• Published 23rd Jul 2023
  • 300 Views, 2 Comments

A New Pet Cat Named Neferpitou - Anime0CC0Manga

A Lord Of Chaos Gets A New Royal Guard To Serve Him

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Two Puppeteer


"Come On! Run Faster!"

"Oh Celestia I Can Hear Them Getting Closer!"

"I Hate This! I Hate This Very Much!"

Three ponies - one an Earth pony, a Unicorn, and a Pegasus - were currently in the middle of running, well one of them was flying, through a forest filled with trees that just had faces and were laughing at their feeble attempts of running away.

"Why Do They Have To Be Alive?!"

However, before they could continue to try and run away from the Chaos, the three were immediately stopped when a certain chimera neko landed before them, looking at them with her bright red eyes, which expressed something that made the ponies feel very fearful.

"My Lord desires entertainment."

Neferpitou then stood up and looked at them fully with a calm smile on her face, all the while emanating an aura that only increased their fear towards her

"You three horses look fun enough for my Sire to play with."

Neferpitou then stepped forward, causing the unicorn to yell and use its horn to charge up a magical spell before shooting it at her, resulting in a large explosion and a massive cloud of smoke. This caused the three ponies to smile and feel more hopeful about their chances of survival.

"Hm, not as powerful as my Lord's magic."

Their hopes turned into absolute despair and horror when they saw the smoke clear away and revealed a unharmed and unphased Neferpitou, making the unicorn notice that they were unable to even leave a scratch on Pitou, who just looked at them with an amused smile.

"Then again, I wasn't expecting much~..."

Soon, Neferpitou had managed to catch them all, holding the unicorn and pegasus under her arms, while using her tail to carry the earth pony, and once they were all in her possession, she started to take them all back to her Lord of Chaos himself, who was currently sitting on his throne and eating a cotton candy from the cloud next to him.

"I have brought some of the remaining natives to entertain you, just as you asked for, Sire."

Neferpitou had dropped the three ponies in front of the Spirit of Disharmony, before she herself bowed down before him as a sign of respect and loyalty


Discord shoved the entire cotton candy down his throat and swallowed it whole, licking his lips clean before looking at everyone with a mischievous and evil smile.

"Hehe, now make them do something that would be entertaining~"

Discord lay his chin on his lion fist and watched with extreme interest and amusement, as the insect kitten looked up at him with a tilted curious expression.

"How should I make them do so, Sire?"

Neferpitou was a bit confused as to how to do what her sire was asking of her.

"I'll leave that up to your creativity~"

All Discord had said to her, to which she simply nodded and accepted his orders without asking any more questions. She then stood back up to her feet and turned her full attention back to the shivering and fearful ponies.

'My own creativity? Hm...'

Neferpitou tapped her chin and began thinking on how to fulfill her sire's desires with utmost effectiveness and efficiency, though as she was trying to come up with something, that didn't involve mindlessly killing them or anything similarly bloody and brutal, her attention was quickly caught by a certain pile of apples, which made her glance at it and notice them in the middle of torturing another pony in the distance with the past, present and future, though she could care less about that, as she was more focused on something above the apples, which was strings attached to a cross brace, as they were responsible in controlling the apples like puppets.

"Meow that's an idea~"

Neferpitou wore a very interested smile, she then glanced back at the three ponies, her tail wagging in excitement and joy, which did not comfort or help them feel any less anxious; she then sat criss-cross in front of Earth Pony, Unicorn, and Pegasus, and started to concentrate on her own powers, which made the Draconequus look at her with curiosity and fascination as to what she was doing.

"Clownesque Puppeteer, please give my Lord a good show."

As soon as Neferpitou said this, all three of the ponies started to stand back up on their hooves and start moving around, seemingly on their own and unwillingly, judging by their expressions.

"W-Whats Going On?!"

The earth pony was wildly jumping and kicking without any rhyme or reason, even hitting the pegasi in midair and the unicorn into a nearby tree.

"I-I Can't Control My Magic!"

As for the unicorns, they were just shooting magical blasts randomly; not only that, but each spell had a different effect, ranging from being a basic energy attack or something more mystical like turning a bird into an orange.

"Wings! Stop Flapping Wings! STOPPED!"

And lastly, the pegasi, as soon as they were kicked into the air by the earth ponies, they wasted no time in spreading their wings and began flying around aimlessly, without any particular destination in mind, not caring if they flew into clouds, trees, houses, or even other ponies; there was no stopping any of them.


As the three ponies struggled to figure out what was happening to them, Discord couldn't help but chuckle and wear a very knowing smirk, snapping his fingers and summoning a pair of 3D red-blue glasses. When he put these on, he was able to see that all three of these ponies were being controlled by some kind of ghostlike puppeteers, which only fueled his fascination and interest.

"Is this creative and entertaining enough for you Sire?"

The Lord of Chaos looked away from the ponies and puppets and glanced down at Neferpitou, who looked up at him with a hopeful expression of pleasing her Sire.

"As a fellow puppeteer, I am most impressed, in fact~"

Darkness then rose from his throne, as he then summoned three cross braces, one in each hand and the third held by his tail.

"Care for a puppet fight?~"

Each cross brace was attached and controlled its own set of ponies; Discord smiled excitedly as he made his new puppets get into a dramatic fighting stance. Unwillingly, which made Pitou smile in return as she made her own puppeteer do the same.

"Hehe, of course my Lord~"

And with that, both Neferpitou and her Lord got into a very over-the-top and unnecessary pony puppet battle with one another, which only got crazier and more chaotic as it went on, turning what should have been a simple battle into a full-on war.

"You're the most fun person I played with in eons, more so than those princesses and her lackeys~"

And throughout it all, both Discord and his personal Royal Guard were having so much fun, both laughing and smiling from what they were doing and how much destruction they had brought with them.

"I am unworthy of those words~"

Neferpitou smiled warmly and wagged her kitty tail cheerfully, which in turn made Discord smile back at her, not his usual smug or mocking smirk, but just a simple and happy smile.

'Who knew that having someone with you, to share quality time and play with one another, would bring me such unbelievable joy in my heart!~'
Oh no, is Discord experiencing what it is to have a 'Friend', hehe~

(Do you think Discord would be ok with Neferpitou killing or would he hate it?)

/Neferpitou Abilities\

Doctor Blythe: A creepy female puppet that comes from Neferpitou, it can heal anyone no matter how badly damaged they are, though depending how bad it is will take longer to fix, also it can not cure someone from radiation poisoning or magical curses.

Clownesque Puppeteer: Can take control of any person she wants, though needs to either weaken or kill them first before taking control.

Terpsichora: If she needs to get serious in a fight, she'll summon her own puppeteer to both control her and increase her fighting abilities and power.

Nen Aura: Not only does it give her superpowers, but her Aura alone can sense anyone miles away and make any weak willed individual lose their mind, not only that, but it also serves as a good defense against magic, not exactly immunity, but very resistance.

Super Everything: Even without Nen, she's already above superhuman, has super senses, speed, agility, physically strength, intelligent, etc.