• Published 30th Jun 2023
  • 713 Views, 13 Comments

My Little Wishology - Starlight Fan

After Jorgen ends up teleporting Timmy Turner to Equestria to keep him safe from the Eliminators, Twilight Sparkle and her friends get roped into a whole new adventure, unaware of the threats that still lurk in Equestria as well.

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Prologue: The Big Beginning

Author's Note:

Before we begin our story. I need to establish continuity for this fanfic.

So MLP will remain virtually the same right now as we’re starting just after the season nine opener but with Fairly OddParents, I needed to shake the continuity up a bit and I do have to add, I am incorporating Foop’s existence into the mix because he is a necessary addition to the cast. Also, here is how the show’s continuity went on:

Season 1:

Timmy Turner’s age: 9 years old

Episode Order-

The Big Problem

Power Mad

Spaced Out


A Wish Too Far

Tiny Timmy

Father Time

Apartnership- One change to the episode is that Wanda explains she’s a bit drained of magic since she had to deal with that cat Timmy had her be with.

Chin Up

Dog’s Day Afternoon

Dream Goat

The Same Game

Christmas Every Day

Season 2: 

Timmy Turner’s age: 10 years old

Boys In The Band

Hex Games

Boy Toy

Inspection Detection

Action Packed

Smarty Pants

Super Bike

A Mile In My Shoes

That Old Black Magic- Timvisible hasn’t happened yet since I’m trying to maintain some continuity. Also Jorgen disables the anti-fairies ability to be invisible in this episode to prevent any more chaos, or at least decrease it.

Foul Balled

The Boy Who Would Be Queen

Totally Spaced Out

The Switch Glitch

Mighty Mom and Dyno Dad

Knighty Knight

Fairy Fairy Quite Contrary

Nectar Of The Odds

Hail To The Chief


Deja Vu

Information Stupor Highway

Season 3:

Ruled Out

That’s Life

Shiny Teeth

Odd Odd West

Love Struck: Ohhhhhhhhhhh, this one is getting a huge rewrite. The wish lasts for 24 hours for Timmy to spite Cupid and ruin Valentine’s Day but it only makes the males and females more in love with each other as absence makes the heart grow fonder and all that, and they do similar things that their love interests would do to fill the void. Cupid would tell Timmy this, as well as mention not all people in the world are straight(while gesturing to an LGBTQ pairing) but since he helped make Valentine’s Day better, he gives him the arrow and instead of using it on himself to cheer up Tootie, he just breaks the arrow and half and spends the day with her whilst rejecting Trixie, who has mixed emotions about the whole ordeal.

Cosmo Con- Binky isn’t on the wheel for a thousand years as I just found that too cruel.

Wanda’s Day Off

Most Wanted Wish

This Is Your Wish

Engine Blocked

Mighty Mom and Dyno Dad Meet The Crimson Chin

Sleep Over and Over

Mother Nature

Beddy Bye

Grass Is Greener

The Secret Origin Of Denzel Crocker

Fool’s Day Out- This happens after Love Struck and The Secret Origin Of Denzel Crocker for the sake of continuity.


Pipe Down

The Big Scoop

Where’s Wanda

Imaginary Gary- Timmy wishes Imaginary Gary away, which explains his presence in Unwish Island.

Crime Wave

Odd Ball

Miss Dimmsdale

Mind Over Magic

Chip Off The Old Chip

Snow Bound

Kung Timmy

Which Witch Is Witch

Hard Copy

Scary GodParents- In season three instead to keep continuity afloat.

Parent Hoods

Season 4: 

Vicky Loses Her Icky

Pixies Inc

Mr Right

Baby Face

Power Pals

Emotion Commotion

Lights, Cameras, Adam

A Bad Case Of Diary-Uh

Odd Couple

Class Clown

The Big Super Hero Wish

Channel Chasers

Shelf Life

Fairy Friends and Neighbors

Just The Two Of Us- Trixie overreacts the way she did because she’s not used to being all alone and was clinging to Timmy for that reason.

A New Squid

Wish Fixers

Catman Meets The Crimson Chin

Genie Meanie

Truth Or Cosmoquences

Beach Bummed

Season 5:

Timmy’s 2D House Of Horrors

It’s A Wishful Life- I’d make Timmy’s good deeds more worthy of criticism than they were in the show, and make it so Jorgen reveals that nothing Timmy saw was the truth, and that fairies would never actually allow such a crummy wish to be granted so they make these tests. Yes, it’s a bit cruel but would you rather have stupid continuity errors be genuine?


Love At First Height- Just don’t make all the adults go ga-ga over “Gah” because that was CREEPY.

The Masked Magician

The Big Bash- Cosmo immediately regrets betting Wanda for a nickel and actually feels remorse over the whole ordeal but Wanda tells him that the bet was practically invalid anyway as it would require Wanda to consent to the deal with Juandissimo.

Just Desserts


Blondas have More Fun- Less Cosmo Infidelity jokes. Those were dumb.

Five Days Of Flarg

Escape From Unwish Island

The Gland Plan

Back To Norm

Teeth For Two- This one’s also getting a rewrite. While Jorgen still tries pulling Timmy’s teeth out, he’s less sadistic about it. Cosmo’s infatuation with the Tooth Fairy is less egregious as I do think it was kinda funny if it was toned down enough to where we don’t question why Wanda stays with him. Instead of Timmy only helping Jorgen out to get Cosmo and Wanda back, he actually feels sorry for him and fixes his relationship with the Tooth Fairy.

Talkin Trash

Timmy TV

Hassle In The Castle

Remy Rides Again

Birthday Wish

Go Young, West Man

School’s Out, The Musical

Big Wanda- In this episode, Cosmo and Wanda’s relationship is treated more seriously and it’s more about how Wanda and Cosmo’s relationship is starting to become strained due to Wanda running Big Daddy’s business. Also, I’m removing Big Daddy and Mama Cosma’s romance because EWWWWWWWWWWW.

What’s The Difference

Operation Fun

Smart Attack

Something’s Fishy

Presto Change-O

The Good Ol’ Days

Future Lost

Fairy Idol- Wanda apologizes to Timmy for claiming that she and Cosmo were miserable with Timmy. Cosmo also seems shocked at how brutal Wanda said that. Also Juandissimo is here because Remy lost him after Operation Fun.

Timmy The Barbarian

No Substitute For Crazy

Season 6:

Fairly Odd Baby- Okay, the episode was fine on it’s own, but I’d have Wanda be pregnant instead of Cosmo and change their roles.

Open Wide and Say Aggh


Cheese and Crockers

Land Before Timmy

The Odd Squad

For Emergencies Only

The Fairly Oddlympics

King Chang

The End Of University- Timmy doesn’t use dark magic on Trixie because I felt that was gross. Trixie just fawns for him naturally.

Sooper Poof

Wishing Well

Vicky Gets Fired- When Timmy’s parents watch the clips of Vicky abusing Timmy, they assume it’s for a comedic movie until she burns the tapes. The reason Timmy is doing this is because Vicky has been getting increasingly evil. Also, instead of the three months transition, it’s three days. After Vicky’s fired and they’re riding the rollercoaster, Wanda reminds Timmy that without a reason to have fairies, they might not be around for much longer

Right before Timmy storms city hall, Jorgen appears at the scene, telling him that without something to keep him miserable, then his fairies will be taken away, but Timmy is able to get them more time to stay together so they can stop Vicky.

At the end of the episode, Jorgen shows up again to tell Timmy that because Vicky is still his babysitter, he can keep his fairies, but to prevent world destruction, he can’t get Vicky fired intentionally, unless some other cause forces her to be fired since we don’t want Timmy miserable for life.

Wishy Washy

Poof’s Playdate

Nine Lives

Dread and Breakfast- The lasers just defeat Dark Laser instead of originally killing him, so they get around the rule of wishing people back to life.

King Chang

Birthday Bashed- This episode is in season six to set up Timmy turning eleven years old.

Merry Wishmas- Wishmas is a holiday that happens in the span of days instead of once a year because timeline shenanigans are stupid. So the Thanksgiving scene is turned into a dinner scene.

Season 7:

Bad Heir Day

Freaks and Geeks

Mice Capades

Formula For Disaster


Add-a Dad

Squirrely Puffs

Fly Boy

Playdate… of Doom

Manic Mom Day

Crocker Of Gold

One Man Banned

Frenemy Mine

Take and Fake

Chicken Poofs

Terrible Twosome- Sparky’s just not in the episode but other than that, it’s similar to the show.

Double Oh Schnozmo

Planet Poof

Spellementary School

Please Don’t Feed The Turners

The Love Triangle

Today was not a good day for Timmy Turner.

It all started out so well, he was up to his old habit of making Trilogy wishes in the morning before breakfast with his fairy godparents Cosmo and Wanda, and their baby Poof, but suddenly Jorgen showed up and abruptly ended their fun. Worst of all, he couldn’t find his fairies anywhere. That would not be such a big deal if his parents, best friends, teacher, and pretty much everyone in Dimmsdale pretty much didn’t suddenly forget who he was.

Worst of all, he was now being chased throughout town by some evil robot chanting “Eliminate Timmy Turner” over and over and shooting lasers at him. It was a good thing he was using AJ’s hover car or he would be in a much worse situation than he already was. However, in a dark twist of fate, the robot was able to blast his hover car and the eleven year old was now falling from the sky.

Luckily for him, Jorgen Von Strangle was floating from a distance and saw that the pink hatted buck tooth boy was falling from a great height and the robot was charging up a big laser. While he did think about using magic to make his landing softer, the robot could still catch the boy. So he resorted to his most desperate measure.

He lit up his big wand and in a flash, a portal appeared above Timmy and he fell right in, Jorgen was able to close it before the robot could comprehend what just happened. Jorgen breathed a sigh of relief, Timmy Turner was safe, and given where he sent him, he made sure it would stay that way.

Besides, given the high stakes, it only made sense to call on some old allies for help.

It was a pretty nice day in Ponyville all things considered. The sun was shining and the town was starting to do better ever since King Sombra had attacked. However, there was still some damaged caused by the dark rocks he put everywhere. While all of those were gone thanks to the efforts of Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie. There was still a significant amount of damage from Sombra’s onslaught, damage that Twilight and her friends were all too happy to help fix… well, most of them were anyway.

“I can’t believe I let you and Twilight talk me into this.” Rainbow Dash groaned towards Applejack as she painted a fresh coat of white paint onto one of the houses of Ponyville.

“Well sugarcube, it is the right thing to do after what happened with King Sombra and all.” Applejack smirked lightly at the rainbow haired pegasus.

“Applejack does have a point,” Fluttershy spoke up as she filled up some of the holes Sombra left with potting soil, “Besides, if we’re going to have a bigger role in protecting Equestria, we may as well fix the damages that occurred because of a major meanie pants.”

“I must admit though, Twilight appears to be taking the whole situation pretty hard.” Rarity admits solemnly as she levitated some paint buckets over, “I know she says she’s gotten over it, but I don’t think she truly has.”

Suddenly Pinkie Pie popped out of an uncovered hole and decided to speak up, “Well if I had to witness an invasion where my future subjects were turned into slaves, I think it would make me pretty sad.”

“Laying it on thick, aren’t ya Pinkie?” Applejack admits, kind of impressed with how easily the party pony was able to figure everything out.

“Eh, just Pinkie Sense.” Pinkie shrugged with a reassuring smile.

“What do you girls think Twilight’s doing right now anyway?” Rarity asked curiously.

“Last I saw her, she was talking to Mayor Mare.” Applejack told the group.

Twilight was indeed helping Mayor Mare out, currently she was reattaching a wood plank onto the mayor’s building to stabilize it after the attack Sombra caused. Once she was finished, she flew back down to where Mayor Mare, Spike, and Starlight Glimmer were all waiting for her.

“Thank you so much for fixing that Princess Twilight. I was getting really concerned about how stable this old building would be.” Mayor Mare smiled at the alicorn.

“No problem mayor. Is there anything else I could help you out with?” Twilight asked as she wiped the sweat off her brow.

“No, your generous deed today was enough. You can probably tell your friends they can stop for the day, they have been working for quite a while now. Until then, I look forward to your coronation.” Mayor Mare smiled before retreating to her office, and once she was gone Twilight was left giving a solemn sigh and unfortunately for her, Starlight and Spike noticed.

“Twilight, is everything okay?” Spike asked in concern.

Twilight immediately turned to her friends and kept a brave face for them, “I’m fine Spike, no need to worry.”

“Really? Because when Mayor Mare mentioned the coronation you seemed to get more downtrodden. Also, you were struggling quite a bit with stabilizing that place and when I asked if I could help you, you shut me down.” Starlight pushed the subject forward to the point where Twilight couldn’t deny something was up. The alicorn sighed and began to confess.

“Okay, I’ll admit, something has been bothering me.” Twilight sighed sadly, “It’s just that we barely stopped Sombra on our own and that was on Lord Of Chaos training wheels. I’m worried that if I become the ruler, I won’t be able to protect Equestria from harm. Worst of all, I nearly lost you two to Sombra’s mind control.”

Spike and Starlight shared a sad look towards one another and Starlight immediately put a hoof around Twilight to comfort her, “I don’t exactly know how you were feeling when you saw us in the state Sombra put us in, but I can assure that you will be a good ruler. You stopped countless of threats before and sometimes you didn’t even need the Elements. Trust me, you’ll adjust.” Starlight said encouragingly.

Twilight smiled softly at Starlight and Spike before Pinkie Pie suddenly began running over.

“TWILIGHT! You gotta come quick! Some weird flesh colored monkey fell from a portal in the sky. You gotta come quick!” Pinkie Pie cried out in fear.

Twilight, Starlight, and Spike shared a worried look before following Pinkie Pie to the middle of the town, ponies were screaming and running as they got closer to where the rest of their friends were. Twilight and Starlight then gasped at what they saw.

A pink hatted buck toothed boy with brown hair in front of them, who was currently laying on the ground, looking just as confused as they were.

Unaware of all the chaos, Princess Celestia was absentmindedly looking over some letters from some of the nobles in her throne when suddenly a loud pink explosion appeared out of thin air, causing her to abruptly stop what she was doing.

The cloud of smoke dissipated to reveal that Jorgen was now standing in front of Celestia.

“Jorgen Von Strangle? I was not expecting this.” Celestia exclaimed with shock.

“Princess Celestia. I bring unfortunate news from Fairy World. The darkness has returned.” Jorgen told the princess ominously which caused her to gasp in shock.