• Published 27th Sep 2012
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Ponies Versus Starcraft - ambion

Silly Starcraft Pony Scenarios. Sometimes stuff explodes.

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Fluttershy vs Universe

The Xel’Naga, though truly the gods of their time, had some very peculiar ideas. Among others, one of these was to create a super assimilative, self determining and self sustaining, exponentially growing race known as the zerg. These, in short, are what every ant and locust wishes to be when they grow up, with all the fantastic hatred and seething fury one might expect after generations of boots and magnifying glasses.

They gave control of the swarm to a consciousness that came to be known as the Overmind, and with a name like that it probably was not content to be subordinate to anybody.

Early in its existence it discovered something. Something powerful. Something... terrible. The Overmind hungrily brought this discovery into its fold, and with that power annihilated the Xel’Naga, which just goes to show that even gods are not necessarily intelligent or at all savvy.

The only clue to the nature of the death of these progenitors is declared by this enigmatic phrase : “HNNNNNGGGG!!”

Whatever "HNNNGG" alluded to, its power was too much for the Overmind and its cerebrates. Soon all the zerg succumbed to this dreaded and mysterious fate, just as they had unleashed it upon their masters. For long aeons the swarm, whatever it has become, has been quiet. Of all the wide universe and the long stretches of time, the meaning of these things is yet to be understood.

Now, after millenia, something echoes across the stars. A call, a siren song emitted into the depths of the galaxy. And it has drawn them out.

It is not the case that the universe is big. It isn’t. Things are big. Things are defined and have edges and boundaries that a brain can wrap around. The universe, being not a thing, is instead everything.

A lake for instance, is big. But that is only a drip of water compared to an ocean, which in turn is only a puff of steam to a star, itself only a speck of light on the night sky-

Wait a second - did that star just go out?

It did! What the hell? Look, look at the sky! The stars, they’re blinking out, one by one! What’s going on?! Oh, damn look! Look damnit! It’s spreading across the sky, blocking out the stars?! What the hell is going on??!!

Like most civilizations, this one didn’t take it particularly well when a thick blackness spread across the heavens, drowning out the night like spilled ink drowns out the written word. Not many people actually use their stars, but its nice in a reaffirming way to have them there on the off chance, like an old but working cassette player, that the urge arises. It makes people feel like they had a bit of class. People do not like it when the blackness of the void decides to borrow that without even asking.

And the blackness most certainly was big. But it wasn’t a thing. As it breached the upper atmosphere over every major continent and significant land mass and descended, the first telescopic peeks and incidences of “HNNNGGG!!” happened.

No, it wasn’t a thing. It was many things. The swarm blocked out the entire sky as untold billions swooped and glided down. They sang softly amongst themselves and apologized for accidentally speaking over one another, their wingtips filling every inch of atmosphere. It was, undoubtedly, the end of the world.

And it wasn’t black. It was yellow like dandelions and pink like love.

To those who knew, their blood ran cold at the sight. “Who authorised the use of shy emitters?

The voice of Manesk crackled through the communications line from his battlefleet in high orbit. “I did, lieutenant.”

What? Before was bad enough, but now you’re going to use Fluttershy against an entire planet? This is insane!”

Frantic resistance groups banded together as the swarm of Fluttershy descended through the cloud layer.

It was futile. They could only shoot at what they could see and by the time they could see what to shoot at... they couldn’t.

They descended like snowflakes in a blizzard. Infinite, soft, fluffy, and burying the world. A flock of squeaking Fluttershy landed gently on a marine until there was only his arm, clutching desperately upwards to the swarming heavens. Soon that too was lost beneath snuggling and cuddling ponies. He screamed from the depths of the horror, and moved no more.


“Umm, if it’s alright with you...-”

“Could we maybe please -”

“...if you don’t mind that is-”

“...assimilate your species. Please?”

From the now empty armour a new Fluttershy filly struggled and crawled her way out. Hundreds of other Fluttershy looked at her and she whimpered, trying to hide behind her hair.

Seeing what they had done, the others’ all apologized and did the same.

“Umm. Hello.” The filly whispered through a squeak. After a cautious moment the Fluttershys smiled nervously, and together took flight.

Across the entire world it was the same. Some screamed, some struggled, some grinned so wide their heads should have fallen in half, but the result was always the same.

Through the cataclysm floated an observer. The invisible little spy watched impassively and fed its findings to the cloaked fleet in orbit.

The templar on board the capital ship stood in silence.

“Those poor, poor bastards,” one said sadly.

“This world is lost. It must be burned.”

The executor sighed with the weight of worlds upon his shoulders. They had no love for the fires of annihilation, but there was no other way. Wherever the observer looked there was only yellow and pink.

He reached for the button - and it was a big red button, as the rules of these things demand - and winced. There was no other way.

“Eep!” What? He hesitated and looked to the viewscreen. The perspective wobbled. The observer had collided with something. Somepony.

Fluttershy opened her eyes, wide with confusion and uncertainty, tears brimming at the edges. She tried to curl up smaller and smaller. By sheer chance she managed to look direcly into the observer’s eye.

“Look away!” a templar screamed, but it was too late. They were, every last one, transfixed.

The viewscreen, in ultra real definition and big enough for a bridge crew of dozens, was filled with Fluttershy. She fought back a sniffle.

“I’m sorry,” she whimpered, and three other Fluttershy settled softly beside her to comfort and soothe her.

Battle hardened Templar fell to the floor, clutching at their chests. “Too...Powerful!” one gasped.

“Adorableness....Overwhelming!!” another wheezed.

“Full retreat!” The executor managed to croak.

The fleet lurched forward into warp space and the battered Templar struggled to their feet.

“We cannot hold against so many, all is lost. Fluttershy has doomed us all!”

There was a sudden small sound from behind a console. “Eep. I’m so sorry!”

Dozens of weapons flashed into being. “By the gods, they’re onboard!”

Templar warriors brandished their blades and encircled Fluttershy.

Fluttershy squeaked with fright and her wide eyes trembled. By the light of the Khala it must be done... but she looked so helpless and afraid, with those big wide eyes and those little wings...

They just wanted to hug her and tell her everything would be all right... Oh no...

A templar arched his back as if electrocuted and exploded into light with a bluish glow “HNNNG!” he screamed as he ceased to exist, and in his place was a filly Fluttershy who wobbled on her legs as she tried to stand up.

Now there was two Fluttershy, and one was a filly. A chorus of detonating templar quickly rang out across the ship.

The executor, warrior born and trained to physical and mental perfection over centuries, with a very strong heart as well, resisted until one of his recently departed warriors cuddled up against his foot and fell asleep.

“HNN-- *poof*”

So it was that somewhere in the depths of warp space, a massive fleet headed home, but carried no more mighty warriors. They had become something entirely more unstoppable, and with an unsuspecting homeworld in the their soft and gentle sights, all would fall before Fluttershy...

But first, they curled up together and napped, and the grown-ups sang lullabies to the fillies.

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