• Published 13th Mar 2024
  • 668 Views, 9 Comments

Equestrian Mew - Kitsulestia

Five humans turned Mew must learn to adapt to life in a world they know nothing about

  • ...

Look Before You Sleep

*Yai's POV*

It’s been one thing after another, and now a storm? Makes me miss home.

Maylu asks "You okay Yai?"

“I miss home, alright?” I huffed.

Maylu spoke "So do I but Roll and I can't take the little ones back, they're naturally born Mews. Plus you saw what nearly happened to Sunset."

"And don't forget what happened in that mystery dungeon." I added.


Danyelle was hissing at Metal Beak.

The two fought before Danyelle managed to beat him.

Danyelle pins the Sylveon down.

Danyelle growls "End of the line for you!"

Danyelle then finished off Metal Beak.

Danyelle incinerated the body until there was nothing but ashes left.

Picking the mask up, Danyelle spoke "It's all safe now Celestia and Luna."

Celestia spoke "Sorry we couldn't be more help."

Luna spoke "And I can't believe both of our teams found Fleur at the same time."

Danyelle spoke "It couldn't be helped, he was level 25."

What sounded like a mix of Umbreon and some other species was heard roaring.

Danyelle asks "What in the...?"

Danyelle went off, looking for the source.

Celestia spoke "Well Luna, since both our groups found Fleur, we both have to take the penalty."

Luna spoke "Yeah, but the other members of our team don't have to take it with us."

Celestia spoke "True, the two of us did start this bet."

Michiru asks "Whoa whoa, we're teams, right?"

Celestia spoke "Yes."

Nazuna spoke "So we'll bear the penalty with you."

The two male Mews nodded in agreement with Michiru, much to the two sisters' surprise.

Danyelle soon returned with a draconic Umbreon.

Luna asks "What in the...?"

Part of the draconic Umbreon's tail was missing since it had been torn off by Metal Beak.

The draconic Umbreon asks "I gotta thank you for taking care of him. *Stomach growls* By the way, is there any fish?"

Danyelle spoke "I could ask Fluttershy for some but I won't ask for eel since something tells me you'd have a negative reaction to it."

The draconic Umbreon spoke "*Shudder* You’d be right about that."

Danyelle asks "Just... What are you?"

The draconic Umbreon spoke "Honestly, I’m something of this world and not at the same time."

Danyelle spoke "You look like a dragon."

*End flashback*

Maylu spoke "And Danyelle's still not back yet."

“She’s probably coming back from Canterlot.” I assured.

Twilight spoke "I don't think she's in Canterlot."

Danyelle teleported in. “Sorry that took a while, I was just wrapping up some business.”

Danyelle's fur had a smoky scent to it since she wasn't in Canterlot.

Wendy spoke "You smell like you were near a volcano."

Danyelle spoke "Okay, I got a bit of a power blast in the face from a new visitor."

Resting on a pillow, Opaline spoke "Well, don't look at me."

Looking at me, Danyelle asks "Is it just me or have you gained weight Yai?"

*Sigh* I know, I look more chubby, but I'd be surprised if I have ten mittens, outright shocked if I have 72, but I'd find it completely impossible if I somehow have 312 mittens.

"Yes, I have, Danyelle. And Tory's keeping up with my eating to help support me." I responded.

Danyelle spoke "But Mews can only manage three mittens at one time per pregnancy. And judging by your scent, you have triplets on the way."

That shocked me.

"Yeesh, hope I don't get as big as Dex by the time it's over." I half-joked.

Opaline spoke "That lardball? I'm surprised he's not a boulder by now."

"Oh really? You're a little pudgy yourself, Opaline." I pointed out.

Opaline spoke "You know what some folks say, play with fire and you'll get burned."

A strange portal opened up before an odd looking Growlithe wearing a wooden mask of an odd Zoroark tumbled out.

The ancient Growlithe groans "Ugh... That's the last time I trust Rei with something he shouldn't have messed with... Stupid boy..."

Danyelle spoke "Ooookay… Didn’t see that coming."

Twilight spoke "Dang it Danyelle, you're the one with the freaking Dimensional Scream!"

The Growlithe spoke "Sorry about that. My friend managed to open some kind of portal, so the others back home will be worried sick."

Danyelle spoke "Uh miss, you might want to look in a mirror..."

The Growlithe spoke "Huh? Whaddya mean? If I’m not back home, Shindera and Yūdokuna will be going crazy all over Rei."

Danyelle spoke "You're a Pokemon, Growlithe to be exact."

The Growlithe scream-howls…"Huh? *Looks in a mirror* WWWWHHHHAAAATTTT?!?!?!"

Danyelle clamps the female Growlithe's muzzle shut.

Danyelle growls "No yelling or you'll wake the babies."

The Growlithe spoke "S-Sorry..."

Danyelle spoke "Anyways... I've heard a little rumor that Cadence has a crush on Twilight's brother."

Cadence stammers "N-n-n-n-no I don't!"

Twilight smirked coyly at that.

Danyelle and the other females giggle.

Maylu giggles "She got you good Cadence!"

Danyelle spoke "Anyway, there’s actually gonna be an eating contest between two teams at Canterlot next week. Surprisingly, Shirou joined Luna, Nazuna and Amidamaru’s team, while Tama joined Celestia, Michiru and Jacob’s team."

Michiru tail slaps Danyelle.

Michiru spoke "The teams were temporary."

Nazuna asks "Remember the bet Celestia and Luna made?"

Michiru facepalmed. “Right, forgot about that. And since we and those two males did agree to bear through it with them, not to mention the eating contest is what the two sisters agreed on.”

Nazuna spoke "But don’t worry, the aftermath of the contest will only last one month, that being one whole moon."

Danyelle teases "So says the Mew that has a crush on Amidamaru."

Nazuna's face was redder than a Tamato berry.

Nazuna spoke "Sh-shut up!"

Danyelle giggles "And at least Michiru will be with her crush, Jacob."

That put Michiru in the same boat as Nazuna.

Maylu spoke "You're no better Danyelle, I've seen you with Ben a few times."

Danyelle spoke "*Flinch!* Q-Quiet, you!"

Liko spoke "I haven't found the right one yet since I'm only 14 and..."

The Floragato bolted to the washroom before throwing up into the toilet.

Liko spoke "Ugh... I need a doctor..."

Danyelle asks "What the...?"

Serena floats over to the sickly Floragato.

After checking, Serena spoke via telepathy with Ash "{ASH!!!}"

Ash asks "{Yeah?}"

Serena asks "{Something's wrong with the grass cat! She's got a fever, not to mention... She threw up recently.... Don't you know someone that could help?}"

Ash spoke "{I'll get Brock.}"

Serena spoke "{Good idea, you should take the shiny two-tailed Mew with you since she's able to make portals.}"

Danyelle teleports to where Ash was before opening a portal back to Ash's world.

Danyelle asks "Ready to go?"

Ash asks "But what about your... whole situation?"

Danyelle spoke "We don't have time for that, Liko's sick and none of the other girls can figure it out."

Ash spoke "Okay."

*In Ash's house*

After taking on a Vulpix form to blend in, Danyelle was on Ash's shoulder as he was talking to his mom.

Ash asks "Do you know where Brock is?"

Danyelle spoke "Pix."

Delia asks "Who's this little cutie?"

Ash spoke "Uh, she's one of Serena's Pokemon."

Danyelle baps Ash on the head.

Danyelle spoke "Pix pix!"

Then a guy showed up. "Hey Ash!"

Ash spoke "Hey Goh! It's been a while since I saw you! And I can tell you're still looking looking for Mew."

Danyelle was mentally worried about that.

Goh chuckles "Heh, that obvious?"

Ash spoke "I got a problem though that seriously need's Brock's help. A grass type Pokemon is really sick and it needs help."

Goh asks "Really?"

Danyelle teleported with the two males to outside the Cerulean City Gym, catching Misty off guard.

Misty gasps "WHOA!!! What the?!"

Ash spoke "Sorry about that Misty but I don't have time to fully explain, a Pokemon is sick and I need Brock's help."

Danyelle spoke "Pix Vulp! Pixel!"

Danyelle covered her mouth at that last part.

Ash spoke "As well Misty, I ran into that Jigglypuff a while ago."

Misty asks "*Shocked* What?"

Ash spoke "I'll tell you later though but I need Brock's help right now."

Danyelle grabs Ash's hat with her mouth before running off with it, causing the trio to chase after her.

Ash spoke "Whoa! Dany!"

Danyelle spoke around the hat "Pixel!"

The shiny Vulpix soon jumps onto the shoulder of a guy.

Danyelle spoke "Pix!"

The male asks "Hmm?"

Ash spoke "Hey Brock! I was looking for you!"

Brock asks "Really?"

Ash explained everything to Brock with Danyelle putting her opinion in if needed.

Danyelle spoke "Pix Vulpix... Pix."

Ash spoke "It's a Pokemon we've never seen before but it needs help."

Brock spoke "Hmm. Okay."

*one portal later*

*Back in Twilight's house,*

Ash was back in Mew form, Misty was a Vaporeon, Goh was a Scorbunny but Brock was an Onix for some reason.

Danyelle spoke "*sweatrdrop* Uh, whoops.."

Due to Brock's sudden large size, the library tree was torn in half.


Brock asks "Ooooookay... What just happened?"

Danyelle spoke "Well, you're an Onix..."

A pair of Mews carry Liko over to where the three newcomers are.

The brown Mew spoke "Something's wrong with her."

Goh however, was unconscious from his brain shutting down by overloading.

Danyelle zaps Goh, jolting him back awake.

Danyelle spoke "Now isn't the right time to spazz out!"

To the surprise of Brock and Misty, Danyelle was a two tailed Mew.

Goh spoke "ALRIGHT!!! Now I'll finally get a Mew!"

Danyelle spoke "About that... Pokeballs are prohibited here."

Goh asks "...Huh?"

Ash spoke "Goh, you're an idiot. You're a Scorbunny now."

Goh asks "Wait-what?"

Spottedleaf was on her mother's head.

Danyelle spoke "I forgot to mention, there are no human in Equestria."

Serena spoke "Can you save the talks for later? The grass cat needs help now!"

Goh fainted from shock.

Pikachu electrocutes Goh.

Goh spoke "Gyah!"

Pikachu sighs "Sheesh, why am I always the wake-up zapper?"

Delphox spoke "I could have slammed a bucket of soot on his head."

Serena asks "How would you fill a bucket with soot, Delphox?"

The fox Pokemon giggles "I have ways. And is it just me or do you seem a bit pudgy though Serena?"

Serena blushed a bit at that.

Goh asks "*Still shocked* Uh... Since when can you guys talk?"

Danyelle spoke "It's hard to explain but let's just say it was caused by magic."

Delphox continues teasing her best friend.

Serena counters "Oh really? How come you haven't found a boyfriend of your own, Delphox?"|

Delphox blushed at that as the two best friends started playfully bickering with each other while it was hard in his current body, Brock managed to finish his examination.

Liko asks "So uh, what's wrong with me?"

Brock spoke "Well, I didn't hear anything wrong. But it sounded like you have an upset stomach and some indigestion."

Sunset spoke "Doubt it, she threw up earlier."

Liko spoke "I'm sure it's... nothing serious..."

Danyelle places an ear on Liko's stomach, listening for anything abnormal.

Danyelle spoke "Oh Arceus no... It's as I feared... Someone raped her..."

Liko groans "*Facepalm!* Oh come on!"

Cadence spoke "I bet it was that stuck up royal horse pain."
