• Member Since 9th Nov, 2022
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


I write stuff occasionally


This story is a sequel to Before the Night

What if Ostri never got dragged into the future? What if he remained in the past?

A simple slice of life, an alternative to the current events of the Ostri Saga. Ostri loves, lives, and enjoys his life. This is what could've been. Read along as Ostri deals with Luna's impending fall to her emotions, as he and Blaze grow closer as soulbound companions.

This is Through the Night.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 21 )

Oh boy Oh boy i am loving this already, looking forward to what happens next.

And now begins…

The Ostriverse.

Sgt. Murphy is looking far across the land to introduce some "MOAR DRAMA/CHAOS" to Ostri and the small Nation of Equestria.

So... if ostri's presence doesn't change the future... Luna still becomes nightmare moon... it will be interesting to see how ostri deals with luna's decent into madness and/or her demonic posetion. I don't want this to be another "Luna is a cold hearted bitch who just used the Mc" story. I would much prefer a story about a small herd with Luna, chrysalis, and ostri being romantic and loving despite the alienation from the blatantly racist ponies until they lose Luna to a nightmare and have to make a hard choice.

I agree I don't like Luna or Celestia in the other version and twilight unfortunately in her attempts to help is being a terrible friend. In that version. I know she means well but she doesn't get that her way of doing things isn't the only way and that she needs empathy if she is to be a friend. She so caught up in scheming for Celestia that she doesn't realize that she isn't being a friend in the slightest.

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