• Member Since 16th Jul, 2020
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


The Second Biggest MLP G5 Apologist under Admiral Producer


This story is a sequel to Stormed Right Into Your Heart

Zipp is mostly seen as a rebellious, smart, and tomboyish mare to say the least. But when with you, she shows her more softer, cuter side to you. But that doesn't mean she isn't the dominant one in the relationship. Especially when it comes to finding your "weak points." You find that out when napping with her one afternoon.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 4 )

Don't we all my friend, don't we all wish that we could be in that situation. :raritydespair:

JD1 #3 · Last Tuesday · · ·

Stellar work.

What is it with the lack of Anon x Zipp stories on this website? You'd think at least someone other than me would make a story like RunicTreetops or Little Owl. But anyway, happy to have released a new story. Sorry it took so long. Art block is a still jerk.

Or in G5's case, the blocky-wockys...

I'm probably gonna take a hiatus from making Anon x G5 Pony fics for a while.

Now that mention a certain pegasus

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