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A Day At The Field

Sunset took a deep breath and sighed in relief as she felt the cool breeze hit her face, her crimson red and yellow hair lifting and hovering for a few seconds before floating back down on her shoulders. The fresh air was great to breathe in and being out in the warm summer weather was a nice change of pace from staying stuck in her house looking at everything in her room. Not that she exactly had a choice about it at the current moment. Still being stuck as a kindergartner didn’t give her much liberty to do what she pleased. But the situation could have been a lot worse like she could be doing farm work for a second day in a row. Not that she was ungrateful for Applejack letting her crash at the farm for a night and was glad to have helped out for the day. But she wasn’t sure she believed Applejack when the farmgirl told her that the workload given to her was the same amount Apple Bloom had when she was Sunset’s ‘age’.

Collecting the eggs and feeding the chickens were fine, and outright hilarious when Apple Bloom was chased off by Jessabelle, but the rest of the day was not quite so easy. She helped milk cows, collect apples, and pull weeds. They worked from as soon as they finished breakfast to when Rainbow Dash swung by to pick her up. Then Rainbow had to ride to her house with the windows down and carry the girl to the house since her new designer cowgirl boots were covered in different farm sludges and smelled like the farm. And after taking a long hot bath, scrubbing her body three times over, the smell of Apple Acres still lingered on her. However, the fact that the only thing that Rainbow’s family had was apple-scented shampoo probably didn’t help.

Now she had to deal with an unpleasant phone call with Rarity about the boots. But that would have to wait for another day as she would enjoy this day out without having to deal with any work giving her sore muscles, a chance to relax from yesterday's workout as the Rainbows Family was much more laid back than Apple Jacks.

Sunset got to sleep in, making up for the sleep that she had lost at Apple Jacks, and was sure that no one had even thought about getting up until around 9 o’clock. Which might have not been sleeping in for some people but when she had gotten up at the crack of dawn the morning before if she had been woken up at 7 she would have thought it was sleeping in. Then she, Rainbow, her mom and dad, and her little sister Scootaloo sat in the living room eating waffles and strawberries for breakfast as they watched cartoons. It was probably the best breakfast experience that she ever had, minus the footie not making the zipper appear until a certain time. She felt like the footie was making the zipper appear later than it did the previous morning. No, she was positive it was doing that and on purpose too. Unlike yesterday when the zipper appeared when she woke up, she almost resorted to begging the footie to let her go. It almost led to an embarrassing accident when she had to use the bathroom but couldn’t get out of the PJs, but thankfully it let go of her. It was as if the pajamas were trying to make up for the lost time of her not wearing them the previous day.

But now she was in a blue shirt that had a cloud and lightning bolt on it, a pair of denim shortalls with a large pocket in the middle of the shortalls, a pair of socks that was divided into rainbow color rings that looped around it, and blue velcro shoes. Taking another look at the outfits the fashion girl made for her was divided into who she was going to be with. Yesterday she had been in an outfit for working on the farm, even if it looked like it should have been down a runway. Then today her clothes were meant for running and playing around in, and the outfits that were yet to come matched one of her friends in some way.

“LETS GO DASHIE!” Rainbow’s dad Bow cheered, wearing a blue T-shirt with a picture of Rainbow Dash in her soccer uniform. In one hand he had a small light blue novelty flag with a rainbow RD on it, and in his other hand, Scootaloo was in the man's arm, being hosted up, holding her own Rainbow Dash flag. Both of them had a rainbow painted on their cheeks as they cheered as loud as they could for the girl. Not that Windy, Rainbow’s mom, was much better. While her husband and daughter sat on the bleachers behind Sunset the teen's mom was standing beside the stand with sparklers burning away in her hand as she waved them around acting like a cheerleader.

“GO DASHIE, SHE OUR GIRL! IF SHE CAN'T KICK A GOAL THEN NO ONE COULD!” The lady cheered out, not worrying about the rhyme rhyming as she cheered her daughter on. The lady wore a thick light blue sweater that had DASH ATTACK in different colors of the rainbow, and a pair of checkers pants in the same pattern as a soccer ball. It was kind of insane to see the family in action cheering for the high schooler, nothing that Sunset had ever witnessed before.

But it made sense with how good Rainbow Dash was at rallying everyone. That song number that she sang and danced to get the school riled up for the Friendship Games was probably the best attempt at school spirit that the girl had ever seen. And now Sunset got to see where that energy came from firsthand.

Unlike Rainbow, Sunset didn’t exactly have a group of family members lined up to cheer and praise her for literally everything she did. Besides the fact she was in a whole different world than the one she was born in, she didn’t have any parents. So her athletic friend was already ahead of her in that sense.

But weirdly enough Rainbow’s parent's cheering didn’t just stop at their oldest daughter, but it spread to almost everyone from what she saw. Scootaloo finished her dinner the previous night before anyone else and the entire family practically gave her a standing ovation, celebrating how fast the girl ate the pizza. And then when Sunset finished her pizza and went to throw her crust away, since only crazy people at the crust and since all of the family watching her ate it… it kind of explained the family a bit. But Rainbow rushed the girl back to her chair and made her shoot the crust into the trash can. And when she made it Rainbow’s dad grabbed her and ran around the house with the girl, as if she had just made the winning shot at a professional basketball game.

But with the nonstop cheering that the family was giving the oldest girl, it was clear who got the most encouragement. Heck, Rainbow's little sister was the president of the Rainbow Dash fan club in the school. Sunset was sure it wasn’t a stretch to say Rainbow Dash got the same amount of attention from her family that the movie star would get from the press.

“Ah, mm…!” Scootaloo suddenly gasped and groaned as she grabbed her left leg and started to massage it. Her eyes closed tight as if she was in pain, but she was quick to hold up a hand. “I-I’m ok,” She insisted as her parents looked at her concerned. “I think I just need to go on a walk.” She said as her dad lowered her down to her mom, who then sat the girl on the ground.

“Ok Scoots,” Bow said, sitting forward as he reached into his back pocket and pulled his wallet out. Digging in the brown leather square for a few seconds he pulled out a crisp twenty-dollar bill and handed it to the girl. “Why don’t you walk to the concession stand and get us some refreshments? Sunset could you go with her?” He asked, leaning forward again so he could put his wallet in his pocket again. But also using the opportunity to whisper in Sunset's ear. “Just to make sure she’s ok. Come back if her leg starts to hurt.”

“Oh yeah, let me help!” Sunset said, nodding her head to what she was told, scooting over to the edge of the cool metal bleacher that she had been sitting on, and dropping to the ground. Since she was sitting on the middle row she was pretty high up and ended up hitting the ground with a soft thud and squatted a bit. But she was quick to recover as she shot straight up and stood beside the president of the Rainbow Dash fan club.

“Need me to get you a chair, Princess?” Windy asked the girl, calling her by the nickname she gave Scootaloo, “The vans right over there, I can have it set up before you get back.” She offered, placing her hand on the girl's shoulder.

“O-oh, no it's fine Mrs… I mean mom,” Scootaloo said, catching herself from saying something else, blushing a bit as she looked down at the ground. “I think I’ll be fine.” She said quietly as she reached up and took Windy's hand for a second. “Thanks though!”

“No problem, Princess.” The lady said to the girl, “Kay now go! I need to hydrate so I can keep cheering for Dashie!” She said before going back to waving her sparklers as the two young girls walked off on their quest to get food and drink. Thankfully the little brown wooden hut wasn’t too far from the field where Rainbow Dash was playing so the two got in line and ordered some snacks.

“Glad you’re here to help,” Scootaloo said as she stepped to the side and leaned against the little shack, planting her foot against it as she stuck her hands in her pocket and looked at Sunset. She stared at the girl as if something was crawling on her and wasn’t sure what to say.

“Uh… yeah it's no problem,” Sunset said, blushing a bit as the girl stared her down at her outfit to make sure everything was ok. She even wiped her face to make sure she didn’t have any syrup on her face left over from breakfast. “Everything ok?” She asked the girl, making Scoot’s eyes go wide as she looked away.

“Oh yeah.” She said, her cheeks tinted red as she looked at the sky. “Just was thinking about how weird it is to see you so… small.” She said. “Like you were never this size here, you’ve always been taller than me.” She mused.

“Uh yeah, I guess,” Sunset said rocking back and forth on her heel, “Guess I haven’t given that too much shock.” She said, also looking up at the clear blue sky now. That wasn’t true at all, when she first got to Rainbow’s place she immediately noted how big Scootaloo was now compared to how she normally was.

“Yeah, you should be lucky that this happened after you started being nice to everyone.” The orange-skinned girl said, “I probably would’ve left you in a locker or something.” She joked, but Sunset was sure there was truth in the girl's words. She couldn’t exactly remember everything that she did to everyone throughout her years and she couldn’t place what she ever said to Scootaloo.

“Did I… Was I ever mean to you?” Sunset asked, which probably was a dumb thing to ask. Everyone had moved on from that time and having Scootaloo relieve the memories probably wasn’t the best idea. But she was curious if she had done anything specific to the CMC member. She was just a dorky kid who did the chicken dance in public it was a normal dance move, not like she would have been a threat to Sunset and her plans. So there wasn’t any real reason to pick on the girl.

“Yeah sort of…” She said, looking back up in the sky to avoid eye contact with the girl, shoving her fist in her pockets. “When I was telling Sweetie Bell and Apple Bloom about being assigned to Rainbow Dash as my Big Sister, you said ‘Why did they have to assign you one, did your real one run away because you wouldn’t shut up’.”

Hearing that made Sunset want to be a turtle, that way she could hide her body in her shell and hide away. She felt her mouth drop as Scootaloo recounted that experience to her, leaving her wondering how she could say something so horrible to the kid. And she couldn’t decide what was worst about that situation, the fact that she couldn’t remember saying that to the girl or that even not remembering it she knew it was probably true.

“Oh, I’m so sorry, Scootaloo,” Sunset said, her eyes shooting down to the ground as her heart sank. It was hard to believe that she had been so mean to not just Scootaloo but everyone in the school. She knew Scoot was right about the timing of this whole being turned into a kid thing, she would have been in serious trouble. Forget not having friends to stay with, but everyone in the school would probably want to take their shot at picking on her and get some revenge.

“Eh… I’m over it. But it hurt at the time.” Scootaloo said, still looking up at the sky with her fist in her pockets and her jaw clenched.

“If you don’t mind me asking, why were you assigned a sister?” Sunset asked, going over and sitting next to the older girl.

“Oh, a lot of the orphans are thrown into big sibling programs.” She said, looking down at the girl and saw that her cyan eyes were filled with confusion. “OK. So the big sibling program is when older kids, usually teens, volunteer to hang out with orphan kids to make it feel like they have some family. And I decided to try it, well more like was nagged into it. But I had been assigned to Rainbow Dash… and you can probably imagine how excited I was for that. She has always been the star soccer player at the school, and she is just so cool! At least 20% cooler than anyone else I knew!” The girl said, audibly gushing her hero, stars in her eyes as she talked about her sister.

“Oh, well that's cool!” Sunset said, her eyes also lighting up. “We don’t have anything like that in the pony world. So someone who has a big sibling gets to stay with them and not in the orphanage?” She asked trying to get more information about this Big Sibling program, it would be a great thing to talk to Princess Twilight about.

“Oh no, you just kind of hang out with them for a bit every day, maybe it's at the big sibling's place or the park.” She explained that they were called to get their order. The two girls fill their arms with their order, hotdogs, candy bars, and bottles of water. “I got adopted about a month ago, so that's why I stayed the night.” She said. “I’m pretty sure it’s illegal to adopt a kid and then not let them stay in the house.”

“Probably. At least the stars were pretty last night.” Sunset teased, jokingly bumping into the girl. “I’m sure your parents would be nice enough to lend you a sleeping bag.”

“Yeah, I tried asking for a tent but they just gave me the sleeping bag.” Scoot laughed along with Sunset as they got back to the bleachers. Scootaloo’s parents still cheering for Rainbow Dash as if their lives depended on it. “Here you go Mr. HotHoof.” She said, picking out a couple of hotdogs and a water bottle for the man. “Oh I mean, dad.” She said with a sheepish giggle catching herself. Sunset had noticed the girl do that a few times and now it made sense why Scoot had to catch herself.

“And here you go, mom.” She said net, handing Windy a bottle of water, the lady paused from her cheering and wrapped a girl around Scootaloo as she huffed and puffed a bit.

“Thank you, Princess.” She said before cracking the water bottle open and emptying the water bottle in a matter of seconds. “I set up your chair for you while you were gone.” She informed the girl, gasping for breath after she stopped drinking from the bottle, and pointed to in front of the bleachers. A pink chair that could be folded up was sitting and waiting for someone in it, but the chairs that you would normally see this one had a footrest attached to it. “Go ahead and relax and enjoy your snack.” She instructed the girl before going back to cheering for her oldest daughter.

“Oh, thanks.” She said blushing a bit as she went over to the chair and sat on it, propping her left leg on the chair, wincing a bit as she stretched it but quickly smiled and sighed in relief.

“You ok?” Sunset asked the girl, noticing how she seemed to be in pain for a few seconds.

“Yeah, just my leg.” She said reaching down and massaging it again, as if that explained everything.

“Is your leg ok?” Susent pressed, because ‘Yeah, just my leg’ explained nothing to her, there was so much about Scootaloo that Sunset didn’t know, and the more she found out the more interesting the girl was.

“Oh, yeah right now it is.” She said with a sigh, looking down at her leg like it had just decided to stop working on her. “I got this weird thing with it where it randomly starts to hurt every once in a while.” She explained. “If I were running around like Rainbow Dash it would be really bad. But since I haven’t done a whole lot today it was just cramping a little bit.” She said.

“Oh… I didn’t know that.” Sunset said, which didn’t help Sunset's wave of guilt. Not only did she pick on a girl younger than her. Not only did she pick on a girl younger than her who also happened to be an orphan. She picked on a girl who was younger than her, happened to be an orphan, and had a handicap. She sure felt like a million bucks at that moment.

“Come on Dashie!” Scootaloo cheered in unison with her parents making Sunset jump out of her skin and her little pity party and look up to see what her friend was doing. Rainbow Dash was currently running across the field in her sky blue soccer uniform, a white #1 in the middle of her uniform. The opposing team, the Fireballs, had managed to get the ball to Canterlot's side of the field, but the blue teen wasn’t going to let that slide. She managed to steal the ball from one of the girls before she started to pass all the girls in the dark red uniforms and got to the other side of the field. She wasn’t even using her gemstone to give herself super speed, which Sunset knew her friend wouldn’t use her powers to cheat like that. Rainbow would even go as far as to tell her ‘I don’t need superspeed to win. I’m awesome enough to win on my own’. But no one would be blamed if they thought the girl was using her powers just a bit. It seemed like it only took a few seconds for Rainbow to get from her team's side to the other side, where there was only the goalie and one defender.

“Gerrr-ya!” Rainbow Dash growled at the two opposing team members, making the defender freeze up as Rainbow cocked her foot back and kicked the white and black soccer ball. The ball headed to the side of the net, looking like it was going to hit the pole that the net was wrapped around, but it suddenly turned going right into the net. The goalie tries to dive for the speeding ball, but her hands just miss it and the ball goes right into the goal.

“YEAH!” The team routing for the Canterlots cheered, everyone jumping to their feet, popcorn and candy flying everywhere. Even Sunset couldn’t help but get caught up in the moment, throwing her little hands up and jumping in place as she cheered for her friend. The entire Canterlot soccer team ran up to the girl and lifted her up on their shoulders.

“And that's the season!” Windy said with a smile as she put her hand on Scoot's head.

“And thanks to Dash Attack,” Bow said as he dropped to beside his wife, “We had an undefeated year! I think that deserves a special trip.” He declared, making Scootaloo gasp and she turned around in her seat, sitting on her knees, as she looked up at her dad excitedly.

“Dad, you don’t mean?” She asked, not finishing her sentence as she held onto the back of her seat excitedly.

“Oh, I do.” He said with a smirk and head nod as he grabbed his daughter under her arms as if she were a child and lifted her out of her chair and onto the ground before folding her chair up and lifting it up. But before anything could be said a lady in a black suit and white buttoned-up shirt, that had the top couple of buttons undone, approached Bow and Windy. Her hands were in her pockets with her thumbs on the outside and she wore a pair of black sunglasses on her face.

“It's either you are Rainbow Dash’s family or the most devoted fans of a high school soccer player to ever exist.” The lady said in between chews of gum in her mouth.

“Both actually.” Windy said to the lady, “As her family, we’re her number one fans.” She explained to the lady, looking over at Rainbow who was being tossed in the air by her teammate, a large gold and blue trophy in her arms.

“Can’t argue with that!” The lady laughed as she ran her hand through her spikey brushed back orange and yellow hair. “Anyways, the names -.” She started to introduce but Scootaloo was quick to interject and cut the lady off.

YOU’RE SPITFIRE!” The girl squealed as she practically stood on the lady’s feet. “MY SISTER AND I ARE YOUR BIGGEST FANS!” She gushed, as she looked up with stars in her eyes. “WELL MY SISTER IS MORE OF A FAN THAN ME! SHE HAS SEEN ALL YOUR GAMES, HAS ONE OF YOUR TRADING CARDS WITH YOUR SIGNATURE, AND LIKE A LOT MORE STUFF!” She said practically vibrating, making Spitfire laugh out loud as she placed her head on.

“Sounds like she is a super fan.” The lady said with a smirk. “But I’m sure I’ll hear all about that from her. But speaking of her, mind if I talk to your mom and dad alone for a second, kid?” She asked.

“NO!” Scoot said, “I MEAN, NO I DON'T MIND! NOT ‘NO DON'T TALK TO MY PARENTS’! I FEEL LIKE I’M TALKING A LOT! I’M JUST GOING TO LEAVE!” She said, grabbing the chair from her dad and Sunset's hand and dragging her off to the van.

“Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone that starstruck before,” Sunset said with a giggle as they got to the brown van. “Who is she anyways?”

“What?! You don’t know who Spitfire is?!” The girl asked, dropping to her knees, grabbing Sunset by her shoulders, and shaking the girl a bit. “She is the star player on the Wonderbolts! The greatest soccer team ever and she's like the greatest soccer player ever besides Rainbow Dash.” She explained.

“Ok Ok Ok!” Sunset said, trying to break away from the shaking that the girl was inflicting on her. “I get it, just stop before I throw up!” She said, which thankfully made Scoot stop. Though Sunset's eyes bounced around her head for a couple of seconds before settling down. “What do you think she wanted to talk to your parents about?” She asked as she looked at the adults.

“Maybe she wants to recruit Rainbow Dash?” She mused, “Or maybe she just wanted to see Rainbow play? My sister is the best soccer player ever so it would make sense that Spitfire would hear about her eventually.” She said.

“I guess that makes sense.” Sunset mused as she looked at Rainbow's parents, who both looked excited as Spitfire talked to them. But over the loud crowd talking and vehicles starting up it was impossible to hear what they were talking about. Reading lips wouldn’t have done her much good since she couldn’t read lips and then everyone walking past her would make it impossible to do that. But before anything could be said she felt a shadow casting over the girl. She only had a second to think about how weird it was that nothing else had been cast under a shadow before she felt something land on her and knock her to the ground.

“Ah, Sunset!” Scootaloo cried and felt the girl start to tug on her, “Get off her you weirdo PJs!” The older girl demanded as she tried to tug on whatever had hit Sunset. But it all happened so fast that Sunset couldn’t process what was going on as she lay on the ground. She just vaguely noticed that Scootaloo tried tugging something off her before landing on the ground with a thud.

“Er… what?” Sunset asked as she stood back up to her feet and looked around. The first thing she noticed was Scootaloo looking at her shocked and the second thing was that most of the clothes that she had been wearing were scattered on the ground. Her shortalls, T-shirt, and socks were scattered around as if someone just tossed them to the wind. And she blushed realizing that she didn’t have anything on… but that wasn’t right. She felt her clothing wrapped around her, in fact, her clothes felt way more soft than the clothes on the ground did. “Oh no… Not here, not now.” Sunset epped as she slowly looked down and sighed in annoyance seeing her fears were true. The red and yellow footie was on her, the zipper missing from where it was supposed to be. “Why?!” She groaned as she grabbed the foot and tried to yank it off.

“Wow… you weren’t kidding when you said those things were weird,” Scootaloo said as she got back up and tried to give the girl a hand. But the PJs stayed right where they were.

“Yeah and apparently they can track me!” She huffed crossing her arms, these PJs were getting really annoying. “It's not even time for me to go to bed!” She yelled at the fabric, but if it heard her it didn’t respond in any way. “Oh well, at least I got these other clothes to cover it up.” She mumbled as she went to grab her shirt. But as she started to bend down she felt the pajamas tighten up and stop her arm from moving. “Ah, hey!” She huffed. “It's stopping me.” She said pulling her arm away, the fabric immediately loosening up.

“Really? Wow.” Scoot said, reaching down grabbing the T-shirt, and trying to put it over Sunset’s head. But as she started to lower the shirt, Sunset's arms were pulled and she slapped the shirt away.

“Sunset!” Scoot said in surprise as the girl's family came up, confused as to why a T-shirt was flying through the air.

“I’m sorry!” She said, “I didn’t do it! My arms just acted on their own! It's these stupid pajamas!” She declared, grabbing her hair with her hands ready to yank it out. This was getting to be too much and it already hadn’t been an ideal situation. She was a little kid being picked on by a pair of magical PJs that were becoming more and more annoying each day!

“Hey, don’t worry Sunset.” Rainbow Dash said, dropping to one knee as she placed a hand on Sunset’s head. “It's gonna be alright. You’ve faced way worse than this, haven’t you? Like the end of the world, twice.” She pointed out, “Besides, Princess Twilight might have answered your message while you were here, or maybe our Twilight has figured out a way to fix this. She’s been working on a way to fix this since she saw you.” She said.

“R-really?” Sunset asked, letting go of her hair and looking up at Rainbow Dash.

“Of course she has,” The teen snorted as she lifted her hand up from Sunset's head, “What did you think that she wasn’t going to try and find a way to fix this? It’s Twilight Sparkle we’re talking about!” She said throwing her hands to her side, “She's coming up with solutions without even thinking about it!”

Hearing that did make Sunset feel better as she gave off a childish giggle. Who would have ever thought the strong-headed athlete of the group would be able to calm down a kid so easily? Maybe Scootaloo was really lucky and Rainbow Dash was a good big sister after all.

“And you can ask her about it later since you’re going to be staying with her tonight.” She said as she gathered the scattered clothes and opened up the van.

“Oh, that's right!” Sunset said with an excited grin, she had completely forgotten that fact. She was going to stay with Twilight, then Fluttershy, next was Pinkie Pie, finally Rarity, and then finally her parents would be home. But hopefully, after tomorrow, she wouldn’t have to worry about needing to stay with one of her friends and she could go back to her normal life.

“Yeah, so no need to have a frown painted on your face. Just bask in the glory of my awesome trophy!” Her friend said, holding up the large trophy for everyone to see. And getting a better look at it Sunset could see that the blue and gold had glitter on it making it shimmer, and a golden soccer ball model on the top of it.

“Good job, Dashie!” Windy said as she planted a kiss on her daughter's cheek, “And to celebrate we’re going to your favorite all-you-can-eat pizza buffet!” She informed the athlete, making Rainbow’s mouth drop.

“Awesome!” She cheered jumping in the air.

“But we should probably do it another day.” She said to Rainbow Dash, “Since your friend is having trouble with her wardrobe.” She pointed out. “We don’t want to embarrass her.”

“Oh no it's fine,” Sunset assured Rainbow's mom. “It could be a whole lot worse.” She informed the lady as she climbed into the van and sat next to Scootaloo.

“Ok if you’re sure.” The lady said as she and Rainbow got it and Bow started to drive to the pizza place. Sunset hoped that no one would notice her in pajamas and said pajamas didn’t have a problem with her eating pizza.

But on the way to the pizza place Scootaloo tried to ask about the meeting the adults had with Spitfire, but her dad was quick to stop her, holding a finger up to his mouth. Which Sunset couldn’t tell if that meant good news or bad news. But Sunset was sure she’d hear about it in the group chat either way. For now, she was just focused on the promised pizza.