• Published 30th Sep 2012
  • 5,061 Views, 413 Comments

Halo: Into a Darker Storm - Slaphappy16

Alice S-130, Douglas S-042, and Jerome S-092 destroyed the Shield World, but the fight is not over.

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Bad First Impression

Douglas was slowly nudged awake. He looked up and found Jerome lightly kicking him up.

“Cmon, time to go.” Jerome told him.

Douglas and Jerome had alternated in the night, switching watch hours. “Anything interesting happen?” Douglas asked as he picked himself up and got his equipment together.

“Nothing. Not even a bird or something.” Jerome replied, walking over to the still sleeping Anders. The pony was curled up next to her.

Douglas decided to again look about his surroundings. A long ways away, he could see the mountain Alice crashed into. The forest was also a ways away. They could cut through the forest or go around it.

“Hey Jerome, which way are we going to go?” Douglas asked.

Jerome shook Anders a bit until her eyes fluttered open. “I was thinking about that earlier. I don’t really think we should go through the forest. Not enough open space, to many unknowns. Go around, we got time to see if anything is coming. On the other hand, the forest is much quicker, but going around will obviously take a lot longer. Maybe another day. What do you think?” Jerome listed the facts.

“I think we should go around. We get stuck with something big in the forest, can’t blow it up without killing ourselves.” Douglas suggested.

He hadn’t felt the shockwave of an explosion in a while… oh how it satisfied him to leave behind nothing but a crater were his enemy used to be.

“Anders? How about you?” Jerome turned over to the Professor, who was waking up the pony. What was his name? Wind Trench or something?

“Huh? Oh, I agree with you. Rather not get dirty anyway.” Anders said.

The pony stood up and stretched. He flinched, remembering he was still wrapped up. “How long do I have to stay in this thing again?” He asked, poking at the bandaging around his chest.

“At least four more days. You did break some ribs.” Anders told him.

Wind Storm sighed.

“Around the forest it is. Cmon, I want to get an early start.” Jerome hefted up his sniper and stuck it to his back.

Wind Storms ears perked up. “Around the forest? Where do you plan on going, I have to get home, remember?!”

“See that mountain?” Jerome pointed to the mountain Alice crashed into.

“Canterlot? What are you going to do there?” Wind Storm asked.

“Canterlot?” Douglas said.

“Yeah, that’s where Canterlot is. Home of the Princess’s.” Wind Storm stated

Jerome and Douglas looked at each other. “Princess?” Jerome asked.

“Yeah, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. They raise the sun and moon.”

Anders suddenly looked interested. “Raise the sun and moon?” Anders questioned.

“Well, yeah. They use their magic. How else would they?”

Jerome decided to leave them to their conversation and get moving.

“You think Alice met the ‘Princess’?” Douglas suddenly piped up.

“Well, if she hit close enough, probably. Depends on how far, and probably which side of the mountain.” Jerome answered.

Douglas looked down for a moment, thinking. “If she did, do you think it went well?”

“I don’t know. Hopefully.” Jerome said.

It got awkwardly quiet. So, they just continued walking, watching for anything out of place. Behind the two, the Professor and the pony were still talking on and on. The ground started to slowly lose its soft grass, and the dirt started to fade away into rock. The occasional tree started to become rarer. Everything changed from colorful to a dull orange-brown. Instead of the grassy meadow, they started to walk across a rocky badlands area.

Behind Jerome and Douglas, Anders noticed Wind Storm warily looking side to side.

“Something wrong?” she asked.

“No… Not yet…” the pony answered.

“Well, is there something we should expect?” Ander asked with a frown on her face.

“I don’t know. It’s just this is where the Diamond Dogs like to be…” Wind Storm said, still looking about.

“Diamond Dogs?”

“Diamond Dogs are a kind of, well, dog that likes to hunt and eat gems… They tend to be rather hostile with other beings.” Wind Storm stopped just before he hit Jerome. He, again, had his sniper up.

“What do Diamond Dogs look like?” Jerome asked.

“Well, they can be grey, black, brown, that sort of thing.” Wind Storm asked, a bit confused.

“Big front arms, smaller back legs?” he continues questioning him.

“Yeah… Why?”

“And you said they weren’t friendly?”


“What do you see Jerome?” Douglas asked.

“Well, looks like we got three of them. Plus a white pony and a small… I think that’s a dragon. Looks like there harassing them.” Jerome said.

“Dragon? I say blow its head of now.” Douglas suggested.

“No, this one looks small and harmless. After all, it would’ve burnt them to a crisp if it was dangerous. I’ll watch them. The moment they do something stupid though, the weasel’s gonna go pop.” Jerome said.


“Let go of him you brute!” Rarity yelled at the diamond dog, which was carrying Spike by the tail. “Didn’t you learn your learn your lesson the first time?”

“Yes, we did!” the smallest of the three diamond dogs, Spot, said. He held up a pair of ear-muffs and placed them on his head. They fit nice and cozy. He sat and watched as the white pony in front of him continued to whine, but nothing came out.

He laughed at her, and the other two put their ear-muffs on. The one in the middle of the two, Rover, still held Spike up. He poked his belly.

“How does this gem finding thing work now?” he asked.

The other two diamond dogs moved their mouths, but nothing came out. “What?” He asked.

Again, they moved their mouths, but nothing came out. “WHAT?!” he repeated.

Spike reached up to Rover’s hand and bit on it, hard.

The diamond dog recoiled and yelped in pain. He dropped Spike to the ground and looked down angrily. He reeled back and kicked Spike a few feet. He ripped off his ear-muffs in rage. “WHY YOU LITTLE SON OF A-“ Rover was cut off by a very loud bang in the distance. Both Rarity’s and Rovers ears perked to the noise.

Rover looked in the direction of which it came from. A second later, a white line pierced the dogs head, and he fell to the ground. The remaining two dogs walked over to him. “Uh… Rover? You OK?” The largest, Fido, asked. He poked at his head, which had a large hole in it.

There was another bang, and a moment later, Spot flopped to the ground. He looked down at Spot. He also had a hole, but in his chest. “Guys?” he asked. There was another loud bang, and a moment later, Fido joined his friends on their hugging competition with the ground.


Jerome watched as the pony and dragon ran off. He then continued to put down the other two dogs.

“WHAT IN THE HAY WAS THAT?!” Wind Storm yelled behind him.

“It’s a gun; the Spartans use it to defeat their enemies at long distances.” Anders answered for the two Spartans.

“And… what do you mean by defeat?” Wind Storm asked cautiously.

Anders thought for a moment on how to nicely explain it to him.

“It means I kill them.” Jerome solidly stated.

“You KILLED them?” Wind Storm asked.

“Well, yeah.” Jerome said, as if the answer was plain as day.

“That’s horrible! You just go around killing anypony you don’t like?!” Wind Storm asked with a face of bewilderment.

“That pretty much sums it up.” Douglas answered.

“I can’t believe you! That’s horrible! How can you live with yourself?!” Wind Storm asked them.

The Spartans just ignored him. “OK then, that problem is solved. Cmon, let’s go.” Jerome commanded.


“Wait wait wait, explain it again, but slower.” Twilight asked, a hint of frustration in her voice.

“I and Spikey were out looking for gems, and those Diamond Dogs showed up again!” Rarity explained.

“Again?! Didn’t they learn their lesson the last time?” Twilight asked.

“That’s what I said! And then they said ‘Yes we did!’ and he held up some ear-muffs and they put them on so they couldn’t hear me and then they were laughing and then Spike bit one of them and it kicked poor Spike and then there was a bang and then his head just EXPLODED! It was horrible, Twilight!” Rarity sniffed, a tear rolling down her cheek.

“What do you mean it exploded?” Twilight asked, confused.

“It just, BOOM!” she waved her hooves around for effect. “And half of his head was just… gone!”

“Oh dear… I don’t know what could do that…” Twilight said, trying not to imagine the thought.

“Me either, but I’m NEVER going back there!” Rarity yelled.

“Hmmm… I think I should send a letter to the princess. Spike!” She turned around and found Spike already waiting there, quill and paper in hand.


Dear Princess Celestia,

Something strange has come up, I think you-“

Spike stopped for a moment. “Is there something wrong?” Twilight asked curiously.

Spike punched his chest. “Hold on.” He looked like he trying to cough, but then, he gave a loud burp. Green flame filled the air and a rolled piece of parchment floated to the ground.

“Oh, alright then.” Twilight picked up the paper with her magic.

“Dear Twilight Sparkle,

Something has happened. I am sending a chariot to you, gather the elements and meet me at the castle.

Princess Celestia.”

“Huh. She didn’t write ‘My faithful student’ or anything like that. It must be important!” Twilight read through it again, wondering what could be wrong. “You wait here Rarity, I’ll go find the others!” Twilight said as she trotted away.

She used her magic to open the door, and was met by Pinkie Pie, who was bouncing in place. “I’m ready to go!” she said cheerily.

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked. She was pretty sure she knew.

“For our trip to Canterlot! It’s gonna be great! Or it’ll be bad, because something bad is happening! But hopefully, it’ll be great!”

Twilight stared awkwardly at her for a moment, and then stepped aside. “Go over to Rarity, I’m gonna get the others…”

Pinkie Pie bounced by, and Twilight left, closing the door behind her. She decided to get Applejack first.

She trotted along, keeping an eye out for her on her way to Sweet Apple Acres. On her way, she noticed a particularly… different… cloud.

She inspected it a bit more. There was a bit of rainbow hanging from it. She moved over a bit to get a better look.

“Rainbow Dash, what on earth are you doing?” she stared quizzically at the cyan pegasus. She was hanging by her tail from a cloud, limbs lazily dangling about.

“Just hanging.” She said, a small smile on her face.

“But why like that?”

“Saw a picture of a sloth doing it on a tree. Looked pretty comfortable. Turns out, sloth’s have it made.” Rainbow Dash said. She did look very content.

Twilight shook her head. “OK then, I need you to go to my library. Pinkie Pie and Rarity are already there. We're heading to Canterlot, apparently something came up, and Celestia would like to see us.”

Rainbow let out and over-dramatic moan. “Fine.”

She unhooked herself and flew upside-down for a second before righting herself. She then shot away in the direction of Twilight's library.

She continued her trek to Sweet Apple Acres.

She finally came up to the wooden gate that led to the farmstead. She pushed it open and walked in, closing the gate behind her. Almost immediately, as if by nature, Applebloom ran up.

“Hi there, Twilight!” she said as she skidded to a stop. “Whatchya doin’ here?”

“I’m here to find Applejack, you wouldn’t happen to know where she is, would you?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah, she’s out with Fluttershy helpin’ one of the cows! It’s sick or somethin’. Probably didn’t help when me, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle tried to make it better by feeding it a bunch of butter…” she said, an embarrassed smile on her face.

“OK, thanks Applebloom!” Twilight said cheerily as she started to walk towards the area Applejack keeps her cows.

As she trotted around the barn, she found the herd of cows, all mowing away at the grass. Twilight weaved between them, searching for Fluttershy and Applejack. She found them next to a cow with a ice bag on its head. The cow was leisurely eating some grass. It didn’t look very sick to Twilight.

“OK then, just give her the medicine twice a day for about a week.” Fluttershy said to Applejack.

“Alrighty then, thanks a lot Fluttershy!” Applejack thanked her.

“Applejack, Fluttershy! I’ve been looking for you two!”

Fluttershy yelped at the noise behind her, but settled down when she noticed it was Twilight. “Oh, please don’t do that… I mean, it would be nice…”

“Lookin' for us? Watchya need?” Applejack asked.

“We need to get to the library! Princess Celestia has requested an audience; the chariot will be here soon.” Twilight explained.

“Oh, OK, uhh… hold on, you two go to the library, I gotta give Mac this medicine.” Applejack trotted off in the direction of her house.

“Cmon Fluttershy!” Twilight started to walk off.



Twilight opened the door to her house, Fluttershy right behind her. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie were rambling on about something, and Rarity sat quietly, looking through a fabric book. They all looked up as the door was shut behind Twilight.

“Alright, Applejack will be here in a bit. Are we all ready?” Twilight looked around.

They all gave their various yes’s and nods.

“Great! Now we just gotta wait for Applejack.” She said.

As she finished, there was a knock on the door. She turned around and opened in. A pony, plad in gold armor, looked inside. “Twilight Sparkle?”

“The one and only! You must be here to get us?”

“Yes. I suppose you are all ready?”

“Just finished up! But we are still waiting for our friend Applejack. I’m sure she will be here in a moment. Do you have any idea what this is for anyway?”

The guard looked nervously side to side. “Uh, I think it would be best if the princess told you.” He hated being the bearer of bad news.

“Nonsense, I’m sure it’s OK. I’m curious!”

The guard sighed. “You know Shining Armor?”

“Of course I do, he’s my brother, remember?” Twilight said in an annoyed voice.

“Well, he kinda got stabbed by an alien who fell from the sky. He’s in the hospital right now, and, well, he might not get out…” the guard said.

For a moment, Twilight stood there. Then, she laughed. “Haha, you’ve gotta be kidding. Princess Celestia must know it’s not April Fouls day, right?”

“Uh… no… the alien also killed six of the royal guard, and sent another six to the hospital, not counting Shining Armor…”

Twilight just kinda stood there. Rainbow Dash came up behind her. “Uh, Twilight, you OK?”

Twilight’s smile slowly faded into a frown. She stared at seemingly nothing for a bit, until Applejack walked up.

“Alright, the deed’s done. Did I miss anything?” She said.

She saw Twilight, and immediately, she knew something was wrong.

“Uh, sugarcube? You OK?”

Twilight took a deep breath. “Cmon, let’s get going.” Her voice cracked a bit.

Everybody stared awkwardly at Twilight, but followed her to the chariot. The ride to Canterlot was very quiet.