• Published 30th Mar 2024
  • 163 Views, 5 Comments

Cutie Mark Crusaders Fight Club, Yay! - ArcadePonyFubuki

The CMCs go for their last-ditch effort to leave their mark on the school yearbook

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Rule #1:


“Gaw dammit girls! I just don’t know what we’re doing wrong!” Apple Bloom dropped her head on the table. “We’ve tried everything and still no Cutie Marks! I’m starting to think we gotta just throw in the towel..”

Ah yes, the Cutie Mark. CHS’s cute name for an arbitrary title in the yearbook that only focuses on one small aspect of your being. But also, the only sign that you did anything worth a damn during your high school career. Everyone wanted one, and no one would be caught dead without one.

“What?! We can’t quit now! We’re so close, I can feel it!” Scootaloo hyped up.

“I thought you couldn’t feel anything after we tried chemistry.” Sweetie Belle questioned.

“It’s a figure o’ speech Sweets.” Apple Bloom lifted her head before dropping it down again.

“Besides, that was only in my left hand. Good ol’ righty is still hanging in there!” Scootaloo flexed their right arm.

“Well what does everybody else have that we don’t?” Sweetie Belle wondered aloud.

The three scanned the lunch room for an easy answer they didn’t have to think of themselves.

“Friends?” Scootaloo said, staring at the mane six, er, seven.

“Nah it’s not that, me and Sweetie have those.” Apple Bloom pointed out.

“True.” Scoot shrugged.

“Girlfriends?” Sweetie Belle said, staring at Lyra and Bon Bon.

“I think that actually gets you taken out of the yearbook.” Apple Bloom explained.

“I knew they shouldn’t have put Mudbriar in charge.” Sweetie pouted.

Apple Bloom stared intensely at every group until she took notice of a massive revelation. “That’s it!” She shot up. “Everybody else here is in a club! Just look around, the magic club, the computer club, the brain surgery club, It was staring us right in the face, how didn’t we see it before?!”

“Are we not a club?” Scootaloo questioned.

“Crusadin’s different, I’m talkin’ a real club! With like, more than just us three.” Apple Bloom proposed.

“Woah, woah, we’re gonna talk to other people? That’s a bit extreme don’t you think?!” Scootaloo was astonished by Apple Bloom’s bold idea.

“I know it’s a lot to ask of y’all, but we must do what we have to if we wanna get those Cutie Marks. Now who’s with me?” Apple Bloom stuck her hand out. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo placed their hands over Apple Bloom’s, setting the three off into another of their far out plans.




“Join our club!” Apple Bloom said in her best salesperson voice as she held out a flyer to passerby’s.

“Won’t you please join our club mister?” Sweetie Belle did the same.

“Join our club or I’ll kill myself in front of you!” Scootaloo followed suit.

“Hey Scoots you think ya can dial it back a bit?” Apple Bloom advised.

“What? You gotta give the people what they want.” Scootaloo argued.

“We’ll have to unpack that later but for now, PLEASE JOIN OUR CLUB!!” Sweetie Belle shoved a full stack of flyers onto somebody.

“Well well well..”

“Aw fuck me.” Apple Bloom groaned.

“..if it isn’t the Cutie Mark Failures.” Diamond Tiara approached the trio, Silver Spoon at her side.

“What the hell do ya want Diamond?” Apple Bloom immediately got on the defensive.

“Oh nothing, just wanted to see what stupid club you’re trying to start. What is it anyway? An intro to how to be an embarrassment?” Diamond teased relentlessly.

“Nice one.” Silver Spoon fist bumped Diamond.

“I’ll have you know it’s.. it’s a uhh..” Apple Bloom stalled as she quickly realized they never actually decided what their club was about.

“IT’S A KISSING GIRLS CLUB.” Sweetie Belle screamed involuntarily, sweat dripping down her brow. Her eyes darted nervously as everyone stared at her dumbfounded.

“Uhh w-with your fist! It’s a fist.. kissing… club….” Scootaloo recovered.

“So it’s like a fight club, or something?” Diamond Tiara said with clear confusion in her words.

“Uhhhhh yeah! A no holds barred, rough and tumble, bloody knuckle fight club!” Apple Bloom crossed her arms proudly.

“That’s.. actually kinda badass. Good job Cutie Mark Crusaders, you’ve done something not lame for once. Who knows, I might even have to show up to the first meeting.” Diamond Tiara said, ever so slightly impressed.

“Wednesday, after school, in the yearbook room. I expect to see you there, if you’re not chicken.” Apple Bloom challenged.

“You’re on, farm girl.” Diamond walked off in a huff.

“..hey so uh, is that kissing girls club still happening or..?” Silver Spoon inquired.

“SILVER!” Diamond Tiara called out from across the hall.

“Coming!” Silver Spoon quickly ran off.

“Apple Bloom! What the hell was that?! You just personally invited Diamond Tiara to our club!” Scootaloo chastised.

“Hey I’m not the one that made it a fight club, what were you thinking??” Apple Bloom shot back.

“I was just trying to save it after Sweetie Belle botched it!”

“Did somebody say my name? I zoned out for a second.”

“Ugh, whatever, we got us a club now don’t we? And besides, I’m not passing up an opportunity to put that no good prissy jerk in her place.”

“Well I’d rather not have a club with just us and her.” Sweetie Belle pointed out.

“Would it help if we asked people we actually knew by name?” Scootaloo asked.

“Y’know, that idea ain’t half bad Scoots.” Apple Bloom nodded.

“Funny, that’s the exact opposite of what my therapist says.”



“Now why ‘da hell did you start a fight club?”

The Crusaders were standing on the side of the track field recruiting their first, intentional, club member.

“We didn’t mean ta, honest! It just sorta happened.” Apple Bloom shrugged.

“Fight clubs don’t ‘just happen’ Bloom. Have you guys been a gang this whole time or something?”

“What?! No we’re not a- look Babs are you in or not?” Apple Bloom handed a flyer forward.

Babs Seed looked over it curiously.

“Yeah, sure. I’ll join ‘ya gang.” Babs smirked.

“Great! First meeting is this Wedne- Babs.”

“I’m joking, I’m joking. I’ll see ‘ya fellas Wednesday, alright?” Babs winked as she ran back onto the track field.

“See ya there!” Apple Bloom called out. “Alrighty, who else should we ask?”

“How about Pipsqueak?” Scootaloo proposed.

“While I would enjoy punching a British person I don’t think he’s exactly fight club material.” Apple Bloom shot down the suggestion.

“Lily Longsocks would be perfect!” Sweetie Belle beamed at her own brilliance.

“Yeah, for getting us killed! Everyone knows she’s on some freak shit.” Scootaloo rejected Sweetie’s brilliance.

“Might I make a suggestion?” A girl about a foot shorter than the crusaders appeared between the group.

“AAHH!!” All three jumped back in surprise.

“I don’t mean to intrude, but I couldn’t help but hear that you need club members, correct?”

“Where did you..?” Scootaloo looked around in confusion.

“Well allow me to introduce your newest member: me!”

Sweetie Belle gave a small laugh under her breath. “No offense, but aren’t you a little..” she gestured with her hand, insinuating the girl’s small stature. The girl responded by scowling and grabbing Sweetie’s hand, bending back a finger until it loudly snapped.

“OW FUCK!! WHAT THE- GODDAMIT!!” Sweetie fell to the floor.

“The name’s Cozy Glow, I can’t wait to play with you again!” She snatched the flyer out of Apple Bloom’s hand.

“You shouldn’t have tempted her.” Scootaloo looked down at Sweetie Belle as she rolled back and forth.

“SHUT THE FUCK UP SCOOTALOO” Sweetie shouted through tears.

“Well that makes two besides us, good enough for me.” Apple Bloom stated. “Now we just gotta wait for Wednesday..”



Apple Bloom stood before the members as they sat in a row on the floor, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo to her side.

“Hello everyone, thank you all for attending the first annual meeting of the.. Canterlot High… fight club..” Apple Bloom cleared her throat. “A-anyway let’s go over the uh.. the rules first, I suppose.”

Apple Bloom stepped out of the way and motioned for Scootaloo to take her spot. Scootaloo walked up with a piece of parchment paper in their hands.

“Mhmph.” They cleared their throat. “The first rule of fight club, is to TAKE NO PRISONERS!” Scootaloo ferociously ripped the paper to shreds. “IF YOUR HEAD HITS THE MATT YOU’RE OUT BITCH! SPILL BLOOD OR GET SPILL-“

“Thank you Scootaloo!” Apple Bloom laughed awkwardly as she held Scootaloo’s mouth closed. “Why don’t ‘cha just skip the rules and demonstrate a match for us?”

“Oh! Good idea Apple Bloom, rules are boring anyway. Ok let’s see here… Babs! Come on up here!” Scootaloo called excitedly.

Babs reluctantly got up and walked to Scootaloo’s side as they instructed her what to do.

“Alright so before every match the two people stand like this and bow all karate style, and then we fight!” Scootaloo bowed.

“We just go into it? No like countdown or ‘nothin?” Babs questioned skeptically.

“Yeah, yeah! C’mon just do it!”

Babs copied Scoot’s bow, if a little confused.

Scootaloo eagerly put their fists up. “Now don’t hold back Babs, we can’t teach these people if we don- ACK”

Babs swiftly drove her fist into Scootaloo’s stomach, leaving them breathless and on their knees.

“Nice… nice shot Babs.. you win.” Scootaloo gasped before falling to their side.

“..glad to be of service, I guess.” Babs walked back to her spot on the floor, unsure if she did all that right.

“Oh my god this is stupid.” Diamond Tiara groaned under her breath.

Apple Bloom dragged Scootaloo off to the side as Sweetie Belle took center.

“I suppose it’s my turn..” Sweetie Belle scanned over the members, looking for the meekest of the group. “Silver Spoon! Why don’t you come up.”

Silver Spoon timidly got up from her spot and went up to Sweetie Belle. The two stared each other down for a second too long until Sweetie snapped back to the present.

“Right!” She shook her head. ”Just like they did before.” Sweetie bowed, Silver copying her. The two put their fists out unsurely. They both simultaneously swung a fist forward, Sweetie her left and Silver her right, which clashed into each other with an uncomfortable crack. The both of them immediately began to tear up and retreated to their spots as their respective hands went limp and sore.

“Oh for fuck’s sake this is embarrassing. Apple Bloom! Fight me bitch!” Diamond Tiara shot up from her spot.

“Now who the hell do ‘ya think you are telling me what to do?”

“Fine, don’t. Guess you’re just too much of a wuss.” Diamond stared her down smugly.

Apple Bloom felt her fists tighten involuntarily. “Ok bitch, you asked for this.” she walked up with her fists out.

“Damn right I did.” Diamond Tiara followed suit.

Apple Bloom immediately shot a fist towards Diamond’s head, which she narrowly dodged. Diamond retaliated with a hard shot to Apple Bloom’s side, making her stumble back a bit before she pulled her arm back and sent it flying forward, clocking Diamond across her face. Diamond Tiara was sent tumbling down. She shot a glare at Apple Bloom as blood trickled out her nose. Before anyone could react, Diamond Tiara pounced forward and tackled Apple Bloom to the floor, beginning to wail on her.

“Hey! Hey! Break it up!” Sweetie Belle stepped forward cautiously, attempting to stop the fight.

“No! I got- OW- this! I can- SON OF A- I can take ‘er!” Apple Bloom said between strikes. She found an opening between Diamond’s punches and managed to push her back and immediately follow up with a strike to the chest. Diamond stumbled and hit the floor with a thud. Apple Bloom got to her feet with a wobble and stood over Diamond Tiara. With the small amount of energy she had left, she held her hand out towards Diamond. Diamond Tiara stared at it for a second before reluctantly holding onto it. Apple Bloom pulled Diamond to her feet and weakly shook her hand.

“Good match Diamond.” Apple Bloom said through heavy breaths.

“..whatever.” Diamond harshly pulled her hand back before returning to her spot, Apple Bloom looking on with slight disappointment.

“Ok..” Apple Bloom gave a heavy sigh. “I think that’ll be all for today. It was a very… productive, evening.” She gave a glance to Scootaloo, still laying on the floor. “Thanks for coming and uh.. I hope to see y’all next week.”

The lineup on the floor all got up and collected their belongings, murmuring to themselves as they exited.

“Didn’t even get to do anything fun.” Cozy Glow hissed to herself, being the first to leave.

“Hey DT I really think my hand’s broken.” Silver Spoon winced.

“I don’t want to hear it.” Diamond dismissed as they both made their way out.

“Hey Bloom if you and your friends here need any uh, serious medical care and all’at don’t be scared to ring me up y’know. Sorry about that cheap shot Scoots.” Babs paused on her way out.

“It’s good.” Scootaloo gave a thumbs up from the floor, Babs returning the gesture as she closed the door.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle leaned against the wall and slid to both sides of Scootaloo, all three releasing a heavy sigh in sync.

“Well that was a shit show.” Apple Bloom said bluntly.

“Honestly? Better than expected. I was anticipating at least two concussions.” Sweetie Belle admitted.

“That was badass. At least the parts I was able to stand for.” Scootaloo beamed.

“The only part you were up for was when you got folded by Babs.” Apple Bloom pointed out.

“Hell yeah it was.”

“Oh, hey, Apple Bloom, you uh, you got a black eye there.” Sweetie meekly pointed at Apple Bloom.

“Do I now, that’s gonna be hard to explain. How’s ‘ya hand holdin’ up?” Apple Bloom pointed back to Sweetie.

“It hurts. Hurts like hell, actually. If Rarity sees it she’ll probably never let me do anything ever again. But yknow, could be worse.” Sweetie gave a small smile. “Do you think you can stand up Scootaloo?”

“I’ll violently throw up if I do, so I’m gonna lay here for like, an hour, or two.”

“That sounds nice.” Sweetie Belle peacefully shut her eyes and leaned her head back.

“Good idea. I’ll text Applejack that we’re staying over at Scoot’s house. That should cover us.” Apple Bloom copied Sweetie Belle.

“Sleepover.. yay!” Scootaloo quietly cheered.



“So.. what’d you think of that fight club?” Silver Spoon peered up from her science homework.

Diamond Tiara shot a glance back before returning to her math work. “It was fine.”

“Cool, cool.. are you gonna go back next week?”

“Are you?”

“Uh, yeah, I was planning on it.”

“Then, sure, why not.”

“Ok, cool…”

The two sat in uncomfortable silence for a moment, Silver trying to start a sentence several times before finally biting the bullet.

“Hey DT is.. is something wrong? You’ve been all moody since we left school, er, more than usual, at least.”

“Uh, no, no. It’s just.. just this math, y'know, so boring.” Diamond uncharacteristically stumbled through her words.

“Oh, ok.” Silver said simply. She could tell Diamond wasn’t being entirely truthful. She could also tell whatever was bothering Diamond, she wasn’t ready to talk about. So she decided to let it rest for now and unpack it later. But for the time being, she had to get this damn chemistry sheet done…