• Published 23rd Jul 2023
  • 283 Views, 2 Comments

A New Pet Cat Named Neferpitou - Anime0CC0Manga

A Lord Of Chaos Gets A New Royal Guard To Serve Him

  • ...

Bring Back My Friend


"Change Back! Please Change Back! JUST CHANGE BACK!"

The Mane Six couldn't help but look very confused and uncomfortable, Discord, the literal Lord of Chaos, and the Spirit of Disharmony responsible for not only turning the whole world into disarray, but also forcing the six mare friends against each other as their opposite selves, the same Draconequus, was in the middle of holding the wooden puppet Neferpitou in his lion arm, while using his eagle hand to snap his fingers, in the hopes of changing Pitou back into her normal self, but no matter how much power he used, or what type of magic spell was cast, the only thing he was able to accomplish was simply changing her color, look and design; seeing his Royal Guard not return to her usual and real chimera neko self was enough to make him let out a few tears, which fell down his cheeks and landed on the puppet's body, which shocked the ponies, who remained silent and just watched the whole thing go down.


Discord, after realizing how futile and pointless his efforts had been, looked up at the Mane Six with a pleading and desperate face; a few of them couldn't help but look back with either a guilty or pity-filled expression.

"O-Oh yeah, what makes you think we'll belie-"

Rainbow Dash, who was the first one to recover from shock and tried to act like her usual tough self, was about to express her doubts and distrust against the Lord of Chaos, but was quickly shut up when he snapped his fingers and instantly made the entire world of insanity, back into its normal and peaceful self, which just made everyone feel a new wave of shock and confusion as to what just happened.

"All of Equestria is back to the way it was, and to all the ponies who were harmed were healed and made to forget my chaos, as if nothing has ever happened in the first place."

Discord then carefully placed the wooden puppet Neferpitou on the grassy ground in front of the Mane Six, before stepping back and bowing down before them.

"So please, just give her back to me, I beg of you…"

Seeing Discord like this, both returning their world back to normal and so desperately asking for help, the group of Mares couldn't really find it in their hearts to just say no to him, so after a moment of hesitation, and some quick whispering, the purple unicorn stepped forward towards them, ready to speak with them.

"We will return your, um, Neferpitou was it? She will be returned to normal, however, you have to promise to never cause chaos, ever again, also, not only that."

Using magic from her horn and the crown she wore, Twilight summoned a pair of magical handcuffs and floated them towards the Lord of Chaos.

"Not only that, but you will be placed under arrest while also being taken to the dungeon, you will wait there until Princess Celestia and Princess Luna decide what to do with you, do you agree to these terms and conditions?"

When Twilight asked this and made her offer clear to the Spirit of Disharmony, his only response to that was to grab onto the cuffs and put them on himself; he winced when he felt himself weakening, but couldn't care less about that.

"Yes, I agree with them…"

Discord did feel a bit angry and frustrated from this, no doubt disliking the idea of being treated like this, but his concerns for Neferpitou's well-being and wanting her to return to normal, heavily outweighed and dominated any personal feelings he may have had.

"Ok, then please step back while we start to bring back your friend."

When Twilight said the word "friend," the Draconequus couldn't help but widen his eyes in surprise, as if he had never considered those words before, but after looking back at Neferpitou and realizing how she made him feel, he could no longer deny it.

"Yes, for my friend, of course…"

With some hesitancy in leaving behind his first and true ever friend, Discord walked away from her and stood behind the Mane Six, still watching to make sure nothing goes wrong, but was now out of the way to let the pony girls do as they pleased.

"Ok girls, are you ready?"

Once Twilight made sure everyone was ready, while also double-checking to make sure the Lord of Chaos didn't do anything behind their backs, started to do as promised, activating the Elements of Harmony and preparing a spell. After a moment of preparation, the Mane Six blasted a rainbow blast out of their Elements and shot them towards Neferpitou. The Spirit of Disharmony winced a bit from seeing her friend get blasted again, but seeing the chimera neko slowly return to normal, it filled him up with absolute hope and joy. And after a moment or two, the group of mares stopped using their Elements, and took a step back when Pitou was no longer a puppet.


Neferpitou, after having a moment to realize that she had her body back, slowly stood back up to her feet, stumbling and weakly struggling to keep from falling over, once she was fully back up, she, using one hand to hold onto her pounding head, looked up and immediately noticed her Sire was in cuffs and chains, which instantly filled her up with rage and bloodlust.


However, before Neferpitou could do anything to save her Lord, she took one step forward and instantly fell back to the ground; seeing this happen obviously made the Draconequus panic, however, instead of him being the one to check up on her, it was the yellow pony named Fluttershy, who instinctively ran up to the Royal Guard after she fell and checked up on her.

"Oh dear, she's suffering from a very bad fever…"

Fluttershy wore a gaping expression as she placed a hoof on the chimera neko's head, feeling it burn greatly; not only that, but she also saw her wearing a pain-filled flushed sweating face, she both struggled greatly and breathed rapidly, and was curling up and holding herself, shivering as if feeling extremely cold, despite how hot and sweaty she was.

"Fluttershy, you and Rarity take Neferpitou to seek immediate medical attention, please be quick about it before it gets worse."

After Twilight had quickly asked the white unicorn and the yellow pegasus to take Pitou away to seek help, which they both nodded and did, she turned her attention back to the Lord of Chaos, who looked so concerned and worried about his friend, which actually made her smile softly to see this.

"Neferpitou will be given the best medical treatment that Equestria has to offer, also with Fluttershy there, who is an expert in taking care of animals, plus Rarity, who knows how to take care of cats, your friend will be in great hooves, you have my word."

Twilight's words and promises did reassure the Spirit of Disharmony, especially since he knew he could trust them, even though he hated to admit it.

"Thank you…"

Discord sighed in defeat as he thanked the purple unicorn, who simply nodded in response, not being smug about it or being rude; she then turned around and started walking away, with her remaining friends following her.

"Now please follow me."

Twilight said to Discord, who could only nod in acceptance and walked after her, though while following the Element of Magic, he quickly looked over at the distance from where Fluttershy and Rarity carried Neferpitou, and felt a mixture of worry, from seeing how ill her friend was, yet comfort, from the knowledge that she would be taken care of by the best of the best.

'Please recover soon… My friend…'
You could probably tell, but a lot of things are changing from the original story, like Discord being arrest instead of turning back to stone, where his fate will be decided by Princess Celestia, (BTW, what kind of punishment do you think she will give him?~), ALSO ALSO, I don't know if you noticed, but there might be a possibility of Discord having two main ponies he will have a connection with, and not just Fluttershy, here's a hint on who that will be, "She's also a cat person like Discord is~", hehe

(To quickly clear up confusion and explain something, the reason Neferpitou had gotten very sick was because she was being blasted by a type magic even greater than Discord chaos, and since she isn't a native to the world of MLP, not to mention she has no magic herself, it was to much for her to handle, kind of like experiencing a new sickness you've never had before, but not as bad, hopefully)