• Published 5th Jun 2023
  • 497 Views, 15 Comments

Dragon of Steel II - SuperPinkBrony12

(Sequel to "Dragon of Steel", familiarity with the former is strongly recommended. Based on "Superman II", both the theatrical version and the Donner cut.) Spike, as Super Dragon, is pitted against Garble and two other dragons.

  • ...

Super Nomore?

Spike hadn't bothered to change out of his costume before knocking on the door of Twilight's castle, and he didn't really care. He knew she was the only one who could help him. Only she had the power to do what he felt needed to be done.

At last, after several minutes of frantic knocking had gone unanswered, Twilight opened her castle doors and appeared. Upon seeing Spike in his Super Dragon attire, she gasped and quickly pulled him inside! Then, for good measure, she slammed the doors shut behind them! Only then did she peel off the mask, looking the dragon deep in the eyes. "Spike?! What are you doing here dressed like that?! I thought you didn't want ponies knowing your secret?"

Spike let out a deep sigh, looking down at the ground with regret. "I did. But unfortunately, I slipped up. I ended up exposing my secret identity to Rarity."

"Well, she was probably going to find out anyway," Twilight pointed out in a matter of fact tone. "I told you it was wrong to keep secrets from her. I don't see what the problem is. So she knows about your superhero alter ego? So what? Isn't it great that you have another friend in on the secret?"

Spike shook his head from side to side. "No, Twilight, because she's not just my friend," He swallowed hard. "I thought it was just a harmless crush, that I'd get over it with time. But..." His lips quivered. "It didn't. It won't go away. I'm in love with her!"

Suddenly, it dawned on Twilight what was troubling Spike. "Oh!" She exclaimed and jumped back a bit in shock.

Glumly, the little dragon confessed. "And that's the problem. My feelings for her are a distraction. Now that I have someone I love and care about, it's hard for me to focus on being a hero."

"So, just break it off with her. Rarity will understand," Twilight suggested. "It's not like it'll be the first time she'd had her heart broken."

Spike only shook his head again. "No, Twilight. I can't do that to her! I can't break up with her, not even if I wanted to. And I don't. My feelings for her are too strong!"

Then the alicorn suggested. "So, what? You want me to erase her memories of seeing you as Super Dragon or something? To make it so that it never happened?"

"Also no," The little dragon protested. "I can't run away from this. And I'm done trying to hide it! There's only one solution to this problem!" Hesitantly and in a glum tone of voice he vowed. "I have to give up my powers. I can't be the hero everypony wants me to be if I'm too focused on other things to care. I can't live in two worlds and live two lives."

"So that's it? You're just gonna give up being a superhero? Being Super Dragon?" Twilight frowned as she narrowed her eyes. "Spike, are you sure that's wise? There might still be a way to work something out with Rarity, a way that doesn't have to involve you giving up your powers or erasing her memories."

"Really? Then what is it, Twilight?" Spike demanded as he stomped a claw down. "What's the solution I'm not thinking of?"

Pressed for details, the young alicorn princess could only whimper and sheepishly confess. "I... don't know. But I do know that what you're thinking of is not the answer! Being Super Dragon meant everything to you! Are you really going to give that up just to be with Rarity?"

"Reluctantly, yes," Spike replied as he slowly lifted his head. "I can think of no other way. Besides, it's not like Equestria can't protect itself without me. It got by just fine before I came along, and it will continue to be fine even without my powers."

A long silence came over the front hallway of the castle as Twilight contemplated Spike's dilemma. Then, at last, she looked Spike deep in the eyes as she told him. "Well... if you are going to go through with that, I at least think you need to talk it over with Rarity and see what she thinks. Something tells me she won't be pleased."

The little dragon slowly nodded. "Okay, Twilight. I guess I at least owe her that. But I don't think it's going to change my mind," He tried to fight back the tears. "Get everything ready, Twilight. I won't be long." Then, after pulling the mask back down across his eyes, Spike raced out of the castle doors and took to the air again.

Twilight watched Spike depart and could only look down at the ground in shame. "Is there really no other way to solve this?" She whispered to herself.

Even now that she knew about Spike's secret, Rarity was still most surprised when he swooped down in front of Carousel Boutique in his full Super Dragon attire, and then made his way over to the boutique proper. He didn't bother with formalities, he just made his way inside and shut the door behind him.

"Oh, Spike," Rarity commented, before realizing it might not be wise to address him by name unless she was certain the two were alone. "What a... nice surprise."

"Wish I could say the same," Spike glumly replied, and then sighed deeply. "Rarity, there's no easy way for me to say what I'm about to say. But Twilight insisted that I talk things over with you before I went through with anything."

The fashionista blinked. "Spike... you're breaking up with me?" She asked, sounding more surprised than truly upset.

The little dragon swallowed hard and tried not to look guilty. "No, Rarity. I can't do that. I love you too much. And I'm not here to make you forget about what you found out either. I can't keep living a double life all the time now that I have to make you part of it. I just can't. It's too much of a burden."

"Whatever are you trying to say, Spike?" Rarity questioned. "It's not like you can take away all those powers of yours. However would Equestria survive without Super Dragon?"

"It will find a way," Spike insisted, trying to sound firm even as his lips quivered and betrayed his intentions. "I'm sorry, Rarity. I don't want to have to choose, but I also can't go on trying to manage being Super Dragon and being there for you."

"Spike, if you have to break up with me, I'd understand," Rarity firmly insisted with a huff. "I shouldn't be more important to you than saving lives. And if this is just because you're worried something will happen to me because of you, you're worrying about nothing. I'm more than capable of taking care of myself and you know it."

Spike clenched his claws and grit his teeth! Why was Rarity making this so difficult? Why couldn't she just accept that this was something he needed to do?

Noticing how tense and uncertain Spike was becoming, Rarity trotted forward and reached out a hoof. "Spike, you have such incredible powers. You can do things even ponies aren't capable of doing. And you have a responsibility to use those powers for the good of all of Equestria," She sweetly pleaded. "I don't want your feelings for me to get in the way of that, but I also I don't want me to be the reason why you have to give it all up."

"But... but... how would things work out between us?" The little dragon questioned with uncertainty.

The fashionista unicorn flashed a warm smile as she used her hoof to grab Spike, and proceeded to sweetly stroke his scales. "I'm sure we'll figure something out. We can make it work if we have to. There's no reason why your secret identity and double life should have to come between us," Locking eyes with Spike as she lifted up his face mask, she added. "Please, Spike. Think about all the lives you've saved or made a difference in as Super Dragon. Think of all the good you've done because of that. Do you really want to turn your back on all of that?"

Stuttering and trying to beat back a raging blush, Spike answered. "W-well, no... but..."

Rarity firmly shook her head from side to side. "-But nothing, Spike! You're not giving up your powers and that's that! Don't let our love be the reason why you can't keep being Super Dragon. You are a superhero first and foremost. Never forget that!"

Just like that, it was settled. Spike could tell Rarity wasn't going to let him go through with his plan to give up his powers, no matter how much he might want to. She seemed quite convinced that they could work something out. And looking into her eyes, he could see just how serious she was about that belief. If she believed so strongly that being Super Dragon wasn't going to come between them, well, he was inclined to believe her.

Although still a bit uncertain about what he was going to do, Spike felt like a great burden had been lifted from his shoulders now that he'd talked to Rarity. And maybe, just maybe, there was someone else he could consult that would help him figure things out.

If nothing else, though, Spike knew he'd have to go back to Twilight and tell her to cancel the preparations for the power draining.

But there was no need for the dragon to do that. With a sudden and loud pop, Twilight appeared in the interior of the boutique before pony and dragon! Her eyes had widened to the size of dinner plates, and it looked as if she'd just seen a ghost! "Spike, thank goodness I found you!" She frantically exclaimed! "Please tell me you've come to your senses and don't want me to take away your powers!"

"Not to worry, Twilight," Spike said with a smile. "Rarity talked some sense into me," Then he asked the alicorn. "What are you so worried about? What's wrong?"

Twilight gulped as she levitated over a scroll. "Just got this message from Princess Celestia. It's urgent. And you won't like what it says."

The little dragon hesitantly took the scroll into his claws, unfurled it and began to read it as his eyes scanned the parchment. By the time he'd finished, a look of horror flashed across his face! "So that's who Filthy Rich was working for!"

"Spike, what's wrong now?" Rarity questioned.

Spike simply pulled the face mask back down across his eyes, a look of fiery determination coming onto his face. "Trouble, that's what. Apparently, some teenage dragons paid a visit to Princess Celestia recently, and they tried to get her to surrender Equestria to them. She refused, but," He gulped. "They seemed intent on getting their way one way or another. Equestria is in danger."

A sincere smile formed on Rarity's face. "Well, what are you waiting for, then? Sounds like a job for Super Dragon!"

Spike nodded. "You're right, Rarity," He gripped his claws firmly. "Evildoers will never win! Not on my watch!"

Author's Note:

I initially planned to have Spike give up his powers and then have them be restored later on, just like in both versions of Superman II. But I decided against it since I thought that would make Spike seem selfish.