• Published 22nd Aug 2023
  • 405 Views, 121 Comments

Save The World, Duh! - TheKing2001

Lyra and her crew help Starlight and Trixie as the two other unicorns discover a plot to destroy Equestria. The humans turned ponies work to save one of their own.

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Chapter Eight


I trotted down the street slowly with Lavender as my fellow unicorn looked around Ponyville with wide eyes. I smirked as I bumped my flank against hers and she jumped.

“How do you like Equestria?” I asked curiously as we continued our walk.

“It’s amazing! I love it,” Lavender said with a smile. “It’s just peaceful here. The ponies are nice, it’s just nice here. Can’t think of any other way to put it.”

“Yeah it is isn’t it?” I asked wistfully. “Adagio and her sisters quickly settled back into society. Aria is hiding it well but she loves how different it is from a thousand years ago.”

“Don’t blame her,” Lavender admitted with a smile as she tapped her horn. “Felt weird at first but I like it.”

“I bet,” I chuckled as I brushed my mane out of my eyes. “Heard you are hanging out with Sea Swirl this week?”

“Yeah,” Lavender chuckled as she stared at a house in the distance with a for sale sign in the front yard. “Considering the fact I scared the hell out of her, she was super nice.”

I vaguely remembered her from school. She was nice but a bit weird. Obsessed with dolphins but nice. I think she even got her cutie mark of two dolphins swimming.

“Lavender?” I paused and looked back at her worriedly. She hadn’t moved from her spot as she kept staring at the house. “You okay back there?”

“Yeah!” Lavender said hastily and shook her head before she joined me. “Let’s just keep going, shall we?”

“Yeah let’s,” I said with a faint frown as she trotted ahead of her me and swished her tail back and forth happily with a big smile. This was probably the happiest I’ve ever seen her. She tossed her head back at me with her large smile still on her face as her ponytail whipped around.

“You comin or what?” She demanded eagerly as she galloped ahead to the castle. I think I even heard her laugh as she ran to the castle.

“Yeah I’m coming.”

I sat around the table of the restaurant Lemon Hearts had recommended as the yellow unicorn walked in with Twinkleshine and Sea Swirl. My worlds Amethyst, Lyra, Minuette, Moondancer and Twilight were already here.

“Hey Sunset!” Sea Swirl chirped happily as she plopped down with the two other mares. “We really got all old classmates together huh?”

“Damn right,” I chuckled as Twilight smiled.

“It’s really nice to have you all back reunited,” Twilight mused as she sipped her water. “I’m sorry I cut off contact with you and Amethyst after school Sea Swirl.”

“No biggie,” Sea Swirl shrugged as she lifted a menu in her magic. “I kinda lost contact with everypony except Amethyst. We hang out all the time, mainly because we’re neighbors and all.”

“You should see her house,” Amethyst said with a whistle. “It’s a nice house. Pool and everything!”

“What do you for a living now Sea Swirl?” Minuette asked as she folded her forelegs on the table.

“I make necklaces that I find when I’m diving for pearls,” Sea Swirl answered with a smile. “But I mainly work at Equestria World. I work with the dolphins.”

“Nice!” Minuette chirped and clapped her hooves. “We gotta come see you sometime. Part of an apology as kinda losing contact.”

“I’d love to have you guys come to show. Nothing to apologize for though,” Sea Swirl laughed as she looked at me. “What do you do Sunset?”

“Well I’m in high school still so I work part time at a candy store ran by a friend’s mom,” I answered with a shrug.

“What can I get for you all?” A pegasus stallion waiter asked us with a slightly forced smile. One by one we all ordered and I got some pasta.

“I’ll take your biggest bottle of wine!” Twinkleshine proclaimed with a smile.

“You got it miss,” he nodded and trotted as we all gazed at Twinkleshine in surprise.

“Wine Twinkle?” Moondancer demanded in surprise. “We almost never get alcohol at our get togethers.”

“It’s a special occasion!” Twinkleshine argued as the waiter brought the wine back and silently set it on the table. “We got all our classmates together, we should celebrate!”

“I’m down for some alcohol,” Lyra shrugged with a grin.

“Same here,” Minuette and Twilight said in unison as we all gave Twilight stunned looks.

“Since when did you drink Twilight?” I demanded in curiosity.

“It’s a thing to drink dealing with dignitaries from foreign countries,” she explained as she waved a hoof. “Princess things. We commonly drink at dinners with them.”

“Well it’s settled then!” Twinkleshine proclaimed with a warm smile as she poured us all glasses. “Do you want one Sea Swirl?”

“Sure I’ll take one,” Sea Swirl shrugged as Twinkleshine filled her glass and slid it tol her. “But just a few. Sassaflash is expecting me tonight. She gets worried when I’m not home past eleven.”

“To old friends!” Minuette giggled and levitated her glass to the middle of the table. We shrugged as we all followed her example.

“To old friends!” We all shouted with a laugh and I downed the wine after swirling the glass as a slightly sweet taste attacked my taste buds.

“That was pretty good,” Lemon Hearts laughed as she refilled her glass. “What brand is this?”

“Old Mares Pick,” Twinkleshine answered smugly as Twilight’s jaw dropped.

“That’s so expensive!” Twilight said as she glared at Twinkleshine. “I’m paying for it, no arguing. I’ve only had this once!”

“She’s made up her mind,” I chuckled as Twinkleshine looked like she was about to argue. “There’s no fighting with Twilight once she’s made up her mind.”

“Fair point,” Twinkleshine admitted as she poured myself and her another glass and I quickly downed it. “Dang Sunset. You don’t drink in the other world?”

“Not really,” I admitted as I poured another glass and took a smaller sip. “Don’t tell my mom about this either. Just because I’m technically the legal age here doesn’t mean she won’t hate it.”

“You got it,” Equestrian Lyra promised as she drank her own wine and smacked her lips. “Wow I need to buy some of this for the house.”

“So you know Lavender Lace, huh?” Sea Swirl asked me curiously as the others started talking.

“Yeah she’s from the human world,” I answered with a smirk. “I was teaching her teleportation. Heard she accidentally interrupted you mid dive a few days ago during the lesson.”

“So that’s what happened,” Sea Swirl snickered as she slowly sipped her alcohol.

“You guys remember when Lemon Hearts got her head stuck in a beaker?” Minuette laughed as she slammed a hoof on the table. We all burst out laughing as Lemon gave us a flat look.

“One time!” Lemon fumed as she narrowed her eyes and gave us an unamused look. “One time a decade ago! And I still haven’t lived it down!”

“Never will either!” Amethyst laughed as she wiped a tear away. “We all were in that class too! Dear Celestia, that was funny. Sea Swirl and I were partnered up that day too.”

“Yeah that was funny,” Moondancer admitted with a slight slur to her speech.

“You were reading the wrong book to even pay attention!” Lemon shot her an incredulous look. “How did you even see it?”

“I was not reading the whole time!” Moondancer retorted. “I can multi task!”

“Yeah yeah sure you can!” Lyra giggled and smirked.

“Sunset, wanna hit Berry’s Bar with us?” Minuette asked eagerly. “Twilight can join us too!”

“I can’t unfortunately,” Sea Swirl said sadly as our food arrived and she finished off her wine. “Sassaflash and I got plans tomorrow morning.” Everyone nodded understandingly as they looked at me hopefully. I shrugged and gave a smile as Lyra cheered.

“I’m down.”

The next few hours were a blur. I vaguely remember taking shots with Lyra and Minuette. Then drunk singing with Amethyst and Twinkleshine. And I also vaguely remember us all cheering a very drunk Moondancer and Lemon Hearts dancing on a stage.

I also remember the Equestrian Vinyl at a turn table in the corner of Berry’s Bar cheering us on and waving a hoof in the air as the other played music. Equestrian Berry Punch also gave me and the others free drinks for the night and was a super nice mare.

“See -hic- you all later!” I slurred out with a giggle as Twilight and I staggered down the road to the castle. Lyra and the others drunkenly waved as they walked home.

“Bye SunnyShim!” Minuette giggled as she waved her hooves and fell forward as a pony I vaguely identified as Equestrian Bon Bon groaned and carried her to her house.

I don’t remember getting inside the castle let alone next to Derpy as she snored softy.

“Goodnight Derpy.”

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