• Published 13th Mar 2024
  • 668 Views, 9 Comments

Equestrian Mew - Kitsulestia

Five humans turned Mew must learn to adapt to life in a world they know nothing about

  • ...

Ticket Master

*Twilight’s POV*

*Yawn!* My first morning in Ponyville.

Danyelle was bickering with Yai about something.

“What is it, you two?” I asked.

Maylu spoke "Sounds like mood swings..."

“Huh?” I asked in confusion.

Danyelle spoke "I have a baby on the way."

Flash chuckles "Hey Twily."

“Heehee, hey Flashy.” I giggled as I pecked him on the cheek.

Danyelle spoke "And I sense that we're about to get a letter from Celestia real soon and with it are two tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala."

Spike belched out a letter.

Danyelle spoke "called it."

Spike spoke "Hmm… Well, there are two tickets and the letter is an invitation, but it also mentions a unicorn mare from Canterlot is coming over to Ponyville."

Danyelle spoke "I bet it's Moondancer."

“You forget that Canterlot now knows about the Mews, well, except Serena.” I pointed out. “So that mare could be ANYPONY.”

Danyelle spoke "It could be Lyra, Minuette, Lemon Hearts, Twinkle Shine or Moondancer though. Or perhaps..."

Starlight teleported suddenly before reappearing with a pale gold-amber female Mew with teal blue eyes along with a two tone mane in bright amaranth and brilliant gold.

Lan and the other Mews snicker.

Danyelle giggles "Uh Starlight, you sure you got the missing pony? All I see is a pale gold-amber Mew with teal eyes and a two tone mane in bright amaranth and brilliant gold."

Starlight asks "Wait, what?"

I spoke "I think we should talk to Celestia about this..."

Dex's stomach growled.

Danyelle spoke "I can only imagine the amount of chaos a Mew-ified Pinkie Pie can cause... *shudder*"

Dex spoke "I could go for some grub now."

Lan groans "Can you not think about food for once?"

Yai spoke "You'll end up a fat Mew if you constantly eat."

Dex merely shrugged.

Danyelle spoke "No girl Mew is gonna want to be your mate if you constantly eat."

"Danyelle, Cadence once told me that love can come in many forms, even the most unexpected." I pointed out.

Yai spoke "Still, Dex has a bigger appetite than Lan does."

Maylu giggles "But Lan's no better than Dex when it comes to curry."

Lan whines "Maylu..."

Maylu asks "Remember when you ate so much curry you were totally past bloated?"

"Anyway, we should get going." I pointed out.

Danyelle spoke "Don't look now but here comes Rainbow..."

We then heard a crash.

Serena giggles "Talk about clumsy."

Rainbow asks "Tickets to the gala?!"

Danyelle spoke "Look Rainbow, Twilight only has two tickets so the choice is hers. And the last thing we need is a town-wide argument over the tickets. And I know for a fact that you want to be a Wonderbolt one day but you have to keep practicing."

Rainbow spoke "But-"

I spoke "Danyelle's right Rainbow, i decide what to do with the tickets."

Then Spike burped out another letter from Celestia that said, "P.S., I forgot to mention the Mew that's probably with you right now."

Danyelle asks "Which one though?"

Starlight spoke "There's 16 total."

Spike spoke "I think she's referring to the bacon-haired one."

The pale gold-amber Mew's left eye twitched slightly.

The pale gold-amber Mew asks "What did you just call me dragon?"

Spike asks "What?"

I spoke "Spike! That was uncalled for."

Spike asks "That was an accident! How was I supposed to know?"

A branch snaps, causing a dark blue and white feathered dragon about Spike's age to fall out of the tree and on top of Spike.

The feathered dragon gasps "I'm so sorry!"

Spike asks "Was it something I said?"

Danyelle giggles "Looks like some dragon has a crush on you Spike."

That got the two dragons to back away while blushing.

Danyelle giggles "What do you think Twilight?"

I couldn't help but giggle.

Danyelle giggles "Least this way, it won't piss Blizzardstar off."

Lan asks "Still, should we go to Canterlot now?"

Danyelle spoke "But the gala isn't for a good while Lan."

Yai giggles "I don't know who's more impatient, Lan or Rainbow Dash."

Danyelle asks "Say Yai, didn't you have another friend in your group?"

Yai spoke "Yeah, Tory."

Lan spoke "Oh dang, I totally forgot about him!"

Maylu and Megaman comically fell on their backs at that.

Danyelle spoke "*sweatdrop* Even if I can get a letter to him, he won't be able to respond back."

Megaman spoke "I dunno. I have a feeling that everyone back home have been working hard on finding us."

Maylu spoke "Especially Tory, Iceman and Anetta."

*Meanwhile, back in DenTech city,*

Tory groans "It's been six and a half years since Lan and the others vanished though Iceman, I don't think they are coming back."

Iceman spoke "Tory, snap out of it! That doesn’t mean we can’t find them! Professor Hikari finished the portal gateway, and even though it’s a long-shot, we can keep looking."

Tory slapped himself on his cheeks with both hands, snapping himself out of it. “You’re right, Iceman! We can’t give up now!”

A scroll soon appears in Tory's hands and it was from Lan!

Tory exclaims "*Big smile* THIS IS IT, ICEMAN! OUR BIG BREAK!"

Iceman spoke "You should take that to Lan's parents."

Tory asks "Where do you think I’m going to?"

Tory ran off to find Yuichiro and Haruka.

The ice type NetNavi sighs.

The two soon reached the married couple.

Tory spoke "We got it, Doctor Hikari!"

Haruka asks "Got what?"

Tory spoke "*Brings out letter* Just look!"

The two were in tears as they read the letter.

Yuichiro spoke "If I can track down the origin of this letter, I can bring Lan and the others back!"

Iceman spoke "I dunno. Maybe the gateway will make a bridge between this world and the one they’re in."

Haruka notices three names on the scroll.

Haruka spoke "About that Tory, Lan and his friends are unable to come back."

Tory asks "What? Why not?"

Haruka spoke "Lan and Maylu have a little one to care for, Megaman and Roll have twins."

Tory spoke "But-!"

Yuichiro chuckles "But who says that we can't visit them?"

Yuichiro inserted the letter and turned on the portal gateway.

Tory spoke "I lost them before… I’m NOT losing them again!"

Iceman asks "Tory, are you gonna…"

Tory ran and jumped right into the portal with Iceman in his PET.

After the two arrive in Ponyville, Tory noticed that he didn't have the PET. Plus Iceman wasn't a NetNavi anymore.

Tory gasps "What in the…?!"

A Mew with the same voice as Lan asks "Tory?"

Tory spoke "Lan! Man, am I glad to see you!"

Lan spoke "Guess my headband gave it away. Hey Maylu, Chaud, Dex, Yai! Get over here!"

Maylu, Chaud, Dex and Yai arrived as Yai was the most surprised.

Tory spoke "Guys! You're here!"

Megaman chuckles "Forgetting five certain Navis?"

A small pink Mew was on Megaman's head while a small brown Mew was on Lan's head.

Tory asks "What in the...?"

Lan spoke "This little scamp is my and Maylu's son, his name is Patch."

Megaman spoke "And this one is Jazz, she's one of my and Roll's kids. The other is Volt."

Tory's jaw dropped in complete shock.

Danyelle giggles "Dex is still the same glutton!"

The two tailed shiny Mew flings Yai at Tory, causing the two Mews to kiss.

Iceman spoke "Huh, never thought someone would make the move for them."

Lan spoke "That's Danyelle, she's the reason why you got the letter I sent."

Maylu spoke "Aside from the babies, there's another reason why we can't leave. The others and I have special powers."

I spoke "Hey Lan!"

Lan spoke "And that's Twilight Sparkle."

Iceman asks "Isn't that a bit of an odd name?"

Megaman spoke "Don't aggravate her or you will get a flamethrower to your face."

Pinkie popped up. "Come on! Let's get ready for the mare coming to Ponyville!"

A sudden "Mew!" was heard from Tory and Iceman since the two got spooked by Pinkie.

I giggle "Pinkie, you are such an airhead!"

Danyelle asks "Not to mention totally random. But now who is actually the mare coming over?"

Chaud asks "What are you talking about Danyelle?"

Danyelle spoke "As the P.S. said, Celestia did forget to mention a unicorn mare having been turned into a Mew was coming along."

Sunset spoke "I'm right here you two tailed idiot!"

Danyelle spoke "At least I didn't call you that."

Sunset spoke "Fair point."

Danyelle giggles "You might want to look at your tail though."

Much to the amusement of the other Mews, Chaud had his tail curled around Sunset's tail.

Chaud asks "Hmm?"

A flustered Sunset spoke "Uh, that's my tail that yours is curled around..."

A flustered Chaud spoke "Oh, sorry. *Uncurls tail* I don't know how that happened."

Sunset spoke "I d-don't mind it though..."

"*Shudder* If Anetta found out about that..." Yai noted after seeing Sunset's blush.

Lan spoke "Just the thought of that scares me."

Danyelle spoke "Let's hope we didn't jinx ourselves there."

Sunset spoke "And I feel weird..."

I spoke "Anyways... After making my choice, I've decided to send the tickets back. There's no way I'm going to the Gala without my friends, ponies and Mews alike."

That definitely left my friends shocked while Tory and Iceman were totally confused about what’s going on.

Danyelle explained what the gala was to Tory and Iceman.

But then a knock on the door was heard.

Danyelle spoke "I bet that's Celestia now."

Danyelle opened the door with psychic, only to reveal… Moondancer.

I ask "Moondancer? What brings you to Ponyville?"

Moondancer asks "Sorry if I'm intruding, but... I couldn't help but feel like I should try to broaden my horizons. Wouldn't wanna shut myself in my house or a library, would I?"

I spoke "And who knows, you might find love as well. I sure did when I met Flash."

Flash showed up with a chuckle. "Maybe an old racing rival of mine."

I giggle "Babe, you're a rookie guard."

Spike soon burps up a new scroll, this time with group passes for the Gala.

Danyelle giggles "I'm no Cadence but even I can tell that Spike wants to go to the Gala with the feathered dragon girl."

Spike stammers "*Blushing* Q-Quit it!"

I giggle "Wow Spike, you got it BAD!"

That only made the two young dragons blush more.

Sunset sighs "Looks like I might never find love..."

"Sunset, don't say that. Cadence would definitely blow a gasket and do EVERYTHING she can to help you find that. Believe me, I know." I pointed out.

Danyelle spoke "i don't need a mate in my life since my pregnancy was caused by a strange flower."

Pinkie giggles "What if there was a male Mew and his name was Ben?"

Danyelle spoke "Not helping Pinkie! I'm just not interested at the moment."

Pinkie spoke "Ya never know when it could happen."

Danyelle spoke "Preferably after I have my mittens."

A loud crash was heard, spooking all of the Mews.

Sunset was clinging to Chaud.

Danyelle groans "What now?"

Ash spoke "It could have been a Mewtwo."

"Huh?" I asked in confusion.

Danyelle spoke "Long story short, Mewtwo was cloned from Mew."

"Clone?!" I gasped in absolute shock. "HOW?!"

Moondancer spoke "That's what I wanna know!"

Ash spoke "*ears flatten* The first Mewtwo I met was created by Team Rocket... The second one, I have no idea how it was created."

Danyelle spoke "Don't remind me."

Ash spoke "But if Team Rocket get their grubby hands on the baby Mews along with Danyelle's unborn mittens, who knows what horrors could happen to the five."

Megaman spoke "If they're anything like World 3 or Grave, we can handle them."

Ash growls "It won't be easy to crush Team Rocket though. And given that there are 19 Mews total, three of which are babies... Giovanni won't stop until he gets what he wants."

Tory spoke "Then we'll need to get more help!"

Danyelle asks "Yeah but who?"

Lan spoke "Hmm... I think I have an idea for plenty of friends, but some others... I'm not so sure."

Danyelle spoke "Giovanni only goes after rare Pokemon."

But then a bright light shined out of nowhere.

Danyelle growls in response to the sudden light.

But when the light faded, it revealed a female blonde mew with blue eyes as she came to.

The Mew groans "Ooh... My head..."

Protoman suddenly gasped at that voice, as if he recognized it.

Sunset kept close to Chaud.

Protoman asks "Silk? Is that you?"

Silk spoke "Oh? Hello, Protoman."

Sunset spoke "If it's not one thing, it's another... "

“Anyone know what just happened?” I asked, lost.

Lan spoke "Anetta's coming, I can sense it."

That caught Chaud’s attention.

Sunset growls.

Then a portal opened as a female orange Mew with a golden cuff on each of her upper arms and a gold ring on each of her ears came out. “Where is-*Notices Chaud* Chaud!”

Sunset curled her tail around Chaud's tail since she was scared of losing him to another girl.

But then Chaud teleported somewhere else, knowing where this was going.

Sunset spoke "Oh no you don't Chaud!"

Anetta spoke "Chaud wait!"

Sunset growls "Back off you tramp! I saw him first!"

Anetta growls "I've known him longer than you have! So you back off!"

Sunset growls at Anetta.

Danyelle snaps "ENOUGH!"

The two Mews froze in fear of the shout.

Pinkie spoke "Ooh! Loud!"

Danyelle growls at the two Mews.

Danyelle growls "You two shouldn't be fighting over a guy!"

Sunset and Anetta spoke "But-"

Danyelle snaps "No buts missies! Chaud has to be the one to make the decision, not you two."

The two Mews were silent at that.

Danyelle spoke "You two should be ashamed of yourselves."

Sunset and Anetta’s ears drooped at that.

Danyelle spoke "you should apologize to Chaud."

Yai spoke "Anetta, at least you don’t have to worry about me being your rival for Chaud anymore."

That left Anetta a bit confused.

The unconscious being groans in pain.

Megaman spoke "Uh guys? I don’t think that’s a normal Pokemon."

Danyelle spoke "I have no idea what Pokemon that is."

Pinkie spoke "Maybe it's a new one."

Ash spoke "It's not even listed in the pokedex so it's obviously an undiscovered species!"

Serena giggles "You never change, Ash."

Danyelle giggles "As Iris would say, you're such a little kid though Ash."
