• Published 27th Sep 2012
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Ponies Versus Starcraft - ambion

Silly Starcraft Pony Scenarios. Sometimes stuff explodes.

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Luna vs DTs

Luna acted upon her full royal prerogative to frolic. She skipped along, her hooves barely touching the ground and her head swinging back and forth, and all the while she sang a wordless ditty of delight.

Of course, she skipped lightly because of the lower gravity, and her voice had no words because there was no atmosphere to carry them.

For Luna was on a moon. Not necessarily her most familiar moon, but another one much the same.

To the pair of hidden figures watching her from some ways away, she was an enigma wrapped in a mystery, for they hadn’t met an alicorn before. Sufficed to say, alicorns chortle in the face of physical impossibilities.

Well, one saw an enigma wrapped in a mystery of quite possibly abominable impossibility. The other saw a dancing blue pony, smiled, and started to match her dancing little wiggle. This one got a cuff upside the head and a quiet, hissed reminder to focus.

“I don’t get it, brother. What is this thing? What is it doing? Why is it so...happy? Brother? Brother?”

The cleverer dark templar - or at least, the one who thought himself cleverer (the other did not think about it at all) - looked about wildly, his tattered robes whirling around him. He spotted his counterpart skipping along the rocks in the thing’s wake, rapidly catching it up. With a pit of ill-patience souring his... well, Brotoss didn’t have stomachs because they’re photosynthetic (odd but true)...souring his something.

Cursing under his breath, he activated his single short warp blade, which flickered into existence with a hungry cackle of eldritch energies. He was a rather sour personality anyway, so it was a familiar feeling.

Whereas his brother...his brother couldn’t be sour if he was soaked in lemon juice for a fortnight.

“Oh Hai!” the bouncing dark templar shouted jubilantly to Luna. She turned about, and screamed.

Now, bear with me, but we’re pausing this regaling right here for a moment. It must be made clear that while the first dark templar was fastidiously dressed befitting a warrior of darkness, his brother was a simple creature quite easily enraptured by pop culture trends...no matter how silly they were. For Luna, this meant a dual-ended warp scythe wielding stack of bone clad warrior appeared from nowhere behind her.

Nobody likes a dual-ended warp scythe wielding stack of bone clad warrior appearing behind them beaming a wide smile.

On with the story.

Luna’s screaming ended as abruptly as the decked out templar’s crying began.

“Look what you did!” an angry voice echoed inside her head (No air, remember? And Brotoss don’t speak with vocal chords anway) A shadowy figure patted the bigger one on the back, who swivelled and slowly quieted.

Meanwhile, Luna stared at the ludicrous weapon. Ahem - While the scythe is not pre eminent amongst the weapons of war, anyone has been on the wrong side of, say, a peasants’ revolt will know that in the right hands it is fearsome.

Now, such a weapon said two things to Luna. Either this guy had no skill whatsoever and would hurt himself at the first possible chance for an accident, or - and this was supported by still having all his limbs attached - he was very, very proficient with it.

Some of the bones, she noticed, had rainbows and butterflies and happy faces painted on them. For reasons she couldn’t put to words (not counting that, with no atmosphere, she really couldn’t have anyway) they only strengthened her opinion.

Trusting to kindness, she approached the duo.

“I’m sorry I snuck up on you,” the warrior sniffled dutifully.

“I’m sorry I yelled at you you,” she said, because let’s face it. If she wants to talk, physical laws aren’t really going to present a challenge.

“Can we be friends?” the mighty warrior said with piteous adorability. Luna smiled, and this made for an instant reaction. “Yay! Friend hugs!”

The other templar was too slow leaping away as strong blue hooves pulled him into the group hug.

“No! No hugs! Never hugsssss...” and his voice trailed off, somehow into the distance.

Luna opened her eyes to find herself embracing a mass of red and black energies, which, precisely twelve (in-game) seconds later, coalesced enough to reveal a face.

We just had to hug, didn’t we? Yay! Friends! Aauuugh. The new voice said, switching between euphoric and sarcastic tones.

“I’m...sorry?” Luna said, quite confused by all this.

Yay! You should be. Every few seconds, the dark archon seemed to flip flop personality.

You have no idea what this is like - We made a new friend! Luna frowned like a right grump.

“Oh yeah?” she said, and was consumed in a torrent of black fire, becoming darker, and taller.

Both voices of the Dark Archon went wide eyed, in true harmony, if only for a moment, whereas the alicorn’s went to draconic slits.

We think we have a pretty good inkling of the notion,” Nightmare Moon said.

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