• Published 25th Jun 2024
  • 411 Views, 4 Comments

The Reasonable Reformation - 5u0myn0n4

Cozy Glow recounts the journey that led her to reformation.

  • ...

Chapter 1

You see that happy filly jumping for joy on the front cover? Yep. That's me. Look at her. Look how filled with joy she is. The little pegasus filly with all her friends. That's me. What, you never expected her to be the center of attention surrounded by friends? Yeah, me either. I never thought I'd see the day. But wait, how did this all happen? Well, it didn't happen overnight. Here, I'll start where it all began. Or, rather, where things continued from where we left off. Ever wondered what happened after that? Well, I wouldn't have to wait long, but I was surprised when I realized that me, Lord Tirek, and Queen Chrysalis were turned to stone? Well, fortunately, it wasn't for forever, but it still was quite a bit of time. Cycles repeat, and it was only a matter of time before Twilight attempted to reform the villain of the week in stone. I was first on her list, you can probably guess as to why. If your guess is because I'm the cutest, you're on the right trail. But anyway, The main story begins somewhere chilly. To see my lowest point, we must journey ironically enough to the top of Equestria.

On the top of a snowy mountain, was a deep cave, guarded by a magic force field. Inside the cave, was a sleeping pink pegasus filly, dressed in a purple parka, and snow hat.

Slowly, Cozy Glow began to awaken.

"Ugh... Oh, oh golly. What is this? Where am I now?" she said to herself.

She saw somepony standing at the mouth of the cave.

"Cozy Glow?" said a voice at the cave entrance.

"Huh? What's going on?! Twilight?! What kind of sick thing do you have planned this time?!" Cozy asked.

"Cozy, wait!" Twilight exclaimed.

Cozy flew at her, but was stopped by a barrier.

"Ow!" Cozy exclaimed. "Wait, this looks familiar."

"Let's start over. *ahem* Greetings, Cozy Glow." Twilight said, with a welcoming smile.

"Greet... ings?" Cozy asked, not expecting the formal greeting.

"How are you feeling, Cozy?" Twilight asked.

"Uh... fine, I suppose. But, I'm very confused as to what's going on." Cozy said.

"You're imprisoned." Twilight said. "Does this setting look familiar?"

"Not really." Cozy replied. "Looks like a dreary cave."

"Actually, it's the cave that once held the bewitching bell." Twilight said. "We're at the top of Mt. Everhoof."

Knowing this, Cozy did now recognize her setting.

"Oookay? What are you getting at, Twilight?!" Cozy asked, anger.

"Cozy Glow, I'm here to talk." Twilight said.

Cozy was fueled with anger, but she quelled herself, and spoke to Twilight.

"...Very well. What would you like to talk about, Professor Sparkle?" Cozy asked, surprisingly calmly.

"When we defeated you on that fateful day, we did something that I've been thinking about a lot. I know you're probably not too happy about what we did to you on that day, but we did what we had to do in order to stop your evil doing."

"Hmph." Cozy puffed her chest at Twilight.

"It was never meant to be permanent, because I already knew that there was no way a you could be evil forever. And based on what I've learned about you recently, I have good reason to believe that you have what it takes inside you after all." Twilight explained.

"Pfft. What makes you think that, Twilight?" Cozy asked.

"Your "friend" Lord Tirek explained it to me. He explained that this area holds quite the significance to you. This is the location where you and the others nearly embraced friendship, after your successful trek up the mountain, and retrieval of Grogar's bell." Twilight said.

Cozy's pupils dilated, and she was surprised that Twilight had known about this specific moment. "Oh, did he? Well, big deal!" she exclaimed. "I don't need your fake sympathy. Why are you doing this? What do you want from me?!"

"I'm here to give you another chance. A chance to take a different path, and learn what friendship is really about." Twilight explained.

"Well, you should've offered that to me earlier. Why didn't you?" Cozy asked. "You had me truly well and defeated. Why did you let Discord do that to me?"

"Because I knew it wasn't going to be for long! I'd never let anypony remain like that forever!" Twilight said.

"You sure! If that's the case, why didn't you interject!?"

"I was never planning on leaving you in stone for forever. Nor was I planning to leave you in Tartarus forever. That's not how I do things. I was always planning on coming back to you eventually." Twilight explained.

"Well, you could've told me that before you let them do that to me! I was scared to death! I thought I literally was going to stay that way forever. That my short life was over!" Cozy cried. "I was so terrified. I never would've thought that I would ever get turned to stone. I was truly shocked."

"Cozy! I-" Twilight said, but Cozy spoke up.

"You're cruel for letting them do that to me!" Cozy exclaimed. "You know, I miiight've considered reformation if you had said something earlier. But after the cupcake, forget it!"

"Cozy, listen! I know we took extreme measures, but they were necessary measures. However, enough time has passed that I feel now is the time to reach out to you, and give you that other chance." Twilight explained.

"Are you really willing to let me go now?" Cozy asked.

"Well, it's going to be a process. You've spent enough time in stone, but I can't fully set you free until I'm sure that you're fully reformed." Twilight said. "You cannot be freed until you can be a well behaved member of Equestrian society. So I would like for you to apologize for all that you've done, and promise me up and down that you won't ever do any more evil."

"Hmph. Okay... so, what's in it for me?" Cozy asked.

"I'm willing to teach you what making friends is really about. I know you understand friendship more than you give yourself credit for. I couldn't show you the importance of making true friends before, but I'm willing to put in the leg work this time, and do whatever it takes to show you the importance of making real friends this time." Twilight said. "That's why I unfroze you from stone. I believe you're capable of more. I don't believe you need to be imprisoned, or seen as a threat, Cozy. I've thought a lot about you. And I have reason to believe you're capable of being a pony for good. I believe you are capable of living and being a part of Equestria, and having your own close friends. You might be surprised with what you uncover about yourself, Cozy. That's what's in it for you, Cozy."

Cozy looked at Twilight and raised her eyebrow.

"But, as you know, I am the Princess of Friendship. It's my duty to bring friendship to all who wish to have it. I know you've rejected friendship before, but perhaps that was my fault for not trying hard enough, or perhaps I was missing a real understanding of you. Either way, things are going to be different. I am going to try to reform you. If you don't want friendship, that's totally up to you, but I'm going to make sure that I give it my all, and do my best to show you what friendship can really mean for you, Cozy."

"Hmm. So you're serious about helping me out this time, huh?" Cozy said, looking up slightly.

Twilight nodded. "So, Cozy Glow?" Twilight extended her hoof out to Cozy Glow.

Cozy looked around, and thought hard about what Twilight's offer meant. Finally, she spoke her mind.

"...No." Cozy said.

"No?" Twilight asked.

"You heard me, Twilight. Why should I? I have doubts about your intentions. If you truly cared about me, you would've done something on that very day, not wait a long time, and come in with all this trickery."

Now she doesn't want trickery? Twilight thought in her head.

"...Very well, Cozy Glow. If that is what you wish then I'm afraid all I can do is leave you trapped in this cave." Twilight said.

"But why?" Cozy asked.

"You're more than just a trickster. Your actions led to the near disastrous ends of Equestria more than once." Twilight said.

"I'm a big thinker." Cozy replied.

"And so long as you have such high ambitions, then I'm afraid I can't let you go anywhere." Twilight said.

Twilight turned around and started to leave.

"Where are you going, Twilight?" Cozy asked.

"I'll be back later." Twilight replied. "While I'm gone, think about this. I decided to reach out to you. If I hadn't, you would've remained trapped in stone for a long long time. And if you think you can escape and try to make more friends than me, then consider that everypony saw you for who you are. Everypony's seen you as an out of control raging alicorn. Who's going to be friends with that?"

Twilight stretched out her wings, flapped them, and took flight, leaving Cozy all by herself.

Cozy was left to herself to think all on her own. While in stone, she was still capable of having thoughts, so really, this wasn't much more freedom than what she had before. At the very least she could now breathe, feel her own hooves, and see the outside world. Cozy clapped her hooves together, and breathed out just to make sure that was really back. She still had a difficult time believing it. She had feared that she would be in stone for forever. But now that she was released, things hadn't gotten easier, or clearer. The future seemed more confusing than ever.

Cozy sat down and put her hoof to her chin, and thought aloud.

"Think, Cozy. What are you going to do when stupid Twilight returns? Are you really going to give in to her silly plan? Or are you going to show her who's boss, and overthrow their goody goody four-hoof flanks for good?"

Cozy looked at the cave ceiling, tapping her chin.

"How do you top being an alicorn though?" Cozy asked herself. "Even as an alicorn I couldn't defeat her. Trapping her in Tartarus didn't work either. Every single time, her friends came to her rescue. Hmm. Her friends..."

"Friendship really is powerful. And somehow she knows how to use it against you better than you do." Cozy said to herself in her reflection in the ice. "It's going to take a while to make more friends than her. If that's even possible now..."

Cozy saw herself wearing the winter outfit, and was reminded of her first exhibition to the top of the mountain.

"You worked really well with those two. Up until you didn't. Could we have won if we were better at working together?" Cozy wondered to herself. "We were outnumbered though. Is it a numbers game Or the quality of friends?"

"Were we going to go our separate ways once we succeeded, or were we gonna stick together? Was that our downfall?"

Cozy leaned back, and rubbed her hoof against the gravel ground.

"Now what do I do...?"

Twilight herself had lots of thinking to do as well. She wasn't going to leave Cozy alone forever. She truly needed to consider Cozy's needs, and how to meet them.

Twilight flew down to a cabin at the base of the mountain. Spike was waiting for her there.

"So, how'd it go?" Spike asked.

"It's a start, but we still got some work to do." Twilight replied.

"You don't seem too cheery. Everything okay?" Spike asked.

"Everything's fine. Things just... might take a little longer than I thought." Twilight admitted.

"Why set an timeline for these things?" Spike asked.

"Yeah. It's just, I've been thinking that... maybe turning her to stone was the wrong approach after all. All it seems to have done is make her angrier." Twilight said.

"Yeah, tough call." Spike said. "Well, we can't take it back. But don't think that that means you can't get through to her."

"I thought I got through to her. I thought she was one of my star pupils. But it was all a ruse. She's smart, but I don't see any indicator so far that she'd wanna make friends with any-"

Spike spoke up and interrupted Twilight.

"Twilight, listen!"

Twilight took a step back when Spike had shouted.

"Sorry for yelling. I just wanted to say, think about why you're here doing this. You weren't gonna leave her in stone forever. You want to help her, and she'll realize that soon enough and come around." Spike said.

"You're right, Spike." Twilight said, smiling.

Twilight gave Spike a warm hug.

"Will you join me to see Cozy next time around?" Twilight asked.

"Sure. I'm with you through this whole thing, Twilight." Spike said.

The next morning, Twilight flew back to the top of Mt. Everhoof, with Spike riding on her back.

They saw Cozy Glow laying down in the cave. They didn't want to be intrusive and wake her up.

"What do you see, Twilight?" Spike asked.

"She's asleep. She looks so peaceful." Twilight said.

"She looks so... lonely." Spike said.

Cozy started to awake. The filly ruffled around, and lifted her head. She looked out the mouth of the cave, and saw Twilight and Spike looking all blurry. Soon as her vision cleared up, the two came into view, and seeing them made her must unhappy.

"Hmph. Back so soon? Just so you know, I haven't changed my mind." Cozy said.

"That's fine. I just came to check up on you and see how you were doing." Twilight said.

"Quit wasting your time, Twilight." Cozy said.

"I'm not giving up on you, Cozy." Twilight said.

"Hmph. Weirdo." Cozy said.

Cozy turned away from Twilight, though she couldn't help but be intrigued by Twilight's strange behavior.

"Well, you did come back and reach out to me. I don't think anypony else is gonna do that." Cozy said, under her breath.

Twilight and Spike tilted their heads, and tried to listen in on what Cozy was whispering.

Cozy turned around and glared at the two of them.

"You know, this is rather cruel. Dangling my freedom in front of me, and only giving it to me if I do what you want me to do." Cozy said.

But to Cozy's surprise, the magical forcefield dissipated, and faded away.

Twilight extended her hoof out.

She's kidding, right? She just released me, and she's expecting me to accept her offer? Cozy thought.

"What is this?" Cozy asked.

"Cozy?" Twilight said.

Cozy looked at Twilight. There wasn't a hint of uncertainty. There was a hint of true sincerity in her gaze. Cozy then looked to her side, and then at Twilight's hoof, with a most dubious and unsure look in her eyes. She looked up at Twilight's face once more, and saw a warm and inviting smile grow onto her face. Quite the sight she never thought she'd see. Cozy then gazed at the landscape behind Twilight. The top of the mountain was still a chilly and windy sight. Though she probably could make the trek down the mountain safely, what was realistically waiting for her below? There was an extremely low chance anyone would want to be her friend after witnessing what she'd done. But did really matter if power was more important to her than friendship? After much internal struggle, Cozy went with what seemed to be easiest path forward in this moment.

*groan* "Fine, Twilight." Cozy said.

Cozy bumped her hoof to Twilight's, and accepted her offer.

Twilight beamed with excitement.

"Eee! Excellent! I'm so excited!" she exclaimed joyfully.

"Yep. Congratulations, Twilight. You um... I'll go along with this. Just so long as there's no caveats." Cozy said.

"Finally! Now, we have lots of work to do, Cozy." Twilight said.

"Sounds like there's caveats to me..." Cozy said.

Back at the base of the mountain, Twilight and Cozy sat around a firepit. Spike was leaning against the cabin while watching them.

The mood was mildly tense. Cozy was completely focused on roasting her marshmallow, and was seemingly trying to ignore Twilight completely. Twilight thought of some questions that could maybe break the ice.

"So, Cozy. Do you wanna talk about the School of Friendship?" Twilight asked.

"...Not really." Cozy replied, continuing to focus on her roasting.

"I see." Twilight replied.

Cozy attempted to keep as low key and quiet as possible It may have been best to let the mood set, but Twilight decided to speak anyway.

"So, um... Why'd you do what you did, Cozy?" Twilight asked.

"...I don't know. I just thought that if I was in charge of the School of Friendship, I could make even more friends than you. Especially if you were locked in Tartarus." Cozy said.

"And are you proud of what you did?" Twilight asked.

"...Hmph." Cozy kept her lips tightly shut.

"Are you sorry for what you did?" Twilight asked.

*groan* Cozy groaned.

"Well, alright. Forget about what happened in the past. Are you ready to move forward and apologize to everypony?" Twilight asked.

Cozy looked down. And didn't answer.

Just the sound of the popping of the fire.

Cozy reeled in her marshmallow, and ate it in one bite. Twilight and Spike looked at each other, both feeling unsure.

Cozy finished chewing her marshmallow, and swallowed it.

"How was it, Cozy?" Twilight asked.

"Tasty. I hadn't eaten a decent meal in a long while." Cozy replied. "So, explain to me what exactly we're doing next?"

"Well, since your actions were so... large, they can't be pushed aside without addressing them. So, when we get back to Ponyville, I want you to apologize to everypony who you did wrong by." Twilight said.

"Uh-huh. And why would I want to do any of that?" Cozy asked.

"Because, Cozy, I believe that showing signs of sincerity is the first step on your reformation path. Whether you feel sorry yet or not, I believe rebuilding a few bridges would do you some good." Twilight explained.

"And if I don't, what are you going to do? You gonna lock me back in Tartarus? Or are you okay with turning me back to stone? And what are the chances you wince if that were to happen?" Cozy asked.

"Cozy, you need to let go of those things. I'm giving you the opportunity to have a fresh start." Twilight said.

"I don't want a fresh start. I want..." Cozy said, her voice trailed off.

"What do you want, Cozy?" Twilight asked.

*sniff* "I just want you to leave me alone!!" Cozy exclaimed.

Cozy ran from the firepit, and leapt into a mound of snow, burying her head in the snow.

Twilight and Spike looked at each other, and then slowly approached Cozy.

"Cozy? Cozy, are you okay?" Twilight asked.

Twilight patted Cozy's head with her hoof.

Cozy muffled and made a vague groaning sound.

"How does that feel, Cozy? Do you like it when I rub your head?" Twilight asked.

Cozy made more muffled groans.

"Please say something, Cozy. If I don't know what's bothering you, it's harder for me to help you." Twilight said.

*Grrr* "Why can't you just leave me alone?" Cozy's muffled voice asked. "You're so overbearing."

"I'm sorry if it's felt that way so far. But I want you to know I'm here to guide you. I'm not hear to make decisions for you, or tell you what to think. I believe this is something you can do on your own." Twilight said.

Cozy lifted her head out of the snow, and looked at Twilight. Twilight and Spike could see that Cozy had a couple of tears in her eyes.

Cozy cleared her throat before speaking. "You really think so?" she asked, looking unsure.

Twilight nodded. "I know so."

Cozy looked at Twilight, and they, for the first time, exchanged a smile.

"Ready to come with us to Ponyville, Cozy?" Twilight asked.

Cozy panned her gaze from side to side, still uncertain, but she finally looked at Twilight and gave her a response. "As ready as I'll ever be, I suppose." she said.

Such a lucky filly to have the full attention of the Princess of Friendship. You would hope that she would recognize this and and listen to what she says, right? Well, let's just say, old habits die hard.

Comments ( 4 )

"I'm here to give you another chance. A chance to take a different path, and learn what friendship is really about." Twilight explained.

"Well, you should've offered that to me earlier. Why didn't you?" Cozy asked. "You had me truly well and defeated. Why did you let Discord do that to me?"

"Because I knew it wasn't going to be for long! I'd never let anypony remain like that forever!" Twilight said.

"You sure! If that's the case, why didn't you interject!?"

"I was never planning on leaving you in stone for forever. Nor was I planning to leave you in Tartarus forever. That's not how I do things. I was always planning on coming back to you eventually." Twilight explained.

"Well, you could've told me that before you let them do that to me! I was scared to death! I thought I literally was going to stay that way forever. That my short life was over!" Cozy cried. "I was so terrified. I never would've thought that I would ever get turned to stone. I was truly shocked."

"Cozy! I-" Twilight said, but Cozy spoke up.

"You're cruel for letting them do that to me!" Cozy exclaimed. "You know, I miiight've considered reformation if you had said something earlier. But after the cupcake, forget it!"

No offense but I agree with Cozy. I mean what Discord and the Alicorn Sisters did to a child was too far and Twilight didn't show any care for a child shows how harmony makes anyone forget their morals.

"...No." Cozy said.

"No?" Twilight asked.

"You heard me, Twilight. Why should I? I have doubts about your intentions. If you truly cared about me, you would've done something on that very day, not wait a long time, and come in with all this trickery."

She has a point. If Twilight did care for Cozy, she would have done something on the day Cozy was turned to stone.

"Where are you going, Twilight?" Cozy asked.

"I'll be back later." Twilight replied. "While I'm gone, think about this. I decided to reach out to you. If I hadn't, you would've remained trapped in stone for a long long time. And if you think you can escape and try to make more friends than me, then consider that everypony saw you for who you are. Everypony's seen you as an out of control raging alicorn. Who's going to be friends with that?"

Twilight stretched out her wings, flapped them, and took flight, leaving Cozy all by herself.


"You worked really well with those two. Up until you didn't. Could we have won if we were better at working together?" Cozy wondered to herself. "We were outnumbered though. Is it a numbers game Or the quality of friends?"

"Were we going to go our separate ways once we succeeded, or were we gonna stick together? Was that our downfall?"

I think Cozy would see Tirek & Chrysalis as her parent figures.

"Well, you did come back and reach out to me. I don't think anypony else is gonna do that." Cozy said, under her breath.

Makes you wonder if Cozy Glow actually has parents or if she's an orphan?

"So, Cozy. Do you wanna talk about the School of Friendship?" Twilight asked.

"...Not really." Cozy replied, continuing to focus on her roasting.

"I see." Twilight replied.

I would have said "Did you threw away my stuff or had your students burn it?

"Well, since your actions were so... large, they can't be pushed aside without addressing them. So, when we get back to Ponyville, I want you to apologize to everypony who you did wrong by." Twilight said.

"Uh-huh. And why would I want to do any of that?" Cozy asked.

"Because, Cozy, I believe that showing signs of sincerity is the first step on your reformation path. Whether you feel sorry yet or not, I believe rebuilding a few bridges would do you some good." Twilight explained.

I don't know. I wonder how many creatures mock, vandalize, or deface Cozy Glow when she's was a statue?

Such a lucky filly to have the full attention of the Princess of Friendship. You would hope that she would recognize this and and listen to what she says, right? Well, let's just say, old habits die hard.

Actually, I imagine how many angry mobs will form before them join together as a massive mob?

I can't wait for the next chapter.

“Necessary measures”, bitch nothing about that was Necessary. All that was was Celestia, Luna, and Discord wanting to make the trio suffer. All the while you let discord go. The one who brought them together and was the reason they were able to cause so much destruction in the first place. I’m not saying they should of been let off the hook but petrifying a child is fucked up no matter if it wasn’t going to be forever. The fact you left Cozy in there at all is wrong. Why could you not just give her community service so she could help fix whatever damage she caused to Equestria. Her mind can’t handle that level of fear and trauma and you have the guts to say it was “Necessary”. Fuck You Twilight. Cozy has no reason at all to apologize to a bunch of Hypocrites why cheered and celebrated her petrification. Maybe if Twilight apologizes to Cozy first. Both for letting her get petrified and for finding joy in it. Then we could get somewhere. The fact she thinks they did nothing wrong to her pisses me off.

I was first on her list, you can probably guess as to why.

"Your "friend" Lord Tirek explained it to me. He explained that this area holds quite the significance to you.

This may be Cozy being an unreliable narrator, but for the second line to be true, Tirek was necessarily pulled from the stone before Cozy. If possible, I would like a little clarification on this.

Nor was I planning to leave you in Tartarus forever.

I have a question... Was Twilight ever made aware that Cozy had been imprisoned in Tartarus? The only thing I remember about it is that Celestia or Luna told her that they were going to put her somewhere safe (or something like that), but they never directly told her that it was Tartarus.

but I can't fully set you free you until I'm sure that you're fully reformed.

That second 'you' is unnecessary.

You want to help her, and she'll realize that soon enough and come around." Spike said.

This Spike is much more optimistic and positive than many others I've seen... I think I like him.

Cozy cleared her throat before speaking. "You really think so?" she asked, looking unsure

There is a missing period at the end of this line.

Ultimately, this story has gained my interest. If there is one observation and one recommendation that I can give you, this is it: Your writing is very rigid and simplistic when you describe how the characters express themselves. Try to make them more expressive by describing how they feel or how they are acting at the moment.


This may be Cozy being an unreliable narrator, but for the second line to be true, Tirek was necessarily pulled from the stone before Cozy. If possible, I would like a little clarification on this

This is a remnant of when I thought about having a chapter or two leading up to this section. Twilight unfreezes Tirek alone to try to gain an understanding of Cozy, but he is left in Tartarus. It’s still in continuity, but not shown.

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