• Published 1st Nov 2023
  • 736 Views, 50 Comments

Family Matters - TheKing2001

After Sunset finds out Spitfire needs surgery, she abandons the human world temporarily to spend time with her sister.

  • ...

Chapter XXXII

Author's Note:

This chapter is gonna be a bit different and alternate between all of the characters povs. Each get about 500 words, Merry Christmas! Took me forever to write this one lol.


I carried a bowl of soup as I nudged Octavia’s door open. The cellist was laying in bed as she blew her nose, tossing the tissue into her trash can. Her room was so blandly painted in my opinion.

It was a light brown with purple curtains that made me wanna gag. I’d never tell her that though.

“I got soup,” I announced with a grin as Octavia lifted her head and gave me a weak smile.

“Thank you love. Wish our friends were here but alas, I can’t risk getting them sick. I was cutting it close going to the lights downtown with them,” Octavia grumbled as I set her soup down on her nightstand and handed her a spoon.

“But you had fun, don’t deny it,” I snickered as I flopped down on bed next to her.

“That is not the point, love! I could have gotten everyone sick.”

“But you didn’t,” I retorted.”S’all good. Relax!”

“You’re too good for me, love. All of you are,” Octavia muttered as I rolled my eyes and kissed her cheek as she sipped her soup with a spoon.

“Oh trust me, you’re too good for me. I know I’m difficult to get along with some days.”

“A tad,” Octavia admitted as I turned her TV on and I dumped my backpack full of Christmas movies out in front of her DVD player. “But I love you for it regardless, love.”

“You call everyone love. I should totally get a unique name.”


“How about whore?” I suggested with a grin as Octavia rolled her eyes. “Cumslut? Octavia’s bitch? Uh, what other fucked up name can I come up with?”

“Spend some time with Lightning, Rainbow, Pinkie and Lyra. I’m sure they will find some wild way to encourage your depravity.”

“Good idea!”

I shoved Octavia’s favorite Christmas movie, Rudolph, into the dvd player as I grabbed the remote and coughed.

The two of us froze and looked at each other as Octavia started laughing.

“Well, well, looks like I got one of our group sick,” Octavia teased with a smug grin. She lifted her covers and I turned slightly red when I realized she only had underclothing as she called it on. Octavia patted next to her. “Sit.”

I nodded and flopped down on the bed as Octavia’s bed threatened to swallow me whole.

“Damn Tavi, your bed is soft as hell!”

“You say that everytime we sleep in this bed, Vinnie.”

I paused and tried to think of a counter argument but thought of none. She had me beat there.

“Vinnie, huh?” I mused as Octavia coughed and blushed. “That’s a new one.”

“Well you did say you wanted a new nickname Vinnie. This is probably the worst Christmas ever, sick with the flu in bed. I’m sorry love.”

“It’s fine,” I answered and started trailing kisses down her cheek and neck. “We’re together, our friends are happy, we’re happy, everything is fine. Relax a bit.”

“You do raise fair points. Now let me eat my soup and watch our movie.”

I kissed her again as we both focused on the movie again.

Octavia being sick or not, best Christmas ever.


I held the ladder steady as Twist climbed it, placing the star on top of the tree as Bon Bon and Sweetie Drops watched with smiles.

“Nice work sis,” Bon Bon patted Twist on the head as the girl climbed off the ladder. We all stepped back and admired the tree with it’s sparkly lights and ornaments.

“Thanks Thith!” Twist hugged Bon Bons waist as I flipped the light switch off. “Thanks Lyra.”

“No problem,” I said casually as Sweetie Drops folded up the ladder and carried it away as I sat on the couch with Bon Bon and Twist. “Applejack sure is taking forever in the bathroom, think she’s texting Rarity?”

Bon Bon choked on her hot chocolate and Twist patted her on the back hard.

“Fudge, thanks!” Bon Bon coughed out as she looked at me. “As for your question, it could be a possibility. I personally don’t really see why my cousin would be into Rarity but to each their own. I ship it.”

“Jackity,” I mused as Twist giggled.

“Jackity!” Bon Bon let out a snort as she fell onto my lap. “That was good, Ly-Ly. I think Rainbow and Sunset are placing bets on when they get together. Apparently it’s a pretty big bet, half the school is putting money in.”

“Money in what?” Applejack asked as she walked down the stairs and Sweetie Drops grinned. “Also, Ah gotta head on out soon. Granny wants me to come help with baking. Ah’ll drop some baked goods off at yalls houses soon.”

“That’s nice of you Applejack,” Sweetie Drops smiled warmly as Applejack blushed faintly.

“Oh, it ain’t nothin.”

“So you interested in anyone?” I asked curiously with a hidden grin as Bon Bon smiled behind her mug. “Anyone at all?”

“A-ah ain’t sure what ya are talking about,” Applejack turned even redder as we stifled laughs. “Ah do wanna know when you two got together. For ya know, curiosity and all.”

Bon Bon and I gave each other knowing looks as we smirked.

“Everyone knows the story,” I said with a shrug and stole Bon Bons hot chocolate, taking a sip before giving it back to her. Twist gagged a bit as Sweetie Drops chuckled.

“Yeah well fine Ah like Rarity? Are ya happy? Ah want to use yalls story to get ideas.”

“I knew it!” I shouted with a grin. “Well, what worked for us won’t work for her. We just started talking one day and kept going till we went on a date and I kissed her. Simple as that.”

“So ah just kiss and that’s that?”

“No,” Bon Bon rolled her eyes. “Rarity is the type of girl who wants the whole nine yards. Chocolates, nice restaurant the like.”

“Reminds me of someone else I know,” I muttered as Bon Bon smacked me playfully upside the head. “Ow!”

“Anyway, just be confident AJ. You got this,” Bon Bon smiled warmly at the farmer as I nodded.

“Thanks yall. Ah gotta get on home, and Merry Christmas if I don’t see ya before then!”

“Merry Christmas,” we all said in unison as Applejack disappeared down the steps to the front door.

“What now?” Twist asked as she curled up under her blanket.

“Well, you go to bed soon little one,” Sweetie Drops smirked slightly as Twist groaned. “Goodnight.”

“Goodnight,” Twist muttered as the two got up and started walking away.

“Bye Twisty,” Bon Bon called out as I yawned. “We should go to bed too.”

“Maybe,” I admitted as I yawned again.

I curled up next to Bon Bon on the couch as we both fell asleep.


I wrapped my coat tighter around me as I stood on top of the hill with Fluttershy and Lightning, sleds tucked under our arms as we looked down.

“So we’re going down that?” Fluttershy asked nervously as I nodded with an eager grin. “It’s so high up though.”

Pinkie gave an excited scream as she ran and slid down the hill on her stomach, rolling halfway down as her laughs echoed.

“We can go together,” I suggested as Fluttershy nodded slowly. I set my sled down and sat on it, patting in front. “Now you sit between my legs.”

“Hahah!” Lightning burst out laughing as I glared her while Fluttershy eeped and turned red.

“Not like that, you freak of nature,” I scoffed as Lightning continued laughing. Fluttershy nodded and sat in between my legs as I wrapped an arm around waist. “Push us please?”

Lightning nodded as she gave us a gentle push, grunting as we went flying down the hill and Fluttershy screamed as my grip tightened around her.

“You’re fine,” I shouted into her ear as we flipped over and went rolling in the snow as I ended on top of Fluttershy. “Well, uh that went well.”

“That was awesome!” Fluttershy giggled as she looked at me and kissed me as I short circuited.

“I knew it!” Pinkie shouted as she popped out of a nearby snowbank. “I knew Fluttershy and you two had something going on but you two were keeping it a secret! Meanies!”

“Woah, I saw that!” Lightning called out as she slid to a stop next to us. “Together, Pinkie?”


“Rainbow and Fluttershy, sitting in a tree,” Lightning and Pinkie sang with smug grins before they started laughing.

“In all honesty, I’m happy for you two,” Lightning said as her laughter slowed to a stop. “I always knew you two would get together.”

I rolled my eyes as we sat up, my eyes wide.

“Uhm Rainbow Dash? Was that okay?” Fluttershy asked nervously and brushed her hair aside.

I weakly nodded as she gave a quiet “yay” and I snickered as Lightning and Pinkie quietly disappeared.

“Wanna go again?” Fluttershy offered and I nodded.

I faintly made out a picture being taken as Fluttershy kissed me again but I didn’t care. I just had to figure out how to tell the others.


I sat quietly at my sewing desk as I pounded a fist against my head in thought. Sunset was a hard person to get gifts, she had so many unique interests, it’s hard to just settle on one.

“Having a hard time deciding still?” Sweetie Belle asked curiously as my younger sister came into my room. “Sunset is pretty difficult to shop for.”

“You already got her a present, didn’t you?”

“Mhm! Who better to ask than her sisters?” Sweetie Belle asked and placed her hands on her hips. “And girlfriend. They live with her after all. They all are gonna know her best.”

I paused as Sweetie Belle smiled sheepishly.

“You got her some videos or something didn’t you?” I asked as Sweetie Belle shook her head and I raised an eyebrow.

“Okay, I got her one video game,” Sweetie Belle admitted as she held up a finger. “That’s cheating though. Everyone knows she loves video games! I also got her something for her guitar and a phone case because she drops hers constantly.”

“True,” I cringed slightly. The amount of times I’ve seen Sunset and Derpy drop their phones was mind blowing. I partially suspected Sunset only did it to make Derpy feel better about being a tad on the clumsy side.

“You’re creative! You’ll come up with something. Just make her a hat or something, she will like that,” Sweetie Belle waved a hand casually as she dropped down next to me. “You still have those designs for that skirt and stuff, right?”

“Sweetie Belle, you’re a genius!” I squeezed her face with both hands as she blushed.

“So I’ve been told,” Sweetie Belle smiled as she removed my hands. “Applejack is knitting her a hat or something.”

I paused and processed her words as I gave a slight shudder. I don’t even want to imagine Applejack making clothes. That sounds like a recipe for disaster. I loved Applejack and all, but she can’t make clothing to save her life. At least she was decent at knitting.

“Good lord, when did it become so foggy?” I asked and looked out the window. I could barely see down the street, it was so foggy. Reminded me of that dreadful Silent Hill movie Rainbow made us watch during a sleepover at Pinkies.

“About an hour ago, give or take. Can you take a break to come build a snow man with me?” Sweetie Belle asked eagerly and I looked at her with a slight frown. I didn’t really like saying no but I really needed to get this work done by at least tonight and the sun was already setting.

I opened my mouth to say no as Sweetie Belle gave me her trademark puppy dog eyes that made it hard to say no.

I inhaled and gave a smile back, nodding.

“Let’s go build a snowman, Sweetie.”


I flopped down on the couch next to Derpy and Silver Spoon as I kissed Derpy’s cheek as Spitfire and Derpy both turned red.

“I hate when you do that,” Spitfire grumbled as I snickered. “Go make out upstairs or something.”

“Oh we will later,” I promised and winked.

“Joy,” Sunburst muttered as I laughed again.

“Should we be helping mom in the kitchen?” Spitfire asked and we all gave her surprised looks. “Yes, I called Cheerilee mom. Get over it.”

“Aunt Cherry is territorial about her kitchen. Only Mom, Aunt Berry and Aunt Minuette are allowed to cook in it,” I warned and shook my head. “Apparently Ruby accidentally burnt herself on the stove when they were all distracted cleaning up one of her messes and Aunt Cherry is like, terrified of anyone under twenty seven in the kitchen.”

“Makes sense,” Spitfire admitted after a moment. “The others out back still?”

“Yeah, Scootaloo is trying to teach Dinky and Diamond how to play football.”

“I’m gonna go join. I’ve never played football before but it can’t be that difficult nor different from hoofball,” Spitfire proclaimed and I bit my tongue. It’s gonna be much more funnier watching her be proven wrong.

Spitfire stood up and walked out to the sliding door, opening it and jogging outside.

“Text Dinky to take pictures for me please,” I asked with a grin. Derpy nodded slowly as she pulled out her phone and started typing. “I love you, you know that?”

“Love you too,” Derpy replied as she leaned against me, pulling Sunburst and Silver Spoon with her other arm, taking a picture as we all smiled.

Derpy and I wore matching green and red sweaters that pointed at each other, the only difference in Derpy’s tan leggings and my black ones.

Derpy examined the picture and with a satisfied smile, posted it on Snapchat.

“We still up for surprising Trixie later?” I asked as Derpy gave an eager nod.

“I think she’s with Watermelody right now,” Silver Spoon mused as she rubbed her chin. “At least, that’s what her snapchat post said when she posted a picture of Watermelody kissing her cheek.”

“Surprised Trixie told her parents,” I said under my breath. “Watermelodys parents were less than enthused about her dating Trixie I heard.”

“Same,” Derpy frowned slightly before hugging me excitedly. “It’s our second Christmas together since we’ve been dating!”

“We have to do something special then,” I mused as I yawned slightly and hugged Derpy back. “Maybe a hotel? Or all night video game session in said hotel?”

“Shush,” Derpy rolled her eyes and kissed me. “Just us being here is special enough.”

“You got me there,” I admitted and kissed her back as Derpy leaned closer to my ear.

“But if you want, I’d be perfectly okay if you did something special tonight in bed,” Derpy whispered in my ear as I blushed.

I nodded sheepishly as she gave an excited smile.


I held the ladder steady with Blossomforth my little sister, Alula climbed the ladder to put the star on top of the tree.

“Great job!” Blossomforth congratulated the younger girl as she climbed down. I folded up the ladder and leaned it against the opposite side of the wall.

I faintly made out mom and dad upstairs in the kitchen, presumably making dinner when I glanced at the front door, raising an eyebrow at a shadow outside the door as someone knocked.

“I got it,” I said as I took a few quick steps to the door. We weren’t really expecting anyone else. Raindrops was with her family, as was Flitter and Cloudchaser. Lavender was most likely with Trixie, though Blossomforth did tell her she was invited for Christmas here.

I opened the door and froze as my eyes slightly widened. Lavender stood in front of the door with a bag of gifts in her hands.

“Hey,” Lavender said simply as she looked around nervously. “Can I come in?”

“Of course,” I shook my surprise off and stepped back as Lavender gave me a grateful nod and stepped inside, shutting the door behind her. “Alula, come help Lavender with her gifts! Blossomforth, can you get us some hot chocolate please?”

“On it!” Blossomforth gave me a mock salute as I laughed. Alula darted around me and hugged Lavender with a grin.

“Hey Lula,” Lavender smiled down at her as she set her bag down.

“Hey Lavvie,” Alula chirped as she took our cousins bag and stepped away. “I’ll leave you two to talk.” Alula winked at me and I sighed.

“I’m sorry,” we said in unison and both looked at each other.

“What?” I asked as Lavender sighed.

“For slapping you. It was uncalled for. You were just looking out for me as you always have.”

“It’s fine. If anything, I’m sorry. I never should have told you where to live and if Equestria is where you want to live, then I support it. It’ll just suck you not living here close.”

“I thought about it and I’ll probably stay till before college,” Lavender admitted. “Maybe, you can come with to Equestria one day and I’ll show you the house the Princesses gave me properly instead of just the outside. You’d like it a lot.”

I gave a nod as Blossomforth stepped forward with a smug grin.

“So you two worked it out finally?” Blossomforth asked as she held out two cups of hot chocolate.

“Yeah,” I said happily and reached for the cup only for Blossomforth to pull it away and shake her head, pointing above us with a smugger grin.

I looked up at mistletoe that Alula had begged us to hang up earlier and I turned red, kissing Lavenders cheek.

“Ah, ah, ah!” Blossomforth shook her head and giggled. “Lips, those are the rules!”

“Do you have an incest kink that we are just now finding out about?” Lavender asked flatly as I laughed.

“Ew no!”

I kissed Lavender on the lips for five seconds and pushed her away, wiping my mouth.

“First and last time that is ever happening,” I gagged dramatically. “Not that you’re ugly cousin, but I don’t wanna kiss you. How you’re single still is beyond me, nice slim body, decent sized chest according to the boys at school.”

“Not for a lack of trying,” Lavender grumbled as she tried and failed to hide her blush. “We are saving this train of thought for another night.”

“Sounds good.”

Blossomforth held out the mugs again and I waved it aside, opening my arms.

Lavender hesitated before opening her arms and we hugged.


I sat at my desk with my mask on, welding a gift for Sour. I had spent hours coming up with a bow design that she would like, now all I had was the finishing welds and it’d be done in time for tomorrow.

“Open up Twilight!” Indigo shouted as she continued banging on my door. “We are getting bored, if you’re trying on different clothes to seduce Sour into fucking you, stop it!”

“Indigo Zap!” Sunny Flare said in a horrified tone. “Twilight would not do that!”

“Most teenagers actually get horny a good percentage of their formulative years and I’d be concerned if Twilight didn’t.”

“Not helping Sugarcoat!”

“Whoa dude, what turns you on?” Lemon Zest asked with a grin. “Other than random facts of knowledge and dry sarcasm?”

“Haha!” Indigo laughed before pounding on the door again. “You got the count of five Twily!” I quickly finished welding Sours gift and sighed.

“I’m always friends with the weird ones,” I muttered as I gently pushed Sours gift under my bed. “Rainbow, Pinkie, Lyra, Vinyl, Indigo.”

“I heard that!”

I sighed and tossed my welding mask aside, standing up and opening the door to reveal my other friends standing in the door impatiently.

“About time,” Indigo snorted as she stepped into my room. “We’ve been here for hours!”

“We’ve been here for ten minutes,” Sugarcoat corrected dryly with a smile.

“Hello dearie. You look festive,” Sunny smiled as she hugged me, stepping back to examine my blue sweater with snowflakes designed into it. “Your room is a bit lacking, considering what your parents did to the rest of the house.”

“Looks like I stepped out of a Christmas movie dude!” Lemon laughed as she hugged me. “Christmas lights everywhere, a blow up Frosty in the front yard!”

Sour pushed Lemon aside onto my bed as she hugged me, kissing my forehead as I turned red.

“Oooh,” Lemon and Sugarcoat said in unison as the pair giggled.

“Shush,” Sour grumbled as I returned the gesture. “Hey Twi.”


“So what ya working on?” Lemon asked as she plopped on my work chair, spinning in circles. “Weee!”

“Nothing!” I said hastily as they all gave me doubtful looks. “Something!”

“Talk about ominous,” Sugarcoat mused as she picked up my welding helmet and hung it up. “We’re going out for cupcakes, wanna join us?”

“You’ll be back in time for dinner with your family,” Sour promised as she squeezed my hand. “Please?”

I melted a little at the puppy dog eyes Sour and Lemon gave me. Mainly Sour of course.

“Yeah, let’s go,” I said after a moment. Sunny tossed me a scarf and hat that matched my sweater.


“Hell yeah.”


“Can we go already?”

I gave a faint laugh as I grabbed Sours hand again, pulling her out of my room as the others followed.

I gave a look at where Sours now finished gift lay and shut the door.


“I still can’t get over the fact your moms name is peanut brittle,” Watermelody said as we sat on my bed.

“Yeah most are surprised about that fact,” I admitted sheepishly. “Mom makes the best peanut butter products Trixie has ever tasted.”

“I can believe that,” Watermelody chuckled as she looked at the door. “They aren’t going to come in here, are they?”

“No, they don’t if my door is closed. Why?”

Watermelody pushed me onto my back as she sat on my waist and kissed me as my eyes widened slightly and she laughed quietly, tossing her beret in the corner.

I kissed her back hesitantly as she gave an approving sound, slipping her hand under my shirt and I gasped slightly as she finally pulled away.

“Was that okay?” Watermelody asked hesitantly as I nodded quickly.

“What was that?” I asked curiously as Watermelody grinned, kissing my neck as I yelped. She leaned back and tossed her shirt off as my eyes widened again.

“What do you think?” Watermelody questioned with a smirk as she kissed me again and I pushed back as I kissed her. “You’ve gotten better, I’m happy about that.”

“Mhm,” I mumbled back with a red face.

“Trixie, your friends are here!” Mom called out as we both froze, looking over each other’s half exposed bodies.

“Shit,” I cursed under my breath as Watermelody pulled her free hand out from my shirt and searched for her shirt.

“Where is my shirt?” Watermelody asked hastily.

“It’s uhm on the ceiling fan. Where you threw it.”

“Fuck me,” Watermelody muttered as she stood up cautiously on my bed and grabbed it.

“I was about to till we got interrupted,” I grumbled and folded my arms across my chest with a huff.

“Well dear, we can always continue this later tonight if you wish,” Watermelody teased with a grin as she put her shirt back on.

“Yes, please,” I mumbled and she nodded. Watermelody picked up her beret and put it on her head as she looked in the mirror and gave an approving sound as I smiled.

“But first Trixie, you might want to brush your hair and put a bra on. We’re going out and the others might know what we were up to,” Watermelody planted a kiss on my cheek as I turned red again.

She may have a point there.


I laid on a beach chair with sunglasses on in a purple bikini that showed a bit more skin than I knew dad was comfortable with as I stretched slightly.

I might as well work on my tan while I have the opportunity. I work hard for this body, I should be able to show it off this summer like I planned.

“You know it’s a tanning salon, not an actual beach,” Wallflower pointed out as she laid on a chair next to me. “We’re in New York, not Tampa.”

“Don’t take this from me,” I responded as she giggled softly. It was a nice sound, something I rarely hear.

“Fair enough,” Wallflower admitted as I put some more sunscreen on and adjusted my sunglasses.

“Where’s mom and dad?” I asked as I propped up a leg and admired it.

“Upstairs, getting each other off. Or well, I would assume that’s what’s going on based on the noises,” Wallflower said as we both gagged in unison.

“Disgusting,” I muttered and shook my head a bit.

“Why are you caring about tanning? You’ve never cared about it before?”

“I didn’t have a boyfriend before either. And besides, a girl can look good whenever. Just because you like to hide in baggy clothes Sis doesn’t mean I want to.”

“I don’t hide in baggy clothing!” Wallflower protested weakly as I pulled down my sunglasses slightly to look her in the eyes. “Okay, I do prefer baggy clothing but well my body is nasty to begin with.”

“Hey,” I snapped and sat up straighter. “None of that. Your body is fine and beautiful in it’s own way. Don’t let anyone ever tell you otherwise or I’ll knock them out.”

“You’d actually do that for me?”

“You damn right I would,” I said as Wallflowers eyes widened. “Hurt my sister, I beat your ass. Simple as that.”


“Well, let’s see,” I held up a finger. “We came from the same woman, I’m older than you-”

“By five minutes,” Wallflower interjected with a frown as I chuckled. She hated that fact.

“And we look out for each other, no matter. If you need friends, I can always introduce you to Roseluck. She seems to like flowers like you do.”

“I don’t think she likes me much. I’ve tried talking to her and I just can’t say the right words, no matter how hard I try.”

“Well, then I’ll knock her teeth out,” I said confidently. I’ve been wanting to hit her for a while now to be honest with how mean she was to Sunset a long time ago.

“No!” Wallflower exclaimed and I raised an eyebrow. “I mean, don’t do that. Please, I can handle it.”

“Okay then. Just say the word,” I shrugged and lifted my sunglasses back over my eyes. I rolled over on my stomach to get my back tanned as she averted her eyes. “I love you, you know that? You ever need help, I’m there.”

“I know.” I waited as Wallflower shrugged. “I love you too, sis.”

“Where’s your rock thing at anyway?” I asked as she tensed up slightly.

“Home. I don’t need it here, I can always count on you. It’s easy to talk around you without worrying about you pointing out my errors in speech and whatnot.”

“Huh, okay. Don’t you ever forget it,” I laughed and elbowed her gently. “I am the best older sister after all.”

“You’re my only older sister,” Wallflower pointed out. “And it’s by five minutes.”

I looked at her and laughed with a smirk, Wallflower joining in after a second. She may think she’s the lucky one, but I’m truly the lucky one in this sisterhood.