• Published 26th May 2023
  • 570 Views, 5 Comments

Sugar, Oh Honey Honey - maladybug

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie spend a nice morning with their daughter, Sugar Crash.

  • ...

Sugar and Spice

Warm light poured through large windows, tinted a soft green by sheer blue curtains softly moving in the breeze. The morning was cool, but the day would soon become warmer as the sun rose into the sky. The soft murmur of ponies outside and the scent of baked goods and flowers from the fields nearby gently floated through the window, disturbing the curtains.

A stray ray of sunlight shot through the darkened room, landing on the face of a young filly tucked in her bed. She squinted her eyes shut, wrinkling her pink fur, trying to ignore the bright light. Soon enough her eyes flickered open and she sat up, stretching her limbs and smacking her lips.

Sliding from the bed, she trotted out of her room and into the bathroom around the corner, brushing her teeth and combing her pink, orange, and yellow mane. Trying to tame it was nearly as impossible as her mother’s, but she did her best to style it. Sometimes the filly wished she were a unicorn– it would be a lot easier if she could brush her mane with magic…

But one thing she loved more than magic was flying. Stretching out her wings, the filly lifted herself into the air, taking the opportunity to put her toothbrush and comb away. She couldn’t nearly fly as well as momma yet, but she told her she’d be one of the best fliers in Equestria, and she was determined to prove her right. Setting back down onto the tiled floor, the filly proudly trotted from the bathroom, ready to start her day.

First, to find her parents. Spying the clock in the kitchen, it was early, so they could still certainly be asleep. A wicked smile rose to the filly’s lips. Time for some good old fashion pranking…

Creeping up stairs and to the door to their room, the filly did her best to slowly open the door without producing a sound, slipping into the room silently. Keeping her belly to the ground, she crawled up to the bed, locked on to the sleeping forms under the covers. Wiggling her rump like a cat ready to pounce, she coiled herself like a spring. This would be too easy…

“GOOOOOOOD MORNIIIIIIIIIING!!!!” She shouted, launching herself from the floor and onto the bed. One of the sleeping forms seemed to disappear, as if empty air had been underneath the entire time. The other, however, definitely was a pony.

“Augh!!” Rainbow Dash shouted, falling from the bed and onto the floor, blinking wildly as she scanned the room in shock. Locking onto her daughter, she narrowed her gaze and jumped up, “SUGAR! I told you to stop doing that!”

Sugar Crash didn’t seem to be paying attention, poking the spot where her other parent should have been, looking puzzled. “Where’s mommy?”

Rainbow Dash looked around herself, raising a brow. Where was she indeed?

A pink blur shot from the closet beside their bed and landed on the mattress, grabbing the filly without giving her a split second to react. Sugar squealed in surprise, and soon laughter, as hooves began tickling her on her sides. “Hehehe, mommy, stooooppp!!!”

“Oh you silly filly, you thought you could trick the master trickster?!” Pinkie Pie grinned, pinning the filly down to give her a raspberry on the stomach, “Apologize young filly, and tell us who the real pranking pony is!”

“Eeep!!” The filly yelped, fighting past tears of laughter and her aching stomach, “Aaah!! You are! You are, I’m sorrrryyyyyyy!”

Relenting, the pink earth pony sat up, giving Sugar a hug. “There we go. Now don’t do that again, your momma needs her shut eye, okay?” Pinkie leaned down, giving her a kiss on the forehead.

Still giggling, Sugar nodded, giving her Momma Dash a smile, “Sorry Momma.”

Rainbow shook her head, her frustration already long gone after witnessing that scene. Watching her daughter and the pony she loved with her whole heart playing was the best way to start her morning.

“Hehe, it’s fine kiddo. Since I’m up, let’s get something to eat.”

Pinkie Pie zipped to her side, wrapping a hoof around her shoulders, “Oooh, ooh, how about some pancakes? With strawberries? I know it’s your favoooriteee~!”

“That sounds sooooo good, please momma?” Sugar looked up, giving her pegasus mother large puppy dog eyes. Rainbow scoffed, giving the pair a grin.

“Oh, alright, c’mon. Pinkie, you want help making it?” Dash offered. Sugar cut in before she could reply, “No!”

Dash raised a brow, turning to her daughter, “What’s the problem squirt? Don’t want me to cook?”

“Ewww, no momma, you burn them!”

Rainbow’s jaw fell and Pinkie giggled, falling back into the bed. Sugar didn’t seem to realize what she said could have been insulting, jumping to the floor. “Mommy makes them best!”

“Pffftt… alright… I’m too lazy to cook right now anyways…” Rainbow snorted, whilst Pinkie gave her a comforting pat on the flank.

“I’ll start the pancakes if you start the coffee…” Pinkie offered, giving her wife a wink.

Rainbow grinned, “Now that, I can do.”

Pulling themselves from their comfortable bed, Pinkie and Dash followed their daughter downstairs, making quick work of brushing their teeth and manes. Mommy Pinkie was already at the stove, grabbing a frying pan. Her mane was somehow acting on its own accord, grabbing a mixing bowl, a fork, milk, and pancake batter.

Momma Dash busied herself with the coffee machine, returning to the table to give Sugar a glass of orange juice. The pink filly hopped into a chair, giving her mother a sweet smile. “Thank you Momma!”

“Don’t mention it, kiddo.” Rainbow grinned, patting her head. “Think I can at least cut the strawberries? I promise I won’t mess it up.”

Sugar Crash giggled softly, “... Ooookay, just be careful! Knives are sharp!”

Pinkie chuckled, beaming at her little pegasus, “Just like I told you, never run with something sharp, unless you wanna get poked in the eye~!”

Rainbow Dash shook her head, rolling her eyes with amusement. “Yeah yeah, I think I can be careful.” Trotting over to the fridge, Dash pulled out a container of strawberries, plucking especially large ones before cutting them into perfectly thin slices.

Pinkie leaned over and gave her wife a smooch on the cheek, nuzzling her gently under the chin. “Thanks Dashie~”

The pegasus blushed, even after all these years of being together, she still couldn’t help but become flustered with the attention. “Piiiinkie… you’re welcome.”

Giggling, Pinkie Pie slid the strawberry slices into her already prepared mixing bowl, stirring gently before pouring the batter into the well-greased frying pan. The sizzle and scent floated into the air, causing Sugar’s stomach to rumble.

“Drink your orange juice kiddo, it’ll help with your belly.” Rainbow trotted over to the coffee maker, preparing herself and her wife two steaming cups of joe. Pouring in a bit of sugar and milk, Dash took a long gulp, smacking her lips with satisfaction.

Sugar whined softly but nodded, carefully taking the glass in her hooves before gulping down the sweet nectar. She liked orange juice just fine, but right now she was craving some apple juice. Maybe they could stop by Auntie Jack’s stand later in the day…

“Thank goodness Strawberry Sunrise has her own garden, and lives so close by! She grows the best strawberries.” Pinkie took a long gulp of her coffee, her almost elastic hair gripping the frying pan as she flipped a pancake. “Think she and Applejack ever stopped arguing about which fruit is better?”

Rainbow Dash cackled, “As if! Those two will never get along. I can’t believe Rarity started that…”

“I’m sure she didn’t mean to do it on purpose!” The party pony giggled, preparing a plate of fresh pancakes for their daughter. Putting a small spread of strawberry jam on the top of the stack, she added a small bit of butter, and slathered it with maple syrup.

“Yeah, I know, but it is pretty funny to watch.” Rainbow glanced over at the plate, raising her eyebrow at the amount of sugar. “Don’t you think that might be a bit too much?”

Sugar stomped her hooves on the table impatiently, sticking out her lower lip. “But Momma!! M’ name IS Sugar! I’m s’pose to have that much!”

“Oh don’t worry Dashie, I’ll make sure Lil’ Crashie gets her vegetables at dinner.” Pinkie giggled, setting the plate down in front of their filly, “Eat up! But not too fast, or you’ll get a tummy ache!”

Rainbow rolled her eyes, shrugging in defeat. She knew better than to fight Pinkie or their daughter on the amount of sugar they ate, “You’re the cook, you’re the boss.”

Sugar had made a face at her mother mentioning vegetables, even the thought of them made her want to gag. Eyes settling on the stack of pancakes before her, the filly grabbed her fork and dug in, savoring every bite. “Mmmmm!! This is sooooooooo good!! Momma, you have to try ‘em!”

Dash chuckled, trotting over to ruffle her daughter’s mane, “Don’t worry squirt, I don’t have work today, so I can take as long as I want with breakfast.”

Sugar Crash’s eyes widened, and she nearly jumped out of her seat. “Momma, does that mean we can play today?! Pretty please, pretty pretty, pretty please?!”

Pinkie and Rainbow glanced at each other before laughing, Dash wrapping an arm around the filly. “Of course silly, why wouldn’t I want to spend my day with my special little filly?”

Gently pulling away, she trotted up to Pinkie and kissed her on the cheek, giving her a soft grin. “And I’d love to spend time with my favorite mare.”

The pink mare squealed in delight, turning to pepper her wife with kisses. Rainbow groaned as the two collapsed to the ground, the pegasus trying in vain to extract herself from Pinkie’s grip.

“Pinkie, the pancakes!” Rainbow pointed out, smoke rising from the pan.

“Whoopsie-doodles!” Shooting up from her position on the ground, Pinkie flipped the slightly crispy pancake, sighing with relief. “No burning this time around!”

“SEE Momma? Mommy doesn’t burn them!” Sugar grinned, jam and syrup smeared across her mouth.

Dash snorted, climbing to her hooves, “Yeah yeah, I burn ONE cake ONE time…”

Pinkie turned her head, her expression turning serious, “Any burnt cake is a crime, Dashie! A CRIME!!”

Sugar nodded her head in agreement, kicking her hindlegs happily, “Mommy’s right, you can’t waste a good cake! It coulda been chocolate, or strawberry, or spicy vanilla!”

“Oooh, that sounds like a good one. I might try that, thanks my sweet lil’ sweetness!” Preparing a small plate for herself and Dash, Pinkie plonked over to the table and kissed Sugar on the forehead, setting the plates down. Sugar giggled, trying to shy away from her mother playfully.

Taking a seat at the table, Rainbow didn’t hesitate to dig in. Her plate was slightly smaller, and without as much syrup. She did have to stay fit for the Wonderbolts, after all. “I don’t know what’s with you two and mixing sweet and hot stuff, but please, put a note on a cake if it’s going to be spicy. Last time I had a bite of one of those, my tongue was numb for a WEEK!”

Pinkie Pie giggled, letting out soft snorts of amusement, “It was a little funny though, you gotta admit!”

“I couldn’t talk right for days, Pinkie! Do you know how embarrassing it was to sound like a foal with a speech impediment?!” Rainbow huffed, her cheeks turning a soft shade of pink.

“It was a lil’ funny…” Sugar shrunk beneath the table a little, hoping her mother wouldn’t be mad.

“But hey, don’t worry Dashie, I’ll make sure to put a note on the next spicy cake I make! I gotta experiment y’know, keeps the customers on their tippy-hooves!” Gently rubbing her wife’s shoulder, Pinkie smiled softly. “I promise, I’ll be extra-special careful.”

“Pinkie Promise?” Rainbow raised an eyebrow, a small smirk rising to her lips.

“Cross my heart and hope to fly–” Pinkie began.

“Stick a cupcake in my eye!” Sugar finished, miming the motion with a hoof.

The three laughed together, Rainbow shaking her head, no longer lingering on embarrassing memories. Falling into a comfortable silence, the family ate their breakfast, fully energized for the morning.

“Momma, momma! Do you think we can go to the market and get some apple juice?” Sugar Crash gasped in realization, becoming even more excited, “Do y’think Pink Pearl and Black Diamond might be at Auntie Applejack’s stall today?”

Rainbow and Pinkie shared a look, Dash giving her daughter a shrug. “Maybe, but they might be busy with Rarity. But we can stop by and check!”

“I can’t wait!!” Sugar jumped up and down in place, energy overflowing. “We can go to the park and play, and pick flowers, and Black Diamond can help me fly! He knows how to levitate things now!”

Pinkie giggled, “That does sound like an awful lot of fun! How about this, we clean our plates, wash our hoovsies, and then go out and have a nice family afternoon?”

Sugar grinned, hopping from her seat and onto the floor, hoofie kicking into the air. “This is gonna be so much fun!”

Making quick work of the dishes and cleaning up, Sugar Crash trotted to the door, the young filly kicking it with her hindlegs. Holding it open for her mothers, Sugar hopped in place impatiently. “C’mon, let’s go, let’s gooo!”

Dash rolled her eyes, spreading her wings as she flew out of the doorway, snatching up the filly in the process. “Well you’re excited! Hey Pinkie, wanna race to the market?” Sugar squealed, squirming in her mother’s grip.

The particular party pony practically positively pranced to the door, gently closing it behind them. “Oh Dashie, we both know who is going to win~! But I won’t back down from a challenge.”

Giving her wife a competitive smirk, Rainbow readied her wings, preparing herself for a swift liftoff. “READYSETGO–”

Before the pegasus could even lift a feather, Pinkie Pie was already speeding off, a cloud of smoke in her exact shape and size the only thing left behind, until that too disappeared.

“Augh, how does she DO that?!” Rainbow hissed in frustration and awe, winding herself up before speeding off in the same direction. Sugar wrapped her hooves around her momma’s neck, holding on for dear life while screaming with joy.

For the filly, it felt like barely ten seconds had gone by before they were suddenly in the middle of the morning market. Ponies trotted to and fro, some stopping for a moment to stare at the pegasus, before quickly going about their business. They were more than accustomed to Rainbow’s speedy antics.

“Hah, beat her! You hear that Pinkie?! I BEAT YOU, I WIN!” Rainbow called out, waving a clenched hoof in the air. Chortling to herself, she set down Sugar on the ground, grinning proudly.

“Uh… Momma?” Sugar tugged on her tail, trying to get her to turn around.

Rainbow frowned, her expression dropping so quickly it was hard to believe it was there at all. “Let me guess… she’s right behind me.”

Turning around, the pegasus reared back as Pinkie Pie loomed over her, looking almost threatening. The moment passed in a split second, her hoof tapping Dash on the nose.


“Piiiiinkie…” Dash grumbled, “Fiiiine… you win… this time.”

“Oh Dashie, I didn’t win, I was right behind you, so you won silly!” Pinkie grinned, hopping over to pull Sugar onto her back.

“But Mommy–”

Pinkie gave her daughter a raised brow, instantly silencing her.

“Um, yeah! Good job Momma!”

Rainbow could see through the lie easily, but she couldn’t help but give the pair a lopsided grin. “Aw, c’mon, let’s go see about that apple juice.”

“Yay!” Sugar giggled.

It wasn’t a very long trot, the family of three quickly spotted the orange earth pony manning her family stall. To Sugar Crash’s joy, she spotted two foals standing beside the stall, one looking rather bored, the other poking and prodding her mother for something to do.

“PEARLY! DIAMOND!” Sugar Crash shouted, waving both of her hooves to gain their attention. The two jumped up at the noise, turning to face the shouting pony.

“Sugar!!” Pink Pearl yelped, quickly trotting over to the group. Sugar jumped down from her mother’s back, throwing her hooves around her friend. She and Pearl had been incredibly close friends, ever since they were toddlers. She supposed it was the pink coat that they shared, or maybe just their shared love of all things sweet.

“It’s so great to see you! How was the trip to the Wonderbolts Academy?!” Pink jumped up and down, her curly blonde mane bouncing as she did so. “You gotta tell me all about it!”

Sugar squeezed her friend tightly, slowly pulling away to give her air. “It was so much fun! The Wonderbolts are just so… awesome! Spitfire even let me fly on her back for a little, can you believe it?”

“Considering who your mother is, I’m not really surprised.” Black Diamond trotted forward, adjusting his mane. He was a unicorn, like his mother Rarity, with a pure white coat and deep, dark-wine colored mane. “And please stop yelling, it’s hurting my ears…”

“Well howdy you three! How’s Sugarcube Corner, Pinkie? I’ve been meanin’ ta stop by, but I’ve just had my hooves full with the harvest this year.” Applejack trotted up, giving the group a friendly smile, “And, o’ course, these two little ‘uns.”

Reaching a hoof out, she tousled Black Diamond’s mane, the colt squawking indignantly.

“Mom, please! Mother helped me style it this morning!” His hooves went to his hair, trying his best to slick it back down into its original form.

Pink Pearl rolled her eyes, “Oh stop bein’ a stick in the mud, it was gonna get messed up anyhow!”

“If you two are around, of course it would be…” The unicorn colt snarked.

Applejack chuckled under her breath, shaking her head. “Well, how can I help you two? Sorry Dash, it ain’t quite cider season yet.”

Rainbow groaned, “Did you have to remind me?”

Snorting, Pinkie stepped forward, gesturing to the stand. “Our lil’ Crashie just loves your apple juice! Don’t suppose you have a gallon for us?”

“Well ‘o course I do! Anythin’ for my sweet lil’ Sugar Pie!” Applejack grinned, giving Sugar the same treatment as Black Diamond. Sugar, however, took it with little complaint. “Diamond, go git a jug and git some from the tap, would ‘ja?”

“Yes Mom…” Groaning, he trotted over to the stand, pulling out a plastic milk jug, opening the cap before setting it beneath a keg. Pressing down the lever, sweet fragrant apple juice began to pour into the container. Sugar was already dying for a taste– maybe next year they might let her try the cider?

“How much, same as usual?” Rainbow turned, beginning to rummage between her feathers. She usually had a few bits tucked away in there.

The apple farmer snorted, shaking her head, “Don’t worry ‘bout it Dash, we’re not hurtin’ for cash, this’ll be on the house.”

Sugar leaped into the air, trotting over to throw her hooves around one of Applejack’s legs. “Thank you Auntie!! I’ll try not to drink it all in one night!”

Applejack chuckled, giving the filly a light pat on the head. “O’ course you will, otherwise you won’t be gettin’ anymore fer a week.”

“WHAT?!” Sugar’s jaw dropped, “No, please, I love the juice! Don’t take it away…”

Pinkie glanced over at Rainbow Dash, giving her a sly grin. “Looks like somepony inherited her love of apple beverages from Dashie~”

The pegasus rolled her eyes, turning back to the farmer, “Thanks AJ, but I’ll pay next time, got it?”

“Yeah yeah,” Waving a hoof, Applejack looked down at her colt and filly, seeming to consider something. “Y’know what, Pearl, Diamond, you might as well go have some fun. Take the rest of the afternoon off, but be back at the farm before the sun sets, y’hear?”

The foals traded looks, from unbelieving, to overjoyed. Pink Pearl grinned brightly, “Thanks momma! C’mon Diamond, Sugar, let’s go play!”

Turning her head to gaze up at her parents, Sugar stuck her lip out, preparing to beg. “Pleaseeee….?”

Rainbow groaned and Pinkie snickered, the party mare answering, “Of course silly, go and play with your friends! But same rules, be back home before the sun sets, or you’ll be in super duper trouble!”

"And remember, we're gonna play today. So I'll come find you in about an hour, got it sport?" Rainbow grinned, patting her daughter on the top of her head.

“Yay!! Thanks mommy, thanks momma!” The filly wrapped her hooves around Pinkie before quickly switching to Dash, squeezing them both tightly before joining her friends. “C’mon, let's go play Wonderbolts vs Shadowbolts!”

Black Diamond scoffed, “You always play Wonderbolts!”

“Yeah, it’s not fair! Besides, you’re the only one who’s got wings!” Pink Pearl shouted in annoyance.

The group of foals trotted away, fully invested in their bickering. Their parents watched from a distance, each one bearing a contented smile.

“Ain’t that cute…” Applejack remarked.


Hearing a sniffle, Pinkie turned to face her wife, jaw dropping as she noticed the tears in her eyes. “Dashie! Why are you crying?! Are you hurt, is it allergies?!”

“Wha– NO! I’m not crying!” The pegasus quickly wiped her eyes, her face turning a bright red. “It’s just… I dunno…”

“I guess I’m… proud of her…” Rainbow mumbled, looking down at her hooves, “A-And something just got in my eye!”

“Riiiiiight…” Applejack gave her friend a knowing look, leaning back against a crate of apples.

“C’mon Dashie, it’s okay to cry! Happy tears are the best tears, way better than sad tears!” Wrapping a hoof around her special somepony, Pinkie nuzzled Dash’s neck, trying her best to comfort her.

“And… I know what you mean. When I see our lil’ Crashie being all grown up, having her own friends, I just…” The party pony hiccupped, choking back a sob. “Oh no, now you’re making ME do it!”

“Hahaha! Oh you two…” Applejack held her belly, “Yer’ just sweet as kin’ be, huh? Don’t worry Rainbow, we’ve all had moments like that.”

Turning to face the direction their children went, Applejack smiled fondly, watching the foals gallop into the distance. Even now, she could hear them bickering and giggling to each other. “Just means we’re doin’ a good job. Nothin’ to be ashamed of.”

“Yeah… I guess.” Sniffing one last time, Rainbow sighed.

Pinkie gave her a soft look, gently patting her back. “We know so!”

“Alright, since the kids are away… Applejack, you got any of that hard apple whiskey?”

“Yah read my mind, Dash.”

Author's Note:

Hope you enjoyed! Perhaps if I get inspiration, or if anyone finds this enjoyable, I might continue.

Comments ( 5 )

Cute and wholesome. Do you have any kind of plot in mind? Or would this just be an episodic thing if you continue it?

I may or may not, the idea I had in mind is pretty old, but I'll consider it. Otherwise if I don't do a full plot/ only go episodic, it'd just be sweet stuff. Thanks for your interest!

Awwww, I want more of this.

This is way too adorable.

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