• Published 18th May 2023
  • 978 Views, 18 Comments

The Cowpocalypse - Foal Star

Almost every pony in Equestria has been turned into cows without any explanation. While Princess Celestia and Luna deal with the crises, Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy venture into the unknown looking for Zecora to help solve their ailment

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Chapter two: Spreading the word...and some milk

Spitfire was returning from a long practice, and she was utterly exhausted. The daredevil was slowly coming out of the shower and drying her mane with a towel as she entered the locker room, and eventually, the mare went to their mess hall to grab something to eat. At the same time, looking around the rows of tables and chairs. The captain of the Wonderbolts then spotted her teammate Soarin who was scarfing down an apple pie and a glass of milk. The mare rolled her eyes, thinking about how all those pies would ruin Soarin's shape, but he worked hard and burned the calories. The orange-coated mare then went to the buffet and grabbed a bowl of cereal. Still, as the mare poured some milk into her bowl and topped the meal off with some bananas, Spitfire went to a table nearby and munched her cereal silently. After a few minutes of eating, the mare noticed something happening to Soarin as his body seemed to morph and change. He looked much fatter, in fact, and saw four pink appendages coming from her belly. Spitfire's mouth dropped, and she turned to see the same thing happening to her fellow Wonderbolts. All she could do was watch as a bunch of pegasi turned into cows. Spitfire groaned as she felt her belly churning and watched as her body bloated out and fell back. Still, she could only flap her wings as she laid back, watching in horror as her muscle-toned body bloated with fat and a pair of udders grew out from her belly. She turned away as her body finished transforming. Spitfire slowly got up as the pain subsided, groaning as she wasn't used to the extra weight on her body. The yellow-coated mare slowly trotted over to a chrome platter. She saw her orange eyes sitting atop a squared jaw; she then turned around, showing off her side, seeing a thick coat with fiery orange spots splattered all over her now massive pudgy body. Spitfire slowly turned around and cried out, seeing her bloated udders bulging underneath her underbelly.

Just as the entire mess hall was filled with cows running around mooing and leaking milk everywhere, a massive blue rainbow-spotted cow burst into the mess hall. The newcomer was horrified and started crying, "I'm too late!"

Spitfire was furious, wondering if this rainbow-spotted cow was involved in transforming her into a cow. She flew over, slamming her body into the colorful bovine, and shouted, "Too late for what? You know what happened to us!? Spill it!"

The cow looked terrified and cried, "Listen, I don't know what's happening, but we must stop ponies from drinking milk!"

Realizing this poor pegasus, Spitfire also turned into a cow, relaxed, and let the rainbow-spotted cow go, then sighed, "Sorry, I overreacted."

"It's fine, trust me; I'm as mad as you! You know how hard it is to fly with these milk bags!"

Spitfire looked back with a blush seeing a trail of milk across the mess hall, and said, "Yeah, I'm starting to see what you mean."

The former pegasus eyed her and asked, "What's your name?"

The rainbow-spotted cow brushed her rainbow tuft of hair atop her head and stammered, "m..my name it's um…Rainbow Dash!"

"Ah, Rainbow Dash, nice to meet you. Now excuse me. I need to get the rest of my herd in order." Spitfire then turned towards the rest of her fellow Wonderbolts, who were now a bunch of flying cows freaking out and getting milk all over the place. Despite their predicament, she had to bring order and the rest of the Wonderbolts together and shouted, "everypony stop!"

All the winged cows suddenly froze and turned their attention to Spitfire, who glared at them. She took a deep breath and roared, "Get into formation now! Move your fat asses, and don't make me repeat it!"

All the former pegasi started to fall into a formation bumbling about and mooing. Still, eventually, there was a line of winged cows all standing together with their heads held high and udders' chubby flanks stuck out. Spitfire started to trot in front of them, ignoring her aching udders, and shouted, "Listen up, we're cows, and there's no changing that. But we can't allow other citizens of Cloudesdale to turn into bovine as well. We'll go house to house and ensure everypony knows the danger; then, we'll spread the word across Equestria!"

The bovine herd saluted and said, "Yes, mam!"

A light blue coated cow with black spots slowly rose a hoof, and Spitfire asked, "Yes? Um?"

The cow's cheeks flushed pink as she squeaked, "It's Soarin."

"Uh, yes, Soarin."

The former stallion cleared his throat and said, "Um…before we go can we get um…." Soarin looked downward, seeming too embarrassed to finish.

"Milked?" Spitfire groaned, knowing precisely what her fellow Wonderbolt was trying to say. She then turned to see a group of Wonderbolts who hadn't turned into cows in the mess hall, just watching with surprised looks on their faces.

"What are you staring at? Get over here and help milk your fellow Wonderbolts now!"

The pegasi all saluted and snapped, "Yes, mam!"

The other pegasi started to fly over and reluctantly got pails under their Wonderbolts. One Wonderbolt then came to her, and Spitfire groaned, feeling her udders as they were being pulled. She grimaced but was starting to feel relieved as she was being milked. Spitfire then turned to the rainbow-spotted cow who was having the same thing happen to her and asked, "So Rainbow Dash can you tell me anything that can help reverse this?"

The former pegasus shook her head and said, "Sadly, I'm as clueless as you are. Hopefully, the princesses or my friend Twilight are whipping up a cure."

Spitfire let out a moo as she felt a sharp tug on her udders and snapped, "Hey, take it easy!"

"Sorry, Spitfire."

The former pegasus scoffed and then adjusted herself but noticed the pegasi seemed scared and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Um, Spitfire, can you spread your legs out more."

The bovine sighed as she spread her legs and waited as the mare continued to milk her udders. Spitfire turned to face the rainbow-spotted cow, who was now looking away. "Look, where cows now might as well get used to being milked."

"Yeah, I guess it's still gross."

Rainbow Dash turned to her and said, "Well, in that case, we'll focus on spreading the word to avoid milk."

"Of course! I won't let my home become a gaint barn in the sky!"

The rainbow-spotted cow's face turned bright red as she added, "Also does that mean I'll be working alongside the Wonderbolts?"

Spitfire sighed, seeing that this Rainbow Dash was a fan and she wanted to experince flying with the Wonderbolts. But she seemd to have spunk and she was growing on her and said, "yes, that means you'll work alongside the Wonderbolts. But only until after we finish spreading the word about the enchanted milk."

Rainbow Dash flew over and hugged Spitfire, making her let out a loud moooo! In surprise.

"Hey, take it easy!" The yellow-coated cow snapped as she pushed Rainbow Dash off her.

The rainbow spotted cow brushed her lottle tuff of hair looking rather emberassed and apologized, "s...sorry got over excited."

Spitfire sighed "its fine just don't get all worked up we need to stay focused." The captain then got up spread her wings and cried. "We ready Wonderbolts!"

Everypony in the hall shouted, "yes captain Spitfire!"

"Then lets fly!"

Then with that the herd of flying cows sailed out from the mess hall and headed across Cloudesdale to spread the word of the enchanted milk.

Meanwhile by mid-afternoon in Canterlot, there was a mass of ponies and cows below the castle shouting and getting rowdy. A ton of guards and some cows were trying to keep the peace; meanwhile, Shining Armor stood outside Princess Celestia's chambers, where he could hear the two talking and mooing. He was trying to maintain his discipline but was embarrassed seeing his reflection. It made it much more challenging to realize that the pudgy white-coated cow was covered in bright blue spots with a pair of plump pink udders. He tried to stare away from his reflection, completely embarrassed by his new form. But the stallion must perform his duties, so he stood guard awaiting the princesses. They've been at work nonstop issuing bans on milk production and warning the press about the milk turning ponies into cows crises. He can only hope they will look for a cure once they get a handle on the situation. Princess Celestia then popped her head out of the room and, with a blush, whispered, "Captain Shining Armor?"

Shining Armor sighed, seeing he should reveal himself, and said, "Yes, Princess Celestia, it's me." He winced, hearing his new voice being a deep feminine tone, almost sounding like his mother.

"Yo…you were turned into a cow, I see."

Shining Armor gave an annoyed sigh seeing no point in hiding his identity said, "yeah, I was unfortunate enough to decide to have some cereal with milk this morning."

"I apologize we tried to get the word out but thank you for guarding our door. We've been writing letters nonstop."

"Of course, you're doing everything possible to stop other ponies from meeting the same fate."

"Well, lucky for you, we finished sending the warnings; why don't you come in? We could use the company."

Shining looked around the halls. He didn't want to leave the hall unguarded, but why did he have to refuse if the princesses invited him into their room? So he trotted into the room, and there he spotted a massive winged dark blue-purple spotted cow with a horn on her head. Princess Luna looked utterly exhausted as she finished signing another letter and sending it out with her magic. She then yawned, "That was the last one every newspaper publisher has been informed, and we sent a ban on producing any milk or milk products until we learn what is happening."

She rose and gasped, "Oh, Shining, not you too!"

The stallion's cheeks flushed pink, and he said, "Yes, I'm a cow, but that won't stop me from performing my duties. If anything, you should be getting some sleep."

Luna yawned and said, "Yes, you're right, but first…." She then showed off her massive leaking udders and squeaked, "I need to get milked."

Shining felt the pressure in his own udders and squeezed them between his thighs and added, "Yes, I feae I also need to be milked as well."

"Well, girls, we made it on time!"

A group of maids came into the room carrying buckets and rolling in a trough filled with mashed cake mixed with grass. Then they had buckets placed under them.

Princess Celestia's cheeks flushed red, then she asked, "Oh, what's all this for?"

Then a bookish brown-coated unicorn game came trotting in, adjusting her glasses as she ordered the maids about, then said, "Well, seeing your cows, I understand you're going to have to get used to a new diet. But I decided to add some flavor to spruce it up some fresh cut grass and ease you into it. I also decided to have you milked before we start a tour of addressing the kingdom about the cowpocalypse."

Shining Armor eyed the mare and asked, "cowpocalypse?"

"It's what ponies are nicknaming the whole situation."

"Well, I can't blame them," Celestia sighed as she munched away on a mouthful of frosting and grass, then said, "Then I better eat as much as possible it's going to be a long day." After a few minutes of munching away and being milked, the princess of the sun sighed as she seemed to relieve her bloated udders and whispered, "Oh, Quill Feather, thank goodness you're not a cow."

The bookish assistant flashed her a smirk, adjusted her glasses, and then said, "Luckily for you, I'm lactose intolerant."

Shining squeaked, unsure of being milked, but it wasn't long until he felt the pressure easing up, heard milk hitting the pail beneath him, and let out a loud "mooo!"

He was surprised to see the princesses were snickering, making him blush. "I apologize, but my udders have been bloated all morning."

With a mouthful of grass and frosting, Princess Luna gulped down her food and said, "Don't just relax and eat; you're going to be busy trying to keep Canterlot from falling into udder chaos."

Celestia chuckled as Shining Armor couldn't help but snicker at the pun.

"Yes, we better get a mooo! on." Yellow-spotted cow chirped. This got a roar of laughter from the other cows as Quill Feather slammed a hoof into her face and shouted, "Enough cow puns, please; we have an emergency on our hooves!"

Celestia and Luna just snickered and continued to graze; meanwhile, Shining Armor was reluctant and then started to graze alongside the princesses. He was surprised to realize the cake-covered grass tasted good! Shining Armor couldn't stop munching away while the pressure in his udders was relieved.

The yellow-spotted cow asked, "So, how did you turn into a cow?"

Shining swallowed down a mouthful of grass and then sighed, "It's not much of a story; I woke up and had a bowl of cereal, and while chomping away, I slowly transformed into a cow and by the time I finished I saw my reflection and moooed."

"Oh, dear!? That must've been horrifying Is Princess Cadance ok?"

Shining nibbled on some grass and said, "Yeah, she's fine; in fact, Cadance was the one who found me like this. It took me nearly an hour to stop her laughing."

Princess Celestia was licking up milk from a bucket when she chuckled as milk squirted from her nose, then said, "Guess that must've been quite a surprise."

Shining rolled his eyes as he took a milk drink and blinked, realizing the milk was his. "Um…wait…who put this here?"

Quill Feather looked up from her scrolls and said, "Oh, it's your milk just thought you could drink some to wash the meal down."

Luna blinked as she gulped down a mouthful of milk. "Wait!? Why would you do that?"

"Because we have no place to put it."

Celestia shrugged as she continued to drink up her bucket of milk.

Shining Armor sighed as he felt parched, and he was already a cow, so he went back to drinking his milk, which tasted rather good and like the cereal he had this morning. After finishing his pail, Shining uttered a loud burp and cried, "Excuse me!"

Celestia gave a loud belch and then said, "Guess we'll have to get used to that as well."

Shining let out an embarrassed cry and squeaked, "I don't know how much I can take!"

Luna blushed and admitted, "Well, if it makes you feel better, I feel safe around you even as a cow."

The yellow-spotted cow nuzzled Shining and said, "As do I; after my speech, I was hoping you could escort me across Equestria."

The princess of the night used her horn to pull Shining closer to her and snapped, "No way! He needs to stand guard while I'm sleeping!"

The captain of the guard squeaked as Celestia pulled him towards her and snapped, "You're in a castle surrounded by guards! I'll be out alone. I need him near me!"

"Please, they're useless! Shining Armor is the only guard we can rely on!"

Shining let out a loud mooo! Which made the princesses stop their bickering and look downward, ashamed of their behavior. Shining Armor was already feeling bad for yelling at the princesses, then said, "It's ok; I think you just have a spurt of herd mentality. We'll be fine, girls, but I will still be captain of the guard and doing my duty keeping the peace in Canterlot."

The former stallion then nuzzled both princesses and said, "I assure you I will be with both of you while we're cows and ensure the peace is kept and confiscate every drop of enchanted milk."

The three bovines then mooed together as somepony clapped. They turned to see a rather peeved Quill Feather clapping her hooves and snapped, "Ok, this is touching, but Princess Celestia, you need to start your proclamations; Princess Luna, you need to sleep, and Captain Shining, Armor, you need to keep the peace! Now let's get a move on!"

The three then had their mouths wiped and were escorted out of the room by the army of maids and forcefully pulled apart as they all reluctantly went their separate ways.

Meanwhile, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy continued their trek through the woods. Rarity slowly trotted through the dense foliage, trying her best not to get her coat dirty. She then slowly trotted over mud puddles and avoided looking at the grass as she started to have this urge to chomp down on it. Rarity then groaned, feeling the pressure in her udders start to grow, and she was getting annoyed by the second. "This is horrible! Where is this striped cow!?"

Applejack turned to face her and snapped, "We'll find her, so stop shouting! Or do you want to end up as timberwolf chow?"

Fluttershy squeaked as she hid behind and whispered, "I think Rarity is getting fussy because she needs to be milked."

Rarity turned around and snapped, "What do you think!? It's like when you need to use the bathroom but worse!"

Fluttershy cheeks flushed pink, and then said, "Well, I have to get milked too…you could use your magic too, you know…."

Rarity blinked, trying to get what Fluttershy said, then her face turned into a look of disgust upon realizing what her frienf was implying and gave a "bleh" sound and cried, "Eww! Fluttershy, don't ever mention that again!"

Applejack stopped the trek, turned around, pointed a moo into the fashionista's muzzle, and snapped, "Rarity, can you stop complaining for one second? As you can see, you're not the only one turned into a cow!"

Rarity bit her lip, irritated, but Applejack made an excellent point and grumbled, "Fine, I'll stop." She continued to trek through the forest while cursing under her breath. All she could think about was finding this stripped cow and forcing her to change back to normal. Eventually, they made it to a hut. Applejack turned to see a sign outside it and sighed, "Well, looks like we'll be cattle for a bit longer."

"Wait, what do you mean!?" the purple-spotted cow cried as she rushed to the sign and read, "If you're looking for the Zebra named Zecora, she has gone on a trip to Appleloosa."

After reading the sign, Rarity felt the weight of all that frustration reaching her boiling point as she pulled on her bonnet strings and wailed, "Appleloosa!? Ugh, we have to go all the way to Appleloosa!?"

The pink-coated cow bent her head and whispered, "Well, it looks like we don't have a choice…but we still need to get milked." then her stomach grumbled and hovered a hoof over her belly and whined, "And hungry."

The blonde spotted cow looked upward, tapping her chin, and replied sarcastically, "Well, we could be milked only if somepony could use their horn to milk our udders telepathically."

She then stared at Rarity, who grimaced, seeing that they really didn't have a choice, and slammed a hoof as she let out an angry moo! Then grumbled, "Turn around, darlings."

Upon seeing their bloated pink milk bags, the other bovine slowly turned around as Rarity gave a "bleh" sound. The fashionista groaned as she closed her eyes, lit her horn, and then slowly tugged on her friend's udders. She couldn't see the milk hit into buckets but could hear the pitter-patter of the liquid hitting the pails beneath them. Another interesting thing Rarity noticed is that their milk smells different. The orange-coated cow smelt like apples but was also sweet, like a freshly baked apple pie. Meanwhile, Fluttershy's smelt like a fresh salad and carrots, making her wonder if they tasted the same. But shuddered at the idea of drinking their milk.

It wasn't long until the sounds stopped, and Rarity levitated two pails full of milk and placed them aside, then said, "There you're milked happy now!?"

She squeaked as Applejack hugged her. "Thanks, Rarity. I know that was hard for you."

The pink-spotted cow gulped, adding, "Um…yes, we're milked; however, your udders are still bloated."

Rarity could feel the pressure in her bloated milk bag, let out a "huff," and sighed. "Give me a second, alright?"

The fashionista started to milk herself as she shivered, feeling the appendages beneath her move up and down. Feeling rather curious, she gave a whiff and smelt her own milk, and it smelt like black tea mixed with dandelion sandwiches. She remembered having some for breakfast this morning. It wasn't long until Rarity finished milking herself and placing her pail beside the others. Then Applejack's belly let out a loud growl, and she sighed, "And we better get some food."

They all then looked around at the grass, which sounded rather tasty. It wasn't long until the three bent their heads down and started to graze on the grass. Rarity was most reluctant, but her urges seemed unable to control herself as she munched on the grass, enjoyed the flavor, and continued to graze.

Once they were full, Rarity uttered a loud burp and cried as she placed a hoof over her mouth. She then heard snickering and turned to Fluttershy and Applejack with smiles and hoofs over their mouths.

"Haha, Rarity burped; I'm a gassy bovine now, alright!"

Applejack burped herself, then laughed, "Yeah, you're a cow, so stop acting so embarrassed about being one."

Fluttershy nuzzled her, then added, "Yeah, we're in this together. Now please, can we get a move on? I don't want to spend a night in this forest."

Rarity then looked down at a puddle of water on her bovine face. Despite her cute bonnet, it didn't change her bloated face and grass-stained muzzle. Seeing Applejack had a point, she sighed and grumbled, "I understand and apologize; I should stop trying to pretend that I'm not a burping, grass-munching, milk-squirting bovine."

"Uh, Rarity."

"Not now, Applejack; let me finish. I've been very refined my whole life, and this experience has been horrible and has put me out of my element. That is why I've been in such a terrible mood."

"Um… that's great, but R..Rarity…."

"Fluttershy, please let me finish; as I was saying, even though I'm a bloated bovine, I shouldn't have been acting so boarish."

"We get it, but Rar-"

"Applejack, please stop interrupting! Before going to Appleloosa, we should return to Ponyville and inform Twilight. We should also gather some supplies. I considered getting you two bonnets; I can't help but admit how they look rather fashionable for cows."

"Rarity, can you shut up and turn around!"

The fashionista stomped a hoof and snapped, "What is it, Appleja..."

Rarity's mouth dropped, witnessing a pack of timberwolves behind her growling with green liquid dripping from their jaws. Timberwolves were always terrifying, but for some reason, fear was overriding her other feelings, and all the horned cow could whisper, "Applejack w…what do we do!?"


Applejack pushed her friends, and the three started speeding through the forest as the sound of howls chased after them!