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Small Babysitting Issues

“Bweah!” Sunset growled, shooting her hand down from her eyes to the ground, and lunged her head out a bit, her vision instantly being taken up by two babies both with light yellow skin. One with brown hair that went up like a mohawk and swirled at the tip like curly frosting and the other baby had pumpkin orange hair that was being hugged by a blue hair scrunchie leaving it floating in the air. The girl made sure to try and make a silly face for the two babies in front of her. Crossing her cyan eyes and sticking her tongue out, dropping it down to her chin.

“GAH!” Both of the tiny babies in front of her squealed, sounding like a tea kettle, and the water in it was boiling, as they leaned back and crashed to the ground. The two immediately burst into a fit of giggles as they kicked their little feet in the air. Thankfully that had been the attitude of the two since Sunset had gotten there and was asked to keep an eye on the two while Pinkie Pie took care of customers in the diner. The smell of fried greasy food, freshly baked bread, and pie filled the air, making the girl's stomach rumble a bit. But she knew she would have a chance to get some baked goods later.

Sunset could only smile down at the two giggling babies as they squirmed trying to sit up. It was nice that she was still bigger than some people she knew, even if those people happened to be like a year old and couldn’t form words yet. She was taking any victory she could get, no matter how small it was.

“You can come down from there,” Sunset said, looking behind her where her PJs were standing on a wooden end table, their arms wrapped tightly around a vase as the neck around moved back and forth, saying no. “Come on, they’re just babies they didn’t know any better.” She sighed, planting her hand on the ground, and pushed herself up off the floor to get up. “I’ll try and make sure they don’t do it again.” She promised, holding her arms out for the clothing to jump down into them. When they first got to the Sugarcube Diner they were ushered to the back where Mr. and Mrs. Cake had their kids the PJs had gotten curious seeing the two babies and went over to investigate.

And of course, since the PJs were made of the softest material Sunset and ever felt the two babies quickly fell in love with them. It wasn’t bad at first as the babies just held onto the red pant legs of the PJs. But when the two decided to crawl away to try and do their own thing they started a game of tug-of-war. Thankfully Sunset was able to get the PJs away from the two babies before they managed to tear a hole in her PJs after a bit of threw way tug of war. The babies even started to laugh as they fought against the girl, thinking it was just a game. And sadly it took Sunset a bit more time to get her PJs free than she would have liked to admit. Why were babies so freakishly strong? But the PJs had been hiding up there, out of the baby's reach for maybe ten minutes or so.

They held one sleeve at its waist and tapped its foot as if it were asking Sunset ‘Really?’. Clearing they weren’t too pleased with her rescue attempt from earlier and probably didn’t want to be put back into that situation again. Of course, it showed this by making a few stick figures appear all holding onto a piece of clothing.

“It won’t happen again, I promise.” She said with an eye roll, “Just get down from there before the babies try to shake the table to get you down.” She instructed the PJs, which thankfully listened to her and jumped down. As she went to watch them the PJs shimmered with a golden light and seemingly vanished in the air, but Sunset knew better than that and looked down and saw her outfit was puffing out a bit. Rarity had prepped a pink T-shirt with chocolate cookies on it, a pink dress, white leggings stretching up her legs, and a pair of green sneakers with alligator eyes on the sides of them. Of course, the outfit minus her shoes was puffed out as the PJs hugged her body. “I mean I guess it really won’t happen now.” She said with an eye roll. Though an imagine of the Cake twins playing tug-of with her to get their PJs filled Sunset's head.

Thankfully the two babies seemed to be happy with doing their own thing, the one with brown hair hugging a stuffed cupcake in his hand as he watched the TV that was left on for them, and the baby with orange hair was occupied trying to squeeze a giant plastic cube into a triangle hole, even banging it on the hole, to have nothing happened. But the tiny girl didn’t let her stop her from trying again and again.

“Ok, I guess we’re both safe for now.” She sighed as she crashed back down on her butt and looked up at the TV. There was some show with cartoon dogs on the screen cleaning the room while their dad pretended it was some kind of game. A blue dog was tossing dirty shirts into a laundry basket while her little sister, a tan dog, tried to block. “It's weird to think that I thought that you were for one of these two.” She said to the PJs as she relaxed. If it hadn’t been for that thought she probably wouldn’t have picked them up and she would have saved herself a lot of headaches. But on the other hand, the PJs hadn’t exactly had an easy time before their meeting, feeling the need to run away from their home because they weren’t wanted. And then they instantly just wanted to help her when she picked them up. She just wished that the PJs hadn’t felt the need to turn her into a kid to try and help her. But at least it wasn’t some crazy wave of magic that hit her and then just disappeared with no clue on how to fix it. They had no way to fix her little problem, but the PJs were still there so that counted for something.

“How's things going back here?” Pinkie Pie asked, her head popping into the doorway, her pink hair puffed out like normal and a blue and white hat on her head as she looked at all of them. Though before Sunset could say anything the Cake twins shot their heads in the direction of the new voice and immediately squealed in delight and started to crawl over to the girl. However, when they got to a white baby gate that was blocking the door they whined, the girl even banged the block she had against the gate, not getting it through the plastic bars.

“Inky! Inky!” The boy whined, reaching his pudgy little hands up and opening and closing them, making grabby hands towards the pink teen.

“Hiya Pound Cake!” The teen giggled, reaching down and lifting both the babies and giving them both an Eskimo kiss, rubbing her nose against theirs gently. “And hi to you Pumpkin Cake. Are you both being good for Sunset?” She asked the two. Pumpkin Cake answered by taking her free hand grabbing onto Pinkie's cheek and tugging at it while Pound Cake tried to reach up and take the bow out of the girl's hair.

Sunset's right hand immediately shot up as the PJs responded No to Pinkie's question. But Sunset rolled her eyes at the pajama's response and forced her hand to go down. It wasn’t as if Pinkie knew what that meant, well Sunset was pretty sure she didn’t anyway, sometimes Pinkie managed to know weird and random things without anyone telling her about it.

“They’re doing great. They tried to fight over my PJs a little bit but past that, they’ve been great.” She said, feeling her PJs tugging at her arm, trying to lift it up and disagree with her, but Sunset fought to keep her arm down.

“Good, I’m glad they aren’t giving you a hand time,” Pinkie said as she leaned over and sat them back into the room. “Sometimes they can be so much that even I have a hard time keeping up with them. Good thing they don’t have wings or magical powers!” She joked, letting out a snort as she laughed, making the twins giggle trying to mimic her.

“Nope, they're being good,” Sunset assured her friend, glad she was being helpful even if it was by being the distraction for a couple of babies for her friend while she finished up her shift. Even if her PJs weren’t as keen to be there to watch them with Sunset.

“Just hang in there a little longer and then we’ll get out of here. My shifts almost over.” The pink girl promised before waving bye to them all. “You two be good!” She said to the two babies. Pumpkin just blew a raspberry as Pound clapped his hands and giggled at his twin sister as Pinkie disappeared. Then the two immediately started to make their move, as if they took Pinkie’s words as a challenge. The two immediately wrapped their tiny pudgy fingers around the holes of the plastic baby gate and immediately started to push and pull the barrier.

“Hey hey hey!” Sunset yelped seeing the two doing that and rushed over to stop them. The last thing she wanted or needed was the Cakes or Pinkie to rush back because the two babies managed to pull the gate down on themselves. She grabbed Pumpkin first and tugged the girl back, trying to get her away from the baby gate. “Eh, just let go!” She huffed, mentally cursing the two babies’ weird baby strength. Either that or they had glue on their hands because Sunset pulled and pulled out the tiny girl only whining in annoyance at the attempts to get her to let go of the gate. She even kicked Sunset, though thankfully the yellow baby had most of her attention and strength on the gate. “Come on, please let go, it’s not safe!” Sunset pleaded before getting an idea and let go of the girl. She then gently started to dance her fingers all over the baby, making Pumpkin squeal as she was tickled and let go of the gate to try and stop the older girl from tickling her.

“Ha ha!” Sunset cheered as she grabbed the baby and tried to lift her and pull her away. Though with her little kid muscles, she more or less managed to get Pumpkin's heels off the ground and dragged the girl's toes across the carpeted floor away from the pen. Maybe the babies didn’t have super strength, maybe she needed to do a couple of push-ups while stuck as a kid.

Sunset was quick to deposit Pumpkin on a large brown teddy bear that was lying on the floor and rushed to get the other little Cake. Using the same tactic that she used on the boy's sister soon the baby boy was giggling giving the girl a chance to grab him and drag him to where the bear was. But as she walked backward with the giggling boy in her hands she soon saw Pumpkin crawling back towards the baby gate.

“Ah no!” She yelped as she dropped Pound on the teddy bear before rushing to Pumpkin, diving and grabbing the girl by her feet, halting her process. “You gotta stay away from that thing.” Sunset huffed, hoping the girl would somehow understand her. But hearing Pumpkin squeal and giggle as Sunset butt scooched backward, dragging the baby with her, she figured nothing was getting through. “No, Pound Cake!” The girl whined as she watched the other baby crawl past her. She let go of one of Pumpkin's feet and grabbed Pound's foot. Immediately the boy stopped and Sunset tried to move back, but with the weight of the two babies, they weren’t budging. The opposite happened as the two started to crawl forward, leaving Sunset to be pulled behind them as if she were a sled and they were sled dogs.

“Would you like to help?” Sunset huffed, looking down at the PJs beneath her shirt, “If I get in trouble because these two get hurt and you did nothing to help I’ll be mad at you!” She threatened, hoping that it would be enough to get the clothing to pitch in. She had no idea how she would punish a pair of kid's pajamas, she would have already used it on the PJs if she had some way to punish them, so she hoped the bluff would be enough. And when the girl felt her clothes loosen up she sighed in relief and soon she felt something grab her feet, slowly stopping her and the baby's advances to the gate. Pound and Pumpkin Cake’s little fingers reached out and tried to reach the gate, but sadly for them, they were just inches away from being to their target.

“So… what now?” The girl asked, looking back at the PJs, which were standing up, leaning back, their arms wrapped around Sunset's foot. It gave a quick shoulder shrug making Sunset roll her eyes. “Thanks.” She sighed though she suddenly felt the two babies stop tugging.

“Gah!” Pumpkin cheered making Sunset whip her head around to see the tiny girl pointing behind Sunset with an excited look on her face. She tried to see what the girl was so infatuated with and noticed her PJs, who let go of her foot and started to wave his arms around as if it was trying to scare off a couple of wild animals. But the babies didn’t seem too scared by it as Pound crawled beside her and Pumpkin crawled over Sunset heading to where the PJs were at.

“Nope, they’re not a plaything either.” The girl said, spinning around and picking Pumpkin up as soon as the girl crawled off of her. But like with the gate Pumpkin didn’t seem too interested in what Sunset had to say and just tried to squirm out of the older girl's arms. As she struggled with Pumpkin she watched Pound chase the PJs around until the clothing was behind her tapping on her shoulders frantically. “Yes I know, I’m trying to stop them right now!” She groaned, wanting to keep her word to the PJs about the babies not torturing the PJs. But when she could hardly keep one of them on her lap contained, there wasn’t much she could do about the second child. But soon she felt the soft feeling of the PJs back on her and sighed in relief, glad there was less thing she had to deal with and Pumpkin stopped squirming on her lap as she and her brother looked around to see where the PJs went. “They went away, they’re not here anymore.” She said to them. However, when the baby on her lip popped out its bottom lip the girl winced and waved her hands next trying to stop the incoming storm. “No please don’t cry! There's no need to cry!” She said desperately as she looked back at Pound and saw him getting ready to cry as well. Panicking as she looked back and forth between the two babies seeing they weren't calming down she tried making a silly face. Sticking her tongue out, crossing her eyes, and went “Bweah.”

“WAAAAAAH!” Was the response the two kids gave off. Pumpkin immediately shielded her face with her hands as she cried, Pound immediately started to bang his fist against the carpeted floor.

“Er…” Sunset groaned as she grabbed her shirt and lifted it up, revealing the top part of her PJs. The cloth’s patterns immediately changed to explication points as the two babies looked up and saw it. “Don’t worry I’m not gonna let them hurt you. She assured the PJs as the two babies immediately grabbed onto them and started to giggle. Pumpkin, with a beaming smile on her face, rested her head against Sunset like she was a pillow and Pound rested in head against her leg and let out a yawn. “See, they just want to cuddle cuz you’re soft.” She told the PJs as she gently petted Pumpkin's head the girl’s eyes closed and she stuck her thumb in her mouth, quickly falling asleep against Sunset. Probably worn out from the playing and dragging Sunset around the room. “Now they’re just gonna chill out for a while,” Sunset said with a giggle as she held Pumpkin in her arms before letting out a yawn herself. “And we just wait for Pinkie to finish up her shift and we’ll get out of here.” She sighed as she rested her head down, smiling a bit. Thanks to her PJs she was warm and comfy and the past little adventure of trying to stop two babies from crushing themselves from a baby gate really took it out of her. And before she knew what was going on she was fast asleep, snoring softly alongside the two other babies.

Author's Note:

So heres another chapter. This story is actually finished I just got really busy and forgot about posting it here. Anyways hope you all enjoyed this part, theres two more to come!