• Published 26th Jun 2023
  • 6,773 Views, 474 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls Magic in Manhattan - Wildcard25

The Turtles and Rainbooms seek to capture Abigail Finn who's partnered up with dangerous allies. Luckily the ninjas have their own allies from a Dragon and a Witch-in-Training

  • ...

Visions and Alliances

In Central Park at night, the ninjas, Rainbooms, and the Hex Squad were with Jake and his friends looking around.

“Why're we here again?” Raph asked.

“We're supposed to be meeting someone here, but we weren't told who.” Jake answered.

“Ooh, anonymous.” Pinkie said mysteriously.

“Sounds almost like a trap.” Rainbow replied suspiciously.

“Which is why if it is, we have to be on full alert.” Leo reminded them.

“Well, if it's a trap I'm ready for it!” King said pumping up his paws.

“It's adorable to see you act tough.” Eda chuckled.

“I am not adorable, and I am not acting tough!” King vented, as they continued to scope out the area.

Suddenly, April held her head, "Guys, we're being watched!"

This put everyone on alert as Eda asked, "So where are our little eaves-peepers?"

April concentrated before pointing toward some bushes, "Over there."

"Not for long!" Raph said, and dove into the bushes, tackling whoever was there.

"Aaahhh!" Two female voices cried out.

"Gotcha!" Raph called.

Everyone pushed past the bushes to find that Raph had pinned down two girls who looked like total opposites to each other. One had wavy blonde hair with a flower and big smile. The other had flat black hair and a rather gloomy look on her face.

"I totally foresaw this happening to us!" The smiling girl said cheerfully.

"You can say that again." the gloomy girl said dryly.

Jake had a look of surprise when he saw the two girls, "Kara? Sara?!"

"Who?" Trixie asked in confusion.

"Hi, Jake!" Sara waved.

"Mind telling your friend to get off us?" Kara nodded at Raph.

"Raph, let them up! They're friends." Jake ordered.

Raph got off the two girls as Jake and Rose helped them up.

"Well, that's one way to greet someone, tee hee!" Sara giggled, as she and her sister dusted themselves off.

"I like her." Pinkie whispered to her friends.

“Gee, I wonder why?” Rarity asked sarcastically.

"So, can we have some introductions here?" Karai asked.

"Right, everyone, meet Kara and Sara." Jake introduced.

"A pleasure to meet you all!" Sara greeted before turning to Raph, "And watch your head after you trip over that log!" She pointed to a log sitting behind the turtle.

"What?" Raph glanced back at the log, "I didn't trip over that log!"

"Uh, you haven't yet," Jake clarified, "Kara and Sara are oracles."

"Oracles?" Casey asked.

"Oracles are people who can see the future, Casey." Fugitoid explained.

"Got that right, prof," Fu said, "And these ladies happen to be descendants of the Oracle of Delphi. They can see glimpses of the future for just about anyone and anything."

"You guys can see the future?" Luz asked in excitement.

"Pretty much," Kara stated, "By the way, when you go to college, you're gonna pick all the majors."

"That does sound like me." Luz admitted.

"Kara sees good wonderful visions that brighten up any day!" Sara explained, "Meanwhile I see bad horrible visions that cause suffering and misery!"

"Huh?" Everyone stared in surprise.

"Hold on!" Rainbow pointed at Kara and Sara each, "You see good stuff and you see bad stuff?"

"Yep." Kara answered dryly.

"Ironic, isn't it!" Sara beamed.

"But, then why do you two act the opposite of how you should feel?" Amity wondered.

"I wondered that as well." Jake noted.

"And we'll give you the same answer," Kara said, "When you only see good things, nothing's special anymore. All the pleasant surprises are taken out of life."

Pinkie gasped, "That's horrible!"

"But when you only see bad stuff, even the slightest bit of good news makes you happy!" Sara explained.

"Well, I suppose that make sense in a way." Donnie admitted.

"Life's too short to let a little bad news stop you from living," Sara stated, "And speaking of which, that's the whole reason we came to find you, Jake."

"For what?" Jake asked.

"To tell you that we just had visions of Chang attacking the Witches of Woodstock and stealing some things from them that will allow her to free the Dark Dragon!" Sara revealed.

"WHAT?!" Everyone gasped, while Raph stumbled back in shock and tripped over the log.

“Ooh, she called it!” Mikey laughed as Raph growled at his brother.

"Don't worry, you're all gonna stop her and her cronies." Kara assured.

"But Jake's gonna end up having to go to the last person he'd want to go to for help," Sara giggled, "Now that's really ironic!"

"How vague of you." Gus said.

“Come on, we gotta get to the Hudson asap! Agoo!” Fu ordered. Jake nodded, as he led his friends off.

The group arrived at the location on the Hudson to see the area was loaded with holes and blast markings, with hints of abomination slime.

“Oh, no, we're too late.” Jake sighed.

“But at least we made it.” Sara smiled.

“American Dragon!” came a voice, as the group saw three witches approach.

“Whoa, who're they?” Mikey asked.

“Everyone, let me introduce to the witches of Woodstock,” Fu Dog began, “Monica, Annika, and Bubonica.”

“Oh, my gosh, check out the turtle ninjas!” Monica gasped, as the trio surrounded the four bros.

“I love the green look.” Bubonica swooned over Raph and Leo.

“And your masks only bring out your good looks.” Annika swooned over Mikey and Donnie.

The turtles almost felt overwhelmed by the witches flirtatious advances before seeing Twilight, Shini, and even April frowning, causing Leo, Donnie, and Mikey to jump back while Raph scooted away following their lead.

“Close one.” Mikey whispered to his bros.

The trio spotted Casey and moved to him, “I love the gap in your teeth.” Annika began.

“Makes you look so manly.” Monica added.

“Well-well.” Casey replied smugly.

“Hi, Gabby!” Pinkie announced.

“WHERE?!” Casey panicked, as he jumped back before realizing he was tricked and laughed nervously, “None of you will tell her about this will ya?”

“Relax, partner, your secret's safe with us.” Applejack replied.

The trio moved onto flirting with Edric, Gus, Chaplin, Keno, and even Spud, “So good looking.” Bubonica traced a finger on Edric's cheek making him blush and stammer.

“You are so adorable.” Annika held Gus close.

“Thank you.”

“Come around here often, handsome?” Monica asked Spud.

“I will if you want.”

“Alright, Romeos, break it up!” Trix called, as Amity and Emira pulled their brother back with Willow and Luz pulling Gus away and leaving Jake to help Spud back.

Before the girls could move onto Keno and Chaplin, the pizza boy spoke up, “I'm taken!” he ran back to the others.

“I'll be over there!” Chaplin zipped to the others making Karai roll her eyes.

The witches then surrounded Fugitoid. "Wow, you're so shiny!" Annika smiled.

"And smooth." Bubonica ran her hand along the cyborg's arm.

"We've never seen anything like you before." Monica held Fugitoid's head.

"Uh yes, well, I'm what is commonly known as a cyborg," Fugitoid explained nervously, "And I also need to be over there!" He stretched his leg over and took a big step away from the witches to join the others.

Fu then spoke to the boys, "Eh, probably should've warned ya, the Witches of Woodstock are real boy crazy."

"Thanks for the heads up." Donnie said in sarcasm.

Monica looked down and spotted Spike and King and gasped deeply alerting the other two who looked just as surprised, “Adorable!” they cheered, as Annika picked Spike up and nuzzled.

“Who's the cutest puppy? You are! You are!” she cooed

“Oh, yeah.” Spike panted.

“Lucky.” Fu grumbled.

“Oh, such an adorable creature.” Bubonica cradled King.

“That's me.”

“I thought you said you weren't ador-” Eda got cut off by him.

“Hush, Eda!”

Hooty stretched out, "Hoot-hoot! Hi ladies!"

Monica hugged him, "What a cute birdy!"

The Hex Squad watched gawking, "That is so wrong." Amity told them who nodded in agreement.

“This place look like it's seen better days.” Jake told the witches while motioning to the destruction.

“It was horrible.” Monica began.

“They came out of nowhere and attacked us.” Annika continued.

“And stole plenty of our potions.” Bubonica finished.

"They even stole our wands!" Monica added.

"And this monkey ripped a page out of our spell book." Annika finished.

“And we know for what reason.” Jake said.

“But where do we go from here?” Willow asked.

“Yeah. We don't even know where to find them.” Karai added.

Raph turned to the Oracle Twins, "Can't you two predict where they are?"

"We can't see everything, hothead." Kara rebuffed.

"We only get bits and pieces of future events." Sara explained.

Kara spoke to Rainbow, “You’re gonna meet a young warrior who will eventually become your boyfriend.”

Rainbow blinked, “Seriously, you’re messing with me.”

“Oh dear, Rarity, next week you’re gonna get nasty blisters on your feet.” Sara warned her.

“What?” She gasped.

Sara turned to Applejack, “And your farm is gonna be infested by hungry snails soon.”

“Dang it!”

Kara looked to Leo, “And you and your brothers are soon gonna meet important figures from your father’s past.”

“Huh?” Leo asked.

Then the two Oracles spoke to Karai, "You'll meet someone special who will break your heart." Sara said.

"Then another special person who will mend it." Kara added.

"Uh..." Karai had no reply.

"Yep," Fu added, "The Oracle bloodline tends to thin after a few thousand years."

"Then how are we going to find them?" Fluttershy asked in worry.

"Chaplin, you worked with Finn once," April said, "Do you have any idea where she would bring them?"

"Negatory, April, we were never on good terms so I didn't bother to get to know her," Chaplin replied. "Besides, I wasn't magical monster obsessive like she was."

Jake perked up. What Chaplin just said gave him an idea. But then he immediately winched, as it was an idea he really didn't like. His reaction didn't go unnoticed by the others.

"Are you okay, Jake?" Sunset asked.

"Um... I think I know someone who can possibly help us find them," Jake answered reluctantly. "And like Abigail Finn, he's also obsessed with magical creatures. Albeit totally wrong about a lot of them..."

Jake's friends and Fu instantly realized who Jake was referring to, and they too winched at the thought.

"Oh... no! " Rose groaned.

"Please tell me that you are not seriously thinking about going to him, Jake?!" Trix asked in disbelief.

"Trust me, if there were anyone else, I'd be all for it." Jake replied in regret.

"Well, it makes sense," Fu was forced to admit, "If anyone can think like that looney Dr Finn, it'd be him."

"Desperate times call for desperate measures." Spud stated.

"Just who exactly are you suggesting, Jake?" Twilight asked.

"Our old teacher/principal," Jake answered with a sigh, "Professor Hans Rottwood..."

"Like I said, really ironic!" Sara chimed in.

“Your old teacher/principal is obsessed about magical creatures?” Emira asked.

“Yeah. And his research is completely flawed,” Jake added, “Especially about dragons.”

“I actually knew about someone from my world just like that through a friend.” Luz admitted.

“Who?” Trixie asked.

“Working at my town's Historical Society was a guy named Jacob, who is a witch hunter wannabe with equally flawed facts about magical creatures, and witches for that matter. He was right about witches and demons being real, but everything else about them, well... he was completely wrong about.”

“Uh, how wrong are we talking here?” Trix asked.

“He thought witches and demons were from Mars sent here to harvest human teeth to power their time machines.”

Everyone stared dumbfounded for a long moment, before Gus asked, “What's Mars?”

Then Raph burst out laughing, followed by Casey, Rainbow, Mikey, Trixie, Eda, King, Jake, Fu, and Trix.

“Human teeth to power their time machines?!” Trixie asked through laughs.

“Are you serious?!” Raph laughed hysterically.

“That's straight up hilarious, yo!” Casey laughed so hard he fell on his back.

“Me and King have heard that before and it still cracks us up!” Eda explained between laughs.

“Ditto!” King agreed.

“And I thought Rottwood was a kook, but this guy? He is woof!” Fu said.

Jake soon stopped laughing and grumbled, "But man I really don't like the idea of going to Rottwood.”

“If you have no choice but to go to him, does he?” April wondered.

“Yes, and I was tricked into it.” Jake continued to grumble.

“And because of that he started staging all kinds of whacked up scenarios to try and force Jake to reveal himself. And because of that, Jake was labeled freak of the school!” Trix explained.

"No lie." Spud held out one of the old "Jake 4 Freak" flyers.

“That is so messed up!” Rainbow frowned.

“And mean!” Fluttershy added.

"Of all the nerve!" Rarity huffed.

"Harsh." Chaplin stated.

"That's rough, dude." Mikey sympathized.

"I know the feeling..." Luz said, recalling her own tough school year.

“And I bet it didn't help that you had no one else to talk to about this harassment to make him stop.” Sunset put in.

“Well actually...” Spud began only for Trix to shush him.

“But if what Sara said is true, then we need Rottwood. Come on, we gotta go.” Jake said, as they headed off.

At Millard Fillmore Middle School, Professor Rottwood was just entering his office, humming a little tune, and switched on the light.

"Ahhah!" He jumped in surprise.

There, sitting in his chair with his feet propped up on his desk, was Jake. Rose, Spud, Trix, and Fu all stood around the desk.

"Yo, what up, Rottwood," Jake greeted.

"Mr. Long? Vat are you and your friends doing here?" Rottwood demanded.

"Well," Jake stood up from the desk and approached Rottwood, "The thing is..." he took a deep breath and said, "We need your help."

Rottwood blinked, "I beg your pardon? But did you just say you needed mein help?"

"Yeah..." Jake answered glumly, "We and some new friends of ours need your help to find an old enemy of ours called Chang, before she unleashes a dangerous magical threat."

"Not only that, but she's teamed up with an obsessive monster hunter and beings from another realm." Rose put in.

"And if we don’t find 'em and stop 'em, we're talking the end of the world and all life as we know it!" Fu put in.

"Not to mention Jakey here did save your butt from all them magical bounty hunters a while back." Trix recalled.

"Even though technically, he was the one responsible for them going after you in the first place," Spud chimed in, before Trix elbowed in the gut, "Oof!"

"Look, I know we haven't always had the best interactions with each other, but we really need your help on this," Jake said, "So, will you help us? Please?" Jake folded his hands and gave a pleading look.

"Hmmm?" Rottwood raised a brow, then after a moment he spoke, "Vell, you did show me za fabled Magus Bazar for mein forty-seveth birthday. So I suppose I am inclined to help you... very vell, I will assist you."

"Yeah-heah!" Jake and the others cheered.

"But!" Rottwood interjected. "Uundar four conditions."

"Ugh!" Jake and the others groaned.

"Ah there's always a catch!" Fu complained.

Rottwood listed off, "Condition number 1: You will all address me as "Professor Rottwood", not just Rottwood! Condition number 2: I wish to meet zese aforementioned new friends uf yours on zee off chance zat zey are magical creatures! Condition number 3: Zey too must address me as "Professor Rottwood"!" As he went on, the Am-Drag crew had annoyed frowns on their faces as Jake drummed his fingers and Rose tapped her foot impatiently, "Und finally, Condition number 4: Is zat you vill allow me to join you all on this mission to stop zese villains!"

"What?! No way!" Jake refused.

"Zen I suppose you don't need mein help after all." Rottwood said smug.

"Uhh!" Jake face-palmed, he was already regretting this, "Fine! But on two conditions of our own. One, you can't tell ANYONE or do ANYTHING to expose our friends to the public, got it?"

Rottwood frowned, "Very well. And the second condition?"

Jake smirked, "This!"

Before Rottwood knew it, Jake stuffed a paper bag over his head. "Hey! Vat is this?! Ahh!" Rose then swept his legs, making him fall backwards only for her, Jake, Trix, Spud, and Fu to catch and hold him up, "Vat are you doing?" He demanded as they carried him out the door, down the hall, and out of the school. "Vere are ve going?!"

“To our rendezvous point.” Spud explained.

“And we're making sure you don't know how to get to it on your own on the off chance you decide to go back on your promise.” Fu added, as they carried the man off despite his struggles.

Jake sighed, “This better be worth it.”

Comments ( 21 )

Nice foreshadowing of the certain individuals.

Kara spoke to Rainbow, “You’re gonna meet a young warrior who will eventually become your boyfriend.”

Rainbow blinked, “Seriously, you’re messing with me.”

“Oh dear, Rarity, next week you’re gonna get nasty blisters on your feet.” Sara warned her.

“What?” She gasped.

Sara turned to Applejack, “And your farm is gonna be infested by hungry snails soon.”

“Dang it!”

And it would be funny to see if the predictions came true.

Everything they say comes true eventually. And in a funny bit Kara predicted Trixie and Spud would tie the knot, much to Trixie's horror. But turns out tying the knot meant Trixie tied Spud's shoelace

Now that was Super Awesome and totally love the part about the Woodstock Witches flirting with the turtles and the girls totally get jealous and totally wish to see a picture of that in Jebens1 Style 😄😄😄

This is honestly the funniest chapter I've ever read 😆. And I'm also looking forward to the next chapter.

Me too. It was so funny😆

I would like too to see a picture of that scene.

I can’t believe that they’re enlisting the help of that Denzel Crocker wannabe.

Think Rainbow Dash's prediction is going to be Soarin? Will he be some secret chosen warrior in this continuity?

You're just gonna have to find out.

This is gonna be interesting to say the least

"Our old teacher/principal," Jake answered with a sign, "Professor Hans Rottwood..."


Who is Denzel Crocker?

The crazy idiot teacher from Fairly Odd Parents. He was a normal kid, who also had Cosmo and Wanda as his fairies, but because of Timmy Turner's time traveling shenanigans, he ended up being a madman and every time he would say "Fairy God Parents", he'd twich and do all kinds of crazy movements, and also tries to expose them.

Yeah, that will be very funny.

Comment posted by Brony4life378 deleted June 19th

Kara and Sara are never wrong
I am curious as to who Rainbow Dash's new boyfriend will be.

Oh boy. Looks like the gang is gonna have Rottwood's now. Plus, the moments involving the Oracle Twins and Monica, Annika & Bubonica was hilarious.

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