• Published 30th Jun 2023
  • 459 Views, 4 Comments

Metamorphosis - D-20

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The moon high above glowed in a pale blue light. It showered all of Maretime Bay in the renewed hope of a better tomorrow. The stars danced a ballet of happiness as each twinkle brought with it a joyous smile below from the town's residents. Misty lost herself to this peace and sat alone atop the lighthouse with tears in her eyes.

Sunny slowly peeked through the door to the outside with a gentle nudge. The night was lovely with the scent of dew-ridden grass on the wind and the cool breeze from the ocean. She knew the unicorn had been through so much abuse in her lifetime.

"Enjoying the scenery?" Sunny chirped as she joined her newest friend on the railing of the lighthouse.

"It's so beautiful out here," Misty spoke up with her eyes locked upon the night sky, her cheeks damp from crying.

Sunny nodded as she lifted a hoof to wipe a few tears away. "It is, but are you saddened?" She spoke as her voice fell to a delicate whisper.

"A beautiful sadness, yes." Misty giggled as she turned to crack a weakened little grin.

"I'm sorry, I just worry about my friends," Sunny replied as the blue unicorn blushed bright with a sense of joy.

"Friend, I'm still getting used to that word." Misty bit down on her lower lip embarrassed.

"Living in that castle with Opaline, the world seemed like a dark and horrible place." Misty pushed away from the railing as she paced around the walkway nervously.

"Everything in my life had become faded and twisted into these ideals I was pushed into believing, beauty robbed from my sight and replaced by a thick fog of spite." Misty shrugged as her gaze fell toward her hooves.

"Everypony here showed me how wrong that was, they showered me with faith that I was more than I had become. And now I've changed." Misty galloped forward and embraced Sunny with a tight loving hug.

"You are welcome, Misty." Sunny sighed with relief as she squeezed the mare firmly.

"I wondered to myself what a butterfly Cutie Mark could mean. And I think it symbolizes change, in my life and self." Misty released the orange mare and watched the sky once more in awe.

Too long she had been lost in an ocean of apathy and regret. Blind to just how bright the world had become, seeing this community she now called home in a brand new light touched her heart. The dawn had finally overtaken the night, and she was free for the first time in years.

A butterfly emerged from its claustrophobic confines, breaking away from the cocoon of the past and flying off into the future. With wings decorated in vibrant new colors, a vow to the world that it was time to start anew.

"Change is always good. It helps us grow as ponies, to own our mistakes is a sign of maturity. " Sunny winked as she joined the peaceful stargazing, a light breeze brushing through her mane.

Misty let a loud snort erupt from her flared nostrils. "Mature, me!?" She couldn't help but burst into a fit of giggles.

"What you did for us at Opaline's castle took courage and growth!" Sunny nudged the mare playfully.

"I just followed my heart." Misty tried to hide her smile from the world but failed as she grinned awkwardly.

"I expect great things from you, Misty. We all do." Sunny stretched as another breeze blew her magenta mane back wildly, she would be dealing with frazzle later no doubt.

Giving a light "brrr" aloud the chosen alicorn fluffed out her coat comfortably. She nodded to her newest friend as she felt everything was going to be alright, for the moment at least. Who knew what adventures the future held, and what dangers might lay ahead?

But as long as her friends were at her side. They would face tomorrow together and pull ahead like they always did. Sharing a friendly giggle she offered Misty a polite gesture.

"Want to head inside? Probably can nudge the girls into a meet-up for Hay Burgers." Sunny joked heading towards the doorway and out of the chilly night air.

"Sounds like a lot of fun! I'll be inside after a few moments. " Misty lost herself once more to the parade of stars high above them.

"Don't catch your death." Sunny cantered out of view, the delicate click of the wooden frame reverberating throughout the night sky.

She was expected to do great things by her friends. It was odd how just those few words lit up her soul with a blazing fire of inspiration. Opaline had never installed such confidence within her, only belittlement and doubt.

But those days were now firmly behind her. Her past was not today, she had a duty towards her friends and herself to be the best she could be. With time and a little faith, she knew she could break free and fill the world with her unique colors.

A heart filled with renewed ambition, she never noticed her mane's roots turning a dark purple hue to match her growing dedication towards improvement. Smiling happily, the inspiration burning brightly within caused her curls to glow a vibrant orange flair. Misty returned inside ready to greet her friends below.

"Omigosh, Misty you're glowing!" Pipp squealed at the sight of the once quiet and shy unicorn, returning as a confident colorful mare.

"Aww, thank you!" Misty blushed at the lovely compliment.

Izzy burst out into giggles from the bright glow inside and out of her friend. "No, you're seriously glowing like a floofy mood ring!" She bounced over in awe as Misty turned to face herself in the silent reflection of a mirror.

"Ahhh, the Butterflies!!" Misty screamed, toppling over in shock with a loud crash.

"I don't think anypony expected her to say that." Zipp shrugged things like this becoming oddly normal nowadays.

Might as well be chill about it.

Comments ( 4 )

Praying for your success, beauty! 🤗


This is an adorable little read~
I like the ponies' dynamic here, they have such a bright future…
And this could be an entry to the A Thousand Words Contest. Don't know about you but this story seems nice enough to take part in it~
(No wait, You probably don't even know about its existence…)
Also that cover art looks simple But beautiful. Think that this could be from the same artist?

But those days were now firmly behind her. Her past was not today, she had a duty towards her friends and herself to be the best she could be. With time and a little faith, she knew she could break free and fill the world with her unique colors.

I see what you did there.

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