• Published 30th Jun 2023
  • 713 Views, 13 Comments

My Little Wishology - Starlight Fan

After Jorgen ends up teleporting Timmy Turner to Equestria to keep him safe from the Eliminators, Twilight Sparkle and her friends get roped into a whole new adventure, unaware of the threats that still lurk in Equestria as well.

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An Anti-Fairy’s Discovery

Foop was shocked to say the least.

He expected to look out his window and see the disgusting sight of Fairy World and all of its saccharine stupidity. But now he sees that some swirly black hole ended up absorbing the land.

While the sight would usually bring him joy, right now, all he could feel was worry. His father most certainly did not employ a gigantic portal to suck up Fairy World and for all he knew, they could be next.

So as the evilest anti-fairy baby in the universe, he did the only reasonable thing.

“FATHER!” Foop called out with a booming voice.

His father, Anti-Cosmo, poofed in with an annoyed expression, “What is it Foop? You don’t need to yell when I’m three rooms away!”

“Look!” Foop pointed at the blank void in the sky, “Fairy World was sucked up by some dark portal earlier, and while I do delight myself in Fairy World’s misery, I know that this was not caused by us.”

Anti-Cosmo’s eyes widened in shock, a dark portal that sucked up Fairy World. This could only mean one thing…

“The prophecy is at foot.” Anti-Cosmo whispered to himself which confused Foop.

“Uh… I didn’t quite hear you.” Foop raised an eyebrow.

“An ancient evil has returned. The Darkness is one of Fairy World’s most powerful enemies, and a threat to our future attempts at universal domination!” Anti-Cosmo explained to his son with great fury, “That portal can suck up anything in the blink of an eye.”

“Oh well that’s just great! What does that mean for us?!” Foop asked incredulously, annoyed that taking over the universe would be much harder even without his enemies interfering.

“We will have to find the Chosen One in the prophecy, take them under our command and use their skills to OUR advantage. The first wand is located somewhere in a world known as Equestria, that is where we begin our mission.” Anti-Cosmo said with a malevolent smirk.

“Ooh, I like the way you think. You’re almost as smart as me.” Foop smirked back, though the backhanded compliment caused Anti-Cosmo to scowl at his son before regaining his composure. He then used his black wand to poof up a picture frame of the caricature Jorgen showed in the Cave Of Destiny.

“Let’s see here,” Anti-Cosmo adjusted his monocle, “A pink hat, initials TT, and buck teeth. Now who do we know who has all three of those…”

Anti-Cosmo’s eyes then widened in shock and horror when he realized who all those qualities reminded him of before rolling his eyes, “Of course it’s Turner.”

He then grew a smirk however and turned to the anti-fairy baby, “No matter. Foop, get your mother. We have an old friend to visit.”

“Shouldn’t we get an army ready?” Foop raised an eyebrow.

“Oh please, Equestria is a very magically inclined place. An army would just increase the chances of being discovered and defeated. We must be stealthy about this.” Anti-Cosmo explained before snickering evilly, “Soon Timmy Turner, I’ll be the one who gets the last laugh.

Comments ( 1 )

Wonder if this is still alive?

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