• Member Since 12th Aug, 2023
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Lavender Shine

Writes fics every now and again.


As mainland Equestria suddenly and without warning reappears on the map, the old government in exile calling itself The Princedom Of Greater Equestria is thrown into a crisis as their ultimate goal of reclaiming old glory is now within reach after thousands of moons.

What will happen when new and old inevitably collide? Shall Equestria be thrown back into the fires of war that once already tore it apart, or can a group of unlikely allies stop the madness before it is too late?

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 4 )

As mainland Equestria suddenly and without warning reappears on the map,

I’m confused. How is that different from normal Equestria?

Now while i'm not above infodumping, I am above infodumping in the prologue.

That said i'll try my best to naturally lay out all the basics in chapter one, so be on the lookout for that next week.

And thanks for reading and taking interest!❤️

You've got me interested in your story and I'm looking forward to the next chapter to learn more about "mainland" Equestria.

Interesting story so far, it’ll be interesting to see how the old and new Equestrias interact.
It’ll probably be awkward just from the new Equestria’s seemingly nationalist bent as “Greater Equestria” being upended by actual greater Equestria suddenly appearing.
While mainland Equestria would be utterly confused by a gaggle of overseas territories suddenly being an entirely seperate and seemingly reasonably advanced polity.

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