• Published 1st Nov 2023
  • 736 Views, 50 Comments

Family Matters - TheKing2001

After Sunset finds out Spitfire needs surgery, she abandons the human world temporarily to spend time with her sister.

  • ...

Chapter XXVII

Sour Sweet

“Yeah, kill her!” I shouted eagerly as the others all crowded away from me as they all hugged each other and gave me stunned looks. I gave a laugh as Jason pulled the girl out of the tent in her sleeping bag and slammed her against a tree. “Yeah!”

“So in horror movies, she roots for the killers?” Twilight mused as her eyes widened.

“A-apparently so,” Sunny Flare muttered with a scared expression.

“Dear god,” Sugarcoat mumbled as Lemon yelped slightly. “We are never allowing her to watch horror again. Ever.”

“Hear, hear,” Lemon chimed in as I gave another laugh. I quickly looked at them as they all gulped and I rolled my eyes.

“Everyone wants them to survive but who wants to be like everyone else?” I questioned and raised an eyebrow. “Being like everyone else is just so boring. Being your own individual is so much more fun.”

“She has a point,” Sunny admitted after a moment as Indigo gave her a stunned look.

“You have fun?” Indigo asked as Sunny frowned. “That’s so unbelievable. That’s like saying Sugarcoat has fun!”

Lemon giggled as Sugarcoat scowled at our athlete friend. I looked at Twilight as she focused back on the tv and ignored the two bickering surprisingly well.

“I have fun!” Sugarcoat defended herself as Sunny rolled her eyes.

“Doing what, reading?”

“Reading is fun,” Twilight added her two cents in. The two ignored her and continued bickering.

“Finally it’s over,” Lemon muttered as the credits played on the tv screen. “Where’s the ice cream?”

“Freezer in the kitchen. Duh.”

“Shut up Sour.”

I shifted in the bed I was sharing with Sunny as she and the others slept around the room. After Lemon tried using me as a sleeping doll, I vowed to never sleep with her again. Secretly, I didn’t mind her cuddling me. Felt nice to have something other than people fearing my multiple personality disorder.

“Can’t sleep either?”

I jumped slightly and looked over the edge at Twilight. The purple girl was looking up at me and squinting before chuckling softly.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you,” Twilight said and I nodded.

“Why are you awake?” I asked as she shrugged.

“Couldn’t sleep. Same as you I suppose. What’s up with you?”

“Just thinking I suppose. You?”

“Dreams,” Twilight admitted sheepishly. “I may have gotten over being depressed and all about my Friendship Games, but Sunset told me the dreams don’t always go away. She still has them here and there but Scootaloo, Cherry Berry, Derpy, Cheerilee and the rest of her family and friends help her out. They’ve helped me out, especially Sunset.”

We hugged ourselves and looked away as I sighed.

“It wasn’t your fault.”

“I know,” Twilight said quietly. “And it wasn’t yours either entirely. Cinch manipulated you all.”

“Fair enough,” I admitted as we fell silent except for Indigos quiet breathing. “I always did admire you, you know?”


Twilight gave me a confused expression as I sighed and faced her again as she put her glasses on.

“I mean, you made everything seem so easy. Learning, ignoring the people who bullied you, me, getting all the best grades,” I answered as Twilight listened and watched me.

“Sit next to me,” Twilight ordered and patted next to her. I raised an eyebrow as she gave me a smile. “Please.”

I rolled my eyes as I folded the blanket gently to avoid waking up Sunny, sliding down next to Twilight.

“I always saw you,” Twilight admitted and patted my hand. “Sure, you have your multiple personality disorder and your random attitude but like you said, who wants to be like everyone else?”

“Fair enough,” I agreed as I looked around quickly. “Are the others still asleep?”

“Uhm yes. Why-?” Twilight started as I leaned forward and kissed her. Her eyes went wide as I pulled back and she turned bright red. “W-what was that?”

I pushed myself up hastily and prepared to run as she grabbed my hands.

“Sour, wait!” Twilight snapped as I froze and she forced me down next to her. “It’s fine, really.”

“No it’s not,” I frowned. “You came here to get used to us, not have me kiss you.”

“I’m more so surprised by the fact that you A: like girls and B: like me of the girls you could like. Sugarcoat or Lemon Zest seems more your speed.”

I gave a snort as she laughed quietly.

“I don’t really know when I started liking you. You’re just so smart and all that. Plus pretty, what’s not to like?” I asked as she turned red.

“You think I’m pretty?” Twilight asked curiously and pushed her glasses up as I nodded. “The only person who ever called me that was Rarity jokingly and Timber.”

“Well duh idiot!” I snapped as she recoiled. “Sorry, my multiple personality thing.”

“It’s fine just wasn’t expecting it,” Twilight answered as she inhaled and hugged me, kissing my quickly before leaning away. “Uhm, was that okay?”

“Mhm. Could use a bit more work I think,” I suggested with a smile.

“Wanna get dinner sometime?” Twilight asked hopefully as I nodded. “I know a place nearby that’s a small diner. We can see what happens next I suppose.”

“I’ll make the time for you.”

“And yes, you’re pretty too,” Twilight said and I turned red myself. “I always knew that about but never really felt confident enough to tell you.”

I leaned forward as someone started clapping. The two of us jumped and looked back as the other girls were grinning at us.

“About fucking time,” Indigo yawned as she finished clapping.

“Congrats dearies, we were rooting for you,” Sunny Flare said with a happy smile.

“We’re not dating yet. Wait, are we?” I asked and looked back at Twilight who shrugged.

“Testing the waters but I’m perfectly okay with you kissing me now and again.”

“Only took you two months to quit dancing around the topic,” Sugarcoat growled as she folded her arms. “And for the record, Lemon Zest and I are not dating. Just because we argue often does not make us partners.”

“Yet,” I muttered as she threw a pillow at me.

“When you two gonna get busy between the sheets?” Lemon asked and wiggled her eyebrows as we blushed. Sunny gasped as Indigo burst out laughing and Sugarcoat rolled her eyes.

“You weirdo,” I smirked as I shoved her playfully. “Shows over girls, go back to sleep. I’m tired.”

I started to climb back in bed as Sunny grabbed my shoulders.

“Ah ah!” Sunny chided with a grin. “You get to sleep with your new lover.”

“I’m going to murder you,” I hissed in her ear as she went pale. I looked back at Twilight who lifted the blanket on the floor with a blush as I turned red again and sighed as I joined her.

I yawned as she dropped the blanket over us as the others went to their original positions.

Twilight tossed her glasses onto the night stand as she wrapped an arm around sme and I pushed back against her.

Maybe I should allow people to cuddle me more often.

Author's Note:

Sci Twi + Sour Sweet. I originally planned on it being Sugarcoat.