• Published 5th Jun 2023
  • 497 Views, 15 Comments

Dragon of Steel II - SuperPinkBrony12

(Sequel to "Dragon of Steel", familiarity with the former is strongly recommended. Based on "Superman II", both the theatrical version and the Donner cut.) Spike, as Super Dragon, is pitted against Garble and two other dragons.

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Super Dragon Rises

Now that the conflict, concern and confusion in his head was cleared up, Super Dragon could focus on what he had sworn to do since discovering his super powers: Save lives and protect the innocent!

Already, his super sensitive hearing was alerting him to an unfolding catastrophe in the city of Cloudsdale! The screams of terrified ponies was proof enough. The city was under attack, and he had a pretty good idea who was responsible for it all: A trio of teenage dragons, the same ones that had met with Princess Celestia not so long ago.

Flying as fast as he could to the scene of disaster, Super Dragon was silently pleading with himself. "Please don't let me be too late!"

Fortunately, the masked dragon arrived in Cloudsdale to find that the city was still intact. No ponies appeared to be injured. However, numerous pegasi were in a state of panic! And the source of distress revealed itself in the form of two dragons: One a somewhat chubby white scaled dragon with light purple hair, and the other a tall and lean purple scaled dragon with wavy yellow hair. The two dragons were currently chuckling to themselves, clearly enjoying every moment of their attack as they tried to attack ponies with their claws, and used their fire breath to set various buildings alight.

Clenching his claws and gritting his teeth, Super Dragon prepared for action. His first priority was to put a stop to the attack on the pegasus ponies themselves. So he inhaled, taking a deep breath. Then he blew it all out, shooting a roaring flame high into the air!

As expected, that caught the attention of the two dragons, who turned their gaze towards the flame's source. And they spotted a dragon wearing a mask, a cape, and a dark blue suit that had a red s inside of a shield for a logo. Immediately, they recognized who this dragon was.

Super Dragon slowly flew forward, staring down at the two dragons as he tried to size them up. "Only two of you? Where's the other one? Your leader?" He questioned in a low growl.

The purple scaled dragon laughed and snorted. "Garble? There's no need for him to get involved. He's busy teaching a no good pegasus to mind her own business."

The white scaled dragon added. "There's no need for Garble to get involved. Grunt and I will be more than a match for you, Super Dragon! We know all your tricks."

Super Dragon was not rattled or intimidated for a second. Instead, he continued to display his harsh glare as he warned the other dragons. "I'm only gonna say this once: I'm not looking to start a fight, but I will finish one. So if you two don't wanna see what I do when I'm angry, I suggest you leave now and tell Garble to do the same. Otherwise, what happens next is on you."

But the two dragons just laughed as Grunt taunted. "Oh, that's a good one! You think you can just boss us around because you say so?!" Then he narrowed his eyes. "We don't take orders from the likes of you! Isn't that right, Groan?"

The white scaled dragon nodded. "It certainly is, Grunt. We're not afraid of you. If you side with the ponies, you side against us. But you should be joining us, Super Dragon. We dragons are superior to ponies and you know it. Why should you let them order you around when you can make them grovel at your feet?"

Super Dragon just shook his head from side to side. "I tried to be reasonable," And then he insisted. "Well, if you won't listen to reason, you leave me no choice. Fair warning, I have no intention of holding back! If you want to take over Equestria, you'll have to get past me first!"

Groan only replied. "Then why don't we see what you're made of, super fool?! Those who oppose us will be destroyed!"

Super Dragon could only sigh. "We'll see about that, won't we?" Then, he unfolded his claws and took up a stance, hovering in mid-air.

For a moment, Grunt and Groan were content to just stare at Super Dragon and size him up. All the while, the city of Cloudsdale was continuing to burn: Smoke from the fires was swirling high into the air, creating something of a haze in the sky above.

Super Dragon could see the devastation that had already unfolded, and in the back of his mind he was thinking about who the pony opposing Garble might be. "I've got to make this quick so I can save Cloudsdale!" He thought to himself. "Then I'll put that Garble in his place." He proceeded to mentally prepare himself for a fight.

At last, Grunt lost patience. "Alright, let's get this over with!" He roared and gave a whistle to Groan! "Let's show him we're not to be taken lightly!"

Groan laughed and obeyed, the two teenage dragons flying in unison as they circled around Super Dragon not unlike sharks circling their prey. But to their surprise, Super Dragon didn't budge in the slightest. He just stood there, floating, showing no signs of intimidation.

Grunt tried to grab hold of Super Dragon by the cape, but Super Dragon flew upwards in the blink of an eye! Grunt smashed head first into Groan. "Hey, watch where you're going!" Groan snapped!

"Don't be yelling at me! We can't let Super Dragon intimidate us!" Grunt snapped back! "Stay focused!" And the two dragons regrouped, ready for another try to take on their opponent.

Super Dragon, meanwhile, just hovered around. He stood firm like a boulder, refusing to budge or yield. It was almost like he was daring his fellow dragons to attack him head on.

"It's like he doesn't wanna fight us at all!" Grunt roared as he lost all patience! "What, are we not good enough for you, Super Dragon?!"

"Please," The cape wearing dragon taunted in reply. "You're nothing special. You're just a bunch of big bullies. I deal with bullies like you all the time. You're all the same: All talk and no action."

"Oh yeah?! Well, how's this for action, bud?!" Groan bellowed as he rushed towards Super Dragon with his claws at the ready! Then he swung them hard into Super Dragon!

Super Dragon shrugged off the blow, there wasn't even a scratch on his face and his mask hadn't torn in the slightest. He proceeded to grab Groan by the claw, gripping it firmly as he then swung the white scaled dragon in a circle: Slowly at first, then faster and faster!

Grunt flew forward, trying to rescue his fellow dragon. "Groan!" He shouted in desperation, rushing ahead without thinking as he did so.

That was just the sort of opening Super Dragon had been hoping for. A smile formed on his face as he finally released his hold on Groan, sending him flying straight towards Grunt at high speed!

Grunt had no time to react before Groan was thrown right into him, knocking the two dragons back and briefly disorienting them!

"Ooh! He's making fools of us! Is this all a game to him?!" Groan snarled with a sneer. "He's really starting to bug me!"

"Then it's time we stopped playing and squashed that overgrown bug!" Grunt suggested to his fellow dragon. "He can't keep dodging us forever like this, he's gotta slip up sooner or later."

Groan nodded. "Right! No more Mr. Nice Dragon! You ready for a double team?!"

Grunt nodded back. "Ready when you are!"

Super Dragon watched the two other dragons as they recovered from the blow he'd dealt him. All the while he couldn't resist taunting them. "Please tell me this is not your best. I was hoping for a good warm-up before I had to take on Garble, but all I've gotten so far is disappointment."

"Oh, you wanna be warmed up, do you?!" Grunt flashed a sinister, sadistic smile as he opened his mouth! "When we're through with you, you'll be scorched!" Then he shot out a burst of flames from his mouth!

Super Dragon raised up a claw to shield himself from the intense heat, which is just what Grunt and Groan had wanted. Groan now flew in, swinging his tail hard into the masked dragon.

Caught off guard by the sudden attack, Super Dragon stumbled back across the air.

Grunt quickly followed up by raising his claws above Super Dragon's head, then bringing them down on top of Super Dragon, knocking him down.

Super Dragon began to fall, but quickly recovered in mid-flight and righted himself. "I've got to stop this while there's still a city to save!" He thought to himself. Up until now, he'd been content to let his enemies come to him and try to attack him. But if he wanted to put them away, he realized he'd have to take the offensive.

"Hey, Super Dragon!" Grunt called and taunted from above. "We ain't done with you yet! Get back up here so we can finish this!"

Gritting his teeth, Super Dragon rose back into the air with fiery determination flashing in his eyes. The worried chatter amongst the pegasi, along with the sounds of a fight far off in the distance reminded him of what was at stake. He had to put this fight to bed. And he knew just how to do it.

Grunt and Groan suspected nothing when their opponent reappeared before them, still looking none the worse for wear. It was almost as if nothing had really phased him at all. "Back for more, huh?" Groan taunted with sadistic glee. "Good! Enjoy your final moments, Super Dragon!"

But suddenly, Super Dragon's eyes began to glow brightly and ominously. Groan and Grunt looked at each other and exchanged mutual looks of confusion. What was he doing?

Without warning, huge, red colored beams of energy shout out from Super Dragon's eyes! They struck Grunt and Groan head on! The pain was like nothing they'd ever felt before! It was like a burning sensation, more intense than even lava!

The two dragons winced and howled in pain!

With his opponents reeling, Super Dragon rushed forward and grabbed them both by their tails! He proceeded to lift them up into the air, then hurled them towards the ground as hard as he could! Yet just before they would've impacted the ground at a breakneck speed, he flew down after them, overtook them and slowed their descent. They still crashed into the ground below Cloudsdale, stirring up a good deal of dust. But they were otherwise spared serious injury.

With Grunt and Groan defeated, Super Dragon flew up towards Cloudsdale and hurriedly grabbed a bunch of clouds. Then, he flew back down and went all around the two dragons. When he had finished, he had bound them both to the ground with clouds, using the clouds as makeshift chains. For good measure, he breathed on the clouds a little and shards of ice formed on both dragons claws and tails.

Super Dragon stepped back, admiring his work with a smile on his face. That was one problem taken care of. Now he could turn his attention to more pressing concerns.

First and foremost was the still burning city of Cloudsdale. Super Dragon flew towards the factory in Cloudsdale, grabbing every rain cloud inside that he could find without bothering to explain himself.

A little bit of maneuvering was all it took to get the clouds positioned above Cloudsdale and joined together. Then, Super Dragon pressed down hard on the dark clouds, and with a clap of thunder it began to rain. The rain easily doused every fire, reducing the hot flames to fading embers. Cloudsdale was saved!

Countless pegasus ponies clapped, cheered and whistled! And they began to chant Super Dragon's name over and over again! All the while, cameras were flashing and snapping pictures, and other ponies were hastily looking for parchment.

Scanning the crowd, however, the masked dragon noticed the absence of one particular pegasus that he had yet to see. True, she didn't always dwell in Cloudsdale, but it was very concerning that he hadn't seen her once since encountering Grunt and Groan.

Just then, the masked dragon's ears picked up the faint and distant sound of a yowl and a scream. Both of which were very recognizable to him, and he could easily pinpoint their location! With a gasp, Super Dragon flew to the source of distress!

When he got close, Super Dragon could see Garble holding Rainbow Dash and preparing to bring his claws down on her head! He hurriedly flew towards Garble, easily recognizing the red scaled dragon, and tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention.

Garble spun around in shock, now face to face with the last dragon he wanted to see right now!

Author's Note:

I had originally planned something else for the fight with Grunt and Groan, but decided against it in favor of not overcrowding the story.

Next chapter will be the final showdown between Spike and Garble.