• Published 18th May 2023
  • 979 Views, 18 Comments

The Cowpocalypse - Foal Star

Almost every pony in Equestria has been turned into cows without any explanation. While Princess Celestia and Luna deal with the crises, Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy venture into the unknown looking for Zecora to help solve their ailment

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Chapter One: The Cowpocalypse Begins

Princess Celestia was busy cooking herself and her sister Luna breakfast one morning, humming a tune as she was flipping pancakes and plopping them down on some plates where she finished pouring syrup over their food, along with a spray of whip cream along with a clump of berries and powdered sugar sprinkled on top of them. The alicorn turned to see Luna slowly trotting over with a tired look as she sat at the dinner table.

"Good Morning Luna; rough night?"

With a yawn, Luna stretched her limbs out and replied, "Not really. Nothing exciting happened, dear sister."

Celestia then placed a platter of pancakes in front of her with a cup of tea. She then poured some fresh milk into her cup. Then poured milk from the same pitcher into her coffee, stirred it with a spoon, and asked, "Well, guess it can't be all bad?"

"No, just a long boring night is all," Luna yawned as she munched some pancakes.

"Trust me, I learned to enjoy being bored," Celestia giggled as she sipped her coffee. They continued to chat mostly about Twilight and her friends as they gushed over how much she's grown since moving to Ponyville. But then Celestia gave a burp and squeaked," Excuse me, that was un princess-like."

Luna gave a burst of laughter as she also gave a burp. Then she groaned, and her body began to bubble and warp. Celestia felt the same thing; it was like she was being blown up like a balloon; her body morphed as her rump threw upward, and then she saw in a mirror her teats had blown up as if she were pregnant. Then to her horror, she saw them fusing into each other. "Luna, what is happening!?"

She also turned to see the same thing happening to her sister, her body bloated while her teats had grown double the size and were now a pair of udders as she cried out, "I don't moo!"

Celestia gasped, seeing her face turn and morph, becoming squarer and looking more bloated and squarer, less refined. She felt her body do the same as her face morphed and changed. The princess also then let out a loud "mooo!" As her vocal cords grew deeper.

She then saw Luna's coat turning shorter, and big purple spots appeared on her dark blue coat. Celestia turned to see her reflection in some silver plates, seeing that her coat was still white but now had yellow spots as well. Her face was square and elongated, but she saw her long spiraling horn still jutting out from her forehead. She then shifted her body. Her teats were now bulging udders, but she saw her two white feathered wings still at her sides. It took a moment of realization, but the princess realized she was indeed a cow.

She turned to Luna, who looked up from the mess they created with the dinner table knock and asked, "sister…did that just happen?"

"Yes," Luna replied in a thicker southern accent, "I believe that we have been turned into cows."

They both turned to see a crowd of guards standing in awe at their transformation, looking utterly dumbfounded as to what happened.

Celestia got up and then let out a loud "moooo!" she paused to clear her throat, then shouted, "Don't just stand there gawking! Find out where this milk came from and keep anypony else from drinking any! Go door to door! Warn everypony in Canterlot not to drink milk until we resolve this!"

"Yes, princess!" the guards chimed, and they fused out of the dining hall. Celestia then went to her sister and helped her onto her hooves. Tears were in her eyes as she whispered, "how did this happen?"

Celestia paused, being able to think finally; a few explanations were going through her mind. One that maybe Discord had returned and was pulling a prank on them. But no…if it were Discord, he would've popped into gloat by now. Then the only viable explanation was that the milk they drank was enchanted. "I don't know, sister, but the milk we had with our beverages this morning may be the cause of our ailment. We need to get our best team of mages and scientists to run tests and hopefully make a cure."

"Ok, Sister, we should start writing letters to every newspaper publisher to warn ponies about the milk. The last thing we need is more ponies ending up like us."

"Precisely, let's get a mooo! On," Celestia placed a hoof over her mouth, feeling somewhat embarrassed for letting out a cow pun. Luna couldn't help but laugh, "Well, we better get Moooing! We better warn the ponies in Ponyville. From what I've picked up since returning to Equestria, that's where most of the cows live now."

Celestia then gasped, "Yes, you're right! I'll inform Twilight and tell her to avoid drinking any milk and anypony else before they're turned into bovine as well!"

The two princess cows then rushed out of the kitchen and to a study nearby to start writing letters and informing the world of what had transpired.

That same morning above Ponyville Rainbow Dash was sitting in her kitchen groggily eating a bowl of cereal, thinking about what to try, some new stunts she'll use to impress the Wonderbolts at the Galloping Gala. Then she felt pain in her stomach and groaned, feeling her body shift and squeak to suddenly feel her body grow hot as her body bloated upwards. The pegasus cried out in pain, feeling her face morph, and watched as a pair of bulbous udders started to grow and blow out from under her like a balloon. She then mooed and cried as she saw a mirror and saw she was indeed a cow with multicolored spots, from red, blue, green, and yellow all over her body. But the set of massive udders sitting beneath her underbelly made her feel the most uncomfortable. Her mind was racing with just happened but regardless it had to deal with magic and there was one pony she knew who wpuld know what happened to her. "Twi…Twilight must know what's going on!?"

She flew her home, groaning as her wings were still attached to her sides. Still, the former pegasus noticed she was much heavier, with her udders now flapping in the wind, making her shiver. The flying cow eventually landed right in the middle of Ponyville, only to witness dozens of cows running around screaming and shouting in horror.

She then saw a giant light pink cow running towards her with udders bouncing along as she cried out. "Rainbow Dash!?"

Rainbow blinked, hearing Pinkie Pie's voice with a deeper southern drawl, then replied, "Yeah, that's me!? You know what's going on here?!"

Pinkie Pie ran over, shaking her head. "Not exactly; I was serving some milkshakes and coffee this morning, and anypony who had cream or milk in their food suddenly turned into cows!"

Rainbow Dash, then let out a mooo! Then quickly cleared her throat, "Sorry, I thought it was the milk I had in my cereal this morning, and I was right!"

Pinkie plopped onto her flank, looking rather sheepish as she explained, "No, you're right, and I feel so stupid! I had this crazy twitch in which I was sure my Pinkie sense was tingling, telling me not to drink up the super ultra strawberry milkshake with three extra vanilla ice cream! And I couldn't resist!"

The pink-spotted cow started to wail as Rainbow, looking a bit sheepish, squeaked, "Hey, it's ok, there's no use crying over spilled milk."

The mare giggled, which also got Pinkie from crying to laughing, "Crying over spilled milk! Good one, Rainbow."

Rainbow then shook her head and said, "Alright, enough stalling! I'm going to Twilight's to see if she's looking up a spell to reverse this mess. Meanwhile, You must go to every door in Ponyville and stop ponies from drinking milk fast!"

"Good idea," Pinkie cheered as she bounced off, still laughing, "crying over spilled milk!"

Rainbow Dash then ran to Golden Oaks Library and knocked on the door. "Twilight! Twilight!"

"Go away," a voice shouted. It sounded like Twilight, but with a deep Southern accent.

"Twilight! You got to help. A bunch of ponies and I have been turned into cows!"

"Don't care. Go away!"

Rainbow started getting furious, pawing the ground as she shouted, "Twilight, don't make me break this door!"

"Please don't come in."

Rainbow Dash turned around with a mighty buck. She slammed her hooves into the door and broke it off its hinges. The former pegasus then turned to see before her a violet cow with pink spots covering her from head to toe standing in the middle of Twilight's library; she still had her unicorn horn levitating books and reading them as she sighed, "Rainbow, I told you not to come in here."

"Well, too bad! What is going on here!? Why is everypony turning into cows!?"

Twilight slammed her book shut and shouted, "I don't know! I can figure this out, but I need time to study!"

"There is no time!" Rainbow turned around, showed off her udders leaking milk everywhere, and said, "You see what's happened to me!? I'm a bucking cow!"

Twilight smirked as she used her horn, placed a bucket under them, and with a magical aura, started to milk Rainbow Dash's udders quite suddenly, making the rainbow-spotted cow let out a loud "mooo!"

Rainbow glared back at Twilight, wanting to buck Twilight's face in. Still, it was somewhat relieving and let Twilight continue milking her dry. After that, Twilight asked, "You calm now?"

The former pegasus turned around, kicked the milk bucket spraying its contents all over the library, and laughed, "There, now I feel better!"

Twilight growled as she slammed a book and shouted, "Seriously!?"

"What, you milked me without asking!?"

"Ugh, forget it; look, I'm looking through any book about curses to stop this. How about going around town and telling ponies not to drink milk until we resolve this."

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and said, "I got Pinkie doing that, but fine, I'll go spread the word to Cloudesdale. Most likely, this tainted milk is everywhere! After that, I'll have as many pegasi as possible fly over Equestria to spread the news."

"Good, now, please leave. I need to study," Rainbow Dash just gave a "hmph!" as she turned around and threw her udders out at Twilight before flying off into the skies. As Rainbow Dash headed to Cloudesdale, groaning as she wasn't used to flying with her milk bags weighing her down. But she was thinking about the Wonderbolts turning into bloated cows trying to fly around with their udders, too was more than enough for her to ignore the strain her milk bags were having on her flying and push forward as she hoped that Twilight could find a cure to this curse and fast!

An hour later…

Applejack yawned as she bucked a tree. It was a lovely, beautiful morning, and she felt the wind on her face, and then she took a swig of a bottle of fresh milk, she turned to her brother Big Mac, who came over, and she laughed, "Hey, Big Mac wana a drink?"

She hoisted the bottle, and he took a swig, then returned to work until Applejack groaned and suddenly felt her body growing hot. She then smacked her hooves at the tree and groaned as she felt her body shudder; she noticed she was taller and more prominent and spotted a massive red cow with brown spots bucking away and yawning; Applejack rubbed her eyes. Just a moment, Big Mac was there where did he go? But she stopped worrying about her brother seeing the cow trying to buck with her teats flapping about, spraying milk everywhere.

Applejack chuckled at the cow, thinking she must've wandered off from her herd looking for something to eat, and shouted, "Hey girl, ya hungry!? I can get back some apples for you if you want?"

"Huh, who are you talking to?" the cow asked. Her tone sounded familiar, but she shrugged and said, "Of course, I'm talking to you; now, why don't ya come over here? You need somepony to milk them udders before they explode."

The cow was still giving her a confused look, then started to look around and cried out, "What in the hay!? What happened to me!?"

Applejack blinked, and then she turned to see her own body was massive with an orange coat and blonde spots. She couldn't see them but felt the massive weight near her nether regions, and then it hit her. She and Big Mac both have been turned into cows!

"Brother, that's you!?"

The cow nodded her head and squeaked out, "Ey'yup."

Applejack took a moment to calm down as she tried to keep a leveled head and said, "ok, calm down; first, let's get ourselves milked, then find out what the hay is going on here?"

"Ok," Big Mac squeaked, and he was back to the barn, and there she spotted Apple Bloom, who was still a normal filly. Apple Bloom was busy milking a cow already; this one had white but had purple spots wearing a cute purple bonnet around her head. This cow, unlike any Applejack has dealt with in her life, had this furious stuck-up look as she glared at Applejack and shouted, "Wait your turn! Can't you give a cow some privacy!?"

Apple Bloom looked up at the cow and snapped, "Hey, calm down. Don't go kicking your bucket. I'm almost finished here."

The cow's cheeks flushed pink, and replied, "I apologize, Apple Bloom, that was unladylike of me."

Applejack eyed the cow, then smirked, "Rarity is that you?"

The mare's eyes went wide. "Applejack!?" she then snapped, "What happened? I…I thought you did this and pulled a prank on me?"

"Me! Why in tarnation would I turn you or anypony into a cow!?"

"Because you think it would be funny seeing your friend who likes fashion and happen to have a pristine white coat be turned into a bloated country cow!" Rarity snapped. She then gave a long-winded sigh and added, "Seeing you're a cow too, I apologize for thinking you were the culprit."

Big Mac then started to whine and do a dance as he pulled at Applejack's ear with his teeth, The orange-coated cow turned to Apple Bloom and asked, "Um, don't mean to be rude, but my brother needs to be milked if you don't mind."

"I said, wait your turn! You're not the only pony who's been turned into a cow!" Rarity snapped.

"You're all done, Rarity," Apple Bloom sighed as she pulled out the full bucket, got out a fresh new one, and waved a hoof. "Now come here, Big Mac."

The former stallion waddled, ran over, and let Apple Bloom do her work as Applejack did her best to ignore her own bloated udders and turned to Rarity and asked, "So ok, it's not me then who else would have turned us into cows?"

Rarity tapped a hoof to her chin, "Well, that is difficult to say; this could be Trixie's doing?"

Applejack shook her head, "Nah, can't be her; she's not this powerful. If she could turn ponies into cows, she probably would've turned Twilight into one or that Ursa Minor."

"Maybe that's it! Twilight messed up on the spell and accidentally turned us into cows!?"

Applejack paused momentarily, then shook her head, "Honestly, I could see that, but it doesn't feel like her…this didn't happen until I drank some milk."

"You might be right," Rarity whispered as she thought things over and added in a dreamy tone, "I was having a lovely latte this morning with some fried eggs and toast garnished with parsley," The purple-spotted cow turned around and showed off her udders and said, "then I turned into a bloated cow! Even after I was milked, I can still feel my udders!"

Applejack snickered, then said, "Well, I see only one way to solve this talk to the cows. One of them has to know what happened to us."

"Right; hopefully, we can get to the bottom of this."

"Alright, Big Mac, you're done,"

The two mares turned to the big red cow, relieved as he trotted over and collapsed into a hay bale. Apple Bloom turned to her sister and asked, "So ya just gonna stand there?"

"Sorry, I'm comin'," Applejack squeaked as the pressure in her udders felt like they were about to burst. She quickly ran over and let Apple Bloom do her work.

"So, um, cows…you wouldn't know how I was turned into a cow, would you?" Fluttershy squeaked. The once meek little pegasus was now a massive yellow cow covered in pink spots.

The chief cow Daisy Jo tapped a hoof to her chin and said, "This is odd; I don't know what could have tainted our milk? I'm so sorry on behalf of my herd. Then every cow in the barn all gave a loud "moo!"

Fluttershy, bashful, threw a hoof, "Oh, no need for that; I know it's not your fault, but this could be serious. Celestia knows how many ponies have been turned into cows."

Daisy Jo smiled and said, "Well, I do believe that I heard a strange cow lived in the Everfree Forest. She is small, has stripes instead of spots, and speaks in rhyme."

"Well, that's a start!" Fluttershy chimed, maybe this strange cow did this; thank you!"

"No problem, dear," Daisy Jo whispered. She then lowered her head, looked at Fluttershy's bulging udders, and said, "Seems like you could use a milking, dear."

Fluttershy sighed, feeling the pang and seeing milk leaking out, "Yes, they've been full for quite some time… I'm too scared to ask somepony else to milk me."

"That's no problem, dear," She let out a moo, and some calves came out from some of the stalls, and Fluttershy dawwed, "Oh, I see; well, that's one way to relieve the pressure."

She then nervously turned around to have her udders facing the calves. She then looked behind her and asked, "Are you sure their moms won't mind?"

"Of course not, dear it's the least we can do."

Fluttershy then cried as several calves latched to her udders, and Fluttershy let out a loud moo! But eventually, the former pegasus relaxed and let the cows drink to their heart's content. She waited patiently for them to finish, thanked the cows once more, and trotted off, then spotted two more cows coming to meet her. One with an orange coat with blonde and yellow spots, wearing a cowcolt hat, and one pure white one with purple spots sporting a cute violet bonnet. It took a minute, but as she got nearer, it was clear they resembled her friends quite a bit. Fluttershy then gasped, "Rarity? Applejack?" Both cows reluctantly nodded.

The yellow cow trotted over with a fearful look and said, "Oh, dear, seems you've been turned into cows too?"

Applejack nodded and asked, "Yes, and we need to find out who did this. Did you talk to Betsy already?"

Fluttershy perked up and said, "Yes, and we got a lead! They don't know what caused all of this, but they said they spotted a strange cow in the Everfree Forest. Whoever this cow is, she might have done this."

Applejack threw her hat in the air and let out a loud moo! "Yeehaw! Yeah! We got a lead!"

Rarity sighed in relief and said, "Thank Celestia, a lead; well, at the very least, we should get going before somepony sees us like this."

"Agreed!" The other bovine chirped, and the herd of cattle ventured off into the Everfree Forest in search of this mysterious striped cow.