• Published 17th Sep 2023
  • 848 Views, 7 Comments

Applejack's Admirer - Silk Rose

Applejack has a secret admirer, and Rarity is determined to make her figure out who.

  • ...

Applejack's Admirer

We all know it's me. I know it, our friends know it, but most importantly, she doesn't know it. At least, not yet, anyway.

I look at Applejack with whimsy in my eyes.

She's got to figure it out herself.

"Rarity?" Applejack says.

Such a beautiful mare.

"Rarity, will you stop staring at me an' figure out who's writing these love notes?"

"Oh, yes, certainly Applejack."

"What's our first step?"

For you: stop looking so cute.

"Let's review the first note. Could I take a look?"

"Here ya go, seems like Fluttershy wrote it."

Applejack gives me the first note, pulling it from her saddlebag, I remember it well.

I scan the note, pretending to read it.

Dear Applejack,

Too shy to speak my heart, I watch you from afar.

My feelings for you are louder than I'll ever be.

Until today, they were only for me and my heart to hear alone.

Applejack's Admirer

"Yes, this definitely sounds like Fluttershy. Would you like me to ask her?"

Applejack sheepishly rubs the back of her neck. "I mean, that'd be nice. But the thing is, I got a whole bunch of notes, and each of them seems to be from one of our friends!"

"Is that so? Well then, how about we go over them one at a time and speak with each pony you think wrote each one, starting with this one?"

Applejack nods. "Alright then, sounds like a plan to me."

"Okay, darling, follow me," I say as I lead Applejack out of my home.

We trot side by side in silence for a while as I admire her and think.

She looks so determined, in a charming way.

She stares straight ahead, as I look at her freckles.

So adorable.

Her mane dances back and forth in the wind as it peeks out from underneath her hat.

Such a lovely mane, and surprisingly well kempt.

Applejack notices me, and asks, "You're starin' pretty, what's on your mind?"

"Let me ask this; if it were Fluttershy, how would that make you feel?"

"I reckon I don't fully know. I have thought about it, heck, I thought about if it were each of them, including you. But, if it were Fluttershy, I would give her a chance. I suspect she would bring a calmness to my life."

I crack a smile. "You really think so?"

Applejack nods. "She keeps a level head, and I suppose that might help on some of my more stubborn days."

"She would, wouldn't she?" I bite my lip in silence.

I guess I didn't realize how much I'd be learning about what she considers in a partner.

"Fluttershy definitely seems like the type to write a note, with her being all shy, but if it is her, where did the other notes come from?"

"I don't know, darling, but, I'll make sure we figure it out together."

Applejack smiles at me. "Thank you."

"Thank you, for coming to me with this. I'm glad to help."

Applejack just nods as we trot the rest of the trip in silence.

We trot to Fluttershy's front door, and as I'm about to know, Applejack stops me.

"Uh, Rarity? You sure it wouldn't be better if I just stay outside while you do the whole interview thing?"

"Don't you want to be there when we find out?"

"I dunno, Rarity, it doesn't feel right to just listen in on a friend's thoughts on me."

"Oh nonsense, you should be there. I want to see your reaction to whom it is, anyway."

"Well, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious who's behind all this. Alright, let's do this."

I knock on Fluttershy's door, and we wait for her to answer.

Fluttershy answers her door with a smile. "Hello, Applejack, Rarity, would you like to come in?"

I speak up. "Yes, darling, we had a few questions for you, if that's alright?"

"Certainly, right this way," Fluttershy says before leading us into her house.

Applejack and I take a seat on her couch, while Fluttershy sits in a chair across from us.

Fluttershy asks, "What did you need to ask?"

I levitate the note to her. "Did you write this note?"

Fluttershy reads the note before shaking her head. "It looks like something I might write, but it wasn't me."

I ask a followup, "What were you doing three days ago in the morning time?"

"I was feeding my chickens, like I do every Monday."

I ask the last question, "Pardon the intrusion, but, if you did like Applejack, what would be her most attractive quality to you?"

Applejack looks at me with a raised brow, clearly not amused.

Fluttershy plays the part perfectly, pretending to be taken aback. A few moments later, she turns to Applejack and says, "You're the most dependable pony I know, whenever I'm in need, I go to you."

Applejack tips her hat. "Thank you kindly, Fluttershy."

Fluttershy replies, "You're welcome."

I explain, "We are trying to find who wrote these notes, since it wasn't you, we will head to the next pony."

"Oh, okay, good luck."

"Thank you, darling, we will be on our way."

We say our goodbyes before leaving, Fluttershy closing the door for us.

Applejack takes the opportunity to question me, raising her voice, ever so slightly. "What was that last question all about?"

I knew that was coming.

"I just want to have some clues to go off in case all of them say it wasn't them."

Applejack says, a bit more apologetically, "Oh, I guess that's alright."

I ask, "Could I see the next note, and who do you think it's from?"

Applejack gives me the next note from her bag, saying, "I think this one is from Rainbow, she does like to sleep in my trees an awful lot."

I scan the note.

Dear Applejack,

In any competition, I'll beat you into the mud, but in this one, you've won.

Not good with this lovey-dovey stuff.

I like watching you from the apple trees.

Applejack's Admirer

"I agree, feels like Rainbow Dash."

"We're goin' to talk to her now?"

"Yes, darling."

"I'm pretty sure I saw her sleeping in a tree on the farm when I was coming over, I'll lead the way."

I nod and follow her.

Applejack continues, "The farm is close by, so shouldn't take long to get to her."


After a moment of silence, I turn to her, "How would you feel if it was Rainbow Dash?"

"I think she's in the top two most likely. If it were her, I'd tease her to all end about this whole mess, but I'd still say yes. She'd make the day to day more exciting, I bet."

"How so?"

"She'd probably spend a lot more time around here on the farm. I reckon she'd turn a lot of the lovey-dovey stuff into some sort of competition, as a way to cover up how much she likes it, and so she could win."

I need to remember these for later.

"Would you let her win?"

Would you let me win?

"I might do it a few times, but I'd do my best to beat her."

I surprise myself by asking, "Do you want it to be her?"

Why did I ask that?

Applejack is taken back, taking a moment before saying, "It's not my choice who likes me, so thinking on it is pointless, least in my eyes."

"Makes sense," I say sheepishly before we walk the rest of the way in silence.

Stopping at the tree Rainbow is sleeping in, we hear her snoring loudly.

Glad to see she's in character, I think to myself before stifling a laugh.

Applejack smiles, "I'll wake her." She trots to the tree and gives it a buck, shaking the tree.

Rainbow wakes up in a daze. "Who's there…" Rubbing her eyes, she looks down at use. "Hi," she says before gliding down and landing in front of us.

I say, "Rainbow, we need to ask you a few questions."

Rainbow smiles. "Okay, shoot."

I levitate the note in front of her and ask, "Did you write this?"

Rainbow scoffs at the note. "This is a prank, right? I would never write that."

I shake my head. "No, this is not a prank."

"If I liked somepony, they would be the one writing me love notes."

Applejack facehoofs before I ask the next question.

"What were you doing on the morning of two days ago?"

Rainbow looks confused. "I don't know, probably sleeping."

"I see."

"Any more questions? I still need to finish my nap."

"Last one, What quality of Applejack's would be most appealing if you did like her romantically?"

Rainbow thinks for a second before turning to Applejack with a smile. "You're the most determined pony I know, you never give up, no matter how big the problem is."

Applejack puts her hat to her chest. "Thank you kindly."

Rainbow yawns. "Back to bed for me, good luck with whatever this is."

"Thank you," I say before we say our goodbyes.

Rainbow flies back into her tree and falls asleep immediately.

I start trotting into town, and Applejack follows.

She asks, "What do we do if the other two deny it?"

"We'll cross that bridge if we get to it. I'll make sure we solve this case."

"Well, the next note sounds like Twilight, you wanna see it?"

"Absolutely, darling."

She gives me the third note from her bag and I once again scan it.

Dear Applejack,

My feelings for you are like a worm in an apple of my heart, eating me up inside.

Did you know that apples are one hundred percent nutrition and fun?

With you, I would never need to visit a doctor, ever again. I would, but you get the sentiment, right?

Applejack's Admirer

"The idea of Twilight flirting by way of information is positively adorable."

"Do you think it's her?"

"I don't know, darling. We need to gather all the clues we can before making an accusation."

Applejack sighs. "You don't think it's all just a prank, do you?"

I stop and put a reassuring hoof around her neck. "I'm sure somepony out there is waiting for you to figure it out, just too scared to say it themselves."

We both stare into each other's eyes, getting lost in the moment.

Such beautiful emerald eyes.

Applejack breaks the silence. "You really think somepony likes me?"

"Of course, darling, how could somepony not want to date you?"

"I don't know, I just never really thought about romance too much."

"Anypony would be lucky to have you, darling."

"Thank you, Rarity."

I hug her, and she hugs back before we continue on our way to Twilight's.

We walk in silence for a bit before, Applejack speaks up. "I know what you're going to ask. If it were Twilight, I would say yes. I think I'd say yes to any of y'all, honestly. But, I think she'd teach me a lot of new things. With all the books she reads, she's probably just waiting to teach anypony anything they want to know."

"What would you bring to her?"

Applejack ponders for a second, before replying, "I think I would keep her freak-outs more under control, more than I already do, I mean."

I try to hide my blush by walking slightly ahead of her. "Sounds like you'd be a good marefriend to have."

Applejack asks, genuinely, "What about you?"

I ask in a confused tone, "What about me?"

"Don't you love all this romance stuff? What kind of marefriend would you be?"

I sigh. "I do love romance, but I don't know how I'd be as a marefriend. It's hard to know when I've never been in a relationship before."

Even harder when the pony I want to date is the one asking.

"Well, between you and me, I'd think you'd make a great marefriend."

I smile wide. "Thanks, Applejack."

We make it the rest of the way to Twilight's without talking.

I knock on the door of Twilight's tree house.

A few moments later, she answers. "Hello girls."

"Hi, Twilight, could we come in? We want to ask you a few questions."

"Oh, sure, come on in."

We trot inside and sit down in the main room.

I levitate the note to Twilight, and she takes it with her magic.

I ask, "Did you write that note?"

Twilight looks confused. "No, and how can you even quantify fun?"

"I don't know either. We are trying to figure out who has been writing them."

"Oh, I see."

"What were you doing yesterday morning?"

"I was reading a book, would you like me to get it?"

"That won't be necessary."


"Last question, if you did like Applejack, what thing about her would you find most appealing?"

Twilight pretends to think before turning to Applejack. "You're the most practical pony there is, you don't let anything extra slow you down. You get done what needs to be done, and remove the bloat."

Applejack nods. "Thank you."

Twilight says, "You're welcome," to Applejack before we bid our adieu.

We start walking to Sugarcube Corner as I notice a frown on Applejack's face.

"What's wrong?"

"What if it's not Pinkie, where do we look then?"

"Like I said, we will figure it out."

"That pep talk you gave was nice, but I'm worried I might have got my hopes up for nothin'."

I put another hoof round her and nuzzler her, reassuringly. "We got this, I'm not going to give up until we find out who it is."

"Thank you, Rarity, you really are a good friend."

"You too, Applejack."

Applejack gives me the last note from her bag before we continue to walk.

I scan the note.

Dear Applejack,

They say apples are sweet, and I can't deny:

That means that you are like a dessert to my eye!

Find me out, sugarcrush, I'll feed you some pie ;)

Applejack's Admirer

"Seems a bit forward, but that's definitely Pinkie Pie."

"Hopefully, this interview goes better than the last three."

"We shall see, darling."

A few moments later, Applejack answers the question I forgot to ask. "If it were Pinkie, I'd see where things went. No doubt she'd make it fun. Every day with her would be something new, never a dull moment. She'd definitely make my life happier."

"She would do her best to make you smile."

"I'd do my best to make her smile too, even though I have a feelin' she'd always outdo me."

"I'm positive you'd do great."

"Thank you."

We arrive at Sugarcube Corner with no more fanfare about.

We trot up to Pinkie's room and knock.

She answers the door. "Hello Rarity, hello Applejack!"

We trot into her room after she gestures us in.

I hug her. "We had a few questions, if that's alright?"

Absolutely," Pinkie says before hugging Applejack.

After the hug, Applejack and I sit on Pinkie's bed while she stands in front of us.

I hold the note in front of Pinkie. "Did you write this note?"

Pinkie reads the note before looking shocked, mouth agape. "No, but I will give you some pie if you want some."

"We're good, darling. Next question, what were you doing this morning?"

"I was baking a cake with Gummy."

"Final question, if you did like Applejack, what would be the thing you liked most about her?"

Pinkie pretends to ponder before turning to Applejack. "You're the most honest pony I know. You'd never intentionally break a Pinkie promise."

Applejack smiles. "Thank you, Pinkie."

"You're welcome!"

Applejack and I get up from the bed before exchanging goodbyes with Pinkie.

We walk downstairs and leave Sugarcube Corner, heading for my home.

Applejack speaks up, in a somber tone. "Well, I guess nopony wanted to fess up."

"Hey, don't be down, we can still figure out who it is."

"And then what? Make them ask me out?"

"You could ask them out?"

"But how are we going to figure out who it is?"

I levitate the notes out of my pocket, giving them to her. "Why don't you take the notes home and try to study them, while I go home and think over the answers we got from them."

Applejack puts the notes in her bag before nodding.

I continue. "If either of us figures it out, we will rush to the other pony, deal?"

Applejack hugs me tightly. "Deal."

I hug back. "Goodbye for now, Applejack. We will figure this out."

"Goodbye," Applejack says before trotting off to home.

"Goodbye," I say before heading my own way home.

I hear a knock at my door that I've been waiting on for a while.

It's time.

I open the door, revealing Applejack.

She trots inside, throwing casual greetings aside. "When I went home and looked at the notes, I found an extra one, one from you."

I play dumb a single time. "What are you saying?"

"I'm saying, that if it were you, I'd say yes, one-hundred percent. I know you'd improve my life, in more ways than one."

"Oh, what ways?"

Applejack smiles. "You'd definitely try to get me to be more fashionable, and probably make me appreciate the finer things in life. You'd help me be less stressed and make me take more breaks."

I smile back. "I would do my best."

"So, I've got a few questions to ask you."

"Ask away."

Applejack gives me a note. "Did you write this note?"

I scan the note to make sure, it's one I recognize immediately.

Dear Applejack,

I have to admit, I am weak for you, darling.

Wish I had the courage to tell to your face, how much I am inspired by your dependability, determination, practicality, honesty, and beauty.

Before I met you, I thought that only gemstones shine bright when there's light… Thank you. You opened my eyes to what is truly important.

Applejack's Admirer


"If you did like me, what would be your favorite thing about me?"

"Your beauty, it doesn't matter if you just woke up, got done with a hard day's work, or just finished wrestling in the mud, you always look beautiful inside and out."

"Last question, will you go out with me?"

Tears flow from my eyes. "Yes."

Applejack wipes away my tears before holding me in a tight hug.

I hug back. "I love you."

"I love you too."

Comments ( 7 )

The cover art for this... you played Minecraft before?

D'aw, cute story, also what was up the pie in the fake Pinkie note? Rarity! What's up with you?! Pinkie is a poor, innocent little pone, you can't go sticking stuff like that in a note and saying it's Pinkie!

My thoughts exactly every time I see this art on my screen 😂 (And I mean it as a compliment, I like the style!)

I also just realized, AHHH Rarity’s wearing her Shadow Spade outfit!! Thats so cute!!

Aww this was so cute. I’m not the biggest Rarijack fan but I like this. Reminded me of the Shining Armor and Cadence scavenger hunt, I wonder if Rarity got the idea from there? :duck:

So happy I could read another one of your fics. I love them!

A cute story.

I see Pinkie used 'intentionally' as part of the Pinkie promise. Plus, she seems like the second head of this group plan based off Rarity's questioning.

Cute and compact.

I love it!!!

Cute fluff story and the different notes were a nice added touch.

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