• Published 7th Sep 2023
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Kung Fu Panda: The Dragons Destiny - Dragonfan101

Master Oogway finds Spike near the peach tree after going for a walk, he learns that he was called by the universe to help the future Dragon Warrior with his battles, and he takes him in and trains him to fulfil his destiny.

  • ...

41: The Fight Against Kai

Everyone took they're time to prepare for the final battle against Kai, this fight would determine not just the fate of the panda village, but possibly the whole world too. Spike's been in a situation like this before with the demons, but here they have one shot at stopping Kai for good, or else he will absorb all of their Chi and become too powerful to stop.

Spike was sitting on the edge of a mountain and looking over the village, he was worried about how this is all gonna end, even with the training he and the village got from Po, he's still worried about all of this, he still just feels conflicted on some things, he's worried the Wuxi Finger Hold may not work, but it's the best move Spike and Po know, maybe a double Skadoosh would work like before with Tai Lung.

As Spike was sitting on the edge looking over everything, he saw Smolder flying up to check on him, she looked pretty confident about winning this fight, and was wanting to check on her brother before it all happens.
"Hey Spike, you doing okay?" Smolder asked while she landed down near him, Spike smiled seeing her again and only got up to talk with her to give his thoughts.
"I'm fine Smolder, this is just.. a lot to handle you know? We're about to go through a fight for our lives, while it may be nothing new for me, Po, Viper and Tigress, this fight will determine China's whole future, as well as the world, and if we don't stop Kai.. I don't know what will happen then.." Spike said with concern about how tough this will be, but Smolder didn't look too worried over all of it.
"Hey, it'll turn out good in the end, Po taught all of us ways to fight in our own fun ways, you even taught me a bit of Kung fu yourself! You don't have to worry about it brother, I know we'll make it through this.. count on it." Smolder assured with a confident smile.

Spike smiled back seeing how confident she was, while this may be her first real fight here, with him and Viper here, as well as everyone else, they may just have a chance.
"Thanks Smolder, you know.. it's hard to think we went this long without meeting our parents, and yet.. all of a sudden we now get visions that relate to them.. do you really think we'll finally be able to meet them soon?" Spike asked hopefully while they looked over the village together.
"I sure hope so.. I have a lot of questions to ask them, I just wanna know why we were separated as eggs, what reason there was to have us apart for so long.." Smolder said with a sad look thinking over what the answer could be.
"I know.. I do too.. but if they say we can stop Kai if we just be ourselves, then maybe we will meet them soon.." Spike said hopefully while they took in this moment together.

"Do you.. really think they'll be the loving parents we thought they were? Or will they just be.. something else?" Smolder asked a bit unsure of what they'll be like.
"I know they care for us, I can feel it.. we just need to push through this, you think you can do this?" Spike asked getting a bit confident too, she smiled lightly hearing that and gave him a thumbs up.
"With you here now, I'm sure we will, but.. if this is really it.. I just wanna tell you it's been great getting to know you.. I never thought I'd ever have a brother, and I've enjoyed every second being with you." Smolder said before she gave him one last hug for now, Spike smiled again and hugged her back, he was so glad to have her here, even with the little time they've spent together, it's been so amazing for them both.
"I have too Smolder, we'll make it through this.. I promise." Spike assured while they looked at eachother in the eyes.
"I know we won't fail.." Smolder said with a smile.

But the sounds of blades nearby got everyone's attention, everyone looked near the entrance of the village where the sound was getting louder, and dark green clouds were starting to come in the distance. Spike made a growl knowing who this was and quickly flew off to help Po out.
"He's here..." Tigress said with fear as they were out of time now..

Kai was just at the bottom of the village by now, just below the main entrance among the mountain, Kai scrapped his blades against the ground as he marched even closer. Kai had a look of anger as he finally arrived back here after centuries, not wasting a single second, Kai made a high jump into the air and threw his blades against the icy walls, he then pulled himself even harder and began flying in the air even faster, Kai then ran across the wall all the way up to the village until he did a final jump and landed down on the entrance with perfect skill.

Spike and Po had just met up at the entrance and saw the whole thing, and Po was really amazed with that entrance.
"Whoa!! That's what I call a dramatic entrance!" Po said amazed with what they just saw.
"That was pretty good not gonna lie." Spike said while he was getting ready to fight. Kai took a close look at the two and could see them through his eyes and figured out who they were.
"Haha! You two must be the Dragon Warrior and Dragon Master!" Kai declared aiming his blade at them.
"And you must be Kai! Beast of Vengeance, Maker of Widows!" Po said dramatically which Spike added on with.
"Or the Master of Pain!" Spike said dramatically too which Kai felt great from hearing.
"Yes! Finally! Thank you guys, almost makes me wanna spare both of your lives." Kai mocked while he was marching to them.

"Oh you wanna spare us? Why don't you spare us the Chit Chat alright? Let's do this!" Po said confidently while ready to fight.
"I'm gonna take both of your Chi.. and the Chi of every panda in the....!" Kai screamed before they stopped him.
"No villain monologuing dude, that's such a bad cliché..." Spike mocked while shaking his head hearing this.
"In the..." Kai tried to continue but neither of them wanted to hear it.
"Oh Chit Chat!" Po said annoyed with the constant talking.
"Just give us the fight dude!" Spike declared while clutching his fists.
"Ugh, fine, you pudgy little.." Kai said annoyed while he was taking out a few of the captured master's he's stolen.
"Round them all up." Kai ordered his Jombies before he twirled his blades around and sent all of them flying into the village.

Spike and Po quickly ran back into the village and saw the Jombies falling to all of them, they're bodies glowed brightly before they emerged once again, and Spike and Po had a look of fear with seeing the rest of the 5 really have been taken by Kai too, even Shifu was..
"Oh no it's all true! You've all turned green! Except for you Mantis.. you were.. already green.." Po said looking at the Mantis Jombie who was annoyed hearing that.
"You act like that isn't the same with Viper dude." Spike added really worried to have to fight them all.
"Now?" A panda asked as they were all waiting to go.
"Wait for the signal.." Another one whispered while Spike and Po got ready to go.
"Charge!" Kai ordered his army who all began charging at them to fight.
"Here we go!" Po shouted confidently while he and Spike started running from them.

Spike and Po quickly ran through the village as all of the Jombies charged at them both, the Crane Jombie swooped down from below and was about to deliver a strike to them while Spike held back Master Croc, and they both knew it was time.
"Now!" Spike screamed to the whole village which signaled the other pandas.
"Ready?" Dim asked while they were on they're hammocks.
"Showtime!" Sum said with a smirk before they both launched themselves from them while cheering with joy, Spike and Po watched with smiles as they flew directly between Crane and delivered a strong belly gong which shook Kai out of his focus.
"Seriously?" Kai asked with a smirk not knowing what they're doing right there.
"Sorry Crane!" Po apologized while they quickly ran through the village to escape.

Spike made a whistle to the side that gave Smolder her signal, Smolder flew out of the trees she was hiding in and breathed some fire upon the Jombies who were chasing them.
"Smolder, catch!" Spike shouted while he threw her two similar sticks like before, Smolder quickly grabbed them and lit them on fire before she landed in front of them.
"Another dragon?" Kai asked shocked to see another one here, Smolder had a smug smile before she started to twirl hers around with fast speeds.
"Let's see if you can keep up!" Smolder shouted before she started pulling off some skilled dance moves Viper taught her, Smolder flipped in between all of the Jombies and twirled her fire around all of them before she whacked one of them in the face to shake Kai out of his vision again.
"Dancing? How is that supposed to help?" Kai asked mockingly with what she's doing.

Spike flew up to a nearby roof as more Jombies kept chasing them, Spike looked at Po and nodded before they turned to a nearby cliff.
"Spring Roll squad! Time for some takeout!" Po signaled to the other pandas who began rolling down the cliff, the Jombies kept chasing Spike and Po just before the pandas rolled directly into most of them which knocked them off the roof. The pandas cheered with joy just as the Jombies turned back to them both.
"Try to keep up losers!" Spike mocked before he and Po jumped off the roof and began sliding down a ledge before they hit a large bump, the Monkey Jombie was about to attack them both before another panda emerged from it and gave it a tight hug.
"I don't know who you are either!" The panda said as it was cracking it's back.
"Noodle Squad!" Po shouted to Mei Mei who began using her ribbon to make the Jombies hit eachother before she pulled it back to her.
"Get ready to dance... with danger!" Mei Mei announced as she had the nunchuks from before and started making battle cries.

Mei Mei's swift and strong moves was knocking Kai out of his focus like all the others which was giving them an opening. Spike and Po were being chased by one more Jombie until Viper and Tigress came in to take care of it for them.
"Go sweetie! We got this!" Viper encouraged before she slithered under a tail swipe from the Croc Jombie and twisted it's wrist for Tigress to upper cut it in the air,.
"Stripy Baby!" The baby panda said with a smile while walking to Tigress who noticed her right behind her, Tigress quickly threw her in the air with her leg to keep her safe while blocking the Jombie's attacks, she grabbed the thing by the arm and left an opening for her to attack.
"Do it." Tigress encouraged while she glared at the Jombie.
"Your mean!" She insulted before she slapped him in the face just as Viper coiled around it and slammed it to the floor.

Spike and Po continued running through the village to see how many other Jombies were distracted, it looked to be all of them at this point since the whole village is fighting back.
"That's all of them, right?!" Spike shouted just before they saw the Shifu Jombie wasn't facing anyone yet.
"Oh no.. Master Shifu!" Po said with fear as the Jombie ran to them both.
"We can't fight Shifu!" Po said scared on what to do just before a pan appeared from a door and slammed against his face.
"I can!" Ping announced before he and Li came in together wearing a similar suit to Master Rhino's armor.
"And so can I!" Li said confidently as they spread out wooden wings to make things dramatic.
"Double dad Defense!" They both shouted together before they started fighting against the Jombie together.
"Yeah! Dad power!" Spike shouted confidently as they were holding they're own really great against him.
"We got this sons!" Li encouraged which made them feel so amazed hearing it.
"Go dads!" Po said gleefully while they were climbing up the rooftop.

Po and Spike climbed up to the top of the roof and saw the whole village was distracting the Jombies together.
"Haha! We got him now!" Po said smugly as they saw Kai was being too overwhelmed with all the people constantly attacking them.
"You ready to finish this Po?" Spike asked proudly while they got ready to finish this off.
"Let's do this Spike!" Po shouted before he and Spike jumped off the roof together and began rolling down into the snow and began rolling up into a large ball at once.
"Go get him Spike!" Smolder shouted just before she breathed fire against another Jombie.

Kai was too distracted and overwhelmed with all the pandas fighting against him, and he was too late to noticed the giant snowball marching to them before it slammed against him, Spike and Po both appeared in front of him and grabbed both his fingers and raised they're pinkies to perform they're special move.
"Sorry buddy, we gotta send you back to the Spirit Realm... Skadoosh!" Po shouted before he finally used the move... but nothing seemed to happen.
"What? It's.. not working?!" Spike asked shocked before he and Po tried using it at once, but nothing was working.
"Why isn't it working?!" Po asked shocked that this isn't doing anything.
"Wait.. no.. it's working! No.. no!" Kai shouted dramatically before he pretended it was doing anything which just made him laugh mockingly.
"No, it's not. Did Oogway teach you two that little trick? Too bad.. it only works on Mortals, and I.. am a Spirit Warrior.." Kai said menacingly while he was towering over them both.
"No.." Spike said with horror as this last chance was blown.
"Come!" Kai announced his Jombies who all began fading away from the village and went all the way back to Kai to give him more strength.

Spike and Po tried to do anything to fight back, but Kai grabbed both they're wrists before he twisted them roughly, he then threw them both in the air and lunged at them both, Spike steadied himself with his wings and tried breathing fire to him, but Kai pushed through it easily and delivered a strong upper cut against Spike's body before he grabbed his tail and threw him down to the ground. Kai made a loud battle cry and threw himself directly to the ground and slammed against Spike which cracked up most of the ice they were on.
"Spike!" Po shouted with horror just as Kai grabbed his body and threw him and Po in the air again, he delivered a finishing blow by giving a hard strike and he sent them both flying back to the village.

Spike and Po's body's both were slammed against the entrance and it was destroyed just as they slammed onto the ground extremely injured.
"Spike!!" Viper and Smolder shouted at once while they went to help them.
"Sons!" Li said horrified with they're weakened stakes, Spike coughed roughly and he tried getting up as the entire village came to help him.
"Why didn't I see that it didn't work?" Spike asked regretting for not knowing this only works on Mortals.
"I was wrong.. I'm sorry guys.. you need to run.. run!" Po screamed with terror just before Kai landed down in front of all the village which terrified them all.

Spike and Po tried to back away from him while everyone was scared and didn't know what to do now.
"So Oogway, these two were the ones destined to stop me? I will have they're Chi, and all of theirs!" Kai said menacingly before he threw his blade across the entire group and rounded all of them together to prevent them from escaping.
"Spike.." Smolder said with fear as she and Viper looked down at his weak body, Spike and Po looked at the entire village and saw how scared they all were, Spike remembered what it was like when the demons attacked, and this may be just as bad for all of them..
"You both really thought you could send me back to the Spirit Realm?" Kai mocked which made them listen in on this last line.
"You two are just stupid mortals..." Kai finished which made them both realize something important.
"It only works on mortals.." Po said in realization while he and Spike looked at eachother, they both got an idea on what to do, it was to save everyone here, and even if it was for they're own lives, they're willing to take it.

"You may be right.. we can't send you there.." Spike said weakly while he and Po got up to turn to him.
"But we can take you there... What's that?!" Po and Spike shouted at once while pointing at something in the distance, this made the entire village look at it, even Kai was somehow fooled from that too, Spike and Po quickly lunged on Kai's body and wrapped around it before they grabbed eachother's fingers.
"Spike! No!" Viper shouted with horror as she realized what this move was.
"Spike, don't!" Smolder begged while she was running to them to stop this, Po and Spike looked at eachother one more time, and finally used the move on eachother.
"Skadoosh!" They both said at once which made they're bodies glow brightly.
"No! Sons!" Li shouted with terror just as a huge blinding light appeared from them both, the light was forming around them both while they held Kai down together.
"No!!" Kai screamed with anger before they both vanished before the entire village as a powerful wave of energy erupted from they're combined power.

Everyone in the village opened they're eyes and they saw that they were completely gone, there was only a circle of the Yin and Yang symbol which was glowing brightly while surrounded by lotus flowers.
"Spike... no..." Viper said with terror while she was starting to cry from them doing this.
"What happened? Where are Po and Spike?!" Li asked terrified for they're safety.
"Where's my brother?!" Smolder asked horrified with what's happened.
"They took Kai away.. they both saved us.." Tigress said with regret to tell them this.
"They used the move on eachother.." Viper said regretfully while they could only look at the symbol together.
"No.." Li said with horror to hear this news.
"They may have saved us.. but who's saving them?!" Ping asked worried with what Kai's gonna do with them.

The wave of energy from before emerges in the Spirit Realm once again and Spike and Po both appear within it. They both open they're eyes and see that they both had made it here together.
"Whoa.. the Spirit Realm it worked!" Po said amazed to see this place in person.
"This is insane..." Spike said in awe of how this realm looked, but they almost forgot Kai was right below and he was frustrated with them still on him.
"Get off me you pests!" Kai shouted before he kicked them off of him to recover, Spike and Po landed on a nearby platform while Kai looked around the realm with anger.
"You two brought me back?!" Kai asked furious to be back here.
"Hey, don't blame us! We tried finishing this back in the regular realm!" Po said in defense hearing that.
"Then we'll finish this fight here!" Kai screamed before he charged at them like a bull and knocked them off the platform at once.

Kai quickly drew out his blades and threw it between them both which barely missed them, but it was able to latch onto a large piece of land that had a temple on it, Kai pulled his blades back to him with all his strength and they saw the entire thing was heading to them.
"Po watch out!" Spike screamed just as they got slammed against it together, they tried to escape the thing, but Kai had lunged at them both and delivered a strong punch against them both which shattered the entire thing at once, Spike and Po tried recovering, but Kai's chains was able to wrap around them both and Kai began pulling them to him.
"No..." Spike said with terror while Kai was beginning to absorb them both.

Back in the village, the Yin and Yang Symbol was starting to fade away which meant they were in trouble.
"Come on you two.. fight!" Li begged hoping they could win, but Spike and Po were too trapped to do anything and were only being absorbed even more, but that's when Li remembered the image he saw on the scroll from before, and got an idea on what to do.
"We have to help them... we have to help them! Everyone gather around!" Li ordered the village which made all of them come together.
"Dad, what do we do?" Smolder asked scared for them both.
" Follow me lead daughter.. We can do this..." Li said hopefully while they all put they're hands together.
"Please let this work.." Viper prayed while she closed her eyes for a brief moment.

Spike and Po were both nearly absorbed and couldn't fight back, and were just waiting for it all to be over, but Li had hope they can save them.
"Po.. you taught us who we were meant to be.. and Spike.. you gave me the family I had lost for so long.. for me.. I am.. a father.." Li said calmly while he held his hand out, everyone could see what he was doing and remembered what they were taught here too.
"A friend.." Tigress said calmly too while she held out her paw.
"A daughter..." Viper said calmly while she held out her tail too to save him.
" A sister.." Smolder said calmly too while she held hers out as well, she wished she was here to fight with him, but this is what she can do.
"A dumpling kicker.." A kid said calmly too.
"A lethal fighting machine.." The grandma said calmly as well.
"A hugger.." Another panda said while holding out his paw too.
"A Nunchuck chick.." Mei Mei said calmly too while everyone held out they're hands.
"A Stripy Baby.." The baby panda said calmly too while Ping finished this for all of them.
"A family..." Ping said calmly too while they all closed they're eyes.

Spike and Po were almost absorbed just until the paw of Li appeared on they're bodies, the same with Viper on Spike's, and Tigress with Po's, as well as everyone else, everyone's hands started to glow brightly which made the symbol glow brighter then before. Kai's power was starting to break and the symbols on they're bodies was breaking them free, Spike's eyes started to glow gold as he felt the power of Chi surge through him again, he finally unlocked his Chi fully again after saving Viper's entire village.
"Sweet!" Po said confidently as they were about to burst free thanks to everyone's help.
"Oh.. you are screwed now!" Spike shouted with confidence just as they're powers burst out of them and Kai was blinded by the overwhelming light.

The entire Spirit Realm began to turn gold from the huge power that they now have, Kai used his blades to save himself from the blast, but Spike and Po both had a special new outfit around them both to help channel they're power.
"Whoa..." Po said amazed with it's special design.
"It feels great to wear this again!" Spike said eager to get ready to kick butt.
"Who are you?" Kai asked them both who looked at eachother and knew what to do.
"We've been asking the same question..." Po said calmly as they moved they're hands around and poured out Chi from them both.
"I've questioned this ever since I came to this world.. I never thought I'd fully get the answer, but after everything I've been through, with Viper, Po, and my sister, I finally see who I really am!" Spike said seriously as he was forging his dragon construct from before.
"I've asked myself many questions, am I the son of a panda, am I a student, or a teacher? Turns out... I'm all of them!" Po answered while they were finishing up they're new forms.

Spike and Po flew around eachother and finished two separate dragon constructs before they flew into them.
"I am.. Spike, the Dragon Master!" Spike said with pure confidence as he finally understood himself.
"And I am.. the Dragon Warrior.." Po finished before they both started moving they're dragons around.
"Get it?! See the giant dragons?! Hahaha! Get ready to feel the thunder!" Po shouted with amazement with this power.
"Let's go!!!" Spike screamed with joy before they both began flying around the realm together, it felt so awesome to use this power again, and Spike feels amazing for being able to awaken it again.

Spike and Po screamed in pure joy as they flew around all the ancient temples within the Spirit Realm, Kai growled with anger and had enough of this, he made a high jump in the air and threw his blades at them both.
"Oh no you don't!" Spike said smugly before he and Po both used they're constructs to grab them both, they began twirling them around which made Kai scream with fear from not being able to fight back.
"Belly Gong..." Po announced just as he and Spike began Belly Gonging Kai against eachother.
"Butt slap!" Po said smugly before he slapped Kai with the dragons rear and Spike wrapped his constructs tail around Kai.
" And Tail Slam!" Spike announced before he spun around in the air and threw Kai against another platform which made him lose one of his blades.
"Perhaps a bit of lunch, cause I'm starving!" Po said looking up at the blade before he had the construct slurp up the entire blade and it got destroyed because of it.
"Looks tasty!" Spike said playfully while they began charging to Kai together.

Kai ran across the platform and tried to finish them, but they both grabbed Kai's body together and held onto his chains, Kai quickly realized he was latched to it, and screamed while they were dragging him across the entire realm.
"Eat rock punk!" Spike mocked before he wrapped around Kai's chains and twirled him through multiple large landscapes which began shattering in his face.
"Heads up!" Po warned just before he flew in between them both and grabbed Kai, he finished the job by throwing Kai into an even larger landscape to weaken him.

Kai growled with frustration as they both flew above him, Spike and Po both struck they're poses together and was ready for more.
"It took me 500 years to take Oogway's Chi.. I will have both of yours if it takes me 500 more!" Kai threatened which they didn't even take.
"Oh monologue, monologue, monologue, is that really all you have General Kai?" Spike asked mockingly which Po laughed at.
"Burn!" Po shouted with joy before they both high fived eachother. Kai had enough of this and tried to do one last attack.
But Spike and Po put both they're hands together and moved them around to create a Yin and Yang Symbol with both they're dragons.

"You want our Chi so bad? Then take it!" Po said with a serious look before they both sent they're power directly to him.
"It's your funeral!" Spike screamed as they're dragon constructs both went into Kai's body completely, and he felt huge power coming from them both.
"Yes! The power! Is mine!" Kai said menacingly before he noticed his captured souls were breaking free, and Kai felt way too much power flowing through him.
"Wait! It's too much! It's too much! No! NO!!" Kai screamed with pain before his body completely exploded from too much power.
"No!!!" Kai screamed one last time before everything faded to white..

Back in the real world again, the Yin and Yang Symbol that was left behind began glowing brightly, but all of the captured masters began flying out of the spirit realm, every single master that was captured was rightfully restored to normal, and everyone had a look of pure joy seeing everyone was restored.
"It worked! They won!" Smolder shouted with joy while she and Viper hugged eachother. But Li had noticed Po and Spike hadn't returned yet, and was getting worried for them.
"Where's Po and Spike?" Li asked which made all of them see they're not here.
"Po? Spike?! Why aren't they back?" Li asked really worried for them both. But as Smolder took a closer look at the symbol to see if there was anything to help, Smolder's body suddenly started to glow gold and something was pulling her in.
"What?!" Smolder asked with fear while everyone saw her being pulled in.
"Smolder!" Li shouted with terror while he tried grabbing her claw, but Smolder was to far in and screamed as she got sucked into the symbol which horrified everyone.
"Smolder! No!!" Li shouted with terror as they were left completely alone..

Spike and Po felt themselves flying through a void of light, they opened they're eyes and saw they actually won.
"Po?! Is that you? Did we actually do it?!" Spike asked hoping this was true.
"I.. I think we did, we won!!" Po shouted gleefully just as another light appeared near them, Smolder screamed with fear as she was flying around the void without proper direction, and went flying directly to Spike.
"Smolder?!" Spike asked with shock before she slammed into him and they both fell on the water that they could stand on. Smolder groaned a bit until she saw she was on Spike, and was shocked to see him here.
"Spike?! Your alright!!" Smolder shouted with joy while she quickly gave him a tight hug, Spike quickly got his bearings and saw Smolder hugging him, he only laughed in response and gave her a hug back.
"I'm fine Smolder, we really did it! We beat Kai!" Spike screamed joyfully while they both held eachother tightly.

Smolder had tears in her eyes hearing that and could only feel happiness knowing they won.
"We did.. we really did..." Smolder said while Po came up to them both.
"I know, it's amazing! But.. What is this place?" Po asked looking around the area in the Spirit Realm, Spike took a look around this place, and he recognized what it was.
"This is.. the same place Oogway brought me too when I became a master..." Spike said in realization which surprised them both.
"Really? You've been here before?" Smolder asked amazed with how beautiful it looks.
"Yeah.. it's.. the most beautiful place I've ever seen.." Spike said in awe of how amazing it looked, Smolder looked around it too and could see all the golden light that illuminated the realm.
"It really is.. but why are we here? Why am I here?" Smolder asked confused with what brought her here.

Just as she asked that, two large figures began emerging from the water behind them, as well as a familiar old turtle they know and love.
"Why we summoned you here of of course." Oogway answered which got everyone's attention, they all turned around and saw Master Oogway was here! Along with two very large dragons that looked really ancient, one of them was Green and Purple like Spike, and the other had mostly orange scales with a yellow underbelly, with a bit of red across his spine.
"Master Oogway?! Is that really you?!" Po asked amazed to see him here.
"Who.. who are these guys?!" Smolder asked amazed seeing the two dragons before them.
"These are Master's Blaze, and Firestone, they were known as the Dragon Masters in they're time, and they were some of my first ever students!" Oogway introduced which amazed them both.
"You were Oogway's first students?!" Po asked amazed to hear that, the two dragons smiled hearing that and nodded in response.
"Yes, and.. we are also.. Spike and Smolder's real parents, we've been in this realm for centuries, and we cannot tell you how much it means to us we get to meet you." Blaze revealed which made all of them gasp in shock.

Spike and Smolder took in those words the best they could, it was really them? They're really they're parents? After all these years.. it's really them.
"You were the ones we saw in our visions.." Smolder said with amazement while they came up to them and gave them hugs to help comfort them.
"We.. never thought we'd be able to meet you..." Spike said with tears seeing them both here. But as they all hugged eachother, Spike and Smolder both looked up at them, they had a lot of questions they had to ask, and was hoping to finally get them.
"I know you have a lot of questions you two, and believe me, we have our reasons. But let's take it slow alright?" Firestone asked while they flew in the air around them.
"Okay.. Mom.. Dad.. if you really are our parents.. why did you leave us? Why were we separated from eachother for so long?" Spike asked looking up at them both.

Blaze looked regretful being asked that and flew back down to talk with them.
"It was because we knew you both had an important destiny, we.. had to send Spike to Equestria when he was an egg, the reason he was found by Celestia in the first place, was because we had to set him on the path that brought him here. We are as old as Kung Fu itself you two, we knew the potential was in you, but we wanted you to find your own paths. I sensed that world needed you with it Spike, so me and Firestone had to send you there to ensure it's safety, I am sorry we were never there for either of you.. but I hope you can understand that it was for both of your sakes.." Blaze answered while they just looked at them both.
"We hated having to separate you from eachother, but it was the only way we could ensure we'd all meet eachother again, we have special ability's of precognition, and we saw the events that would lead up to this, where you both would be together, and have a family of your own back in the mortal world." Firestone said in a wise tone while they all arrived at a small island in this open area.

Spike took in that drop the best he can, this means they always were meant to come here, meet they're parents, and in they're lives, all that happened, it was something to bring everything to peace..
"But.. if you could see the future, then why didn't you do anything to help us? Could you have at least found a way to let me know I had a brother sooner?" Smolder asked a bit unsure of what to think of this.
"They couldn't interfere with the path that was layed out for you, when I sent the message to you and Li, I had hope that it was what could stop Kai for good." Oogway answered which amazed Po hearing it.
"Whoa! You sent the universe mail?! That's amazing!" Po said gleefully which everyone chuckled at.

Blaze and Firestone looked down at they're children and walked up to them with looks of guilt, even though they had they're reasons, it still didn't get rid of the guilt they had for doing this.
"We wanted to raise you both as our children, we really did, but if we hadn't sent Spike to Equestria, and Smolder to that panda village, the world wouldn't have found the peace it's in now. We held out hope that one day we could meet you, we couldn't interfere with the path layed out for you two, even if it means we couldn't stop Kai, and believe me.. we easily could've dealt with him if he found us. We just.. wanted to ensure you both had the best lives you could have.." Blaze said regretfully which made them both feel bad hearing it.
"We truly cared for you as our children, I know.. you both may be upset with us.. but know we are truly sorry for not being there for you , we just had a special duty we needed to hold onto, please forgive us you two.." Firestone said with regret as well.

Spike and Smolder both looked at eachother with shock hearing that, they really did care for them, even after being without them for so long.. it was only to give them the lives they had now..
"Mom.. Dad.. we'd never be mad at you.. we just didn't know that you had such an important task to handle.. but now that we know.. all I can say is.. I'm just.. really glad we finally get to meet you..." Spike said gratefully before he suddenly hugged the both of them which surprised them for a moment.
"Spike's right.. if it wasn't for you both.. I wouldn't have the life with Li, or the brother I have now, we'd never be mad at you too, I.. I can't be more grateful for it.." Smolder said gladly before she hugged them both too, they both had tears in they're eyes and hugged them both too while Oogway and Po watched on with smiles, Oogway especially felt really glad for being able to help with this reunion.
"Thank you our children... thank you.." Blaze said gratefully while everyone took in this moment.

After a few more minutes of hugging, Oogway turned to all of them to continue this thought.
"I held out hope that it would all come to this, the universe had needed you and Spike, and I hoped that it could come to his moment." Oogway said gladly while looking at Po.
"Me?" Po asked a bit surprised while Spike let go of his parents and went over to Oogway to finish this talk.
"You two became the panda and dragon you were always meant to be.." Oogway said calmly while he was flying up to the tree.
"But.. how did you know we could?" Po asked a bit confused still.
"On the first day I met both you, and Spike. I saw the strong dragon that could grow to be the Dragon Master he was believed to be, just like his parents." Oogway answered looking to Spike who smiled hearing that, and so did his family in the distance.
"And for you Po, I had saw the future of Kung Fu... and the past..." Oogway said calmly as he remembered the day he chose Po as the Dragon Warrior, and the pandas who taught him how to use Chi.
"I saw the panda who could unite them both, that is why I chose you Po, both sides of the Yin and Yang... and my true.. successor.." Oogway said proudly while he held out his special staff to him.

Spike was really happy to hear that coming from Oogway, he never thought he'd live up to being a kung fu fighter, but now.. he's a full master of Chi.
"Wait.. me? I can't take that.." Po replied a bit nervous about the staff.
"Just take it, I have a bigger one." Oogway whispered jokingly which everyone chuckled at.
"You should see our staffs they're even bigger too!" Firestone joked which Smolder laughed at too while Po finally took the staff, he looked amazed seeing it and began swinging it around playfully while looking ready for a fight.
"You look great with that thing Po!" Spike complimented which he found nice to hear.

Spike, Smolder and Po looked at everyone here, it felt so amazing to have achieved such a high status here, Smolder felt whole finally being able to see her family, and Spike was just glad to finally be able to achieve his true potential, and be the hero he's wanted to be. But after looking at all of this, there was one question they all had to ask..
"What.. do we do now?" Po asked unsure of how this will go forward.
"You tell me." Oogway replied as his body was starting to fade away.
"No! Oogway don't go!" Po begged before he suddenly appeared on the branch of the tree.
"I'm not going anywhere, me, Blaze and Firestone live here!" Oogway answered while laughing a bit.
"It is you three who must decide whether to stay or go." Oogway answered which surprised them.
"Wait.. we can go back?!" Po asked with a hopeful look.
"Who knows? I've never tried." Oogway answered while the lotus flowers flew all around them.

Spike and Smolder looked back at their parents one last time who smiled at them both.
"You both have a life to live, and don't worry, we'll see eachother again one day. Just keep being your fun selves you two." Blaze encouraged while Firestone nodded in agreement.
"We'll always be watching over you two, now go, go live your life!" Firestone encouraged while they both breathed fire into the air for spectacle, Spike and Smolder looked at eachother and smiled before turning back to Po.
"You ready to go home?" Spike asked hopefully while they all gathered around eachother.
"Let's go guys." Smolder said with a smile while they were waving goodbye to they're parents. Po began moving the staff around in the water which began creating the Yin and Yang symbol.
"Wow..." Po said with amazement as the entire Spirit Realm had an energy wave pass through it, and everyone watched as Spike, Smolder and Po made they're way home..

Back with everyone else, the symbol was glowing even brighter then ever while the pedal flowers swirled around it, and both Spike, Po and Smolder all appeared together at once while flying in the air.
"Spike! Po! Smolder!!" Li shouted with joy relieved they're alright.
"Oh! You can fly!" Ping said amazed with what they were seeing, but the power they all had suddenly faded away which left Po and Spike in they're normal forms again, and they all screamed while they went falling to the ground from the sudden change.

All of them got up and had a look of relief to see the entire village was safe, and couldn't feel happier for it.
"Dad.. dad... dads!" Po said joyfully while he raised his arms.
"Father!" Smolder said joyfully while Li and Ping hugged them all.
"Viper!" Spike said joyfully as she quickly coiled around him to hug him tightly.
"Spike! Your okay! I can't believe it!" Viper said completely relieved they're alright.
"Don't you go vanishing in pedals ever again!" Ping begged while holding him close.
"We thought we lost you!" Li said with tears as well.
"No you saved me and Spike... you all did!" Po said with a smile while looking over the entire village.
"Now come over here guys!" Spike announced while holding his arms out.

Everyone cheered with joy and they all came in and hugged them all tightly, it was a feeling of pure joy they haven't felt in a while, and were so relieved to have won.
"Master Shifu!" Po said amazed that he's okay too.
" It seems the student, has truly become the tea... wait where did you get that?" Shifu asked noticing Po's new staff.
"Oh this? Oogway gave it to me in the Spirit Realm. " Po answered proudly which Shifu felt a bit jealous of.
"Of course you did.." Shifu said while rubbing his face a bit.
"And I think I've mastered Chi too, both me and Spike have.." Po suggested while Spike's arm glowed brightly.
"I think we have.. and we got to meet our real parents in the Spirit Realm too, we.. we finally know the truth.. and.. it feels so great to know it.." Spike added with a proud smile.
"Wait.. you really met your parents?" Viper asked amazed to hear that, Spike nodded in response and suddenly hugged her again before she gave her another kiss to help show how happy he is.
"We really did.. it's all done.." Po said with a proud look while everyone looked at them all.
"You really did... can you.. teach us?" Shifu asked hopefully while everyone smiled at eachother.
"I don't know.. can we?" Smolder asked with a smug look while looking at Po who fully knew what to do.

Po had a confident smile and we cut to all of them being back at the Valley of Peace after it was rebuilt.
"Ready!" Po announced while everyone struck they're own poses. Lively music plays as everyone begins to practice how to use Chi, Spike flew in the air and twirled his ribbon around while cheering with joy. Everyone strikes they're poses together as the sun shines over the valley in a beautiful golden light. Smolder cheered with joy and twirled her fire around like before while dancing near Spike
"We really did it.. didn't we brother?" Smolder asked with a smile, and Spike only struck more poses alongside her.
"We really did.. I love you Smolder, my awesome sister." Spike complimented which she loved hearing.
"I love you too Spike, My heroic brother." Smolder said proudly too while they both kept striking poses together.

Po kept up his training with everyone in the Valley of Peace, Po had a look of pure joy seeing his journey was really done, he had both his fathers, a brother and sister, awesome friends, and a perfect life as the Dragon Warrior. Spike was right besides him and they both looked over everyone together.
"Po, I can't thank you enough for all you've helped me with, no matter what happens, we'll always fight together, right?" Spike asked while he held his hand out.
"Of course buddy, after all, I am the Dragon Warrior.. and you are..." Po asked waiting for him to finish it, Spike had a confident look and looked over the entire valley with a proud smile.
"I am Spike, the Dragon Master!" Spike said proudly while everyone began to finish their move, Po and Spike looked at Shifu and they all gave a bow of respect to eachother. Everyone put they're hands together and they began glowing brightly with Chi, they all pushed out they're hands together and everyone in the entire valley was fully able to use it, and the combined power was strong enough to send an energy wave of Chi across the entire valley, making every single flower it touched bloom in a beautiful way. Spike felt fully complete after this journey, and felt like this was where he truly belongs, after everything he's been through, he only wonders what could be next for him and his family..

Author's Note:

Hey guys thanks for reading this! So wraps up the 3rd movie! I had a lot of fun making this chapter, I wanted to give the reveal of Spike's and Smolder's parents some weight to it and have it feel like it added something here, while I could've done more to explain how Oogway met Spike's parents, I had very little time to finish it up, so I hope you don't mind what I have here.

I did want to bring back the mane 6 for this movie, but given the 4th movie is out now, and it's setting up another trilogy, I had to leave them out of the story sadly because I didn't want them to overcrowd it, and I probably won't put them in it until the series really ends with a 6th movie, and whatever comes from that, I just hope it's good.

I've come a long way with this story, and I couldn't be prouder for getting through it. While I said I'm gonna do the 4th movie too, I feel like this would be the perfect note to end it, I don't know if I should make a sequel story that focuses on the 4th movie, but I think it'll be better with finishing it with this. I've got a question for you guys, should I label this story as Complete, and make a sequel story that focuses on the next trilogy? Since I am gonna be rewriting the 4th movie, I think a sequel story that focuses on the following trilogy could work, but please let me know what you think of that, I think I'll finish up the story with my rewrite of the movie, and the original to keep things consistent, other then that I hope you liked this chapter, and have a great day guys!

Comments ( 14 )

Do the fourth movie :)
I know it'll be great

Know what would be crazy? If a portal bridge between the MLP and KFP worlds opened

There isn't and won't be, I'm sorry, but the power of Chi wouldn't be able to do that, I doubt that will be a reasonable explanation for bringing the mane 6 back, but I do not plan to bring them back until the 6th movie comes out whenever that is, and until the series properly concludes, I was just wanting to make that clear.

And I said, I do not plan on having any form of magic do that, either Chi or Equestrian, this story is almost finished up , at least until the next trilogy finishes up, I do not want any of the mane 6 in this because they would overcrowd the story, was already really tough balancing out Smolder in the 3rd movie, and if you've seen my blog on the rewrite of the 4th movie, it's gonna be even tougher, imagine trying to balance out 16 characters for the 4th movie, I can handle 10 with Spike, Tai Lung, Po, Zhen and the 5, but adding the mane 6 would be far too much to the story, even if it's just for a chapter or so before they go back home, it's far too much for me too handle, and I hope you can understand that.

Awesome fights & the dragon sibs parent reveal to boot, way to end the 3rd movie there Dragonfan!!!:moustache:

Think you should mark this one as complete & do a sequel, starting with the 4th movie & hopefully 5-6 later when they come out (provided they don't try to wreck the KFP lore like they almost did with the 4th)

Seeya on the next story Dragonfan! :twilightsmile:

You may be overthinking this. It really doesn’t seem that complicated to me.

I honestly did some heavy thinking over it, and I think it's best I just stick the next movies to the same story, it won't make much sense just to end it like that, but I'm gonna start working on the 4th movie soon, both the rewrite and original, but once that's done, I'll label the story as Complete, then I'll continue update the story whenever the 5th and 6th come out, hope you can understand that.

Believe me, with the runtime and pacing the 4th movie had, and the characters I would have to balance, it seems way tougher then it looks, even in a rewrite, I've already planned the story out until I'm done with the 4th movie, I know you want the others to come into the story, but I can't do that until everything is properly concluded in the actual series, once that's done, I'll plan out the 5th and 6th whenever they release, please don't get your hopes too high up, even If I did do that, it would be very hard for character balancing, I'm sorry for saying no like this, but I do not want to have to rewrite the ideas I've planned out for the 4th movie, it would just be more stressful.

*Shrug* Oh well. Let the sands fall where they may

Thank you, I'm sorry for refusing the idea, while I did want to bring them back for the 3rd movie like I said, I don't want them to overcrowd things, I was really close to adding them, but with how the 4th movie turned out, and what direction it's leading the series in, I had to leave them out, so unless the series go back to the series roots with the 1st and 2nd movie with how they balanced comedy and story telling compared to the other 2, I probably won't be able to do it until it's all complete, again I'm sorry for having to exclude this.

Yes you should continue the story with your rewite

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