• Published 7th Sep 2023
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Kung Fu Panda: The Dragons Destiny - Dragonfan101

Master Oogway finds Spike near the peach tree after going for a walk, he learns that he was called by the universe to help the future Dragon Warrior with his battles, and he takes him in and trains him to fulfil his destiny.

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40: A Rising Hope

We open back to the Jade Palace days after Spike and Po had left for the panda village, and it's been just as long for Crane and Mantis, they haven't gotten a single word from them since they had left, and to make matters worse, they've been getting constant letters from other villages of China that they're masters are vanishing, and it's only making things worse.

A large arrow was currently being shot all the way to the Jade Palace, and it pierced right through the wall where Monkey was nearby, he grabbed it to look at who it's from.
"It's from the Eastern Province!" Monkey announced while he handed Shifu another letter while he was reading even more of them.
"Master Lizard, Master Ox, Master Eagle.. all of them.. from every master to the sea to here, every master in China... has vanished.." Shifu said with a serious look.
"Maybe they're.. all at a party?" Monkey suggested trying to keep the mood up.
"Monkey.." Viper advised as this was not the time for that.
"I didn't get an invite either.." Monkey said with a sad look before Shifu declared something important.
"Kai has taken they're Chi, we're all that stand in between him.. and the knowledge Oogway left... in our care.." Shifu said with worry while they all looked around the palace.

They all made they're way down the path to figure out what to do, they have little time, and there has to be a plan to stop this.
"The villagers, evacuated?" Shifu asked looking at Tigress.
"Done master." Tigress said respectfully.
"Crane and Mantis?" Shifu asked worried for they're safety.
"Still nothing..." Tigress said regretfully until Viper saw something in the sky.
"Wait! It's them!" Viper said with a hopeful look, but upon looking closer at them, Shifu had a look of horror as he saw Crane and Mantis were taken over too.
"No!" Shifu said with horror just as they flew down besides them and landed down in the distance showing they're truly possessed..

Kai begins to emerge from the shadows as he twirls around his blades, he has a smirk on his face while everyone stands ready.
"Kai.." Shifu said with anger while Kai marches over to them and sees Oogway's statue.
"Good, very tacky." Kai mocked seeing the statue.
"How dare you set foot on these grounds?!" Shifu asked furious to see him here.
"Look at you fools, Groveling at the feet of Oogway the Magnificent." Kai mocked which angered all of them.
"You are not fit to say his name!" Tigress said while clutching her fists.
"I am not fit, little kitten?" Kai mocked again while he chained up his arms and held his glowing green blades out which made her growl in response.
"I fought by his side.. I loved him like a brother! And he.. betrayed me... well.. now I will destroy, everything he has created!" Kai screamed while he threw his blades to all of the masters.
"Go!" Shifu warned while he jumped in the air to deflect his blades.

Monkey ran up a statue and tried striking him from above but was knocked away by Kai's chains, Tigress lunged down and avoided being knocked back while Viper slithered across his chains and she and Tigress tried to do a combo, but Kai kicked them both down just before he was able to deflect multiple attacks from Shifu who was not holding back. Tigress took this moment to catch him off guard by jumping high into the air, and delivering a strong drop kick which Kai barely blocked with his blades.
"How's that for a little kitten?" Tigress mocked back while Kai growled in response, Kai's eyes glowed green which made his controlled Jombies of Crane and Mantis begin attacking back. Crane knocked Tigress up the hill while Mantis went up a nearby statue and ripped it open, he threw it directly at Viper who was able to slice the thing in half just in time.

Kai twirled his chains around even more and threw them at Shifu who ducked under them and kicked him across the face before running over his body to avoid being hit.
"I will not let you destroy Oogway's memory!" Shifu said with anger while he was holding onto Kai's chains,
"Why not? He destroyed mine!" Kai countered while he was pulling them back.
"Mantis! It is me! Your bestie!" Monkey encouraged trying to get through to him, but Mantis only knocked him in his face before grabbing his hands and slamming him down repeatedly,
"Sorry guys!" Monkey apologized while he was being tossed all around the place and into the rest of the 5.

Shifu ran across a wall and avoided another blade slash just before deflecting the other, Kai threw his blade to him again and Shifu managed to get on the chain just in time, he ran across it and jumped in the air to deliver a final blow, but the moment he saw that even Oogway was captured gave Shifu a look of despair he hasn't felt in a very long time, and Kai used that to slam Shifu against the wall which weakened him greatly.
"Shifu!" Tigress said with concern while she and Viper tried helping him.
"Can you get up?" Viper asked worried for him too.
"Bring the monkey to me.." Kai orders his Jombies, the Mantis Jombie did what it was told and dragged Monkey over to Kai, Monkey screamed with terror as he was completely absorbed by Kai just like the others.
"No!" Viper shouted with horror while Kai laughed evilly. Tigress was about to stop him from doing anything worse, but Shifu saw they had to run.
"No! You and Viper must warn Po and Spike!" Shifu ordered which worried them greatly.
"Shifu, no we can stop this, let us fight please!" Viper begged just before she and Tigress got hit in the sides really roughly and were thrown down the cliffs nearby.

Kai twirled his chains around some more before he latched them onto Oogway's statue to finish the job.
"Now I will show you the true power of Chi.. brother!" Kai said with anger while his eyes were glowing even brighter, Kai used his strength to rip the statue out of it's place to finish things.
"No!" Shifu said with horror as Kai began to swing the statue around with all his might, Shifu wasn't able to do anything, and he could only watch with horror as he destroyed the Jade Palace, he sent the statue flying through every room in the place. leaving it in nothing but destruction while Oogway's statue was thrown off the cliff and was destroyed too.

Shifu had a look of despair as he looked around his home's destruction, and nothing was left from it.
"Oogway.. forgive me.." Shifu said with despair while Kai chuckled mockingly while marching up to him.
"What do you say Oogway? Do you forgive him?" Kai asked mockingly while looking at his necklace of Oogway which angered Shifu.
"You may have destroyed the Jade Palace.. but you will never succeed, there will always be someone.. to stop you!" Shifu said weakly while he tried getting up.
"Who? The panda and dragon? They're Chi are strong but.. it won't be enough, they will meet the same fate as you." Kai mocked which angered him even more.
"No.." Shifu said weakly as Kai's hands glowed brightly.
"And so will every panda in that village!" Kai finished before he completely absorbed Shifu and his Chi too while Viper and Tigress watched with horror from the sidelines.
"Yes..." Kai said menacingly as his power was growing even stronger.
"We need to go.. come on!" Viper whispered while Tigress grabbed the scroll from before.
"Po, Spike.. you better be ready.." Tigress prayed while she and Viper made they're escape to warn them.

But far away back in the panda village, Spike and Po were still having fun with the village and not really thinking anything was wrong. Spike and Po had spent so much time here that they had gotten to have so much rest compared to all the training they've always had to do. Spike just felt so at home here, especially with his sister being here, after learning of what she went through, it's hard not to want to help her, and just trying to relax with what's happening around them.

Spike and Po walked through the village and looked around at all the happy villagers, Spike felt like he was back in Ponyville with being here, it felt similar to it in places, but it was really calm and peaceful, and Spike needed something like this after so long.
"It's beautiful, isn't it Po?" Spike asked while they were walking away from the buildings for a moment.
"It is.. especially with how much time we've spent with dad and Smolder. It's hard to believe you have an older sister still, but it's just.. really nice to just relax once in a while you know?" Po asked with a calm tone while they looked over the view of the mountains together.
"Yeah.. it really is.." Spike replied with a smile.

Po had noticed a small flower that hadn't bloomed yet right near the village entrance, and Spike knew Po should try to use it. Po walked over to the flower with a calm look, and he took a deep breath before he tried to use Chi. He moved his hands around in a similar way that Shifu did before, he held out his hands and tried using Chi, but Spike could only see that nothing was happening, despite all the time he's spent here, all he's learned here didn't seem to work..
"Po.." Spike said regretfully while Po opened his eyes, but saw the flower didn't work.
"What... why.. why isn't it working?" Po asked surprised it isn't doing anything. Spike sighed regretfully and knew there was something wrong here.
"I don't know.. I think it's because your taking things too seriously Po, I've noticed that whenever the pandas try to teach you something here, when you succeed it, you look more confident and serious, instead of really being in the moment." Spike advised while he held out his Chi arm, and unlike Po, he was able to make the flower bloom, despite him not fully being able to use Chi, Spike can use it to certain extents like this.
"Then.. how do we do it? How can we master Chi? If we can't stop Kai.. just.. what can we do?" Po asked with a sad look while he and Spike tried thinking of something.

But the sounds of grunting nearby caught they're attention and they turned to the entrance of the place to see two familiar faces.
"Tigress?!" Po asked with shock with seeing how injured she looked.
"Viper?! What happened?!" Spike asked scared for what injured her this badly.
"What are you two doing here?!" Po asked worried with what's happened.
"Kai attacked the valley, he's taken the Chi of every master in China along with Shifu and the others, it's all gone guys.. everything.. everyone.." Tigress informed which horrified everyone hearing it.
"Everyone?" Po and Spike asked at once.
"It really is everyone.. I'm sorry Spike.." Viper said weakly while he held up her body to keep her from hurting herself more.

"How's my restaurant?!" Ping asked with a fearful look which made the whole village look at him because it wasn't the best time to ask that.
"We'll talk later.." Ping said nervously while he walked away.
"And now he's after you two, he's after all the pandas." Tigress finished which horrified them all.
"What?! How long do we have till Kai gets here?!" Spike asked scared to hear that.
"Not long you two, please tell us you've master Chi!" Tigress begged while the villagers were starting to panic.
"You.. have mastered Chi.. right?!" Viper asked with a scared look while Po and Spike didn't respond.
"Dad, Smolder!" Po shouted while they both ran off to find them.

Smolder and Li quickly ran over the village to try and get everyone out of here.
"We gotta evacuate, come on we gotta go now!" Smolder shouted while she handed a child to a mother.
"Smolder, Li! You gotta teach us the secret Chi technique now!" Spike begged while he handed Viper to a medic who could help her.
"Give us a minute guys we're in the middle of helping the village now!" Smolder asked while she lifted up a large barrel into a carriage.
"Everyone go get your things we're leaving now!" Li announced as all the villagers were running around the place.
"We don't have much time left, we need to learn it now!" Po begged as Smolder lit up some torches with her fire to help the others.
"I'm sorry you two, your not ready! Everyone get your things!" Li announced again which upset them a lot.

"I unlocked Chi almost a year ago! I haven't fully mastered it sure, but surely all I've done here can unlock it.. right?!" Spike asked with fear as Smolder and Li were heading to Li's house.
"If you unlocked Chi before you can unlock it again right? Just do what you did the first time you used it!" Smolder advised while she was trying not to fall.
"That was during a time of crisis, this village wouldn't even be here if I didn't put my life on the line! Are we supposed to face Kai head on and hope it works?!" Spike asked frustrated on what to do.
"No! Absolutely not!" Li answered really not wanting that to happen.
"Dad, Smolder, Spike and I have done everything you've asked us, so why won't you just show us?!" Po asked again which made Li finally reveal the truth.
"Because we don't know it!" Li finally revealed which shocked them both.

Spike and Po were extremely shocked to hear that.. if this is true.. then.. it was all a lie?
"You.. what?" Po asked not fully getting it.
"We.. we don't know it you two.. no one here does.. not even me.. no matter what we did here... it wasn't to teach you Chi.. it was.. just.. to spend time with you.." Smolder said regretfully while they all tried processing this.
"Does this mean.. you lied?" Po asked feeling betrayed from hearing this.
"No.. no I.. I... Yes! I lied!" Li said with huge regret for telling them this.
"Why?" Spike asked looking at them both.

"It was to protect you! We find out some blade swinging maniac is coming for you two! What were we supposed to do?! Just let that happen?" Li asked pointing out what threat they're facing.
"And possibly lose you both? After being away from you for so long?!" Smolder asked while she was starting to cry.
"Yes! That's our job! Spike and I are the Dragon Warrior and Master, to face maniacs! But because of you two, we left the valley unprotected, we left our friends unprotected! And now they're all... they're all.." Po said regretfully while Spike was crying form this too.
"Everything we worked for.. our home is.. gone..." Spike said regretfully as that was the only home he had in this world.
"And you two would've been too! I lost my son once before.. and I can't let Smolder lose her brother.. I can't lose the only family I have left.." Li said with guilt while he tried bringing them with him, but Po refused to go with them.
"You just did.." Po said with sadness while he started running away.
"I'm sorry guys..." Spike said regretfully while he ran off with Po too.
"Spike! Please!" Smolder begged as they saw them run off, Smolder and Li were devastated hearing that from him and felt awful for having to do this to them, even if it was for they're safety.

Spike and Po made they're way through the village, they could see so many of the villagers were afraid and scared of what's coming, Spike felt so lost in what to do, after all they did here, it was all for nothing, and now they're in a worse situation then before. Mr Ping had caught up with them and took heavy breaths after all that running.
"There you two are, I.. I can't even enjoy being right about anything because of this! Now run as fast as you two can go, fly to another country if you must Spike!" Ping encouraged which they refused to do.
"We can't go anywhere Ping, the only home I had here is gone now!" Spike shouted with frustration.
"There's nowhere to run!" Po countered back to prove his point.
"Then what are you two going to do?" Ping asked really worried for them.
"We're gonna stay, and fight that monster." Po said with a serious look while turning back to him.
"Oh you two, he may be a horrible monster, but he's still your father!" Ping replied referring to Li.
"Not him! Kai!" Po corrected which horrified Ping even more.
"No!" Ping begged as Spike and Po went off in separate directions to think about all of this.

With Po, he went ahead and made a dummy version of Kai to practice his inevitable fight with him, he had a lot of frustrations to take out on him, and with Kai making his way even closer to the village, they had very little time.

Spike paced around the village over and over while it was empty right now, most of the villagers had went to their homes to finish packing, but Spike just didn't know what to do in this moment, he hasn't had so much pressure put on him, and it's only making things worse with how little time they have.

Viper had gotten treatment from her injuries during the time they had, and she made her way to Spike to help him, she saw he was frustrated, upset, angry and sad, there was so much he was going through right now, and he had to be calmed down.
"Hey Spike.. you doing alright?" Viper asked while he kept pacing around, Spike noticed her and saw she was a bit better, but still felt regret for not being able to help them.
"No.. I'm not, no one is, after all we did, it was all for nothing! Kai's on his way to take everyone's Chi, I'm not strong enough to fight him of, and neither is Po! I thought that we'd have a chance.. and now.. we have.. nothing left.." Spike said with tears as he slowed down, he fell on his knees and felt nothing but regret for losing his friends and home, it was so much like how he felt when Viper's village was almost destroyed, and he hated the thought of it.
"Spike.. I know things look bad.. but they won't get better when you look like that.." Viper advised while she slithered up to him, she put her tail on his shoulder to help comfort him.

Spike had tears coming down as he remembered everything he's gone through here, he's been here for so long, he hardly remembers what stuff was like when he didn't know Kung Fu, being here changed him so much over time, all the adventures he went on with his friends, the dates with Viper, and all the fun times he had kicking butt here.. was it all really for nothing?
"Just.. what am I supposed to do? Smolder and Li lied to us.. even if it was for our safety.. we left you all unprotected.. and now.. the rest of the 5, Shifu.. and our home.. it's all gone.." Spike asked regretfully while Viper gave him a hug to calm him down.
"I know it looks bad Spike, but you need to remember, we've been in this kind of situation before. Remember when my dad died, how we all felt hopeless on how to stop those demons? But once we all had hope again, and with the help of Death.. you were able to stop them, save the world, and unlock Chi.. even when we lost some things during that journey, it only helped us grow more as people.. and understand eachother better.." Viper said calmly while Spike kept crying.
"I know but.. that feels so long ago.. and even after facing Shen.. I don't feel strong enough.. is there.. really no hope to stop Kai?" Spike asked regretfully while he looked at her.

Viper only hugged him closer to help calm him down, he's been in states like this before, and she always wanted to help him get trough it.
"Not with that look there isn't, I know they lied to you.. but look at what happened because of it, you both got to spend time here, have fun, bond with your family, and get along with people you haven't known before. They may have lied for you, but it only helped you both bond with them more, they care about you Spike. Just like I do. I don't see this as a bad thing Spike, because to me.. it only helped you grow further to understanding yourself. The more you spent with Smolder, the closer you two grew as siblings right?" Viper asked while she rubbed his head.
"Y.. Yes.." Spike replied a bit unsure of what to say.
"And you both grew closer over time here, learning about your struggles, what you went through, and what holds us back. I know you may be upset still Spike, but what they did saved you and Po, it gave you time to experience life outside of a warrior again, and you were able to grow from it.. It's why I let you go without me, because I knew you would be able to handle yourself, and become stronger from being here." Viper said softly while she hugged him closely, Spike's tears started to go away the more he listened to her, while it's awful for what's happened.. they were doing this to help them..

Spike wrapped his arms around Viper to hug her back, he was just so relieved to have the closest person he had here with him, even with the situation they're in now, what Spike learned from coming here.. really did help him see things in a new way..
"Then.. what can we do? Do you really think we can stop him?" Spike asked looking at her, Viper smiled in response and gave him a small kiss on the cheek again to comfort him.
"Of course Spike, what you learned here only let you see more of yourself, you have a family here Spike, and they only did this because they care for you, especially your sister, and believe me.. I know how it feels.. But I promise, we can stop this.. no matter what.." Viper assured while she hugged him tightly, and Spike started to smile after being calmed down thanks to her.
"Viper.. thank you.. I don't know what I'd do without you.. I love you Vipes.." Spike said with a smile while they took in this moment.
"I love you too Spike.." Viper said calmly as they were completely alone for right now.

Ping had seen Po train himself to face against Kai, he had felt really awful about what Li said to them, but he's realized something really important because of it, he knows he and Smolder must be feeling awful for this, and he decided to go to Li's house to help them.

Smolder and Li were alone in Li's house and were thinking over what's happened, they both felt nothing but regret for lying to them both, but Ping had come in with some dumplings to help make them feel better.
"Hungry you two?" Ping offered with a hopeful tone, but Smolder only turned away being asked that.
"No Mr Ping.. we're not in the mood.." Smolder said regretfully while she sat down near the fire she lit.
"Yeah.. me and my daughter.. really need a moment.." Li said politely while he sat down next to her.
"You know.. you both weren't the only one who was lying.." Ping said calmly which interested them for a moment.
"What do you mean by that?" Smolder asked not fully getting it.
"I.. didn't really come along because I was worried Po and Spike would go hungry.. I was worried about you both.." Ping revealed which was confusing still.

"Worried that we'd go hungry?" Li suggested thinking that's what it meant.
"No, I was worried you'd steal Po from me, and that Smolder was tricking Spike to thinking she was his sister." Ping admitted which shocked them both.
"You thought we'd what?!" Li asked really shocked to hear that.
"What kind of sick twisted dragon would do that? Definitely not me that's for sure!" Smolder said while smoke came out of her nostrils.
I know, that was crazy for me to think. But I've realized, it doesn't mean less for me, it just means more for them both." Ping said calmly while they thought over this.

"Oh.. well.. we don't mean anything to them.. not anymore.." Smolder said with huge regret for lying to him still.
"Your son and brother got mad at you, welcome to parenthood.." Ping joked while chuckling a bit.
"You don't understand, we lied to them, even if it was for they're safety.. we still lied..." Li said with regret for all of it.
"I lied to Po for 20 years, and he still thinks he came from an egg. Spike may be upset with you Smolder, but I know he'll forgive you, he always does when he has his friends besides him, especially Viper. Sometimes we have to do the wrong things, for the right reasons." Ping said calmly as all of them looked at the photo of Po and his mom.
"Po needs both his dads, and Spike needs his sister, no matter what happens, I know they'll find a way through this.." Ping assured as he put the picture they all had together at the beginning, one of Spike, Smolder, Po, Li and Ping, all together in one picture. Smolder smiled lightly seeing them all together like that, and really felt whole seeing that picture.
"We're all in this together.. no matter what.." Smolder told herself while she took in this moment with her father..

Po was still training against the Kai dummy like he had been doing for the past hour, he didn't know what else to do but to fight, he was starting to get exhausted from the constant punches, but he couldn't stop now. Po was about to deliver another punch to it before Tigress stopped him from going some more.
"This isn't going to work." Tigress advised while pulling his fist away.
"This has to!" Po said seriously while trying to get past her.
"Your not thinking straight." Tigress said with a stern look.
"I am!" Po said in defense.
"Your not!" Tigress countered again while they went back and fourth on all of this.

Tigress backflipped in the air and restrained his arm.
"Viper and I have seen Kai, and we've seen what he can do!" Tigress warned while she tried to stop him.
"Well he hasn't seen what me and Spike can do!" Po countered before he flipped over her body and grabbed her finger to demonstrate a special move they know.
"Really? The Wuxi Finger hold?" Tigress asked unconvinced by that.
"It's our best move, all Spike and I have to do is get close to Kai, grab his finger and then Skadoosh! Back to the Spirit Realm!" Po said in a blunt tone before Tigress twisted his fist.
"Kai has an army of Jade Warriors, everything they see, he sees. So there will be no sneaking up on him, it will never work!" Tigress declared while she pinned Po to the ground.
"It's gonna work!" Po said with confidence, he tried to pin Tigress down too but she was just too skilled for him even after all this time.
"He can only be stopped by a master of Chi!" Tigress explained again which really frustrated him.

Po's had enough of hearing that word, no matter how much he's told what to do, he doesn't know how to master it.
"Enough with the Chi! Chi this, Chi that! Chi, Chi, Chi Chi! I am not a master of Chi, neither is Spike, even if he can make a flower bloom, it isn't enough! I don't know if I'm the Dragon Warrior, I don't even know if I'm a panda! I don't know who I am!" Po said with frustration, he had so much going through his thoughts, and didn't know if any of this is true, even after he thought he knew it.
"Your right... there's no way Spike and I can stop his army..." Po admitted with guilt, he just seemed to strong to face, and he didn't know how to do it..
"Unless you had an army of your own son.." Li announced while he walked in through the fog.
"You?" Po asked unsure of what he meant.
"It isn't just me.." Li said calmly as Smolder came from behind him too.
"I'm willing to fight as well.." Smolder said with a small smile while Ping was besides her too.
"And us too... all of us.." Ping announced as the fog had faded away for a bit.

Po had a look of surprise as he saw the entire panda village was willing to fight back, even if they don't have the skills to fight, no matter what happens, they won't lose they're home. Spike flew down to Po and landed next to him to help him understand.
"We all are willing to fight, I know we're in a tough spot Po, but I've been through this before, we both have right? So what's stopping us from trying again?" Spike asked with a confident look, he had a lot of assurance thanks to Viper, and was ready to help out everyone else too.
"I finally found my son.. after all these years.. and my daughter found her brother, even when we didn't think she'd have anyone to relate too, we both found the family we've lost.." Li said calmly while Smolder walked up to Spike and gave him a hug.
"I'm sorry Spike, I know we're the last person you want to talk too. but know we really are sorry for this.. and we're wanting to make up for it.." Smolder said with tears while Spike hugged her back.
"It's okay.. I.. took in the time to think over it.. and.. I'm sorry for all of it too.." Spike said regretfully while he held her close too.

Po looked at all his friends, Viper and Tigress were still able to fight, but the rest of the village wasn't as experienced..
"But.. you don't even know Kung fu..." Po said a bit unsure of all of this still.
"Then you can teach all of us.." Li suggested which worried Po a lot.
"What?! i can't teach Kung fu! I couldn't even teach Tigress, Viper or Spike! And they already know Kung Fu!" Po said motioning to them who nodded in the background hearing it.
"That is true.." Viper admitted a bit ashamed to say that.
"Po I know I'm the last guy you wanna trust right now.. but you gotta believe us.. we can do this.. we can learn Kung Fu, we can be just like you!" Li encouraged which finally made Po realize something.

"What did you just say?" Po asked looking up at him.
"Uh.. we can do this?" Li asked not knowing what he's meaning.
"We can learn Kung fu?" Li asked again.
"After that!" Po encouraged which made Li remember the last line.
"Uh.. we can be just like you?" Li asked a bit nervous if that's the right answer.
"Yes!" Po said amazed as he finally realized what this meant.
"We can be?" Li asked really thinking that's possible.
"No! You can't! But you don't have to be!" Po said with a chuckle which confused everyone.

Spike and Smolder only looked at eachother really confused on what that means.
"... what?" Spike asked not understanding what that means.
"That's what Shifu meant! I don't have to turn you into me, I have to turn you into you!" Po repeated as he remembered Shifu's instructions.
"That doesn't make any sense?" Ping commented confused on all of this.
"I know! Ho ho! Thanks dads!" Po said gratefully while he hugged them both.
"Your... welcome?" Li and Ping asked at once still confused on this.
"I'm gonna do something I never thought I'd do.. I'm gonna teach Kung fu!" Po said with a confident look.
"Whatever's the challenge, bring it on!" Smolder shouted with confidence as she had faith in him for this.

Po had everyone meet up in the village as the sun was starting to set, he finally knew what he had to do, so he's gonna use what he's learned to help them all.
"You guys, your real strength comes from being the best" You" You can be! So who are you?" Po asked as he was teaching the kids some tricks with they're toys and encouraging them to go further.
"What are you good at? What do you love? What makes "You" you?" Po asked confidently as Sum was launched from his hammock again, Viper finally understood this too and got out her ribbon she's always had when Spike gave it to her.
"Spike? Care to take this dance sweetie?" Viper asked sweetly while Spike smiled hearing that.
"Lead the way Viper!" Spike said playfully before she wrapped the ribbon around him and threw him into the air while he danced with his own ribbon while Smolder watched on with a smile.
"Awesome.." Smolder said amazed with what she saw, she then noticed the fire she was sitting near and looked at a few large sticks near her and got a little idea..

Po was encouraging each of the pandas to use what they love doing to they're advantage, more pandas were rolling down a hill and Po had a confident look.
"Yes, good again!" Po encouraged while Tigress was confused on what he was doing. The guy who likes to hug people was hugging a large stick while Po was watching on.
"Keep going, again!" Po encouraged even more.
"What?" Tigress asked confused as she saw the small baby panda from before wanting to hug her, Spike screamed with joy in the background, he twirled his ribbon around in the air and was flying around with Viper.
"This is awesome!" Spike screamed with joy as he shot fire in the distance too.

Smolder took out some large sticks and lit them on fire on both sides, she began taking in the dance moves she saw Spike did and began twirling them around at fast speeds.
"Good! Keep it up Smolder!" Po encouraged which made her more confident.
"Check this out!" Smolder shouted before she threw them in the air and she flipped up twirled in the air while shooting fire for spectacle.
"Yes! Keep going!" Po said proudly with what she's able to do.

Po kept up his training with every panda in the village and helped everyone get stronger with what they can do.
"I don't wanna see any of these hit the ground!" Po instructed before he threw multiple dumplings in the air and the kids tried keeping them in the air with skilled kicks.
The panda from earlier was getting even stronger and was able to break the large log he was given to hug.
"Good! Now try it with this!" Po instructed while he handed him a large boulder.

The kids from before were still kicking the dumplings in the air before Po whistled for them to stop for now.
"Good, now try it with these!" Po instructed while he handed them some firecrackers.
Mei Mei was twirling her ribbon around the best she could do and finished her last move to impress Po as the ribbon fell all over him.
"Good, now try it with these!" Po instructed while he handed her some nunchuks. Mei Mei tried twirling them around before they flung in the air and she accidentally hit the grandma panda in the background which embarrassed her for a moment.

Smolder was twirling her fire around even more and was getting even better at doing it.
"Yeah!" Smolder screamed with joy as she threw them in the air once again, but Spike joined in with this and grabbed them both just as he landed on the floor with a smirk.
"Why don't we do things even faster?" Spike encouraged while he threw them in the air again, Smolder was about to go get them, but Spike started to fight against her to keep her busy, she was able to see through this and was able to grab them before they hit the ground.
"Bring it on!" Smolder said with a smirk before they both continued on while Viper watched in the background.
Po kept up this training for the whole day, the pandas got more and more skilled with they're hobbies, Po had a confident look as he looked over the entire village and saw all of them having fun with they're new skills.
"They are ready." Po said with a smile while Tigress was still confused with all of this.
"What?" Tigress asked worried as the baby panda was on her back still, Po finally knew what to do, and with Spike by his side, they can hopefully put an end to Kai for good.

Po got Spike and everyone else back to the center of town so they can plan out they're strike.
"Alright listen closely cause I'm only gonna go over this 10 more times! The only entrance to the village is here!" Po instructed while he pointed a stick at a map of the village.
"The dumpling squadron will take position here, and the cookie squadron will take position here." Po continued while he pulled some dumplings and cookies to two specific spots.
"Now, on my signal, the two squadrons will.." Po was about to continue, but he saw the small pandas had eaten up the cookies and buns, even Spike had a cookie in his hand and was nervous from it.
"Sorry." Spike said nervously which made Viper and everyone else chuckle at.

"Okay, the noodle squadron will.." Po was about to instruct them again, but everyone saw the kids ate up the noodles too which was funnier for them.
"Who could've seen that coming?" Smolder asked jokingly which everyone laughed at even more.
"It's alright, anyway, the important thing to remember is that this is the spot where... ah!" Po screamed as the baby panda ate away at his bamboo stick which Viper couldn't help but laugh at.
"Okay, that I saw coming. The only important thing to remember is that you all have to distract the Jombies until Spike and I get close enough to do a Wuxi Finger hold on Kai, got that?" Po instructed which was simple for everyone to understand.
"Sounds simple enough!" Smolder said while giving a thumbs up.
"Good, let's get going guys!" Po announced which everyone cheered at, while they all had the skills they need now, it's gonna take a lot to stop Kai, but hopefully this will be all they need..

Author's Note:

Hey guys thanks for reading this again! We are almost at the end of this movie guys, one more chapter and we're finished up with the 3rd movie! I've come a long way with this story, but I'm gonna be doing the 4th movie in both a rewrite, and in the original version to wrap everything up. I wanted to give Spike and the character's one more scene to talk together before the battle with Kai happens, so I hope you all liked this, and look forward to more!

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