• Published 22nd Aug 2023
  • 408 Views, 121 Comments

Save The World, Duh! - TheKing2001

Lyra and her crew help Starlight and Trixie as the two other unicorns discover a plot to destroy Equestria. The humans turned ponies work to save one of their own.

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Chapter Thirty Two


I followed Rainbow and a struggling Lavender as I continued dragging a stunned Trixie behind me. Rainbow pushed open the roof door with her back and gently dropped Lavender down on the ground.

“Talk some sense into her wouldja?” Rainbow paused as she glanced over at us. “She and Cloudkicker got into it pretty bad in the hallway.”

“We will try,” I promised as Rainbow disappeared into the school. Typically I would avoid her but Lavender was worth associating with Rainbow Dash, even temporarily. Trixie slipped out of my grip as we looked at each other.

Lavender was staring at the sun as she sat with her legs tucked under herself as we hesitantly approached her. Being on the receiving end of her anger is never a fun thing. Trixie elbowed me as I sighed in frustration. I was often asked to deal with the more delicate situations.

“Hey Lavender,” I forced a smile as my friends narrowed eyes flicked to me as we sat on either side of her. “How are you?”

“Fine. How was Manhattan?”

“It was good,” I admitted as I searched through my bag. “Here it is!” I handed her a model police car, hat and a shirt.

“What is this?” Lavender asked with a raised eyebrow.

“It’s a model police car for you model collection. It’s a nineteen eighty nine Chevy Caprice. The shirt and hat we got you from the nine eleven museum!” Trixie proclaimed quietly. “The hat is a NYPD hat and the shirt has the towers along with never forget.”

“And nine eleven two thousand and one,” I added on as Lavender unfolded the shirt and smiled faintly.

“Thanks,” Lavender placed the hat on her head and hugged the shirt. “This had to have cost a lot. Maybe next time I’ll go with.”

“You’re worth it,” I cut Trixie off as she closed her mouth and glared at me. “So you uh tried to buy a house in Equestria?”

“I was given one,” Lavender corrected as she pulled her shirt off and I blushed faintly at her light pink undergarments. “And a store to sell my fireworks out of. I still have them, Sea Swirl is looking after them for me. If you two come with, we have a place to stay whenever we visit.”

“They just give out houses there?” Trixie asked in surprise. Lavender shrugged before she pulled her new shirt on and admired herself in her phones camera.

“They don’t normally but Twilight covered the costs along with Cadence. It’s in the countryside on a hill overlooking town,” Lavender said as I reached out and pulled the size tag off her shirt. “I met Trixie’s counterpart.”

“What was she like?” Trixie asked curiously as she put a hat on herself. “Was she just as great and powerful as me?”

“Yeah,” Lavender chuckled as we stared down into the school yard. “She lives in a wagon, has a girlfriend that Sunset and Derpy helped her get with. She’s a bit less arrogant but you’re a unicorn in Equestria. So am I and I’d be willing to bet Fuchsia is too.”

“Trixie will ignore that arrogant remark.”

“Never knew you swung that way,” I hid a grin behind my hand as Trixie turned red.

“Trixie is straight she’ll have you know,” Trixie glowered at us. “Are you still mad at Sunset?”

“No. Never was,” Lavender narrowed her eyes as I resisted the urge to facepalm. “I’m mad at Cloudkicker. I kicked her out of my apartment the other night after a fight. The neighbors also called the police because they thought Brawly and I was fighting.”

“Damn,” I mused as shrugged and pulled off my own shirt, exposing my yellow undergarment.

“Uh what are you doing?” Lavender asked with a blush as she rolled her eyes. “You’re in public.”

“You did it!” I shot back as I pulled my own matching shirt on and glanced at Trixie’s dress. “Yeah uh you can’t wear shirts because of the dress but maybe tomorrow?”

“Nonsense!” Trixie exclaimed and slid out of her dress as I averted my eyes. What is with people stripping on the roof? Trixie slipped on matching black leggings and a shirt. “You can look now.”

“God help us all,” I muttered and stretched. “Hope no one saw us.”

“Who cares?” Lavender challenged as she stood up and struck a pose that emphasized her waistline with her hand on her hip. “I got good genes and we’re three attractive girls.” A dress was tossed into her face as she blinked. “Well played.”

“Thank you,” Trixie said as she picked up her dress and stuffed it into her dress. “Now let’s get to class. We can go to Fuchsia’s house later and raid her snacks.”

“I’m down!” Lavender grinned wickedly ad I groaned.


I plopped down on the couch and tossed a chip in my mouth as I picked up the TV remote and started searching through channels. I heard faint laughter come from the kitchen and a door slamming shut.

“Don’t stay up too late dear!” Mom called down the stairs. “You four got school tomorrow.”

“Okay mom!” I called back as I winced at the now arguing over whether original oreos or vanilla oreos were better came from the kitchen. Mom or Tender Care as she was more commonly known nodded as she shut her bedroom door. Dad was already at the hospital working. “Hey sis.”

“Oh uhm hey,” Wallflower jumped from her spot where she stroked a cactus. How she could do that without getting pricked, I’ll never know. “I didn’t think you knew I was here.”

“Kinda hard not to notice that messy green hair you got going on.”

Wallflower blushed and rolled her eyes as she picked up her watering can and dumped some water in the soil of her plant.

“I am going to buy a house, fill it full of vanilla oreos and you won’t be able to say shit about it!” Trixie snarled as she and Lavender sat next to me on either side of me.

“Do it then! Don't fucking tell me, do it!” Lavender growled as she stirred her oreos into her milk. “They don’t compare to original.”

“Can I have oreos with milk?” Wallflower asked hopefully as we all glanced at her. Trixie shoved her drink into my hand.

“Yes! Trixie will turn Wallflower into a vanilla oreo lover!” Trixie proclaimed proudly and took off to the kitchen. Lavender glared at her and shoved her drink into my free hand.

“Like hell you will!” Lavender grumbled and chased after her.

With a sigh, I set their individual drinks down and stole an oreo from each cup with a faint smirk. I personally prefer mint oreos but who cares.

“I’m not going to get my drink anytime soon am I?” Wallflower asked as we winced at the arguing in the kitchen.

“Probably not, no.”

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