flying machines!" she exclaimed.

"What?! How were the inhabitants of this land able to make such large metal behemoths fly?" wondered Twilight, looking at the strange flying machines now approaching Canterlot Castle, when Luna decided to go and take a closer look at these behemoths.

"No, Luna, don't! We don't want to antagonize whoever's in those machines and make them attack!" shouted Celestia.

"Sister, I am just going to take a closer look at them. I'm just going to take a close look and see how those machines work, who is controlling them, and what they are doing in our skies." said Luna, as she flew off towards the big flying machines. As she got closer, she realized that on the underside of the two large ones were two big doors, that had swung open to reveal some camera-like objects, and realized that they were not here to attack, but just gather intelligence on their countries. She took a look at the exterior, and realized that both of them were silver, and number 46 was painted on one, while 47 was painted on the other. She also saw a marking on both of them. A blue circle, containing a white star with a red circle in the star's center. The small ones had different markings, however, with three concentric circles, one red, one white, and one blue. She realized these were protection for the big ones, and decided to take a closer look at these.

As she neared the first of the smaller ones, she realized there was a glass bubble on top, with something inside. It was wearing a helmet, but she could tell it was definitely not a pony. She could only see its head, and even that was fully obscured as it was wearing a helmet, but it seemed to be alarmed on seeing her, because it instanly moved its craft away from her, and she realized she had better get back to the castle before they decided to attack her, and instantly began heading back.

-----------------------------------------------------------10,000 FEET ABOVE CANTERLOT-------------------------------------------------------
MacArthur was looking down at the city they were approaching. It seemed to be a pretty affluent city, and had a huge castle at the end. The spire of the castle was extremely high, and MacArthur had told Raider 46 that it was probably around 2,000 feet tall. Raider 46 replied with a more accurate guess that it was most likely around 1,500 feet tall. They were busy making more guesses to its exact height, when MacArthur noticed something. "Raider 46, look out, theres a blue winged unicorn just off your left wing!" shouted MacArthur. A winged unicorn, with a picture of the Moon on her flank, was flying next to Raider 46. This was unlike the other ponies they had seen in the pictures. This one had both a unicorn horn and wings, and had a starry mane flowing like a river, and was curiously looking at the big B-17. "I'm not surprised," he thought, "considering they probably have never seen an airplane before...", when the pony suddenly flew towards his Spitfire without warning, and MacArthur instantly thought, "Holy fuck, what on Earth is it doing?!" pulled an evasive maneuver to avoid hitting it. He then saw the pony fly away from his aircraft with an alarmed look on its face, so MacArthur rejoined his comrades to continue the flight.

Luna had just returned from taking a look at the strange flying machines. "Well Luna? What did you find out, huh?" asked the other two princesses and Twilight.

"Well, everypony, I have figured out what those machines are here for. They seem to be gathering intelligence on our world, in preparation for first contact. Sadly, I couldn't find out what was controlling them, but they are not ponies, though." said Luna.

"Well, that's good. It means they aren't going to attack us, and seem to be aiming for a peaceful first contact. But we must make preparations, if this is an alien race that has more advanced technology than us." said Celestia. "Twilight, you continue working with the first contact team, and make sure that the presentation is ready within another 12 hours. Cadance, those machines will probably pass by the Crystal Empire, so tell Shining Armor and the Crystal Pony Guards not to take them down." ordered Celestia.

"Right away, Princess!" said both of them, as Twilight ran to where the first contact team was working, and Cadance began writing the letter.

----------------------------------------------------10,000 FEET OVER THE CRYSTAL EMPIRE--------------------------------------------------
The remainder of the reconnaissance overflight was going without a hitch, after the incident with the pony over the capital city. They had flown over a few more towns and cities, and were now over a snowy land. They were flying by a huge city in the snow, which seemed to be protected by a large blue shield made of energy. It had a large castle that seemed to be made of diamonds, that looked beautiful. While they were admiring it, they saw all the other ponies in the city were again looking at them. They weren't surprised, but saw that some of these ponies seemed to be glowing with the same energy of the shield, and again, all the unicorns seemed to have magic. He wondered if this land was probably an entirely different nation from the first one, and wondered if these two nations were friendly, and wondered what powered this shield and their magic, as it reminded him of some mythological stories he had read.

As he was wondering, they passed the snowy land, and realized that their mission was completed, as they were about to fly over the ocean. Incredibly, the whole thing had lasted just under two hours. They had been maintaining radio silence since the beginning of the mission, and they reported in. "Control, this is Tigershark 1. We have finished up the overflight with Raider 46 and 47." reported MacArthur.

"Roger that. Tigershark 1 and 2, Raider 46 and 47, turn left 90 degrees, and climb to Flight Level 180." ordered Control. "Turn left 90 degrees, climb to Flight Level 180, Tigershark 1." copied MacArthur.

"Copy that." came another reply from Raider 46, as all four planes began to climb and turn. They would be back over British airspace in just over three hours, and should be landing with just over half an hour's worth of fuel remaining. The second they were on the ground, the photos from their cameras would be telegraphed to the first contact ships, which would leave once the intel was delivered.

As all four planes began turning and climbing back towards Britain, they had no idea that an evil essence was starting to awake on this land, that would plunge their world into chaos within two weeks.

Author's Note:

Chapter 4 will unfortunately be delayed a little, as I am going on a personal trip, so Chapter 4 will probably be out by next Monday or Tuesday.