• Published 30th Sep 2012
  • 5,061 Views, 413 Comments

Halo: Into a Darker Storm - Slaphappy16

Alice S-130, Douglas S-042, and Jerome S-092 destroyed the Shield World, but the fight is not over.

  • ...

Just Getting Started

Author's Note:

I'm not gonna thoroughly check for grammar.

The delays are making it obvious. I'm falling away. I've had great times. I feel like this story is going downhill, and with it goes my love for the fandom. I don't know what to do from here. I might cancel it. I might see if somebody wants to take over. Not sure how to go about doing that, probably gonna have to ask the mods. This chapter feels like the worst I've posted. The only thing that makes me get on here every other week and sit for 20 minutes thinking about what to write is my need to not quit and leave everybody waiting around like Half Life 3. I had events planned, sure. But I had no idea how to get to them. I had an ending planned, but no idea which road would take me there. Whether or not I continue is nothing but a blur. Like Alice, we can only wait. Like Douglas, I may retreat and leave the scene. Like Jerome, I may just go out like a light and nobody may ever hear of me again.

With this said, I hope it is good enough. Enjoy.

2/3/15 Edit - God, I regret not checking for grammar. That was bloody terrible. Alot of it has been fixed.

Jerome knew he was soaring through the sky, but everything seemed to go slowly. A crack in his visor made it hard for him to see details and he bounced down the road. He was able to make out the coffee shop as he flew past. He bounced once more, and then there was no more ground under him. He was just falling. Finally, his armor reacted and locked up, as if that could save him.

He smashed into the ground, and the blue sky turned black.


Douglas hesitated for a second. This had certainly never happened. He had always had a specific enemy, not one that could change sides. Maybe this one had never changed. They had assumed. No, they were ready for this. They hadn’t assumed. They had reacted. An enemy that hadn’t been known to take allies was fighting an unknown, and the enemy of his enemy was his friend. No again. He was walking into another 3 pronged war. He still had an old enemy, but the new turned from parasitic flesh worms to colorful ponies.

His old enemy, the Elite, finished off the last of his ponies and turned towards the real prize, him. Which an angry howl, he lunged towards Douglas. The Elite had armor pointing towards that of a recruit, and his skills showed. He easily snatched the Elites wrist and wrenched it backwards, forcing the sword away. He tossed it, and, pulling the Elite closer for momentum, head butted the squid-faced alien. He heard a crack, and purple blood splattered across his visor. He was done.

He still didn’t have a plan for the giant unicorn. He needed more time, and a chance to speak with Anders. Dodging the new guards that had entered, he fled the castle. Tactical withdraw, as Serina would have called it.


Princess Celestia had done it! She was nearly knocked off her hoofs from using too much magic, but she had driven off the aliens. Well, two of them. She blasted one, and the other ran. The other aliens… well, the first aliens were trying to kill the second and third aliens, and the second and third aliens tried to kill the first, and the second wanted… A demon? This was confusing. The first were the two legged ones. But the second and third were two legged. The third was gigantic and blue, the second smaller but sharing the same hue, while the firsts were green. Then there were the fourths, aka, her little ponies. It was nothing short of a massacre. What few were alive were in serious need of attention.

She couldn’t do anything, not in her condition. It had been to long since she had to use a combat spell, let alone one of the most sophisticated and powerful in the book. For now, she would be OK, but later it would catch up. A guard walked up to her.

“Princess, we need to get you out of here!” He was a first Lieutenant. Her mind was still dazed, she couldn’t match a name with the face. She simply nodded and followed as he led her towards the medical wing of the castle. What just happened started to catch up. She hadn’t seen so much blood in a very long time, a time she had hoped to forget. She couldn’t let that time happen again. She started to put the pieces together. What she had thought was an attack by one side turned into an intervention by another. Was she caught in the middle of a war? It looked to be so… But which side was her enemy? Maybe both? Celestia, well, herself forbid that was the case, because if so she had already lost. She needed an ally.

She went through a doorway where a couple doctors where waiting. They asked her first if she was hurt. They both sighed when she responded with a no. She went through a couple boring tests that she had gone through a couple times before. They came up with the obvious, magic overload. She simply needed a couple pills during dinner tonight and a bit of sleep. She left and immediately searched for the Lieutenant. He was waiting for her outside the door.

“I need you to come with me.” Celestia asked as she continued walking. He followed suit at her right side. “You and I are going to become good friends. How long have you been a Lieutenant?”

“Seven years now Princess.” He responded with a note of suspicion.

“It’s about time you move up then. You are here by promoted to Captain. I have a feeling Shining Armor is going to be gone for a while, and I see a dark storm in the future. I need somebody to help me take control. We have a new enemy, and I’m going to be honest to you, I’m scared we might not make it out very nicely this time.”


Rainbow Dash honestly had no idea what just happened. It all happened too quickly. She was used to fast, but that… she just didn’t know. The three of them were looking for Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Twilight after arguing about something, she couldn’t even remember what about, when an alien had come through the door. It matched exactly what had been explained to her earlier, tall, strange armor, bipedal, it seemed to fit, so she did the first thing that came as obvious to her- attack it. She had charged into it, and it had stumbled back a few feet before grabbing her by the neck. A few guards ran in from her amazing battle cry, and drew their weapons. One of the guards ran off, and more aliens poured through the door, weapons aimed, yelling about some demon. She tried to kick, but it did nothing. The guard came back with Princess Celestia. The alien holding her asked for the demon again, when the door to the castle exploded, some…THING had come in with its friend and beat the tar out of the aliens before one of them got massacred by Celestia. She didn’t know why Celestia did that when it just got done rescuing her (Not that she needed it).

The guards on the other hand got ruined. She almost puked at the sight. Rarity did, and then left. Applejack just covered her eyes with her hat and shook her head. Princess Celestia had left the room with a guard.

Rainbow was getting utterly confused. Why did Celestia do that to the thing that had helped her? What was the Demon that the aliens had asked for? Why didn’t Rarity have a stronger stomach? And where the heck was Pinkie and Fluttershy! Thank Celestia Fluttershy didn’t have to see that, she wasn’t sure what Pinkie would’ve done, and she didn’t want to know, and, last but not least, where was Twilight? Twilight would know what to do, she always did. She probably had a book on these kinds of situations.

A guard walked up and asked her and AJ to leave. She could see why. A couple guards were starting to solemnly bring in body bags. Applejack just turned and left in Rarity’s direction, so Rainbow Dash followed.

Rainbow and Applejack walked silently down the hall, leaving each other to think about what had happened. They found Rarity deeper in the castle sitting on a bench, some of her mascara was dipping down her face. When she saw them, she instantly hugged them both. Rainbow and Applejack returned it.

“That was horrible! Why did that happen?! There was so much blood and things were dying and just happened so randomly…” Rarity cried out as she buried her face into Applejacks mane.

Applejack patted her back. “I don’t have the answer to that question. But I have a feelin’ we need to find out.” She responded with a frown. Applejack looked at Rainbow, frowning a bit more.

“What did I do?!” Rainbow said defensively, returning the not so happy face.

“Why did you have to go and attack that guy? What told you that was a great idea? You nearly up and got yourself killed!” Applejack said as if it was obvious.

Rainbow looked hurt. “Couldn't you see that those things were the aliens that attacked the castle? What did you expect me to do, sit around and wait for take 2 as it rampaged through the guards?”

“Those were not the same! They were different colors, there was more than one kind, and if you remembered, there was only one of the aliens the last time!” Applejack stated.

“So maybe it had some friends, how was I supposed to know?” Rainbow retaliated.

“Stop fighting! Honestly, It’s not helping!” Rarity yelled, with a sad sniff.

Applejack turned towards rarity, who had settled down a bit. Then she looked at Rainbow. “She’s right. Sorry I went off on you. We need to figure out what’s goin’ on here. But to do that, we’ve gotta think this through without arguing with each other. First things first, where in tarnation is Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Twilight?”

“We’ve asked ourselves that, and if they are in the castle, they would definitely be at the front of the castle where that skirmish happened to figure out what the commotion was. As much as I would rather not, we should go back there, and if they’re not there, then we leave and try outside.” Rainbow Dash suggested.

Rarity fainted.

“Wow. Rarity has no guts, does she?” Rainbow commented as Applejack hoisted her onto her back.

“Give her a break. She’s a city pony, she ain’t used to this. Nobody is, I know, but me and you have at least been through a couple tussles. I can hardly cope myself, and don’t lie and say you aint nauseous yourself.” Applejack grunted. “Now if we can, I’d like to check the front and get out before she wakes. Let’s get going.”

The guards worked fast. It was still messy, but the bodies were gone, and they had the entire site blocked off. As they neared, a guard trotted up. “If you’re looking for the medical wing, you’re going in the wrong direction. Do you need help?”

Rainbow looked at Rarity on Applejacks back. “She’s just fainted, but she’s OK. Have you seen a pink earth pony, yellow pegasus or purple unicorn?”

The guard looked at Rarity for a moment longer, a bit concerned. “If you insist. No though, I haven’t. I’m sorry I can’t help.” The guard turned and walked back to the post.

Applejack and Rainbow followed. When he turned to stand guard, he came face to face with a blue pegasus. “Oh, uh… yes?” he asked, taking back a step.

“We’re just passing through.” Rainbow said as she continued walking.

The guard jumped in her way. “I’m sorry, but the castle is on lockdown. Nobody is allowed in or out.”

“What?! Come on, why not?” Rainbow ordered with a baffled expression.

“Uh… Why? Look around, the most important place in Equestria just got attacked. Do you expect us to just let the day go on like it never happened and wait for a second strike?” The guard said with an annoyed expression. “A lot of strange things have been happening, and I’m not the only one to feel like there will be more.” He somberly stepped back to his post.

“Looks like we’re gonna be stuck in here for a bit.” Applejack said as Rainbow Dash stormed by, grumbling angry thoughts and thinking angrier thoughts.

“What do we do now? We can’t just sit here forever! The longer we wait, the more that will go wrong without our ability to at least help, if not stop it.” Rainbow frustratingly scuffed at the floor.

“We have to for now. I can’t hold Rarity forever, and we need time to calm down, maybe get some rest.” Applejack suggested as she set Rarity down on a bench.

Rainbow Dash was silent for a moment. “I… I just don’t know. This is so confusing, things are happening and for the first time, I can’t keep up.” She gave a tired sigh. “Maybe you’re right.”


Alice simply grabbed the purple pony by the neck and tossed her outside. She shot the airlock valve and an emergency door slammed shut, steam hissing out of the pipe. A small red light started flashing.

How heroic. She turned back to her planned target. She faltered a second when the pony was no longer there. She looked back at the door, and, with a scowl, kicked it right back open. Sure enough, somehow it ended up outside. The purple pony used her magic and busted the crippling ring around the alicorns horn before tearing off the rope. She turned towards Alice, studied her, and with the blink of an eye, they were both gone, nothing but a purple cloud in their place.

That… was extremely fucking dumb. She expected something. Anything. They didn’t even try to fight! They just left! Seriously?! She turned and punched a hole in the pod. She looked around. Great! Now her hostage was gone! She turned and punched 7 more holes into the pod. This day was just getting worse and worse. She sat down for a couple minutes. After thinking about what should happen next, she look up to the sky for answers. She was shocked when it actually gave her a goal. A purple speck floated towards the mountain before disappearing around the other side.

She knew immediately what it was. How did they find her? The Covenant don’t let up… did they really want to continue dancing after a single ship defended and then attacked an entire armada in a 4 way battle? She had to do something. But she wasn’t going to go up there. Judging by the way they acted with the humans during first contact, those ponies would never see what’s coming. She was getting damn tired of it, but she knew what she had to do. She had to wait.

Comments ( 43 )

It's alive! Probably not for long, judging by your note.

SFC #2 · Apr 19th, 2014 · · 17 ·

Halo is a terrible game. You guys should play Call of Duty.

"I'm a genetically enhanced overpowered soldier that can take on armies."

Yeah, as if THAT hasn't been done before. That being said, Halo is getting quite repetitive. There have been four sequels so far. The franchise is probably running out of ideas.


Apart from the supersoldier part, you could literally swap Halo and CoD's places in that comment. CoD had gotten repetitive a while ago. And many people will say that it's a terrible game.

Please tell me you're kidding.

SFC #5 · Apr 19th, 2014 · · 14 ·

Call of Duty is an amazing franchise. I'm trying to educate you. Halo is a shitty franchise on a shitty console. I mean, why bother? It's literally the same thing for every single game.

Over the years, the graphics and general gameplay for Call of Duty have improved. Each one bringing a compelling campaign and an addictive multiplayer experience.

Just face it, Halo is absolutely terrible.


I swear that you're kidding. Because it really sounds like your talking about CoD by saying that its the same thing every game.

SFC #7 · Apr 19th, 2014 · · 10 ·

Call of Duty is God-tier gaming. You're just an un-enlightened Xbox peasant.


...You're more likely to be joking that not. Because your jabs at Halo can be applied to CoD, and some of the strong points you claimed CoD had can arguably be applied to Halo.

Although I'm pretty sure you like CoD, since you have a Ghosts crossover in your favorites.

Also, I have played Call of Duty. Both Black Ops'. Mainly multiplayer. But I never owned a copy. Mainly at other people's houses. 870 Remington was capable of making whoever I was playing with shout at the screen about how overpowered my shotgun was. Did I enjoy it? Reasonably.

I don't think that this conversation will sway either of us if you're serious, so I'll just shut up.


They have both gotten repetitive, but CoD more so than Halo. But, I will say I enjoyed CoD a lot more than Halo. Except Ghosts. Eww. Nevertheless, I will always remember the 48-hour weekends I spent on Halo 3's custom games. However, I can say the same for the months straight I played CoD when I switched over, still peppering in Halo from time to time. Halo had a shit-ton of fun for a short amount of time, while CoD gave me a repetitive but still addictive fun for a long period of time.

They are both good games, and both hold places in my heart. With that said, please stop the flame war or take it somewhere else.

It's good to see another chapter of this story, sad to hear it may be the last. Hopefully your faith in the fandom is restored or a worthy fan takes this story over. May your future endeavors be successful, cause this has been one hell of a good read.

Also, in response to those bellow this comment, CoD sucks in a lot of areas, but it's copy/paste multilayer is reliable. Halo also has it's faults as well, like with the recent update for Halo 4 where the BR can beat an assault rifle in close quarters combat if it gets the first shot all because a good number of people whined about it. Then with the campaign, Halo is the winner by far because it has replay value and a dedicated book series. CoD is good the first time you play it, but you'll probably only play it again for the achievements.

That of course, is just my opinion.


And this is the point where PACTS ARE FORMED! My money is on Cov/pony

Sorry to hear that you're having problems. I must say, this was a good chapter, not at all the horrendous thing you described.

I truly love reading good, well-written Halo crossovers. One of my favorites is Halo: On The Wings of Angels. But just like that fic, most of the Halo crossovers I get into die off without finishing. It's dissapointing and upsetting.

Although this doesn't mean I'll ignore new ones, like this. It's caught my eye and am gonna give it a shot. Hell, your description seems enticing enough. I can only pray that, if you're going to stop it, you label it as 'cancelled', unlike the others I've fav'd that still say 'incomplete'. That's all I ask! :raritycry:

4258213 Holly shit I JUST NOW noticed the significant number of chapters you have. Where have you been all this time, sir? How could I have not noticed this fic before now? ...Well my earlier comment still rings true! :raritydespair:

4257410 then why is Cod also on the xbox

4257410 Stop talking out of your ass, moron. The way I see it, CoD: Ghosts is nothing more than Black Ops 2 with fresh coat of paint. Black Ops 2 is a refurbished Black Ops 1, etc. Halo, on the other hand, gives you all kinds of stuff. Wanna drive a tank in Multiplayer? Sure! What can you do on CoD? Oh, that's right, you just run around and shoot stuff on foot, and that's it. Far as I know, World at War was the only game in the series to give you vehicles in MP.

There have been four sequels so far. The franchise is probably running out of ideas.

I'm sorry, how many sequels does CoD have? Hello pot, I'm kettle.

SFC #18 · Apr 19th, 2014 · · 5 ·

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Ok, can someone tell me what the fuck CoD has to do with this fic???


Props for the meme, I got the reference.


Actually, CoD gives you control of Artilley, a Predator Missile, an AC-130, Airstrikes, Gunships, and plenty more. I love Halo and all, but CoD has it beat there.


That's a good question. Any more comments on the topic I'll be deleting.

4259151 But I want to kill my enemies personally, not with artillery! Nothing is as fun blasting my opponents away with a tank.


I just now read all of these chapters (well, this hour), and I LOVE it.:yay:
Good job with them, and I do hope there are more after this one :rainbowkiss:

4257317 oh the irony.

Plez...I need moar Halo...plez....
*falls over due to lack of halo*

Comment posted by Night-Watch-The-DAD deleted Apr 20th, 2014
Comment posted by Night-Watch-The-DAD deleted Apr 20th, 2014
Comment posted by CanadianFluttershy deleted Apr 20th, 2014
Comment posted by Night-Watch-The-DAD deleted Apr 20th, 2014
Comment posted by CanadianFluttershy deleted Apr 20th, 2014

I hope you continue the story, or at least have someone take it over. Right now if you end it, I would seriously wish i could wipe the entire thing from memory since it would instead be a stain on my vision of Equestria and the Spartans. I mean you just had Alice slaughter a squad of Elite Guard and almost kill Luna. I want to see this story end on a happy note , i want to know if that Pegasus got home okay, I would love to know how Anders deals with this diplomatic shit storm the Spartans just got humanity in.

However I fully understand if you can't finish or don't wish to finish this story. God knows i would be a hypocrite if i said be a man and finish it, I'm still working on my own story that i made and its nearly a year in the making. But i would rather not rush you or push you. Instead I give you applause for making a thoroughly engrossing and enjoyable story.

I just found this story due to the update. I really hope you won't leave it at this. I understand if you don't want to force yourself into doing something you don't enjoy, but for what it's worth, I've just read the whole thing up until now, and I honestly don't think it's gotten any worse, like you seem to feel judging from the notes.

If you have trouble figuring out where to take the plot from here, might I recommend finding someone to discuss it with? I find that having someone to bounce ideas off rather than just being stuck in your own head really helps.

As for the chapter:

She started to put the pieces together. What she had thought was an attack by one side turned into an intervention by another. Was she caught in the middle of a war? It looked to be so… But which side was her enemy? Maybe both? Celestia, well, herself forbid that was the case, because if so she had already lost. She needed an ally.

Well, good luck with that, because you just wasted your one good shot on attacking the only side that was even remotely likely to ally with you. I officially declare your position hosed. :twilightoops:

So, what we've got here is a primitive native peoples, picking a fight with not one, but both imperial powers invading their lands. Good luck, Equestrians.
Congratulations, you've just kicked it - hard.


Except the bees here are Banshees and Longsword fighters.

Anyway, for the author; if you need a break, you should take it. The ideas will come eventually; the always seem to with me.

4287808 I knew they should have looked into building Flame Throwers.....

4257400 I'm not trying to hate on cod i like the game a lot but it's basically the same thing with a boring campaign with new guns and different maps, at least halo has an interesting campaign and game play.

5808242 While it is written there, in the cutscene for the mission "She Is Not My Girlfriend" it is Jerome (signified by the Spartan Helmet on the pauldron NOT the Jolly Roger Douglas bears), who on the bridge suggests to destroy the ship and then gets into the fight with John (Where a couple chairs where broken) later on. Also, there are multiple sources stating that Jerome (Along with Fred, Kurt, and John) was a natural leader and therefore became the leader of Red Team. That is a known 'problem' with the timeline, and while I don't know whether its just a mistake or some antic of whoever made the timeline, it is clear that Jerome is the leader of Red Team.

halo wars 2

Okay, so Cancelled, cause reading through the comments I am getting the vibe that it is on Hiatus? Really want to read this, so I may as well, if it is updated its updated. But seriously if I like this and it doesn't get updated I'm going to activate the rings! :pinkiehappy:

Why do all the good stories get canceled :flutterrage:

Never mind i know why
\/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/

Ah crap its cancelled! Its such a good story and i love jerome! He is my favourite spartan after chief!

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