• Published 30th Mar 2024
  • 171 Views, 5 Comments

Cutie Mark Crusaders Fight Club, Yay! - ArcadePonyFubuki

The CMCs go for their last-ditch effort to leave their mark on the school yearbook

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Rule 2: There Is No Rule #2


“Ok, wow, didn’t uh.. didn’t expect you all to come back.” Apple Bloom found herself once again speaking in front of the same four people sitting in a row on the floor. “A-anyway, happy to see y’all again. Now, we’ve heard some of your complaints about a ‘lack of involvement’.” Apple Bloom’s eyes wandered to Cozy Glow, who returned the look with an innocent fluttering of her lashes. “So we’ve made sure everyone will get a turn today. You’re all gonna come on up one by one and choose a sparring partner for the day, does that sound good?”

A chorus of indifferent grunts answered Apple Bloom.

“That sounds wonderful Ms. Bloom!” Cozy Glow’s high pitched voice echoed out.

“Please don’t call me that. Alrighty now, who wants to come up first?”

Everyone stood eerily still, all but Cozy of course, whose hand was eagerly waving in the air.

“I figured as much..” Apple Bloom sighed. “Alright Cozy, come on up.” Apple Bloom wandered over to Sweetie and Scoots.

“Oh gosh, I just don’t know who to choose! Everyone looks so strong, I dunno if I’m cut out for this..”

“That’s ok now, maybe I can choose for-“

“I choose Silver Spoon!” Cozy cutoff Apple Bloom.

“What? But I thought you just..” Silver Spoon sputtered.

“Come on up silly, what’re you waiting for?”

Silver gulped and cautiously approached Cozy.

“I dunno girls.. I’m starting to think ‘fight club’ ain’t exactly the winning idea we thought it was.” Apple Bloom said as she sat in between her best friends.

“I’m enjoying it.” Scootaloo said matter-of-factly.

“Well I knew you would, but I’m just not seeing how this is getting us any closer to our Cutie Marks.” Apple Bloom said.

“Wha?… Right! Yeah, that’s why we’re doing this. I-I knew that.” Sweetie Belle flashed an overcompensating grin.

“Ugh, ya see what I mean! Maybe it’s time to change course..”

“HEY!” A loud yell cutoff Apple Bloom’s train of thought. “Get your fucking hands off her you freak!” Diamond shouted as she marched towards Cozy, who was currently driving her shoe into the side of Silver Spoon’s face.

“Golly, do you wanna play too Ms. Tiara?” Cozy playfully asked.

“Alright you little creep..” Diamond growled as she rolled her sleeves. She charged forward and shoved Cozy back as hard as she could. Cozy Glow held onto Diamond’s collar and pulled her back with her, sending the two into a back and forth tussle that eventually brought them to the floor, with petty pot shots ensuing.

“On second thought, I’m starting to see the appeal.” Apple Bloom relaxed a bit. “Actually pretty entertaining when it ain’t one’a your friends getting their shit kicked in.”

“Should we stop them? My allowance isn’t gonna cover getting sued by Diamond’s dad.” Sweetie Belle winced.

Scootaloo waved a dismissive hand. “Nah, they’re fine. In fact..” they pulled a pencil box out of their backpack and emptied the contents as they got to their feet. “Place your bets now! Who’s gonna come out on top?!” Scootaloo waved the box around.

“What in the sam hill are ya doing?!” Apple Bloom whisper yelled.

“Being engaging! Gotta give people a reason to come back, y’know?”

“With gambling?!”

“I’ve got ten on Cozy.” Babs dropped a bill in the pencil box. “And this is betting, way different than gambling.”

“She’s got you there.” Sweetie Belle pointed out.

“How about you girls, who’re you willing to wage on?” Scootaloo waved the box back and forth over Bloom and Sweetie, donning their best shit eating grin.

“All I’ve got is three dollars and two nickels. Just put it on Cozy I guess.” Sweetie Belle dropped her savings into the box.

“Sweetie!” Apple Bloom shouted, appalled.

“What?! You know I hate getting left out!”

“Ugh, what’ever. Look, I’m putting one dollar in on Diamond, only ‘ta shut ‘ya up.” Apple Bloom slipped the bill in.

“I’ll take it!” Scootaloo clasped the box closed.

A heavy thud caught everyone’s attention, serving as a proverbial bell to end the match, as Diamond Tiara hit the floor, laying opposite to Silver Spoon. Cozy Glow spat out a shot of blood as she stared down at the two. Without anything but a huff she returned to her seat on the floor. Babs took a couple precautionary scooches away from her.

“Yowch, tough break Apple Bloom.” Scootaloo snickered as they returned Babs’ and Sweetie’s money.

Apple Bloom was too distracted by Diamond Tiara’s borderline unconscious state to notice Scoot’s blatant thievery.

“Oh shitshitshitshit!!” Apple Bloom scrambled to her feet and quickly hauled Diamond Tiara over her shoulders, practically dragging her out of the room.

“Hey! Wait up!” Sweetie Belle followed suit, struggling to lift Silver Spoon. “Scootalooyou’reinchargewhilewe’regonekbye!” Sweetie rushed out the door.

Scootaloo stood silently, the slow dawning of realization creeping over as they looked at their only two options for a sparring partner.

“Aw shit.”



“Where are you even going?!” Sweetie asked as she followed Apple Bloom with Silver Spoon leaning on her shoulder.

“I don’t know! Im looking for a place where we can check on them!” Apple Bloom hurriedly explained as she carried Diamond.

“We better turn around then, cause the nurse’s office is the other way.” Sweetie began to change direction.

“Are you crazy?! Silver’s missing two of her damn front teeth, we can’t explain that to the nurse without getting damn near incarcerated!” Apple Bloom objected.

“Where the hell do you wanna go then?!” Sweetie Bell began to crumble under the anxiety.

“Ummm.. uhhhh…. there!” Apple Bloom pointed to the bathrooms. “No one’ll bother us there!”

Apple Bloom rushed off with Diamond Tiara. Sweetie winced at the conditions of this plan but followed Bloom anyway, despite her better judgment.

The two settled down in the biggest stall and sat down their hazy club mates, quickly checking for any major marks and blemishes.

“Ok.. doesn’t look like they’re bleeding or nothing, and they’re still breathing, mostly.” Apple Bloom took a breath.

“What were we thinking letting that psycho in!? Soon as we get back we gotta tell Cozy she’s out.” Sweetie said authoritatively.

“Pssch, have fun with that. I’ll be sure to write to ya’ in the hospital.” Apple Bloom scoffed. Sweetie lost all previous power in her posture at the thought of actually confronting Cozy Glow.

“So…. do ya’ think they’re gonna wake up soon?” Apple Bloom stared worriedly at Diamond and Silver.

“I hope so cause I am not spending another night here, I woke up like four times to the janitor trying to sweep me up.” Sweetie shuddered.

“Well…. w-with that hair.. can.. can you blame him?” Diamond Tiara’s eyes flickered as she slowly came back to full consciousness.

“Are you kidding me?” Sweetie deadpanned.

“Oh thank goodness you’re awake! Quick, how many fingers am I holding up?” Apple Bloom sat up and shot up three of her fingers.

“Tell me how many I’m holding up.” Diamond shot up the bird as she shakily got to her feet and pushed Apple Bloom out of her way. She took a couple wobbly steps towards the bathroom exit before stumbling and falling against a wall.

“C’mon, let me help ya’ now.” Apple Bloom came to Diamond’s side and tried to support her arm.

“I’m fucking fine! Just leave me and let me go kick that freak’s ass!” Diamond waved Bloom away as she stumbled a little bit further.

“Ugh… where.. am I? What’s going on Sweaty.. Ball..?” Silver Spoon slurred as she came to.

“Silver Spoon!” Sweetie’s eyes lit up with relief. “You got hurt pretty bad, er, not to say you didn’t put up a good fight! Eh heh, we just took you to the bathroom to see if you were alright.”

“Oh, t-thanks.. did I really do good in that fight? Cause I feel like I went out pretty fast.” Silver questioned.

“Oh, yeah, totally!” Sweetie flashed her most convincing fake smile. “You really showed that Cozy Glow what for.” She chuckled awkwardly.

“Woah.. I’m so cool..” Silver stated in a dizzy stir.

“I SAID I DON’T NEED FUCKING HELP!!” Diamond shouted, her voice echoing in the small room.

“You can barely walk! Like hell you don’t need help, now hold my goddamn hand!” Apple Bloom stomped her foot and yelled back.

“In your dreams farm girl, I’d rather get caught dating Snips than holding your muddy hand.” Diamond dismissed the offer and staggered forward.

“Ugh, I really, REALLY, didn’t wanna do this..” Apple Bloom sighed. She rolled her sleeves up and swiftly hauled Diamond over her shoulder.

“HEY! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?!” Diamond yelled in appalled shock.

“This is just as embarrassing for me as it is for you.” Apple Bloom grumbled.

“I HIGHLY DOUBT THAT!” Diamond whined as she weakly pounded her fists on Apple Bloom’s back.

“We should probably follow them. I mean, unless you wanna stay here together…?” Sweetie told Silver.

“….has anyone told you you’d make a cute horse?” Silver tilted her head with a glazed look in her eyes.

Sweetie dropped her head and sighed. “Y’know, no one ever has.” She promptly stood up and dragged Silver back to the club room.


“Babs! How’s about we go for round eight!” Scootaloo spat out a bit of blood nonchalantly.

“Uhm, are ya sure? You’re getting pretty fucked up not gonna lie.” Babs whispered in concern.

“Listen up I’m not fighting that thing over there so just start kicking my shit in already.” Scootaloo pleaded.

Before Scootaloo could get their shit kicked in again, the club room door swung open, Apple Bloom stepping in with Diamond still over her shoulder.

“Club dismissed.” Apple Bloom commanded flatly before dropping Diamond on her ass.

“Ow! Watch it you clutz!” Diamond complained.

“Oh thank god.” Scootaloo whispered to themselves as they got ready to leave.

“Ah darn! And just when we were having fun.” Cozy solemnly said aloud.

“Yeah, don’t think I’m letting you kick us out before I get to pound her face in.” Diamond confronted Apple Bloom.

“I don’t got time for all this squabbling, if you wanna go fight do it behind the Denny’s like normal people.” Apple Bloom waved them away.

“Gosh you can be such a meanie Ms. Bloom! I thought that was Diamond’s job!” Cozy whined as she turned to leave.

Diamond growled under her breath as her hand instinctively clenched into a fist. She quickly whirled around and threw her fist forward, striking Cozy in the back of the head. Cozy stumbled a bit before rolling her neck and facing Diamond. She did nothing but snicker to herself as she raised her fists. This only annoyed Diamond further.

The two threw themselves into their second ugly fight of the day, pulling at hairs and pounding fists where need be.

“Hey! I said we were done here now!” Apple Bloom broke the two up and pushed them away. “I swear, I’ve cleaned pigs with better behavior than you tw-“ Apple Bloom was unceremoniously cut off by Cozy’s fist colliding with her face.

Babs and Scootaloo went silent as they darted eyes between each other. Diamond stared with a blank shock on her face, before uncontrollably bursting into laughter. Apple Bloom rubbed her cheek and she stared at Diamond with a betrayed anger in her eyes.

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! …well I’m not, but still you gotta admit that was hilarious!” Diamond tried to regain composure.

Apple Bloom covered the anger on her face with a playful smirk. “I’ll give ya’ something to laugh about.” She said before picking up Diamond by the legs tumbling to the floor with her.

“Uhh.. hello? I was trying to make this club actually fun, can we get back to that?” Cozy tried to gain the room’s attention back.

Bloom and Diamond continued to tussle on the floor, uncontrollably laughing as they took petty pot shots at each other.

“Am I the only one that feels like they shouldn’t be watching this?” Scootaloo whispered to Babs.

“No no I get it, it’s like watching two wild animals tryna kill each other before they mate.” Babs responded.

“I would’ve used literally any other comparison but, yeah.” Scoot said.

The two took a few final shots before weakly getting to their feet, still giggling under their breath at it all. As they stood up they locked eyesight with each other for a few seconds. The room went silent. They exchanged a few labored breaths before their minds went blank and eyes went shut as they fell towards each other, firmly planting lips together.

Sweetie Belle and Silver Spoon collapsed into the room. “Oh hey! They finally opened that kissing girls club!” Silver said excitedly.