• Published 29th May 2023
  • 1,115 Views, 32 Comments

(RE-WRITE) The Rebel and The Bookworm - qiley

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Chapter 2: Celestia's Personal Lesson

Author's Note:

When I finished writing this chapter I realized I could've just tacked this on at the end of the Chapter 1, but it's too late for that I guess. :twilightsheepish:

I hope it isn't too short for y'all, but I understand it was kind of short. Anyways, feel free to leave comment, whether it be a suggestion, constructive criticism, or just how you felt about the chapter at the end! :twilightsmile:

See you in the next one.

Standing in front of Sunset’s door, Celestia let out a long sigh. The halls were dim and empty, just as they usually are late into the night. Raising her hoof, she gently knocked on the door a few times.

At first, there was no answer. There was just silence.

“Sunset, I know you’re awake,” Celestia called out. “I saw your light from underneath the door just shut off.”

Sunset let out a loud groan, the light flickering back on. Celestia would occasionally hear a thud or paper crumple, but nothing from Sunset herself.

Celestia let out yet another sigh. “Sunset, I know you’re upset and you don’t want to talk to me right now, but that won’t solve anything. Please open the door, I’m willing to hear out anything you have to say.”

“I won’t open this door and I won’t talk to you!” Sunset yelled back.

“But you just did,” Celestia said to herself, slightly smiling. Clearing her throat, she lit up her horn. “If you aren’t willing to let me in, then I will have to get in by force.”

Celestia’s magic enveloped the doorknob, easily able to turn it even though it was locked. However, when she tried to push the door open, it wouldn’t budge.

“No you don’t!” Sunset growled, pressing herself against the door.

“Sunset, if you just tell me why you’re upset we could figure-”

“Oh you want to know why I’m upset?!” Sunset screamed, pushing harder against the door. “It’s because of everything! First, I have to share my class time with somepony I barely even know. Then when I do, she just shows me up. Do you have any idea how that made me feel?”

“Not only that, but you didn’t even scold Twilight or anything! If I were to do something like that, I know I would have gotten an earful from you. How is that fair Celestia? I thought you were the fair and benevolent ruler of Equestria! Then you have the nerve to ask why I’m mad?!”

Letting out a frustrated scream, Sunset quieted down, just her huffing filling in the silence. Celestia felt the resistance from Sunset lighten up a bit, allowing her to open the door. The room was a mess, scrolls and books scattered all over the place. Looking behind the door, she found Sunset, who was glaring up at her. Weakly smiling at Sunset, Celestia walked in and closed the door behind her. Sitting in front of Sunset, she simply looked at her.

“So what? Are you here to tell me that I’m being immature and that I should grow up?” Sunset huffed, crossing her forehooves.

“You know, you remind me of a pony I was very close with,” Celestia said somberly, looking out the window towards the moon and stars.

“Oh yeah?” Sunset narrowed her eyes at Celestia. “And who would that be?”

“You remind me of…” Celestia paused. “You remind me of my sister.”

Sunset’s expression softened slightly, slightly confused. “Your sister?”

Nodding, Celestia sighed. “Yes, my little sister Luna. Not many ponies know I have one, because it is something we’ve hid from the public for centuries.”

“Why would you do something like that?” Sunset asked. Suddenly, an idea popped up in her head. Gasping, she looked at Celestia with wide eyes. “Did you kill her?”

Celestia weakly smiled at her student’s idea. “In a way, yes.”


“I’ll just explain so there’s no misunderstandings,” Celestia said. Suddenly, she wore a solemn look, staring Sunset in the eyes. “But before I tell you, I need you to promise me that you won’t tell anypony about what you hear tonight.”

Sunset nodded quickly. “I promise.”

“Good,” Celestia said. "Long ago, Luna and I ruled over Equestria together. I would rule the day, raising the sun, while she would rule the night, raising the moon. It was peaceful for the most part, and Equestria flourished under the two of us.”

“As the years went by, my sister became more and more distant. At the time, I just thought she was going through a phase, so I simply brushed it off.” Celestia said, a pained expression creeping onto her face. “Little did I know that it was something way more than that. It is something I regret overlooking to this day.”

Audibly gulping, Sunset sat up straighter.

“While ponies praised and worshiped me, they did not show any adoration towards my little sister. While ponies relished and played out during the day, they would shun and sleep through Luna’s beautiful night. Being cast in my shadow caused her resentment and jealousy towards me, which slowly built up over time.”

“Then one fateful morning, Luna refused to lower the moon. The bitterness in her heart was too much, and the Luna I knew was gone. Instead, Nightmare Moon replaced her and vowed to shroud Equestria in eternal night.” Celestia let out a shaky sigh, looking back out the window towards just the moon. “I knew something had to be done, so I used the Elements of Harmony to banish her to the moon, trapping her there for a thousand years.”

“From that day forward, I bore the responsibility for both the sun and the moon, ruling over Equestria without my dear little sister.”

A few moments of silence passed before Sunset spoke up. “Are you saying that I’ll end up like your sister?”

“Although it's an incredibly slim possibility, it could happen,” Celestia answered truthfully. “If you continue to harbor your feeling of inferiority and envy, then this may just be the path you’re walking.”

“So am I not allowed to have emotions like that?” Sunset frowned, dryly laughing. “Because it’s kind of hard not to when a filly three years younger is better than me.”

Celestia shook her head. “That’s not what I’m saying, my dear student. Everypony is allowed to feel like that as it is a part of life. What I’m saying is that you should not allow these feelings to cloud your mind. You mustn't dwell on them, but rather keep moving forward and progressing.”

Sunset sighed. “But how could I not dwell on them? Twilight was way better than I was today and you know it.”

“She was definitely better than you today.”

Sunset’s frown deepened, crossing her forehooves. “No need to rub it in.”

“The keyword there was ‘today’,” Celestia said, placing her hoof on Sunset’s shoulder. “She may be better than you at something today, but that doesn’t mean that it will always be that way.”

Sunset nodded slowly.

“Think about it like this,” Celestia continued. “If you continue to believe that you are inferior to Twilight, it will most likely stay that way. The only way for you to grow is to get out of that mindset. Whether you sink or swim is up to you, Sunset.”

The room went silent. Sunset took in those words, a smile slowly forming on her face

“You know what, you’re right!” Sunset jumped up onto all four. “Twilight’s just somepony I have to catch up to. No, scratch that. She’s a pony that I have to overtake. No matter how much of a genius she is, she is still a pony.”

Celestia smiled. “That’s the spirit, Sunset.”

“But I’m still mad that you took Twilight’s side!” Sunset pointed at her. “Why didn’t you yell at her or something?”

“Firstly, I would never yell at anypony, especially a child,” Celestia said. “Secondly, I deeply apologize that I did not scold her in any way. I know it will sound like an excuse to you, but I just didn’t want to deter Twilight from learning magic because of one mistake she made."

Sunset rubbed her chin. “I guess that does make sense.”

“Understand that I did it for Twilight’s sake. I, however, did not think about how it would affect you.” Celestia bowed before Sunset. “For that, I am truly sorry.”

Seeing Celestia bow before her, Sunset sighed. “You don’t have to bow.”

Celestia rose, looking down at her student.

“Plus, I understand where you’re coming from,” Sunset chuckled. “I wouldn’t want Twilight to give up learning magic just because of one slip up. She is pretty good at it after all.”

Celestia smirked. “Better than you, that’s for sure,” she playfully jabbed.

Sunset glared at Celestia for a moment, the two of them smiling at one another. Suddenly, their laughter filled the quiet hallway.

The next day came and Sunset decided to get to school earlier than usual. Arriving at the gates before they even opened, she spotted Twilight, who was also waiting there. Seated on a bench nearby, she was nose deep in a book. The filly didn’t even notice Sunset approach her.

“Hey twerp,” Sunset said, causing Twilight to jump up slightly.

Twilight looked up from her book, meeting Sunset’s eyes. Quickly averting her gaze, her eyes darted all over the place, looking for an escape route. Twilight’s breaths quickened, a drop of sweat forming on her forehead.

Sunset rolled her eyes. “Calm down Twilight, I’m not going to yell at you again.”

“R-Really?” Twilight asked, closing her book.

“Yes, really,” Sunset chuckled. “I actually came to apologize for that. So… I’m sorry that I blew my top off and yelled at you yesterday.”

Twilight nodded, slightly wobbling as she stood up. “I-It’s okay.”

“So what do you say,” Sunset smiled, sticking out one of her forehooves. “Friends?”

Twilight’s face slightly lit up, shaking her hoof. “Friends!”

Comments ( 10 )

Interesting change of direction. Although I am concerned about the early reveal of Luna. How will this affect her fated return to equestria, will Sunset become an element, what will happen with Twilight's letter to Celestia etc. Good luck figuring out those answers 'cause I don't even know where I'd start.

lovely ending! I wonder, could you imagine Twilight or Sunset meeting an earth pony or pegasus here?

“Hey twerp,” Sunset said, causing Twilight to jump up slightly.

Jump slightly, you really don't need the word up here.

And there was yet more cuteness, as advertised. :twilightsmile:

That was a good story goodluck with the rest of it.

Meeting some of the main 6 is even possible. All have reasons they could show up in Canterlot and in the show Celestia was keeping tabs on them, she could arrange reasons.

Just found this story. Has me hooked. Looking forward to reading more. :twilightsmile:

Writer hasn't been on the site for 8 months. At this point we may have to consider the story abandoned.

Shame, i realy liked the story

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