• Published 4th Oct 2012
  • 2,148 Views, 70 Comments

Pegasus Horns - silvadel

Chaos descends on Ponyville as pegasi and earth ponies learn magic and unicorns march in protest.

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The Horseshoe Drops

Misty Midnight was staring at today's mail. A pile of letters from as far away as Vanhoover were arrayed in front of her. Some asked if they could attend the class. Others simply stated they were going to show up in Ponyville. Some were in thanks for magic gained. Two were threatening letters demanding the school be shut down.

She heard a loud crash, followed by dull thud, then a few smaller thuds. Descending the stairs, she saw Rainbow Dash getting up from under a pile of books. "Why hello Rainbow Dash, Twilight said you sometimes arrived through the window but I never quite believed her."

Rainbow Dash removed a glass shard from her flank. "It wasn't my idea. What is going on with all those unicorns outside?"

Misty replied, "they are sort of protesting a class I am running."

Rainbow Dash turned and stared at Misty. "What class would this be?"

Misty beamed proudly. "I have been teaching the ponies of Ponyville how to access their magical talents."

Rainbow Dash looked confused. "Wait so you are telling me, all of my former weather pegasi are now casting spells?"

Misty enthusiastically replied, "actually, yes. Flitter can create clouds from the moisture in the air. Star Hunter is working with Luna. Scootaloo is my assistant. Thunderlane can shoot eldritch lightning bolts." Deflating a bit, she added "Pretty much everypony but Blossomforth."

Rainbow Dash angrily approached. "This was that 'something special' you wrote about?"

In surprise Misty replied, "well yes, I figured unlocking the magical talents of pegasi and earth ponies would...."

Rainbow Dash got into Misty's face. "So lets say we lose 20% of our weather pegasi to other pursuits. How do we get the water up to Cloudsdale?"

Misty considered, "well several pegasi have shown a talent for MAKING clouds right out of the atmosphere."

Rainbow Dash exclaimed, "that is even worse. So now you are saying that parts of the cloud factories might not even be needed anymore."

Misty looked Dash in the eyes. "I can't believe what I am hearing. I thought you would be happy about this."

Rainbow Dash landed and gave a sad look. "There is one worse thing. I remember you falling through the clouds. How many pegasi will get hurt because they overdo it sometime? How many will leave Cloudsdale just in case? Will there even be a Cloudsdale?"

Misty sighed. This was not at all the reaction she expected and there was nothing she could do at this time. She knew Rainbow well enough not to try. She hoped when Dash cooled down and talked to the other pegasi she would change her mind.

Rainbow Dash moved back towards the shattered window and left the library.

Misty stood the bookshelf back up and started cleaning. By the time Twilight got back from errands, the only evidence of the altercation was the broken window.

Twilight noticed the broken window upon entry. "Did the crowd start throwing rocks or something?"

Misty replied, "no, it was just an old friend."


This week's classes were dedicated to pegasi. Misty, with help from Scootaloo, performed "Magic For Pegasi 101" twice. She taught the second portion on the third session. Most of the pegasi were from Cloudsdale for these classes with others from as far as Los Pegasus and Baltimare.

Despite a gradual increase in protestors, Twilight had no further problems with her part in the classes. The vast majority of the pegasi managed to earn their talents. The one thing missing though was Rainbow Dash.


Misty looked out over the balcony. It was a sunny day without a cloud in the sky. The birds were singing. The protestors were chanting. She thought, "well you can't have everything." She felt something hard hit the back of her head and the world went black.

It was dark. Misty felt cloth on all sides. She tried to move her wings but they were in restraints.

She was in motion. She could hear the clopping of hoofbeats and the noise of wheels grinding against a cobblestone road.

Misty moved her head towards her body so there was clearance for a horn without it extending beyond her enclosure. Misty scanned the area around her. She could sense four unicorns, two with weak talents, and two with stronger talents. More distantly, she could sense two earth ponies.

Misty thought to herself, "six against one -- I do not like those odds. If I stay, I will at least know who my captors are. There was also that chance that she could recognize the power signature of one of the stronger two unicorns. If I go, I may never know who did this and they will know I can teleport blind."

Teleportation was a complicated spell for the sole reason that it had all kinds of safeguards. You needed to see where you were going, or have a strong mental picture of your destination and know where you were. They probably did not consider a teleport because Misty did not know where she was.

The problem was that Misty didn't know standard teleportation. Standard unicorn spells were beyond her talent with the foundations of magic. However, a book she had read gave a really good description of the process of teleportation. It was easy to come up with a basic method based on that process.

Twilight had demanded that she never teleport her or any of her friends. The reason was simple. Teleportation for Misty had no safeguards. All she could control was direction and the amount and placement of the initial energy. She could teleport herself into a wall or the ground just as easily as into empty space. And now she was thinking of duplicating the mistake she made on her first attempt.

Whatever she spread the energy to would teleport and nothing else. It was necessary to extend the field out slightly because everything near the edge would be scorched. But if she did not want the restraints or her container to go with her, she would have to live with some burns.

She spread out enough energy to make for a teleport of twenty feet give or take. The formula was complicated and a little extra energy could double the distance intended. She waited until there was a long period with no turns or changes in elevation. She ignited the magic.

Misty fell several feet to the ground. She was on the road between Ponyville and Canterlot. She rolled back and forth smothering the fires that were burning her wings and left side. Knowing her wings would be impaired from both the fire and her energy loss, she galloped in the direction of Ponyville.

There was no pursuit. By the time the carriage could stop, Misty was already hundreds of yards in the distance. She did not look back though, preferring to simply charge into Ponyville and get to the hospital as soon as possible.

The burns on her coat were superficial. They shaved a little bit of scorched hair and cleaned and disinfected her feathers. She was still flightworthy.

Her next instinct was to fetch Scootaloo. Scootaloo had an apartment on the north side of Ponyville. It was fairly close to where Misty lived when she was in Ponyville ten years prior.

When Scootaloo answered the door, she was shocked by Misty's appearance. She seemed nervous, and her coat and feathers were shaved in places "What happened to you Misty?"

Misty replied, "the unicorns decided to add a little danger to my day. At any rate I have something I want to teach you and something I need to show you."

"You know your talent with basic magic?" After pausing for a nod, Misty continued. "Well, no unicorn ever has that, at least none that I have ever encountered. That is why the discovery of pegasus magic was so long in the making. Pegasi have been taught that they could not do magic so no pony in recent history has ever discovered it on their own or if they did they never passed it on."

"Someday, since you can practice magic in both forms, you are eventually going to be taught how to teleport. There is however a second, more basic way to accomplish this. This is only to be used in extreme measures because it is not safe. You can teleport yourself into the ground or into a wall. It can save your life though, and I believe you need to learn this now."

Scootaloo was a fast study and did her first teleport without incident.

"I also think you are ready for something Twilight can help you with but pertains to basic magic. Tell her you would like to learn how to deflect spells."

Scootaloo got excited. "Wow that would really work well ag..."

Misty cut Scootaloo off and had a pained look. "I am sorry but I am literally not able to continue on that topic. You will need to work with Twilight on it."

Next stop was the library. They walked most of the way there. While they were still out of sight of the protestors, Misty insisted on flying Scootaloo up to the balcony. It was difficult to accomplish but she managed.

They walked up to the guest room. Misty showed Scootaloo where a false board was in the floor, and proceeded to remove a box.

"This box includes all of my notes and detailed instructions for you should anything happen to me. I had it specially made in Los Pegasus. Go ahead and scan the box. As you see it is magically imbalanced. So long as it is in that state it is very hard to open. If you balance the magic over the box, it will open quite easily."

Misty replaced the box and floorboard and walked Scootaloo down to the main floor.

The glow from twilight's horn faded as she recognized the two "intruders." "If you aren't going to use the door, please let me know you are here rather than just appearing out of nowhere."

Misty replied, "sorry Twilight, it has been a very long morning. I got kidnapped by four unicorns, escaped using a blind teleport, and spent the rest of the day preparing Scootaloo. Now she has something to ask of you and I seriously need a nap."

Twilight gaped as Misty climbed the stairs. She turned to Scootaloo. "Was that an accurate depiction of today's events?"

Scootaloo sighed and said, "yes, I would like to learn how to deflect spells."

About an hour later, Spike coughed up a letter. Seeing as it was addressed to Misty, Twilight ascended the stairs with Scootaloo in tow. "Misty, you have a letter from Princess Celestia."

Twilight heard a dull thud as Misty fell out of bed.

Misty collected herself, made a silent prayer to Luna, and descended to the main floor.

Spike read the letter.

"Misty Midnight,

We request a meeting with you to discuss recent events occurring in Ponyville. I think it would be best if you flew to Canterlot as opposed to me sending a chariot to retrieve you under the current circumstances.

Princess Celestia"

Misty reviewed the letter several times. She had suspected this might happen but did not think Celestia would be so sensitive to how things looked. Maybe she could avoid Canterlot altogether.

"Spike could you take a return letter?"

"Princess Celestia

I agree with your thoughts that sending a chariot would convey the wrong message. However, I also think going to Canterlot would send the same wrong message. Would it be possible to meet in Cloudsdale? A lot of their pegasi are currently in Ponyville, so the town is kind of sparse at the moment making it even easier for us to meet without undue attention.

Misty Midnight"

Spike sent the letter with a gout of green flame.

Twilight offered, "maybe she is going to do something about the protestors?"

Misty replied, "yeah, somehow I don't think that is her easiest way out of this problem."

Twilight said, "well if she was going to arrest you again, wouldn't she have just sent royal guards?"

Misty considered that. "Maybe, and maybe it is just in her interest to keep things low key as well."

Twilight replied, "even if you do not have faith in Princess Celestia, I do."

Misty sighed. "I truly wish she liked me in the same way she likes you, but I have to face the facts. Any summons by Celestia is likely to be bad news."

Spike coughed up another letter.

"Misty Midnight,

Upon consideration of the issue, we agree that Cloudsdale would be a suitable location. Meet on the eastern side where the rainbow falls from the sky in two hours.

Princess Celestia"

Misty turned to Scootaloo and whispered "If I have not returned in four hours time, open the box and follow the instructions inside."

Scootaloo sort of whimpered and moved closer to Twilight.

Misty climbed out onto the balcony and alighted into the sky. Ponyville faded into the distance as she made her way upward. The protesting unicorns became specks and eventually even the library was just a dot on the landscape. It was quiet and tranquil -- high altitude flight gave a peace that no non-pegasus could understand. Misty pondered if she should have done her class in Cloudsdale instead -- it would have solved some of the issues -- but there was no Twilight in Cloudsdale and Misty needed her support on many levels.

She touched down outside one of the local eateries in Cloudsdale. Pegasi were a hungry bunch and there were more and to her thoughts better restaurants here than just about anywhere else. Sure you could get fine cuisine in Canterlot or Manehattan but in Cloudsdale the same quality of food would fill your plate and you didn't have to use the proper spoon.

Misty entered the "Impatient Griffon" restaurant and took a table. A red mare with a yellow mane walked over. "I am Crimson Wing, can I take your order?"

Misty settled on the three bean and egg salad. She considered trying some ethnic griffon food but decided to play it safe with a dish she knew they did well.

The fastest good restaurant in town lived up to its reputation and in mere moments, Misty was enjoying her salad. It was rich and hearty -- more a meal for somepony like Rainbow Dash than herself, but she figured she needed the energy for her upcoming encounter. She left 12 bits on the table and proceeded to her meeting.

She dropped down to the lowest level of Cloudsdale and started walking. It was ominously quiet as very few pegasi came here all that often. She sank a little deeper into the clouds as she formed her horn. The falling rainbow water had a beauty unique to Cloudsdale. She watched it as she waited for Celestia to arrive.

In the direction of Canterlot she saw a small white spot in the sky. As she waited she noted that Celestia was alone. Her energy rippled and flowed along her form -- she was at full strength with no sign of fatigue.

Princess Celestia landed near Misty. "How are you enjoying your stay in Ponyville?"

Misty gave a relatively small bow. "It brings back a lot of memories. Staying with Twilight is great. The work is satisfying even though you can't please everypony."

Celestia nodded and started to walk. "I see. And is Ponyville now the same as you remember it?"

Misty followed behind. "Other than about two hundred itinerant pegasi and some troublemaking unicorns, well I'd have to say mostly."

Celestia continued. "Mhmm, and do you think the typical resident of Ponyville is happier now or was happier two months ago?"

Misty considered this line of questions. "The shopkeepers are making a lot of extra bits from the tourists. The ones that learned their talents are happier. Yes it is a bit more raucous and bustling but I think it all averages out -- and in the future I think they will be happier in general."

Celestia switched the topic. "Consider Cloudsdale. You said in your letter that a lot of the pegasi from Cloudsdale were currently in Ponyville. How has that affected Cloudsdale?"

Misty thought a bit. "Well, it is somewhat sparse. In the short term some of those bits going to Ponyville are not going here. It might also cause some short term disruption in activities. However, once those pegasi have their talents they will be able to function far better."

Celestia continued. "And once they have those talents, how many will be staying in Cloudsdale?"

Misty glared at Celestia. "You talked to Rainbow Dash didn't you?"

Celestia replied, "yes, I did get a letter from her earlier this week. I agree with some of her points but I also wanted your side. What effect will having many pegasi leave Cloudsdale have on the pegasus culture?"

Misty hesitated for a few seconds. "Well for Cloudsdale itself, I would figure Cloudsdale and Ponyville would end up more like how Los Pegasus is with more pegasi living on the ground. The only real constant to things is change. All this does is give pegasi a wider opportunity to express themselves."

Celestia then said, "'raucous, disruption, protests, cultural change' does that describe harmony or disharmony?"

Misty replied, "I admit that major advances can cause some cultural shifts and short-term disharmony. But I can not see how any individual pegasus or earth pony could be harmed by knowing how to activate their magic."

Celestia looked at Misty. "It is not the individual pegasus that can be harmed. It is all of them working together as a whole. What you have done is just too much too very fast. What you should have done was come to me at the beginning. I would have set you up with a research grant and you could have taught thirty of the most promising ponies per year. As it stood, so long as you were only teaching the pegasi of Ponyville, I was willing to let this slide hoping you would figure it out on your own."

Misty stood defiantly. "Thirty per year. I agree that from the immortal point of view that might work out just fine. But I am forty-five. In ten short years I will not be able to fly from city to city. You have every luxury of time on your side. I do not. I would like to see the results of my work in my lifetime."

Celestia turned to Misty and said, "I am very sorry Misty Midnight, but you are under arrest for spreading disharmony in Equestria."

As Misty was being hauled away by Royal Guards she said, "I am sorry Princess Celestia, but the scope of this is beyond your abilities to end. Even if you shut me down, many pegasi already have a taste for magic. Even if you lock me in a dungeon, several of those share enough of my talent to be able to teach others. Even if you outlaw spells by non-unicorns altogether you will unmake the harmony of Equestria as many will not comply. Please reconsider your decision on this matter for the good of your ponies and Equestria."