• Member Since 10th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen 13 minutes ago


I left for eight years. Now I've returned, a changed beast.

Comments ( 39 )

Generally I don't like most of the "weak" protagonists, but I like this one very well.

The Chapters are really short

That's just how I operate. The chapters are short, but I publish five per week.

If you like, some people just check back on a particular day of the week to allow for about half an hour of reading, rather than just looking at what's there over the lunch break.

Lol, making him verbally compose her a letter is great!

So timeline wise, is this after NMM came back but she won?

It is not, but it certainly seems that way. It's actually a second rising that took place after Twilight's coronation. So, it actually is Princess Luna, ascended to the role of Queen.

As Celestia placed his fingertips at her waistband, Jake swallowed. He was going to do this, even if he didn't like the thought of it. He slid his hands down into her panties and cupped her enormous balls.

Well.... That shit excalated quickly 🗿

I probably would have been more interested in this story if the guy had been dude a pony, still it's not bad

"Well, at least you're honest." She began to thrust up between his thighs, which he squeezed around her girth, and before too long, she was finished, and she pulled away before Jake could reach his own climax. He was about to climb out of bed, but she pushed him back down, wrapping her lips around his cock and tonguing his balls. He definitely couldn't reach her throat, but she certainly sucked hard enough that he felt a couple of centimetres longer, and it wasn't more than a few seconds before HER reached his climax.

Should be His climax

It should be HE, actually.

And it's been fixed.

Sorry it autocorrected it as His .instead of He ,and I was to lazy to change it.

So... was chapter 29 posted by mistake?

Nope. April Fool's joke. I have a history of not being funny.

Like that joke I tell about the guy whose tongue was crushed. He was going down on an elevator. Then the doors closed.

Welp...after last chapter now this one makes more sense. I might have to wonder if Jake is a lightweight.

Posting a future chapter far in advance is a pretty smart April Fools joke, I have to admit. Although it only really works because this chapter is pracitcally nonsense without context from the previous one.

Absinthe is pretty strong stuff.

But yeah, he's a lightweight. There was a reference to him not drinking more than a beer before, and not liking the taste that was toned down to remove the context so that the chapter could actually be an April Fool's joke. That's also why his vomit was green.

It wasn't really that far in advance...

Wonder how angry Celestia would get if someone explaines late stage capitalism to her.

I think the story would have been better if the princess wasn't an anthro

It certainly would have been a different story. Personally, I also prefer the more equine form. It's more fun to think about.

However, this story was a request. The requester specifically asked for Celestia to be an anthro pony. In fact, he sent a picture. I may have preferred the other way, but this is the way he wanted it, so this is the way that it is.

It's not like you didn't have warning. The story was tagged for anthro.

Celestia smiled. "All fruits are actually vegetables. Vegetables just means edible plants. Roots, like carrots and beets, stalks, like broccoli and cauliflower, leaves like spinach and cabbage, tubers, like potatoes... What makes something a fruit is dependant on two factors. First, it came from a flower. Second, it has seeds in it. Fruits are nothing more complicated than seed pods with all the nutrients to advance its growth."

So I got to ask. Do you watch the YouTube channel Food Theory, or is it coincidence that they recently did a video on this exact topic

Coincidence. I've known this for years.

That was a hot point of debate twenty-some years ago, that the tomato is a vegetable. No, it's a fruit. But that's okay, because it's still tasty and nutritious. We can still love the tomato and even grill them as if they were a vegetable.

And then I found out you can grill bananas. That was an experience. Try it with peanut butter ice cream; it's very good.

Jake is amazingly sweet too the core.

Damn I don't know if I could say no to a game cube love the story

You would think Luna would put up a post detailing the rules of her imprisonment so that such infractions wouldn't happen again but I get the feeling that Luna wants an excuse to visit again.

Say um, I might have glossed over this, but did they ever really clarify what the fuck Celestia did to get imprisoned? If I was this guy, that would have been my first question

It never was, no. And since it's not actually important to the meat of the story, the reason is not going to be brought up. But I'll go into it here.

It's a parasite. A greed parasite. Twilight and Celestia managed to contain it, and were shoved into quarantine. As it stands, Celestia's only real charge is resisting arrest and attempted Jailbreak. The parasite lives for a thousand years, but the clock is reset if it changes hosts. It only effects ponies, so Jake is immune, which would only matter if Celestia was actually hosting the parasite. In fact, none of them are hosting the parasite. It jumped to Rarity and was so very injured by her generosity that it swiftly died of its wounds. But Luna's pretty sure it's just in hiding somewhere.

As for why Celestia's kept separate from the others, it's because she's broken the quarantine multiple times.

Not a great reason, but the point is, she's there, and she can't leave.

I'll have to give that a try, and I'm guessing by how detailed you made the description of the meal Jake made in the last one you do some cooking yourself?

I do a lot of cooking. Barring this last week, I cook six nights a week.

This last week, it was because we were moving. A lot of my gear is still in boxes. My blender came in on Wednesday, my deep fryer just arrived yesterday, and because someone in my house refuses to label boxes, I'm still trying to find my grill tools, which I need to find by tomorrow.

I wouldn't exactly say I cook often. More like experiments that happen to taste good like my Perogy casserole. Dumbfounded it turned out as good as it did.

Love some pierogi. A meal wrapped in dough, lightly boiled and fried in a skillet... delicious.

You might like this then.
1 large bag of perogies
Bake in the oven as directed in container
While perogies are baking, take veggies of your choice (I used broccoli, green peppers, onions, and minced garlic and ginger) and fry them in a pan (preferably a wok if you have one)
Once the veggies and perogies are done, take 3 cans of cream of chicken, and 2 packs of country style chicken gravy and mix them in a large pot (I filled a can twice with water.) Heat till boiling.
Mix everything up in a roaster, and top it with cheese of your choice (I used extra sharp cheddar)
Set in 400 oven for 20 to 45 minutes or until cheese starts to brown.
Remove from oven and serve.

Here's what I read:

You know how you've never been able to find pierogi? Yeah, just make your own.
Take fruits and veggies of your choice (Zucchini, onion, the rest of the potatoes from filling the pierogi, carrots, and that cabbage, garlic obviously, and then some basil and oregano) and sauté them in a skillet.
Take three cans of condensed cream of chicken and a pint and a half of homemade gravy (use the peppery broth from your shredded chicken) and bring them to a simmer in your large saucepan.
Pour everything into your potato salad bowl and toss. Transfer to lasagna pan.
Top with shredded cheese of your choice (pepperjack and swiss).
400 degrees Fahrenheit until the cheese turns brown.

Am I reading that correctly?

I was lost for a second but then I realized you were referencing where our conversation started when you said fruit. But yes just different cooking utensils and your adding meat I think if I read that right.

Shredded chicken in the pierogi. Or sausage. I was meaning to make gravy from the broth.

You know what inspired me to even try that though. I bought some perogies at the local grocery store, and they had a 'recipe' for perogy casserole on the back. Explain to me how perogies, onions, and butter makes a casserole?

It doesn't. That's a skillet dinner. I like skillet dinner, but don't promise me a casserole unless you plan to make one.

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