• Published 17th Dec 2023
  • 386 Views, 10 Comments

Equestria Ninjas Bionicle: Tale of the Toa - Ezio1-3

The first Crossover between Equestria Ninjas and Bionicle in a series.

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Chapter 2: Lewa and Supoka

In another part of the island, in a thick, dripping jungle, a bright green figure was perched high in a tree. His strong limbs and armor were the strong green of the leaves. In one hand he carried an axe-like blade, perfect for slicing through thick underbrush or twining foliage. His bright green mask swept back in a streamlined shape perfect for cutting through the air.

Next to him was Rainbow Dash, a cocky grin on her masked face. She had changed much like her friends had. Her body was tehcnoorganic like his and armored, her armor a mix of bright green and cyan, her mask streamlined and bullet-like, cyan in color, except for the top, which was the same rainbow color her hair was. Rainbow markings were also in her joints. Her weapon had changed too: she now carried twin aero slicers, which were currently attacked to her back, acting like wings.

Currently, the two were about to swing from vines in a sort of competition. The green figure grabbed a vine in hand. "This sturdy clingtwiner will do, I expect." he said. "So, think you can quickbeat me so easy, Rainbow Dash?" he asked with a cocky tone. "Remember, no secondthink, just go!"

"Hey! I know what I'm doing!" Rainbow remarked.

With that, He leaped off the tree branch overhanging the canyon. He swung himself halfway across, then let go. Momentum carried him in a graceful arc over and past the gorge. Rainbow Dash did the same, though she landed a little ways behind. The Green figure grinned. "Now that was fun!" he exclaimed. He hadnt been sure how he and Rainbow had been able to make that jump, but now he knew at least one thing: the air was his friend. And apparently, Rainbow's as well.

"Yeah it was!" Rainbow agreed.

He didnt know much else, except tat his name was Lewa. AT least he thought so. He liked the name: it sounded strong and mysterious.

If we’re done showing off.” The two looked to see Karai and Shinigami ahead of them. “Shouldn’t we be going?”

Both Shinigami and Karai had also changed. Karai had silver and green armor, with a mask that showed off her snake fangs. Her weapon had changed to a sword that looked like twin snakes, the blade taking that shape of a fang.

Sinigami had changed to black and purple armor, with a mask that had a cat-like pattern. Her signature hypno ball was now attactched to her arm like a cannon on a tether, and she now had a cape that looked like bat wings.

“Yeah. We still got friends to find.” Shini added.

Lewa grinned. "Have no worryfret, my companions. I'm sure the answers lie further deepwood."

Then, by all means, lead on.” Karai gestured.

Lewa's smile faltered. "I hope I do find answers to the dreams I had. Or is that what they are? Dreams? I hope so. They were dark and chaotic. I dont like to admit it, but it frightened me."

Rainbow raised her brow. “Uh what are you talking about?”

Lewa shook his head. "The hazy dreams I had before I came to this island in that canister. I don't remember much of who I am before, only sightvisions in my head, full of chaos and fear. But also a brightglimmer of hope. "

“Interesting.” Shini pointed out.

Lewa swung to another tree, when he was hit with a flurry of feathers. In his haste, he had accidentally knocked a baby Taku bird out of it's nest. He swung up his hand to catch the falling chick, only to see it flying away. No, it wasnt flying, he noticed. The wind had carried it aloft. He reached up and caught the bird, and gently set it back into it's nest. "Now what kind of Happyluck was that? Or was it?" He murmured.

“That was weird.” Rainbow raised a brow.

Lewa then flung his arms up, causing a gust of wind to blow hard. Thats when he realized. "It was me! I did it! The wind answers to me!!"

“You control the wind?” Asked Karai.

Lewa nodded. "and if my hunch is correct, Rainbow can too."

“Really?” Rainbow perked up.

Lewa nodded. "Try it for yourself, you'll see."

“Okay.” Rainbow positioned herself and began to concentrate.

She then raised up her hands, creating a gust of wind.

“Awesome!” She cheered.

“Impressive.” Shini smiled.

Karai tried doing the same. Only to find something different happen: as she raised her arm, a small plant in front of her suddenly shot out, growing exponetially into a full-grown tree. This shocked everyone.

“That’s new.” She blinked

Shinigami nodded. "IT looks like you on the other hand control plants."

“I bet Wallflower would be jealous.” Rainbow grinned.

“What about you, Shini?” Karai asked.

Shini raised her hands up, and suddenly, everyone started to float away, as well as a few rocks and pebbles She lowered her hands and everyone and everything landed with a thud. Shini looked at her hands in confusion. "Gravity powers?"

“Awesome!” Rainbow squeaked.

Suddnely, They hear rustling in the brush ahead.

“Looks like we’ve been found out!” Karai said as she prepared for battle.

“Good. We get a test run.” Rainbow rubbed her hands.

They prepare to fight, only to clash with two other figures. One is female, wearing yellow armor with black and Dark blue mixed in and a red mask, carrying an iron fan weapon.
Another is a figure green like Lewa, with a different maks, and what appears to be an actual palm tree growing out of his back.

However, they recognize the first one. Despite having a different appearance, they know it's April!

"April!" gasped Rainbow.

"Rainbow? Karai? Shinigami?" April noticed. "Boy am I glad to see you guys."

"Likewise." Karai agreed.

"So who's your friend?" Shini pointed to her companion.

The tall figure with a tree growing out of his back waved politely. "Greetings, travellers. I am Bohu. Just exploring this beautiful island and trying to find out more about myself."

“Bohu and I got acquainted and we agreed to help each other. I’ll try to help him learn what he can and he agreed to help find the others.” April explained.

Lewa somersaulted and landed in front of Bohu and April."Nice to meet you. Any friend of these three is a friend of mine. I am Lewa."

“Same here. I’m April O’Neil.”

Bohu points in the direction Lewa's group was headed. "My senses tell me there's a two villages in that direction."

Karai raised a brow. "How do you know that?"

Bohu smiled."The plants told me."

“You speak… to plants?” Shini pieced together

Bohu nodded. "my power to control plants also lets me speak to them."

“Can you talk to them too, Shini?” Rainbow asked.

“We can figure that out later. Right now I suggest we check these villages and see if we can find the others.” Karai pointed out

They trek further into the jungle, and come across two neighboring villages of a very odd design: one village was built on the ground at the base of the trees, made up of small huts. The second village was made above it, high up in the treetops, near but separate to the village below it.

“Well that looks inviting.” Rainbow said.

“Interesting housing.” Karai mentioned.

“Nothing we’re not used to.” April reminded

The villagers in the treetop village seem to be a lively energetic bunch, while the villagers on the village below seem more like a group of agriculturists.

“Which one should we try first?” Karai wondered.

One of the villagers of the ground village noticed them and excitedly ran up to them. He spoke in an estactic voice.
"Toa Bohu! You've finally come! And Toa Lewa Too! We've been awaiting your arrival!" He exclaimed.

Naturally, everyone was shocked. Karai was the first to speak up. "You e been waiting for them?!"

The villager nodded excitedly. "Yes! Welcome to Bo-Koro! Toa Bohu, please accompany me! You must see Turaga Teliko! And Toa Lewa must go to the village above us, Le-Koro and meet Turaga Matau!"

“Well that’s something.” Shini whispered

Lewa shook his head. "Time for worrythought later. Now is time for some answerfinding."

“You’re right, Lewa. We better get started.” April nodded.

Lewa takes Rainbow Dash, Karai and Shinigami up the trees to LE-Koro, while Bohu and April follow the villager to a hut in Bo-Koro.

Meanwhile, halfway across the island, In a sun-drenched desert fillled with scrap metal, Casey is following another figure. Casey has changed, his hockey mask replaced with another, more intricate one, and his body covered in Grey and Copper armor. He still has his bat and hockey sticks, but they are now made of metal, and his taser is now part of his gauntlet.

The Figure he's with his tall and orange, with an orange mask and armor and two arms clutching two gatling slag guns.

“Man! Is this unbelievably cool!” He grinned.

The figure shakes his head. "I suppose so. I think it would be cooler if I knew why I was here. I just washed up on the beach, run into you, and yet I have no memory of anything except that my name is Supoka and that I have a connection to my power over plasma."

“And I need to find my friends while helping you with that.” Casey added.

Supoka nodded as he trudged through the scrap-filled desert. "Whatever happens, hopefully we both get what we want."

"When it comes to finding friends or helping others, nothing stops Casey Jones!"

Supoka chuckled. "as long as I get to shoot something, I'm not complaining."

"And we get to bash some heads as well." Casey grinned.

As the two trudged through the wasteland, they hear screams of terror and a deep growl. "Someone's in trouble!" Casey gasped.

Supoka charged up his slag shooters. "Then they'll answer to me!" He charged forward. They walked into a clearing that looked like a village built from scrap metal. Small orange and white figures wera running in terror from a large creature. It looked like a giant biomechanical rat with sharp claws and two treads in place of legs.

“Can’t let him have all the fun.” Casey pulled his stick and followed after. “Goongala!”

Supoka begins firing shots of molten plasma from his guns."Yeah! Burn baby, burn!"

"Nice!" Casey said as he wacked the creature with his stick. The creature roared in pain from their combined attacks and began to run away.

“Yeah that’s right you better run!” Casey taunted.

The villagers start cheering. They have white and orange armor and masks like Supoka and are wearing regged and dirty cloth on them like survivalist scarves in a post-apocalyptic setting. Which fits the vilage since it looks like a junk-town like something out of Mad Max.

“Looks like they’ve seen better days.” Casey whispered.

A villager steps up. "Oh, the whole island is in danger. But thats just how we Su-Matoran dress. We are junk-sellers and scrapworkers. We can juryrigg anything from junk and scrap, all in the blazing hot sun!"

"Say no more! Casey Jones at your service!" Casey beamed with pride on his face.

The villagers tilted his head in confusion. "I've never heard of you, sorry. But the legends foretold of Toa Supoka coming to save us!"

Casey just shrugged. "Eh. He's with me." Supoka chuckled at thei remark. "More like you're with me." Casey could only chuckle sheepishly.

The Su-Matoran chuckled. "Come. You must meet the Turaga now."

“And maybe help me find the others.” Casey whispered as he followed.

A taller but still short and elderly-looking figure made it's way through the crowd. "Greetings, Toa Supoka. We have been long awaiting you."

Author's Note:

So for my next chapter, I have introduced soem new Characters to the franchise.

As for our worldly group, Rainbow Dash is a Toa of Air, Karai is a Toa of Plantlife, Shinigami is a Toa of Gravity, April is a Toa of Psionics and Casey is a Toa of Iron. As for their masks, I will get to that later on. Stay tuned for meeting more of the Toa as well as the legernds built on them in the next chapter!

Comments ( 8 )

Awesome fanmade elements

Thanks. Actually the elements are canon, but they weren't used As much as the main elements on the canon story.

Oh ok cause I like how the others have their own elements

True. I decided to go different and make the secondary elements more prominent.

Cool so does this mean the others are also meant to toa as well?

So that would make a big group of toa

Yes it would. Sbd it won't be the only big group in the series.

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